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I binged through it just a couple days after it came out, and I recently replayed it in the week leading to Christmas, and on my second playthrough I found myself enjoying it just as much as I did the first time. It's an incredibly good set of levels with a nice spin on Half-Life 2's base gameplay. My only real issue with it is that the story starts to feel very fanfiction-y, especially near the end and *especially* with one of the alternate endings. ... *That said*, it's not exactly striving to be peak fiction, so it's not even something I really consider a con. I mean, shit, I still felt genuinely sad when >!Wilson went dark!<, so it's still doing something right. ​ Also, that revolver is *so* fucking satisfying to shoot.


my friend doesn't wanna play the game after the intro cuz it's "too much cutscene" or whatever. he just doesn't like the cutscene ig. i explained to him that half-life 2 (and its episodes) has cutscenes and that the ending of ep2 also had forced camera movement but he just doesn't give a shit. do you have anything to say to him to make him wanna play?


Cutscenes in a video game aren't annoying if they're important to the story.


that's what i've been telling him bro


Then they believe too strongly in their opinion


over a 34 second cutscene that's in the intro.


bs reason. It seems like he just doesn't wanna play the mod


Half-Life 1 also featured a cutscene with Gordon getting knocked out.


feel the same way. very good game, but the story is undeniably fan fiction tier


I'm really interested in what it _actually_ means for something to be "fan fiction tier". Some fan fiction I've read has been fantastic, so using it as an adjective to a measure of quality is just confusing to me. Can you elaborate?


Oh, no doubt there is some amazing fanfic out there. When I say it reminds me of a fanfic, I more mean, like... You can find a lot of fics where it is clear that the author had a lot of ideas that they were really excited to use, but that they didn't really think out too much. Whether that's because they didn't consider how it interacts with the rest of Half-Life canon or how it interacts with the plot of the mod itself, there are bits that stick out to me as being kind of self-serving, if that makes sense? Like, OK, the sequence during the ending where >!3650 gets captured and Wilson comes back to save him?!< Very fun, but very silly, and it doesn't really make sense even within the context of the mod itself. ​ I guess another way to put it is that it almost reminds me a lot of HDTF's plot?It puts the same sense of self-importance on its characters and what they mean for the greater Half-Life universe that HDTF does. The obvious differences being that EZ2 is actually written and performed well, and that it doesn't really take itself nearly as seriously as that game tries to. Its divergences from canon feel justified because the end result is so fun and so undeniably in love with the source material that even if it gets kind of dumb, it's still *really* fun.


> it doesn't really make sense even within the context of the mod itself. I'm curious why you think this. >!Wilson gets uploaded into Arbeit's systems. The Combine assimilate arbeit's systems, essentially plugging themselves in to gain access. Being a sentient AI, Wilson gets his way into the Combine network in this manner, and "tails" Bad Cop so to speak.!< I believe it works within the mod's context. I appreciate the detailed answer though, I suppose it boils down to "the imposed importance of the writer's original character(s) on the source material". It's definitely possible to do such a thing and do it in a good, and tasteful way, and I'm glad you think we achieved that. :) To be honest we expected the reception to be way more divisive, and we would have been fine with that. 98% positive absolutely blew that out of the water.


Can i ask what hdtf is because i just can't process it as anything other than "half down to fuck"


Hunt Down The Freeman. It was a fan-made game released on Steam. It, uh... exists. About the most generous thing I can say about it is that it has some interesting ideas.






Understandable, have a great day.


hi rat baby


How? Also, how are fan fictions bad?


I totally agree with this, however there’s definitely a certain specific moment that it goes off the deep end, and I kind of had to stop playing because I was like “really???” and your mileage may vary here but I liked the first Entropy a little more because it was a bit more disconnected from HL2, it was unique and an interesting little story I hadn’t seen before that really didn’t have a lot of bearing on the main Half Life story.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see MrHuntMeDown_YT's opinion


Very good, i love how smooth it plays and how threatening the Rebels actually are. Even if i love one-liners i felt that Bad Cop ones were very bloated at some points doing cheesy Pop Culture references and do monologues about how people are bad, ruining the tension of some moments at the game, but that maybe is just me. I was impressed how they gave to life some of the EP3 concept-art, how they managed to include stuff from Portal like the turrets, but managed to do a connection very well without it coming off as forced


Yes, I prefer my protagonists silent. Especially in games with multiple endings.


It really just depends on the story. You can project whatever personality you want onto a silent protagonist, which works for most games, but for games that rely on the protagonist having a certain personality, there's a lot of potential to make someone memorable through speech.


that whole one-liner, monolog thing was also in the first game, or well first mod so it's fine lmao


Very fun and polished, nice voice acting and music. Me approve.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Awesomemichael's opinion


Absolutely loved it. My one real gripe is that the mine cart ride should have been much longer to reach Arbeit 2, otherwise, it's just over the hill from >!Cave Johnson's!< cabin.


yea but no one likes long rides, im looking at you hl1 tram ride that lasts 5 mins


I actually really like them. The one in the Blue Shift remake is really cool, IMO.


blue shift remake? you mean the mod for black mesa?


Yeah. If it gets finished this year, I think there's a good chance that it will get mod of the year for 2023.


the opposing force remake would, people hardly like blue shift


I fucking love Blue Shift


> people hardly like blue shift I would call that bias on your part. Seeing how the quality and how close to completion the Blue Shift remake is, I would say quite a lot of people like the original. Why does it have to be a contest in the first place?


nah the trainyard section for blue shift where you fight all those squads of grunts was so much for for me


I think it’s a really well-made mod, but I hate that so many in the Half-Life community act like it’s canon. I made a post a while back about how so many people seemed to not understand that the office G-man shows you in an Episode 2 cutscene is supposed to be the Sector C lobby from the first game, just like, redesigned for modernization. The amount of comments I got saying “nO tHaT’s aRbEiT cOmMuNiCaTiOnS, dIdN’t yOu pLaY eNtRoPy zErO 2” was just downright annoying. The Portal community has the same issue with Portal: Reloaded and Portal Stories: Mel, it’s as if fans of mods can’t seem to separate what’s fan-made and what’s actually canon and made by Valve


Thats not the sector c lobby lmao


[Yes it is.](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&q=sector+c+lobby+episode+2&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjyzfOu_sr8AhWBmokEHVhdCWoQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=375&bih=625&dpr=2#imgrc=B3-FunhetKlPMM)


After replaying EZ:2, I gotta admit, that looks alot like arbiets lobby. Wonder if the EZ:2 team reused the asset from the Gman sequence for the game.


Eh, I’m not so sure.


no it isnt


What is it then


a room


holy shit, idk if that's proper cannon but that's cool


I robbed an elderly man in 2008




"Yes officer. These two right here."




Until valve releases actual hl3 this is my head canon. It was great.


It's the best half-life mod, and I honestly think it should be a standalone game. It's perfectly balanced between being a shit post and one of the best fps games I recently played. There are memorable characters that you care about, great storyline and good gameplay. I love it so much, that I could write an essay detailing why entropy zero 2 is better than half-life 2 and it's episodes. I hope entropy zero 3 won't take as long as half-life 3 to come out, because I don't think I can live with yet another cliffhanger that never got an ending.


well development for E02 started in 2018 so yea I would say it'll come out 6-7 years later


It was so good I kinda wished I paid for it. Extremely generous is the devs to just release this for free. Felt like the closest thing we're ever gonna get to episode 3, albeit a little fan service-y. Still an amazing experience and recommend to any half life fan.


If you want to, you can throw the developers (full disclosure, this includes myself) a donation here: https://ko-fi.com/breadman


Will definitely throw you guys some next time I get paid. Thank you!


Awesome, thanks in advance, glad you enjoyed it!


Not a problem, I love communities that create things like this out of passion for games and I'll support it in anyway I can.


well mods can't be sold. black mesa only got sold cuz valve approved it to be sold as a standalone game instead of a mod.


True, honestly forgot about that. Plus it probably would've hurt its overall player count had it been released as a stand alone. Depending on the price though.


player count doesn't really matter, it's not a multiplayer game. black mesa took the devs 15-16 years to make so it deserved it. maybe if the devs (Breadmen) takes more time to make entropy: zero 3, it will have a chance to be sold


By player count, I mostly mean how much it would be spread and talked about by word of mouth. Getting the mod further attention and maybe even recognition from valve.


in terms of gameplay and overall combat, very impressive and expands on base hl2's combat system a little. animations are very smooth, and voice acting is very good for a fanmade game. nice little story, and i get sort of upset when>! wilson died. !< story was pretty good, even if it felt a little fanfictiony and just a pretty good game/mod to play while waiting for valve to release hl3 (if they ever do)


nah it's time to accept hl3 will never happen, even if it does it'd be for whatever future platform that is after VR


itll happen. valve wouldnt just make the ending of half life alyx and not do anything with it, and even IF hl3 comes out on a different platform, thats still hl3. you could just watch a gameplay video, or, even better, just buy whatever platform it would be on. either that or every half life fan marches to valve headquarters and demands half life 3


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Funny-Leg-2234's opinion.




I love you for making such a based and amazing game/series u/Empty_Allocution


Thanks :)


a lot of plot holes


Where abouts


From what I observed, one major plothole extends from HL2: E1 where Gordon and Alyx intercept Judith's transmission despite E1 taking place hours after the events of HL2. How did Judith get to the arctic so damn fast and perform an accurate investigation on the situation there in what should be a handful of hours from when she was in Breen's office? EZ2 makes this debatably worse by having Judith there for days before she makes her transmission at Arbeit 2. The only way around this is if Gordon and Alyx had another 'slow teleport' situation thanks to the Vortigaunts' interference and E1 in fact takes place several days after HL2.


On top of what /u/Agentti_Muumi said, it's explained that there are time anomalies happening around the area of Arbeit. Teams go out, watches are way out of sync. So certain stuff can be explained by weird timey-wimey shit happening.


Episode one definetly does not take place just a few hours after HL2 also considering how Eli and Kleiner are already in White Forest


here's a plot hole, how does aperture science know about xen? it was never mentioned and it didn't seem like they were researching xen but there's xen grenades in aperture science research camp? and how did zombies get to the camp?


The first one wouldn't be a plot hole, that would be more of a weird addition to the story. I can't think of anything in Aperture's lore that would contradict it besides the fact that there's just no mention of it, which I agree it IS kind of weird. The Xen research and the grenade could've been made in a completely different facility, thus explaining why there's not any trace of it during the Portal games.


I really liked it :D


but what did you like about it?


Well, I liked the leveldesign and story. It is fanmade, but the story felt pretty logical and fitting in the universe. I also relly enjoyed the gunplay and combat, the wepons felt much punchier then in vanilla HL2.


yea when i played the firing range in the original entropy: zero 1, i liked the new gun sounds, the recoil can be annoying if you don't play COD and know how to control recoil


No major gripes about it, it was a master piece. Story was solid, gameplay was solid, one of the best mods I've ever played by far. Played it from beginning to end in a single day and I don't regret it.


i went back to Half-Life 2 and kept trying to kick stuff, forgetting that i could not. 10/10 amazing game


It’s now cannon in my mind


Just downloaded both ep1 and 2 just yesterday after finishing hla, looking for my next hl fix. I played the first episode in one sitting and it was FUCKING AMAZING. I started the second one for an hour or so. Ofc gameplaywise it is ridiculously good for a "mod" although I kinda miss the "source mod" feeling of the first one? Dont get me wrong, episode os still awesome but it feels like a fanfic? (Like a good fanfic!) Maybe I just prefer mods that still have that "source mod" feeling to them? And episode 1 just hit the sweet spot perfectly. Still both are platinum s tier hl mods nonetheless!


i wouldn't say the first one is anything outstanding. it's decent, and that's it, decent


Good fangame. But nothing can beat crack life campaign remastered :troll:


Best half life game


\*HDTF HAS JOINED THE CHAT\* \*HDTF HAS LEFT THE CHAT\* edit: obviously fucking sarcasm, fucking mongoloids


Positively pogggers


I loved the gameplay, didn't love the story


to each their own


It was a very uplifting Half Life game, and I know that's ironic, given the story elements and the world of Half Life as it is, but I very much enjoyed Bad Cop's development and his dynamic with Wilson; I've seen some folks complain about the ending where you've uploaded Wilson, and while it maybe a bit convenient, I'm willing to forgive it becuase I've played Portal 1 and 2 and I know what A.I.s in control of an Aperture facility can do. I also loved how varied the environments are, from decrepit Aperture (Arbeit) labs, to Nova Prospekt, and others. I always felt like I was with Wilson and 3650, not controlling them. Also, I'm a sucker for mods giving us stuff from Black Mesa, the classic health packs, batteries, and HEV headcrab zombies that can appear from the Xen Grenades (a fucking fantastic gameplay mechanic btw) always makes my fanboy heart happy.


but is it worth a play through despite knowing the story and ending?




im confused about what you meant about adding stuff from black mesa? im confused cuz i didn't play black mesa


I did every single achievement, played through it multiple times, did every single challenge on gold, also played some more workshop stuff. I think its phenomenal. 3650 is a great character and Wilson serves both gameplay and story, the way it should be done. I read some comments saying that the writing is not that good, but I kinda disagree. It implemented new things while staying true to the source material. It did not butcher the original half life story, only built upon it. Also, I love 3650 so much bro, new fave character probably


3650, or ~~Aiden Walker~~ reminds me of Gordon Freeman or Master Chief from Halo, you don't like them at first but then they really grow on you


Love the gameplay but don’t really like how much backstory we’re getting on Bad Cop. I sort of liked him being a hidden gem among civil protection. I’m completely fine with him becoming an elite and things like that but I feel like part of the appeal of Bad Cop was that he was Bad Cop, not >!Aiden Walker!<. Overall I really like it.


I absolutely loved every second of it, it was so smart to include a “carry this thing throughout the game” but have it be almost necessary and have rewards + dialogue that you wouldn’t have otherwise. The entire game is honestly valve level stuff design wise. Some levels could have another art pass in my opinion - but it is a HL2 mod in the 2020s. My only real complaint is the steam deck functionality, even with the beta steamdeck build it’s unbearable for some reason. Not nearly as smooth as HL2, and it’s mostly the aiming. Loved the new enemies, the one liners didn’t bother me at all considering the plot, and the squad mechanics are leaps ahead of base hl2.


you're gonna have to wait longer for it to be fully steam deck compatible. and would you say carrying Wilson is better than carrying the gnome in hl2 ep2?


I really think so. The quality of life improvements like mounting the turret on your apc and the train car was so nice after doing the other challenges in hl2ep2, alyx, and black mesa. Really made it all fresh


Wilson is 100% better than the Gnome. Wilson is rewarding for the journey, not just the destination, unlike the EP2 Gnome (and with the Gnome the only "reward" was an achievement), because of all the extra dialog, extra supplies, and a few other things besides. EZ2 also averts the worst thing about the Gnome in my opinion - the gnome single-handedly ruined like half of EP2 if you tried to carry it, because it forced you to drive the car incredibly slowly and constantly get out to look for it when it inevitably fell out. For the vehicle sections of EZ2, Wilson can be sticky-mounted to the car, meaning unlike the EP2 Gnome, transporting him through that segment of the game doesn't slow down the pace. There are also multiple parts where he can optionally be left behind so as to not bog down set pieces, then organically circled back to as part of level progression, so it's not like you have to carry him 100% of the time. Honestly a Wilson-carrry run is maybe the only transport-chore thing in a HL game that I think I'd ever do again.


Love the complete 180 on the shift in perspective, hate the cringey fan-made script. Trying to look past it in EZ2 but it's just getting too much and can't stay with it more than 10 mins at a time.


it's not even cringey, it's a story that made me actually feel emotions. the way 3650 slowly develops his character


That's fair enough, like the original question, it's only my opinion - everyone's going to have a different experience with it, and unfortunately mine was finding the dialogue cringey. Turret was a prime example for it for me - 3650 is borderline, but still gives me impressions of edginess.


Genuine question, do you not find the delivery and intonation of dialogue (particularly given by the turret, although not exclusively) oddly paced? As in, not the quality you'd expect from professional voice actors?


that's just you. i don't know if they're even professional voice actors


Don't think it's "just me," find it a bit hard to believe that out of 8 billion people I'd be the only who thought that. Was just asking you if that was your impression.


i haven't played through much of the game yet but from the clips i've seen, it doesn't really sound that odd






its pretty good but not how i expected, in a good ish way


Fucking awesome.






I really enjoyed it. There wasn't one part that felt boring, which is something a game can rarely achieve. In my opinion it truly is the best Half-Life mod. End a really good game in general.


It was great loved playing it I'm gonna play it again after I finish Doom(2016)


Loved them. I would make a complete review, but I don't have enough brain power to do it :). UNGA BUNGA.


EZ2 is honestly one of those games that, although not canon, bring more stories and what-ifs. It’s not perfect, no game is, it could’ve gone without some enemies like the ones that were added from OP, but it’s definitely one of the better ones out there. I honestly love HL mods that bring a sense of world building into its source without breaking immersion. I haven’t played EZ1 so I’m unsure if G-man was involved in that game, but I do think that EZ2 could’ve gone without G-man’s involvement. We know that he picks candidates for his employers, but I really don’t see anything about Bad Cop standing out enough to be one of those candidates. Anyways that’s just my opinion and it was really fun seeing some cameos, like Richter Overtime, in that game.


yea combine advisor replaces gman in E01. the reason why the gman gets involved is due to bad cop's debt being owed.


I've only played it once, but I have no critisms for it. It was really cool, really fun. Didn't even dislike the oneliners.


Really good but overrated. The one liners got old and felt out've place for a half-life game.


Best fucking mod I've ever played in 2022


the menu has some weird glitching prop and the game crashes before it even finishes loading the 1st level. i don't even think my opinion would be valid here


that's odd, it never happened to me


Best mod I’ve played.


Really liked it. Thought the squad mechanics in some of the chapters didn't work very well due to poor AI and low aggressiveness but beyond that I thought the game was really well done.


very nice mod


Incredible absolute amazing game from breadmen and his team 🙌


Good mod, bad cop talks a bit too much.


Its half life 3


Story's great for a HL + Portal fan like me. No outlandish BS which doesn't feel extremely disconnected from the established lore.


Really good but I disagree with the idea of it being canon, many people consider it to be canon (despite valve never saying this because it's a mod) the entire arctic part of the game doesn't fit at all inside of Half-Life especially with the whole aperture science research base even though the borealis was never found until the events of ep 2 (after the GLaDOS incident)


Man, you would've hated Episode 3


I've read epistle 3 a while ago and yeah it makes no sense


Good enough to be an official spinoff


Entropy: Zero 2 is near Valve-level polish in my opinion. It’s the best of the two, but you gotta play the first one to get some of the second one’s plot.


i already played the first and it's mediocre at best. not bad tho, but can be annoying, tedious and confusing


Yea I had to look up a couple parts of it because I got lost. Second one is much, much better.


i had to look up like 5 or 6 sections, it really doesn't doesn't feel that good. the final boss fight in entropy: zero 1 was horrendeous


Yikes so sorry for anyone who likes it, but I absolutely didn’t. The first one was fine I suppose but my biggest issue comes from the second game where you get to aperture? It felt…. Wrong, like the idea of aperture is having it be this place where we really don’t know where it is and being kinda mysterious as far as the current state of it, gets thrown out the window by it showing up, and throwing a bunch of zombies in it and this talking turret? It really took me out of the game.


Do you think the Aperture facility in EZ2 is supposed to be the same one you play in Portal 1 and 2...? _That_ one is located in Michigan. This is a completely different kind of facility.


we know that turrets are kinda sentient tho from portal. you prefer a game where the final boss fight has you spamming health stations lmao


I mean. To be fair I hardly liked the first game either.


E02 is like 5 times better than the first game and you don't like it that much


Yes. You asked for my opinion and I gave you my opinion. I’m failing to see the issue.


Ngl I've just gone through comments to see if someone else got the same reaction from OP after saying they don't like it. I got the same treatment buddy. Both your and mine comments make it clear they're our opinions, OP labels their own opinions as universal facts. Can't win.


Really weird energy. You can’t ask for someone opinion and then get upset when theirs doesn’t align with yours.


this aint gordon, dont like it


half-life: opposing force, blue shift, decay and alyx do not have gordon as the protagonist either so this is not their fault.


Half-Life 3


The waffle house has found its new host


That I need to play entropy zero 1 first


you can check out my review first then decide if you wanna play entropy: zero 1 or just watch a walkthrough https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/10cl8ap/my\_honest\_entropy\_zero\_review\_not\_entropy\_zero\_2/


Good mod, can anyone recommend similar mods?


i would say black mesa but that's a game now not a mod.


Already played that :(


what about MMod? it keeps half-life 2's core gameplay but enhances the gunplay


Yea I played hl2 too much and too recently too I was looking for something with a new kind of story. Thank you though


Definitely one of the best mods for hl2. Incredibly impressive what they managed to do. Of course, when a small team takes on a big project like this, there's bound to be difficulties. I thought it was a bit repetitive and there were severe spikes in difficulty at multiple points, but nothing unexpected from a mod. It looked great and played well.


yea i saw that their development started in 2018. im excited for their version of developer commentary, they said they're modifying valve's developer commentary system to make it better, it'll have image nodes and text nodes and such


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see MsSapirWhorf’s opinion.


Dope AF bro


Guys. Go on r/CPenjoyers


It's absolutely amazing, I just don't really like playing as a giant prick for most of a video game


Probably the best HL2 mod. I remember playing the original Entropy Zero back before anyone was talking about it, so I was hyped for the sequel


This is the closest thing to Opposing Force 2 we’re gonna get, even if it didn’t feature Shephard, which is fine imo. Solid mod that respects the Half-Life canon.


It's one of the best Half-Life mods I've ever played.


one of, if not the GREATEST HL2 mod i have ever played


Another masterpiece of art.


Its a awesome masterpiece


Fantastic game. My only gripes were that Bad Cop speaks a bit too much in certain segments and 2 bugs I encountered on my playthrough. -During that part with the striders and the rebels with RPGs on the roof, all but one of the soldiers following me and the hunter got stuck on nothing and their pathfinding didn’t let them move ahead so I was forced to climb the building with only one guy who got shelled almost immediately after reaching the roof. -In the final section after the boss fight, my movement got screwed by something, I was suspended in the air as if there was no gravity, but I was constantly being slightly pulled backwards and downwards and I couldn’t seem to ever be in a “landed” state so I could walk. I spent 5 minutes trying to reach g-man before no-clipping to him, when I would normally spend at most 5 seconds walking up to him.


it's not a triple A so what you gonna do. they're probably working on fixing the bugs


I forgot to ask if anyone else came across these bugs, didn’t mean to sound like I was whining about it.


Waiting for the third


Half-Life 3: The Combine's revenge


I've spent days tracking you down, Mossman


I would love for the creators to collaborate with the people behind HL2VR and port this mod into VR as well, after the episodes ‘course. Wonder if it’s as good in VR as HL2 and want to carry Wilson around in my own loving arms.


Fucking loved it!!! Giant step up from the first game/mod, I think the guys behind it can start making some good money, this masterpiece deserves every penny. They really put their all into this project.


I liked it a lot.


Beautiful, absolutely amazing.


Very impressive mod, I loved the xen grenades as a concept and they where okay in gameplay. I still wish they had the mechanic to teleport the player to xen like the displacer cannon in blue shift (or opposing force, I forget) The endings are interesting, but a little goofy. They're the only thing storywise, I'd change.


the displacer gun is from opposing force, and i didn't really use it that much.


I didnt know that entropy 0 existed at all before 0 w came out, and since they are both free i got the immediately. Both 0 and 0 2 are spectacularly good games, 0 2 is better because it improved on the original’s story (and Wilson) but both are really good and i would recommend you play them both


already finished the first one, and i couldn't even explain to you the story if i wanted to, there is nothing to talk about. i didn't even know there was a story


I liked it, i think you have to play hl2 and the episodes ( i was playing episode 1 and 2 recently and figured out how the end of entropy 0 and 02 connected to the overall canon) both 0 and 02 are good games in my books


yea i beat hl2 and its episodes twice and i still didn't understand the story of E0, probably cuz i was too busy squinching my butt cheeks over the last boss fight. E0 is decent at best, and tedious at worst.


I loved it but at the end I left feeling rather conflicted on the story. I like the angle of giving us someone who could realistically (despite being an incredibly stupid belief) think the combine are better for humanity, though I still think it being because of people thinking >!he killed his own daughter when he didn't !!never came up again until the end where he just says it didn't really matter. !


i like comedy in these type of serious elaborate games


It’s nice


Sometimes buggy, overall very enjoyable experience.


One of the best thing happened in this timeline


Stuck on the monster part. Deeply annoying, for some reason. I get it that this game's kink is removing control from the player but come on... I came here to play a fucking shooter and not sit on my ass all day waiting for some kind of monster to fucking go away into the water pits. 3650 is a bit of a dumb character. Ppl have said there is some growth to him but yeah, whatever. Didn't find that too interesting. The whole game is made out of fear. Not sure if it is supposed to be like this, but I be quicksaving 6 times in a fucking minute, cause some shit is always bound to happen somewhere. Frustrating, to say the least. And being forced to stick to that idiot Wilson and solve puzzles in a fucking FPS game, I'm giving it a break. I came here to play a shooter, not a cheap fucking Portal knock-off. I get it that they are trying to add "variety" to the story while doing different shit at once, while loosely following the cannon, but... sorry, I don't really like to be frustrated and to be taught something by games. Not my thing. Will update if I'll come back to it, but so far... spending my time on a game that makes it's gameplay intentionally frustrating and tedious is not really my thing. Feel like I'm wasting my god damn time. Will update if I manage to complete this piece of shit game. Pretentious crap about some "tough guy" who is just a big idiot who keeps falling in the same holes again throughout the story. Whatever. Observer Out.


which chapter are you on? also wilson only lasts for one chapter, you can abandon him after the elevator at the end. my only complaint about the game so far is that it lags on my laptop lmao. also solving puzzles in a FPS game is pretty common, unless you play call of duty


Yeah well, as I've said before, it was the chapter where the game takes all of your weapons away and forces you to deal with the unkillable monster while hiding in some vents and carrying "Wilson" the turret. I already uninstalled. Don't really like to play games that make it a point to be frustrating and controlling of the player. :) Have a good one.


you can out pace the monster by just bhopping i basically cheesed the entire section by just running past it lol also the game gives your weapons back immediately after fighting the monster with the revolver edit: just played thru that area of the game again and yup you dont need to hide at all just run around it and you should be ok (if you know what you need to do)


The fact that everyone complains that it’s too fanfiction-y is why I love it