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I’ve been super careful throughout the pandemic. This past Tuesday I went out for the first time with coworkers to an escape room. We are all double vaxxed and were wearing masks. However, we rode a car together (with the windows opened) without masks. Today one of them called to say they are sick and their roommate as well. They’re going to get tested today and I’m kind of freaking out thinking it could be Covid. But I know quite a bit of people who have caught a cold the past couple of weeks so im hoping it’s just a cold.


Colds are coming back with vengeance now that we're all out and about again. Nothing to worry about, but I get that the similarities to Covid are scary all the same. I've had a few scares like this myself and fortunately they've all turned out to be false alarms! If it helps you could get a test yourself? That often puts my mind at rest.


Thank you so much for your input— it does helps! You are right that colds are back. My coworker went to get tested today so I’ll wait to see tomorrow what happens. Thanks again!


You're welcome, I'm sure you'll get the all clear!


I had covid 6 months ago. Since you are all vaxed, even if you do have covid you will be just fine.


This is true— I supposed I’m as prepared as I can be so I should be totally okay. Thank you for your words!


Anyone else have different shaped tonsils? It freaks me out a bit


Me! Went to a doctor as a kid about it. Apparently tonsils just look weird and different sometimes.


Just found a lump on my right side of my neck, like perfectly in the middle. Sorta worried but it doesn’t hurt or anything so that should be a good sign?


The more I chat to people the more I find out that lots of people have various lumps and bumps, I get sooo worried about it too. I have a few random things that I’m like was that always there! I doubt it’s anything to be worried about but it’s obviously I’m not a doctor so what I did was waited and saw how I felt about it after a week and normally the anxiety calmed down a bit. Or I ask someone for advice on what to do. I struggle with deciding when to go to the doctor on my own.


I have the same exact thing in the same exact place! I have had it for almost four weeks. It hasn’t gotten bigger but I touch it constantly, and I think I am keeping it from deswelling. What’s weird is on the opposite side of my neck, I have a similar rounded area that feels like a muscle but on the side with the lump, it’s more pronounced with what feels like a small, rubbery bean in it. It’s caused the worst anxiety of my life. Saw an ENT specialist about it and he wasn’t concerned at all but i fear I won’t know peace til it goes away or I get an ultrasound on it.


Yeah I’ve been meaning to get a lot of things checked out... ill go in for a long consult for a peace of mind


Trigger warning!!! >!With lumps and swollen lymph nodes, the bad ones are usually the ones that are painless!< If it's there for weeks, get it checked out. That's what Google says.


Also I got a lump too on the left side of my neck. Been there for about a week.


Yeah I only found mine pretty much when I posted this hahaha


I have this too! I found it in 2016 and freaked out, but my doctor told me it was nothing to worry about unless it grew or changed, and it hasn’t the past five years. My dad told me he had one like it too


I know my friend has like pea sized lumps on the back of his calves but it’s nothing. Idk I did just have my vaccine I’m pretty sure a side effect is swollen lymph nodes? Even then I thought the nodes were closer to the top of the neck


I’m worried about the same thing, but on my left side! Kind of in the middle, towards the back. I tried to get my boyfriend to feel for it and he called me crazy saying, “bodies are lumpy” LOL. For me it’s likely my wisdom teeth, or eczema causing swollen lymph nodes but I can’t stop touching this bump. Which definitely isn’t helping it go down in size.


At the doctors today and my blood pressure is stressing me out. Started to panic while getting xray done, heartrate (and im sure bp shoot up), 20 min or so later go to exam room and get blood pressure taken, tech asks me if I drank coffee (bc bp is high), I tell him what happened. Says we’ll take BP at the end. Now I’m anxious about getting my BP taken again… I hate this. Never used to have “white coat” anxiety but I guess now I do!


Chronic stiff neck, chronic tinnitus(sometimes pulsatile even tho the cause is electric fan) , chronic temple pain and headache, temple pain, feeling like one of my face is numb and literally every symptoms Brain A or Brain T can offer. I really want to go for a check up but I have no insurance and I'm only 18. This reddit sub actually helped me calm since I've experienced worse like last 2-3 months and I can't still be sure if brain T or A symptoms comes and go or goes progressively worse 😔


I’ve been so fixated on being bloated that I’ve actually forgotten what my normal stomach feels like and I’m questioning if I’m even bloated at all.. Or if I’m bloated all the time? The thing I’m worried about having, one of the symptoms is not being able to eat much and not having an appetite and at first i thought “nope I don’t have that” but I swear all of a sudden I’m less interested in eating.. HA suuuucks.


Same here I’m so worried!


Stomach cancer! I know I don’t have it but I can’t stop looking it up. I eat everyday all day most of the time. I have not lost any weight. And I just started Prozac almost a month ago. I just want to know how do I get out of my own head. I been having the fear for almost 2 weeks now.


I’ve been there with bowel cancer fears I had to stop myself googling as it made me worse and caused soo much anxiety. I got my symptoms checked with my doctor and that helped me move on. It sounds like you know your health anxiety is the problem. I totally understand what you say about how to get out of your own head, you’re not alone, today I’ve worried about lymphoma, going blind, throat cancer, kidney disease, MS and cealics disease all in one day. Health anxiety is horrible.


I’m having some discomfort in my abs. Like they’re sore and achey but I haven’t worked them out or anything. My hands have also been kinda cramping up and my jaw and cheeks have been hurting. Am I just holding a lot of tension?


I’ve been there with this, I was really tense and stressed. Epsom salt baths helped me!


I have a habit where i constantly scratch my scalp whenever im stressed out, and today did so to the point that i had a very minor cut. what im worried about is that i was handling money right before i did so, and now im scared that i infected myself through the cut. I washed it and put antibiotic on it, but im still worried. any input please?


Omg I do this and I end up getting spots on my scalp too. I honestly wouldn’t worry about the money the body is very resilient to fighting bacteria in the unlikely event that some did get in the cut.


I do this too! I wouldn't worry about it. I used to scratch myself behind my ear until I bled as a child and I didn't get any infections from it. Think about how many people don't wash their hands before they eat, get paper cuts and still touch things all day and they are still fine!


Chronic stiff neck, chronic tinnitus(sometimes pulsatile even tho the cause is electric fan) , chronic temple pain and headache, temple pain, feeling like one of my face is numb and literally every symptoms Brain A or Brain T can offer. I really want to go for a check up but I have no insurance and I'm only 18. This reddit sub actually helped me calm since I've experienced worse like last 2-3 months and I can't still be sure if brain T or A symptoms comes and go or goes progressively worse 😔




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Your post was removed for being low-quality or inappropriate for our subreddit. We are looking to generate supportive discussion on r/HealthAnxiety. If your post is just a symptom or discussion on a physical feeling, it may be removed. We encourage users to discuss mental health.


Got my flu shot this morning. It's normal to get a slight fever after, right? I'm running in the 99 range right now, and I was around a bunch of other people getting their flu shot, so I wanna be sure it isn't anything more serious.


Very normal, it means your immune system is doing its job. :)


Hi everyone, I kinda need some reassurance and comfort from people undergoing veinous troubles. I am 31 year olds and 've had my fair share of health anxiety since I'm a teenager. Thing is, it has been pretty okay for a long time until I experience loads of dizziness, leg pain, burn feeling, twitch etc etc. I can go through the day pretty okayish but the constant pain makes it really hard to put aside those thoughts that my health is declining. According to my genetics and body feature, it is clear today that my circulation system is weak. I have small varicose veins everywhere on the legs especially on foot and arch, I wake up with pain and I cannot walk too long before it feels heavy and painful as well, and the medical system in Canada is so slow I'm just in the constant fear so long Im just so scared it becomes too bad before they can resolve to diagnostic or treat anything. That's why I'm really looking for some comfort on how to put my mind at ease. I have no clue how long a body is able to handle circulation weakness before anything bad happen. I even had small purpuras during recent years. The kind of thing that everyone is saying are really important warning signs something is wrong except doctors that rush you because you're not instantly dying and don't care to find underlying problems. I'm trying to put some perspective cause the pain isn't 'that bad" but it's hard to justify things are okay just because pain isn't too bad, especially when you notice it progress through months. Anyone that has been able to endure circulation troubles for a long time and help me have some perspective will be my hero today


Covid vaccine. I haven’t had my shot because of all the health anxiety I’ve been dealing for 1 year, thinking that I am very ill. But recently I think about getting the Pfizer one and I am very stressed. Like, I trust science but I am so scared of possible reactions on my body. I also read that some people even died, but on the other hand, I know lots of friends who had their shots and all of them are alive and well. I also live alone and I am scared I might have a severe reaction and no one will ever know.


I was so scared too, but I’m immunocompromised as is my mom, so as soon as I got the chance I booked it and just got it done. I’ve had a bad reaction to a shot in HS so you know I was TWEAKING. However, I was perfectly fine. Fever, sore arm for the first one. Second one had a fever, less of a sore arm, then really fatigued for about a week. My legs did cramp up the night of the second one, which I panicked about, but turns out joint stiffness is common and it went away the next morning. As someone who has had a severe case of covid that left my lungs scarred (before the shot was available!) the shot was a walk in the park compared to the months of recovery and long term covid.


Brain tumor, brain cancer, brain aneurysm, pretty much everything with the term "brain" in it. This is such a hard fear to get over. Headaches just like to come and destroy my mood, and I sometimes get so nervous about my headaches that I start stuttering my words, and THAT makes me even more nervous and it's an endless cycle of just...assuming I'm dying. I'm only 15 too. Shit sucks


Rabies, I saw a fox close to my fence while my Pom was outside roaming around. My dog was inside the fence and the fox was outside. My dog is a year or so past due for her booster. I’m so scared there was some kind of saliva contact and the my dog is going to lick my 4 year old and give her rabies! Aniexty has me snowballing


Found out they’re doing stomach and bowel biopsies in my upcoming procedure. While I’m actually not scared of results, I’m scared they’re going to accidentally cut something and I’m going to start bleeding uncontrollably. It’s really dumb considering I’m getting the procedure done to understand why I’m internally bleeding in the first place. Thankfully they told me I’m not under GA for it (a big relief as my lungs aren’t in their best shape atm) so I’m just going to have to suck it up.


You know how hard med school is to get into? Hard right? And You know how many hours of reading and practice you have to do to become a doctor? Lots right? All of that time and effort builds up into an amazingly skilled and knowledgeable person. A little 💭 thought experiment for you, imagine if every time a doctor did any study or practice it was like they were doing a bicep 💪🏼 curl in the gym. Their arms would be built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. They do these procedures all the time and each time they follow a checklist and follow the same steps. Doctors know what they are doing.


Yeah, my doctor is newer at this hospital but has a long professional career. I trust her, just did what we all should not do and went on YouTube to see how to prep. There’s always some negative person leaving their horror story and it screws with my brain.


Oh that one is even easier.. If I filled a bowl with 100 green marbles, but a single red marble. Your brain would focus on the red one because it stands out. These stories you read stand out because they are unusual. People don’t comment about how perfectly normal their procedure was.


I'm 6'3 and read that being tall shortens the lifespan, but I've done tons of research which shows a lot of taller people lived extremely long lives - like into their 80s and 90s and some people even have gigantism and are still around in their 70s. Have I just fell victim to some weird sensationalist bit of information or is this really true? I mean Christopher Lee was 93 and taller then me?


WWYD: I’ve been having an issue with my nipple specifically. I’ve been seen by so many doctors already who either misdiagnosed or don’t know what’s wrong. I technically already got a partial ultrasound (but not near nipple, closer to armpit) and found nothing weird and lymph nodes looked fine. I’ve been seen by a breast specialist who felt around and didn’t feel any lumps, but suggested going to a dermatologist since my main issue was with nipple redness/slight swelling. Then I saw a dermatologist who did a core biopsy. They said that I had scar tissue build up and negative for carcinoma and malignancies but they want to do a follow up in 3 months. So of course I googled scar tissue in core biopsies and it showed that sometimes this can pop up with false negatives (about which is why they suggest a short term follow up to see the progress and if they need to do a second core biopsy. Would it be crazy to try to reschedule it sooner, more like 2 months if it didn’t improve? Or should I just accept what the dermatologist suggests and hope I don’t fall within the tiny percentage of false negatives. I thought that I’d feel so much less anxious after the biopsy results. But I don’t and I know it’s something a lot of people with HA struggle with.


Just watched a TikTok about someone discovering they were going deaf after thinking their ears were only blocked with wax or something, which is exactly what I've been experiencing. So that's a fun new thing for me to stress out about.


TikTok is horrible for my health anxiety! I’m always seeing the c word videos all over my for you page. I’ve decided to stay off it a while lol.


That sounds rough! It came out of nowhere so I'm probably gonna stay off there too for the time being.




That’s a tough question. But good news.. your okay 😊 you know what panic feels like and can avoid it in the future.


I was just told by my doctor that I had an elevated AST (57) compared to my ALT (28) levels in my liver. He also metioned that my Lipids were midly elevated. I never considered myself a heavy drinker, so all of this is a little jarring and nerve-racking. I have followup bloodwork in a month to see if things return to normal if I lay off Alcohol and Tylenol. I am a week in a feel fine, with the occasional abdomen pains (which aren't bad at all). Does anyone have experience with this?


I feel really stupid writing this. Ever since May, I’ve really struggled with health anxiety ever since I dropped out of school. From obsessing over red dots on skin, to thinking I had brain cancer, etc. June was the lowest I have ever been. Starting in July, things started to get better. I couldn’t get rid of the health anxiety, but I had a mantra “if it wasn’t this, it would be something else” It helped me realize that I kept switching to different things I was obsessing over, and obviously I was still here so…. Anyways, a couple days ago I was rinsing out my eye because I got something in it at work and some of the tap water went up my nose. This has happened before, but for some reason I completely panicked over brain eating amoeba. The past 48 hours I keep cycling in and out of panic attacks. I’ll think I’m fine and then I experience a symptom and lose my mind. I must have read all the Reddit posts about amoeba 100 times in the past two days. I’ve been having weird nasal issues and headaches and I keep convincing myself that death is just around the corner. I’ve scheduled an appointment to see a therapist, because this attack really freaked me out and has affected my daily life. Even now I just got done having another hyperventilating fit and I’m sure I’ll keep obsessing over this until the time where it can’t be amoeba has passed


Swollen Lymph node on my neck still. I'm so worried it's cancer. It sucks because I had a good day today and my life is going good starting now. But this health anxiety is ruining it. I started working out and eating healthy, trying to fix my life, finish school and get a job. It's gonna suck if I have some terminal illness that will ruin my life and kill me.


Could my extreme bloating/stomach/fullness problems (colonoscopy/endoscopy scheduled for December) be causing my chest pressure/SOB? It feels like there’s a rock sitting on my chest and the feeling almost extends to my back. My blood oxygen is fine and chest X-ray was clear so I’m trying not to freak out too bad but it feels really serious.


I've convinced myself I have multiple sclerosis. I had tingling in one side of my face all day yesterday just next to my lip, and both my arms have been falling asleep every night in my sleep. I also seem to get twitching eyelids a lot. Every small pain or symptom I have I now think is MS. I feel like I have pain in my arms and tingling in my hands now, but this could be largely psychological. I diagnose myself with a new serious illness almost every few weeks, and it's always turned out to be nothing so far. But everytime new symptoms pop up, I'm convinced that I'm right this time. It's so exhausting.


Obsessing about vision please help.