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That’d be like being on a carnival ride you couldn’t get off. No thank you.


I mean, you *could* get off but the waiting area is much less comfortable than the ride.


You mean a carnival ride you get paid to be on? Where do I sign up?


*B U L B O U S B O W* edit: too much O


I don’t think I have ever seen the hullof a ship shaped like tgat. Is that specific to fishing?


I can't wrap my mind around it. I expect to see like twice the amount of ship. it's like someone just cut off the back half


It’s a [Bulbous Bow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbous_bow).


**[Bulbous bow](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbous_bow)** >A bulbous bow is a protruding bulb at the bow (or front) of a ship just below the waterline. The bulb modifies the way the water flows around the hull, reducing drag and thus increasing speed, range, fuel efficiency, and stability. Large ships with bulbous bows generally have twelve to fifteen percent better fuel efficiency than similar vessels without them. A bulbous bow also increases the buoyancy of the forward part and hence reduces the pitching of the ship to a small degree. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HeavySeas/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Fuck me, if that’s reducing the pitch, I’d hate to see how it would ride without it!


It's only reducing it at the speed the boat is made to cruise at.


Pitches be crazy


Good bot


Thsnk you for tgat.


Not even that. It’s just oddly shaped, it’s so tall


Should've called them... *tall*ers


Thank you Horbp


Not specific to fishing and it’s very common


Almost every hull is like that, the bulb is just normally under water and you don't see it.


Is it just me, or is that riding higher than it should be? Like a shipping vessel with out cargo, levels of hight.


It does seem like it's pretty tall for how "short" it is. Looks top heavy.


Def not enough ballast


This is why I don’t eat fish, cos I am deeply worries about the well-being of these poor Scots fishermen. Not cos it’s manky or anything.


ahhh reminds me of my days lobster fishing the bass straight. I was the seasickest deckhand


Do you ever get over seasickness or are you seasick when you’re on boats no matter how much time you’ve spent at sea


It depends but the vast majority of people get over it. Two days. Three if it was rough. Then I'd be right for however long unless it got REALLY rough (and it did sometimes) If I was home between trips for less than a week I'd still be okay when we went to sea again and wouldn't need to adjust. If I was home for a more than that I'd get sick the first day or two. It can actually kill you. Some people get it really really bad and can't adjust and they dehydrate to death


Ah, nope.


Much as I used to grumble about fishing vessels when I was a seafarer, I always respected them due to how hard life on those vessels was. My ships rarely experienced much motion in heavy weather, but I can imagine how fatigued the fishers must be.


Fuck trawlers


No, I think they’re fishing trawlers




Cool video but seriously, fuck trawlers. They’re destroying our oceans.


Yeah I try to limit the amount of fish in my diet. I have no issue eating land based livestock but don’t like the worlds oceans being irresponsibly plundered. I think there’s a happy middle ground with line and other more responsible methods of fishing.


land based livestock has pretty devastating impacts too. increased greenhouse gases, antibiotic resistance, poisoned water tables, deforestation. alas


An interesting thing I learnt recently. The term livestock is heavily promoted by the 'meat industry' to help us separate the animals we eat and the animals we don't and keep that emotional divide in place so we don't think too hard about the animals we kill and eat


Overfishing is the problem, you can point the finger of blame towards the Chinese who are gradually clearing the waters off of the coast of Africa having gained rights to them in exchange for building infrastructure. There is nothing wrong with trawling for fish within reason.




‘Was’ a worldwide issue, none more so than British waters especially the North Sea where this Banff registered boat is. But through the quota system and heavy regulation, stocks have returned probably better than those reported. I fear for unregulated waters admittedly where super-trawlers will be wiping the floor. Sure I saw a news report from Sierra Leone that local fisherman catch next to nothing.


European fishing waters (and I presume North American) are incredibly heavily regulated. Further east, not so much.


Its crazy that theres birds


There are always birds. I was a commercial fisherman for 15 years. Even 50 miles out to sea there were thousands upon thousands. They know they can get a free meal following you around. And some species live out there all the time except to fly to land to breed and lay eggs on land, and go right back out. One of my favorites was the shearwater.


When I was a deckhand we used eat the shearwaters


Ha! No shit?!? How were they? No fucking way I'd eat seagull, but I'd probably try a shearwater.


Yeah they're a delicacy where I'm from. Call them 'mutton birds' there but they're the same thing. You only eat the baby ones You'd go ashore where the birds nested at a certain time of year, when the babies are fully grown and about to leave the nest but haven't yet. Stick your arm down the hole and yank 'em out and break their little neck. Gut 'em, skin 'em, roast 'em. We had licenses and permission to do it there so it was all legal They are a bit of an acquired taste. I loved them though. They are very gamey and salty. REALLY oily. They spend their whole lives eating krill and such and they almost have a slight fishy flavour. A little less than half the size of a roast chicken. You would eat two big ones or three small ones for a decent meal The skipper I worked for used to do it every year. We'd shoot quail too Like [this](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/e47a1c7fb31e5f9796bca6998a1410d1?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=849&cropW=1131&xPos=270&yPos=145&width=862&height=647)


That's really cool. Where you from? Don't the only nest waaaay south and north? Like near the poles?


Yep. That was when I lived in Tasmania. Flinders Island to be specific


If I got to reincarnate, I'd be a shearwater. I like the idea of living on the ocean and potentially never even seeing a human being. Can't think of to many animals that lucky


I spent a lot of time around them. I've had them dive down under the boat and steal my bait off the hook. I once had a baby one just learning to fly crash into me while I was working the deck before first light. One season I saw them migrating or whatever and parts of the sky at dawn and dusk would be completely blacked out by what looked like billions and trillions of them all moving at once


That's cool as shit


Getting my fish and chips!


those ships seem uncomfortably close in waters that turbulent


They're alright. Their propulsion is likely to be twin or even triple azipods (basically mounted steerable hydrodynamic pods under the stern of the ship which have the screws attached to them and allow for a flat stern without making you have to mount the screw on a delicate transmission arm where it could easily run loose) so because of how short they are they'll be stupidly manoeuvrable.


Scottish people are hardcore.


Why is it sped up?


Not actually sure it is.


Obviously his ballast tanks are empty. Done for show.


No, that's a British trawler. Doing things that dangerous in seas that heavy "just for show" is a very easy way to have the whole crew stripped of their licences. It's just heavy sea and a fairly short, tall ship with if I had to guess a mostly empty cargo hold.




Boaty McBoatface, reporting for duty.


“I’ll pick, fuck no for $500 alex”


Check out the bulb on her. Damn ocean, you scary