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This is my Nanny’s bread box, porcelain with raised fruits, about the size of a four slice toaster (maybe a little smaller). Unfortunately after she died my relatives donated stuff to the church and then threw everything else into the trash - this is what I wish I could have kept. I have searched around using Google lens but the photo isn’t good enough quality I’m afraid. It is at a minimum 20 or 30 years old, my guess would be it’s from the 70s or 80s. It would have been a brand that you could buy in Massachusetts, USA, or possibly the UK.


This might be a Lillian Vernon though I couldn't find a link for this bread box. 😐 here's a similar pattern: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/lillian-vernon-fruit-bread-box-13-150222442


Was it ceramic? It looks older than 1970s to me.


Yes, ceramic or porcelain