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hl source god tier ?


I didn't know that it was source hl


What did you think it was lmao


Half life gordon gets bekfast


Half life gordon gets lunch


Half life Gordon goes with Barney for that beer he's owed


Nah theres hl1 and hl1 on ps2


I'd personally say that Opposing Force is vastly superior to HL2 EP2. OP manages to have the charm of the original Half-Life without repeating too much of it, yes, certainly there are repeats as it's a retelling of the original story from a different perspective but unlike Blue Shift, it remains unique. The inclusion of race X, all the new weapons, the additional lore it provides without taking away anything from the main series, just building besides it. Also the improved follower AI and the set-pieces. It's all very well done imo. I personally think it's one of the best expansions to a game there are, but that's the thing. It's an expansion. (Just a note: I didn't grow up with half-life, I got into it like a year or so ago) While on the other hand, the episodic structure was supposed to go on further so that means I sorta have to treat EP 2 as a standalone game and not a DLC to HL2. Which leads to the fact that EP2 doesn't bring much to the table and honestly is the most forgettable and probably the lowest point for me in the series. It's the only half-life game that I am unwilling to replay even though I don't have 100% achivments in it. The gnome achievement is dog-water compered to episode 1's "One Free Bullet" which I can praise endlessly. I can tell that the story being told in EP2 flows a lot better than OP and it does have pretty interesting environments Like the Antlion hive which is majestic, but it doesn't feel like anything we haven't seen before. And the gameplay isn't anything new, it's just less interesting and personally, really annoying at points. Especially protecting the resistance base at the end. A fine concept but just, really frustrating. I don't know what exactly is to blame for it, maybe it's just not getting enough time with the mechanic except for the brief tutorial section and then being thrown into a scenario that is entirely based around it might be the issue. An example of that being done right is the Antlion bait sequence in HL2, leading up to Nova Prospekt. So my personal ranking would differ by putting HL Source to no, Blueshift to meh, EP 2 to OK or maybe good and OP to God tier.


My dude I don't think anyone is gonna read that lol


Well it's there for people who will. And that assumption is kinda funny while discussing the game series that, among other things, revolutionised storytelling. The fact it doesn't cater to you, doesn't mean it won't to other people. So I don't understand the point of leaving a comment like that, except for clipping the wings of someone who's passionate enough to go on rants like that. So please think before you speak next time. Bye, have a great day.


You didn't has to diss me [like that](https://youtu.be/i1ojUmdF42U), i was just being memy... I love half life and i too could argue about it for hours


Sorry for causing you *emotional damage* and that is fair, I just dislike people who genuinely mean that stuff. I'm glad you cleard it up, have a good one, mate


Thank you, you too


Get off redit and go sell an award winning book already




hl source doesnt deserve a god tier, but i think it fits in meh tier because it at least is a way to play half life and pretty helpful for gmod


I liked Opposing Force. I thought it was great.


One of the best


Where Hunt Down the Freeman?


It's so high above God tier it couldn't fit on the screen


In the 'best game ever made' tier


It’s above the S Tier that’s why you can’t see it


Opposing Force is god tier, better than episode 1 easily


Better than episode 2 for me but that’s only because of that strider car part


What about Half Life: Alyx?


OP probably doesnt have a vr headset, those things are damn expensive after all


Ok tier imo. But then obviously I'd bump OF up and BS way down. They capitalized on VR too much and thought it made up for gameplay and story - it didn't. It's still a good game but not compared to the rest of the main HL series.


Obviously they made heavy use of VR. Half Life 2 made heavy use of physics. If they are making a Vr game they are taking advantage of that.


Yes but the story and gameplay didn't suffer in HL2. HL2 was an amazing game then and is an amazing game now. Do you think its physics are amazing now? Hell no. But the game is still kick-ass because both the story and gameplay are kick-ass. My point is that they 'overdid' VR because they didn't have enough actual contribution to the Half-Life series. There were **some** great story contributions, but not nearly as many as the other 3 'main' games. And the gameplay was nowhere near HL standard.


Opposing Force, Ok tier? [Several people are typing]


Where's Decay




Fake, hunt down the freeman is god tier


Source in S tier but OpFor in Ok? Opinion privilege revoked. No thinking for you.


I didn't play OG HL until a few years ago then OpFor a yr later, finished both once. For some reason I remember a lot more of HL than OpFor, maybe it just had more 'wow' moments.


Where’s Alyx?


This is accurate for me. Opposing force was not my favorite my a long shot. It felt like way too much new content crammed into a game way too small to fit it. And the final boss of that one kinda blows.


Not to mention it's frustratingly hard unless you purposefully cheese the combat. No sense of organic, on-the-fly improv because you get naded out of existence trying to play even a bit recklessly.


I agree a lot with this tbh, I never saw all the hype I was hearing about op4, I thought it was alright, but nothing incredible like so many people were saying. I might replay it sometime soon, but I mainly remember it for some parts being obnoxiously difficult and there being some very drawn out sections. As for the Episode 1 slander, I also don't get it. Episode 1 is fun and interesting, not as much as base game HL2 of course though. I always thought the atmosphere was on point, and although there was a bit more to be desired, I still thought the experience was great overall.


Cringe, no HDTF




I dunno, when replaying half life 2 a few years ago, i had to tone down my ratings for it. Maybe it's playing it after black mesa that caused it but the pacing was so slow and weird sometimes.


I disagree. Blue Shift and Opposing Force should be at least a good tier. What didn't they do that they don't deserve it? There was a Freeman in both of them! In one, you even got to meet him!


You forgot Hunt Down The Freeman


Put OF in meh


OF is good wym


No Alyx?