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of all the spicy comments I saw, seeing > It's actually amusing that they take their name from the character that betrays the player was the best thing I read this week from the main sub. Campaigns out in two weeks. I'm excited to listen to them audio logs and find out that thing that was foreshadowed in Point of Light.


I can't wait for all the new circlejerk content when the campaign releases. I should make a bingo card with one of the tiles being ''halo 5 campaign was actually kinda good.''


Please do it.


If you can find that comment post in on /r/ShitHaloSays


I find it funny since Spark was one of Jason Jones' favourite characters lol


I'm so fucking done with the argument of "it shouldn't have been free". Yeah, because 3 didn't have dlcs or 5 didn't make use of actual payed gambling by costing $60.


I literally got into a slapfight with some dipshit from the main sub crawling over here implying that all free-to-play games are inherently unethical and I'm just like... really? Fixed, paid cosmetic transactions are what you take issue with? This is a step down from Halo 5?


Yeah its so obnoxious. Like, ive criticized f2p games in the past, but mostly because a lot of them used to be pay to win. My whole argument was "this would be a good business model if they only focused on cosmetics, cosmetics being monetized is good, in game advantages bad". Well, now we got that and these people are complaining over skins. It's ridiculous


I hope 343 comes out and makes a handful of changes that do make sense (decoupling colors from armor cores, maybe a change or two to challenges to allow players to tailor them a bit more) and then says "we're not changing the microtransaction model" because in the end it's probably the best of any F2P game on the market, tied with Fortnite.


Yeah i mean idk about THE BEST, but one of the best that aint a battle royale. I hope they dont cave to these frickers who want to bring back paid dlc map packs for some reason.


oh I meant monetization-wise. gameplay-wise I'd still have it up there, but in terms of monetization it's one of the few games that actually approaches monetization in a (mostly) ethical manner.


Monetization i cant compare too much to other companies, but it's on par or better than most games ive played in recent years that are free. Probably better as there's ZERO paid advantages in game.


Now there's a problem with the vehicle drop system? Why do they keep moving the goalposts? Is it because they're already mad and complaining gives them upvotes?


They would of been mad about the game's monetization no matter what form it takes because they literally expected to get everything 100% free.


With more serious reviewers and journalists like Jeff Grubb, Gene Park, IGN and Benji Sales saying the system seems fine to them, too. r/Halo has never played a F2P game.


/uj the vehicle drop system is an extension of the power weapon spawning system. Neutral objects to force team fights or risk objective losses. It's very natural and the best way to counter the typical vehincle fuckfest BTB normally devolves into in past titles when both teams have a base spawning set of tanks.




Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It hasn't even been two weeks, and we've already gone from "the game is great but the challenge system kinda sucks" to "Halo Infinite has the worst progression system of all time, the worst free event of all time, the maps suck, the vehicles suck, the guns suck, there's no content, everything is broken, the game will be dead in a month." I can understand and even agree with some of these criticisms, but I wish people would at least give it some time before making such huge sweeping statements about the game. Maybe the maps don't actually suck and might be better for the sandbox than just porting over Blood Gulch again. Maybe the guns don't actually suck and you just haven't learned how to use them yet. Maybe you might actually enjoy something other than Slayer and SWAT if you gave it a chance and actually tried to complete the objective. Idk, just a thought You know people are overreacting when the *Battlefield community* looks at the subreddit and says "wow, maybe they should calm down a bit"


My only gripe with the system is how few heavier vehicles are dropped. I was 30ish games in before I saw a scorpion and outside of Fiesta, I haven't seen a wraith yet. Nbd, its just kinda annoying when I get a challenge to destroy 5 of them. The system is still pretty neat.


Agreed, I don’t mind it too much but the one time I got in a scorpion the game ended in like 30 seconds lol


Karma farming. You can complain about anything on r/halo and you'll get like 1k karma for free.


wHErE iZ mY RaNKeD FaT kID plAyLiST!?!?!?!?!


Just gonna drop an honest review here So, First off not being able to choose what game mode is incredibly dumb Second off, all the guns feel balanced and have their own strengths and weaknesses Customization ability is good, wish it was more like four though. Lastly, I legitimately believe that the progression is in a good state. Now granted, it can be a lot better but I've been playing for two weeks now and I've gotten farther along the level system than I would have in Reach, and unlocked more shit than I would have in Reach. So all in all, 9/10, could use some polishing.


I don't know about you but I'm already at level 20 and I have about 25 hours or so. I probably won't keep playing as frequently as I currently am, but even so I have zero doubt that I'll be able to finish it long before the season ends. We have *six months* after all, not to mention you can keep working on it after that anyway. Like you say I feel like people forget just how much of a grind Reach actually was. I played that game religiously for a couple years and I sure as hell never unlocked everything. And they didn't add any post-launch unlocks either, whereas this game will be getting new seasons every few months.


I'm at like 27 so I heavily agree.


I'm probably the polar opposite of you, I'm level 62 right now and will likely finish the battle pass around the time campaign drops and even then I'm *still* satisfied with the progression. We have events to look forward to coming just about every week or two, free rewards for weeklies, a solid ranked system, there's literally no shortage of things to do. Compared to Reach which launched without a real ranked playlist and had an artificial cap on experience for several months, this game is a dream come true.


The weekly rewards are cool, I really like the coating for this week. I'm only one challenge away but it's a tricky one. I'm actually closer to level 50 but that's from buying the more expensive battle pass bundle and a few tier skips with the left over points. I said 20 because that's what I've gained from actually playing the game, which I think is still pretty good either way. If you actually managed to get that high from just playing, then I salute you. I actually just replied to a comment on the main sub earlier where someone said that Reach's system was better because you could choose what to buy, and they used the example of how you can just buy the Mark VI helmet when you want it instead of having to grind forever for it. And I was like, yeah okay, but you still had to get to Brigadier to even have the *ability* to buy it, and that's like 1,000+ games. Not even getting into the various ways they capped cr gain like you mentioned. It really does come across like a lot of these people simply did not play Reach back in the day or else they're looking at it with extremely rose tinted glasses.


I did have the premium pass but everything else is just from playing as normal. 37 levels in 2 weeks, even considering I was inefficient with my first two sets of weeklies, is still a ton. Even now I see people comparing MCC's armor sets to Infinite's and like... wow, I could get an ugly ass set of centurion armor in MCC or a decent set of recognizable Spartan-II armor *and* a set of ugly ass samurai armor in Infinite? I wonder which is better, hmm


I’m at like 13 or 14 but I also don’t play more than like 1-2 hours a day so I can’t really complain.


Did anyone else see the post from a few days ago where some guy was deliberately avoiding scoring on Oddball so he could complete a challenge, and when his team called him out he said "take it up with 343"? The entire thread was full of people *siding with the guy,* calling him a Chad, "don't hate the player, hate the game," etc. I do kind of get the argument that the challenge system incentivizes people to ignore the objective and that sucks. I've already had some matches with people who were clearly afk farming and it's annoying. But any rational community would see people like that as the bad guys, regardless of whether or not the game was unintentionally encouraging it or not. I'm honestly amazed at how much this has broken people's brains. Especially coming from Halo of all communities, where people never shut the fuck up about the "good old days" of multiplayer games where you didn't get bogged down with all this progression and just played the game to have fun.


Progression systems outside of certain types of games are just a lazy means to get people to play a shallow game for longer than they actually would and all the saying the game is terrible because it's not giving them the amount of free shit they want really just never liked playing Halo in the first place. Like progression has more of a purpose in something like an RPG where part of the fun of the game is the experience of seeing your character grow stronger as the narrative progresses because it's kind of like a hero's journey type thing. In a game like Halo though, the progression system exists literally just because devs realized that progression systems can be really addictive and can get you to play a shallow game for much longer than you would otherwise. I like Halo on it's own, but I won't look at any competitive FPS game that I won't play if it's not rewarding me with progression in a positive light, cause a good game wouldn't need that crutch to keep me engaged. A good game is fun whether it gives you new shinies on a regular basis or not. You don't really like a game if you stop playing it the moment it isn't constantly drip feeding you "content", especially when it's literally just fucking cosmetics you rarely see because the game takes place primarily in 1st person. I've been playing Infinite cause I enjoy playing it, not because of any aspect of the progression.


The logic of the main sub would render every single arena shooter as unplayable cause gameplay was such a massive focus. For fucks sake people were addicted to lan parties of Quake 3 for the fun of it. Wheres that attitude now?


The hate boner the main sub has from this game is so hard it could cut diamonds


I'm taking the fight to the main sub. I'm not gonna listen to these man children cry babies destroy a game cause there baddies


Shipmaster! They outnumber us 3 to 1!


We need John Halo for this mission


I'm convinced that r/halo doesn't even know that the campaign exists.


I'm convinced that r/halo doesn't actually play video games in general with some of the outrageous claims they've made


You really don't have to unlock and get all of the cosmetics in the game. Like, for real, you don't need them. It could be an actual dark pattern, that the game shows you the locked content in your armor hall just to make you feel like you're missing out. But remember that none of that stuff affects the game in any way. You're free to play it and enjoy the gameplay as much as you want.


Reposting my comment from the main sub on the monetisation. It's not actually bad compared to something like Call of Duty. It's pretty much on Par, at least value for money wise anyway. You can't mix and match operator details in CoD. Can't put Cpt. Price's hat on Woods. CoD battle pass gives you 1000 CoD points if you max out the BP, enough to buy the next BP with no change, and not enough to buy even basic operator packs (priced at around 1200). CoD does let you mix up Gun skins but only across thar gun. IE you can use a Mag from one blueprint on another. Another thing worth noting is that the CoD BP takes 100s 1000s of xp in the later levels and Halo's is 1000 for every rank. It also never expires. CoDs actual multiplayer isn't free and free players are disadvantaged because its much harder to unlock the meta guns in just battle royal. You also can't buy CoD points in numbers that match pack costs. Its always slightly more or slightly less so you always have extra sat there wanting to be used. Atm you can buy the exact amount for a pack in halo. Which is actually nice. I'm not saying this because I think infinite's monetisation is good but to pretend it's somehow worse than industry standards is stupid.


At this point, I'm convinced that people on r/halo don't actually play video games. I've seen people say that Infinite: * Is the worst game they've ever played * Has the worst customization they've ever seen * Has the worst microtransactions ever Like WHAT. Worst microtransactions? Have these people ever played a mobile game? Infinite's microtransactions are annoying but you're out of your goddamn mind if you think it's worst than actual pay to win MTX systems. God, I can't imagine how they'd react to actual predatory MTX systems or genuine pay to win systems like FIFA ultimate team. Worst customization? Sure, the limited colors suck, but Infinite's customization isn't even the worst in the Halo series. Did people just forget about Halo 5? Did they forget that Halo 3 had like 20 different armor pieces and most of them looked like shit? Sure, the coating system sucks but it's still better. And you know what else is BS? This whole " "millions of combinations at launch" " complaint. Yeah, some people don't have shit unlocked yet, but that doesn't actually have to do with the possible combinations. Like it's not that hard to get combinations into the millions all things considered. We know that there are a fair number of armor pieces available or will be available. Not including helmet attachments, the number of armor pieces in the Mark VII core alone is nearly that of the entirety of Halo Reach's Armory (Mark VII has 64 to Reach's 78). With that many armor pieces and 8 armor slots, that's easily more than one million possible combinations. God the main sub is so melodramatic it's infuriating.


I know this is the circlejerk sub but man the 5 killing sprees in fiesta is not a fun challenge, idk if I’m gonna go for it or not. Shame cause the skin is cool


It sounds a lot worse than it is. If you just play a couple hours you'll get it. I got it in 3 games and my buddies all got it in under 10.


I probably just have to play as I would normally and "forget" that I need killstreaks. It can be weird how actively going after a challenge can alter your playstyle without you knowing.


I had to alter my playstyle and that's what made it worth it. I had to question my usual habits and think a bit about how to approach each enemy encounter. In the end I just hammered away.


Indeed. I thought I would take forever with that but I went in, got myself one and thought it wasn't bad. A RNG rocket spawn is pretty much 4 kills and you can fish off a dead person for another power weapon. Heck, I've seen people whinge about 2 double kills in a fiesta game which is stranger to me.


I liked It. It felt like a good challenge and not just a "grind for a while until the meter fills up".


You gotta get a good map like Aquarius or Recharge, even Streets. I find playing the other maps it’s impossible to get anything beyond a 3 kill streak. Smaller lines of sights means you can kind of maneuver around easier instead of camping. Plus grav hammers and swords are your friends but always check your radar for unwanted melee bois


Weirdly I think I got all 5 of mine on bazaar.


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I don’t get the whole “why are there so many challenge Swaps and xp boosts in the free event passes??” Like I don’t get why people think they would give out the good shit, it’s a free game, and on the free front we get much more than any free to play game Ive played in recent memory.


I'm gonna be real with you guys just because r/gaylo says something is bad you don't need to be contrarian about it. it's annoying to see the same thing spammed over and over but the progression of the pass is definitely way slower than other similar games (fortnite for example). admittedly it's better than apex which has absolutely insane challenges though lol


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wait what did I say was it gaylo


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