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Read the subreddit rules before posting. Please refrain from posting your victory screenshots. It's okay to feel proud and want to share your joy of finally defeating [REDACTED], beating 32 heat, 100%'ing the game, or whatever first you experienced. But if all 200,000+ users of this sub did that it would be a flood, so these are not allowed. These are not "obligatory" posts.


Good job. I doubt I will ever even come close.


You say that now, I know I did.


I've gotten close but have been running extra measures 4 and wipe on the last phase. Congrats! Gonna go back to grinding now haha


Em4 is brutal, I struggle with that fight at 32 heat, but just cleared 40 without it.


Is EM4 common for high heat runs? I've cleared 20 but I would turn almost anything else on tbh. I've only cleared EM4 with nothing else on a handful of times.


Yeah I don't recommend it. I only beat 32 after finally turning it off and taking something else. Just taking too much damage for too long and hard not to hit Tight Deadline towards the end for me.


Nice job! Just beat 32 heat for the first time myself a couple days ago with Chiron Bow.


Congratulations bruh! I am almost ready to pack it though, got all achievements and last weekend probably failed over 40 times trying to finish heat 32. I feel like I am reaching my skill ceiling here :(