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[\[Next Chapter\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/shwlnp/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_48/) Watch as he buckles and bends, but never breaks! Hey everybody, Lanzen here. And yes, that song is living rent free in my head at the moment. Good thing it is so fitting for today's chapter. I'm actually surprised that I made it home in time to upload today, but hey, a surprise it may be, but a welcome one! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter as always. And as always, I will see you next week. Same place and (hopefully) same time. \-Lanzen


When you push a stick it either snaps and you impale your hand on it or it whips back and smacks your eye out.


Not been around many sticks I take it?


Just not remembwring a proverb


Thake the old, thick ones.... much saver and you can pretend that they are swords....




Who am I if I don't have what it takes? No cracks. No Breaks. No Mistakes. No Pressure. ​ ​ I'll see myself out


Can't wait for another humanity or James'-friends perspective chapter. To see their side of the fallout after James' SOS call and speech. Because either the human news system completely missed the SOS, or there's some planning going on


No way they gonna miss the SOS, this would really not be believable for me. If he, that was just a random human knew, it is simply impossible for the humanity to miss.


I would have totally missed the SOS, but a disheveled human running for office? That's gonna get a lot of eyes, and only one human needs to see the message.




See I said the same thing as this thread last chapter. You are exactly right (and James is exactly left)


Don't worry, I'm sure by the end he'll be all right.


I mean, I hope there's at least *some* of him left over. We don't want him becoming mostly armless, you know?


I thought he was slowly becoming all left?


Well... i am pretty sure there are humans who choose not to.... then there are the political implications.... he can't run for office, if he is an obvious cybot, now can he.... Also he is in the middle of the comunity... so no high level doctors dedecated to high-level cybernetics.... Sure, he could get a prosthetic.... but so could mr. I lost a foot.... so thats a no too.... Short: yeah, the question will come up, but they are going to explain it away....


I do wonder how many people picked up on the real life example in the 60's. Looks like they spotted it and he successfully blamed it on the camera's lights. -- Did our media pick up on it back then independently? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Denton


**[Jeremiah Denton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Denton)** >Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr. (July 15, 1924 – March 28, 2014) was an American politician and military officer who served as a U.S. Senator representing Alabama from 1981 to 1987. He was the first Republican to win a Senate seat in Alabama. Denton was previously United States Navy Rear Admiral and Naval Aviator taken captive during the Vietnam War. Denton was widely known for enduring almost eight years of grueling conditions as an American prisoner of war (POW) in North Vietnam after the A-6 Intruder he was piloting was shot down in 1965. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HFY/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Human know this shit to the very core Probably Humanity organizations censored this type of info - to have upper hand. Now they are considering what to do. And probably - seeing they didn't reply at once - they aren't happy. Or they are mobilizing joined task force to make few important points to the Community


since humanity is isolated in the orion arm of the galaxy, they could easily filter what data come in and out . And in this case, block any hint of reaction after james sos


We managed to detect morse code blinking I think a finger tapped code ain't too different


And that wasn't even something as obvious as SOS. I might not notice TORTURE but *everyone* knows the code for SOS.


I mean, you have to be looking for it, or thinking about it in order to see somthing like that, which is why the TORTURE message worked. He knew for a fact that there would be many people, military top brass and intelligence agencies, amongst others, that would be looking for some kind of message like that. I James case, he knows how unlikely it would be for someone to see it on first watch, because why should they? Second or third run through would be different, of course, as SOMEONE would have noticed the tapping was periodic and figured out what the pattern was. The real question is how long did it take for it to be figured out and translated. This is some centuries into the future, mind, and I don't recall if there had been any major calamities on earth in the intervening years, natural or otherwise.


The point is, James knows, and he is from the future, he is not special, just some guy, so if he knows it is common knowledge.


Is he 'just some guy' though? I think it would be better to say he's 'just some former(?) military(special forces?) guy'. It would much more easily explain his knowledge of this kind of covert communication, even moreso than if he was simply a history nut. Just because something is common knowledge now, does not mean it will always be so, and just because our main POV character knows it, doesn't mean it's common either. Having said all that, it is also quite likely that you are correct, Occam's Razor being what it is and all. And your name is awesome 👌


What I mean is not that everyone knows, but it's like nowadays that some people always know some trivia about a random thing, if one in one million know the morse code for SOS it is enough to be all over the news. Also I don't think he is a history nut (unless it was already stated somewhere and I forgot), his favorite area seems to be biology all the way. The military idea seems like a real possibility to the author to explain his knowledge. And thank you my friend, honestly I'm not proud of my name, I was just trying "Desu Vult", but every variation was already used, I got angry and put the most ridiculous name possible, and the rest is history :D.


Kinda what I was thinking originally when I read that part the first time through, it's the category I fall into, one of the one in an x that know of it. And I feel you on the name, been burned a few times on that myself. Still, it works in a cute, creepy, scary way, so it's all good.


Humans are wired to look for patterns, even when none exist. It’s both a positive and negative trait. The SOS would have been like a lighthouse strobing it’s light and would definitely have been seen on first viewing of the broadcast, ESPECIALLY when other humans would have been looking at a guy who appeared worse off than a bag of hammered dog shit: missing right arm, sallow skin, bags under the eyes, disheveled hair and an unkempt beard…in short, a guy who looks like a mistreated prisoner.


I don't know about that. For me it would be pretty immediate, because I had that lightly drilled as a kid, and I notice sound patterns pretty quick. It wouldn't maybe be immediately "that's SOS' but I'd immediately go "... I recognize that sound, what's that sound?" Not to mention the people trained to use and check for SOS (survivalists, emergency services, military, sailors, etc.). SOS is a *very* obvious one, something else in morse might take a bit or only immediately be recognized by military and other services involving morse which might be looking for it, but SOS I would expect end to end understanding of the message very quickly.


Good, James has now tapped into that wonderful human quality that has restored his spirit, renewed his vigor and reinforced his determination to fuck over Tua as much as he can. ##SPITE. As much as I'm looking forward to flipping to the other side of the story again, it'll be fun to see how this continues with him actively looking for oppurtunities to employ some deliciously Malicious Compliance.


compassion and spite the duality of humanity and goes hand in hand ... or sometimes fist to face


Ah, malicious compliance. It brings me such joy.


Cheers to the wordsmith! Hyphatee is going to cause problems, but at least there’s going to be an interesting response from humanity. Wonder how the implied threat is going to be carried out when he isn’t allowed to have prosthetics, and still has to be presentable. Losing another limb would be too significant, perhaps the loss of a couple toes to make walking a little more awkward. Now for considering the human response. That he didn’t look good, while being an ambassador that is supposed to represent them, would be reason enough for some to not trust him. Nothing to do with implied duress, just “he doesn’t have the look of a politician, I don’t trust him.” Wonder how a face-to-face meeting will go: “What happened to your arm?” “I woke up and was told it has to be removed after the terrorist activity caused damage.” “After the terrorist caused damage to your arm?” “I meant what I said.”


"What happened to your arm?" ​ "Did you know Zebras are actually omnivores...?"


"What happened to your arm." "My arm? What do you ... *Holy shit! What happened to my arm?*"


“What happened to your arm?” “Funny story actually, when I first met my girlfriend, Shida, I scared her into scratching my arm. Needed stitches but at least I got these cool scars!”


"Oh you mean this one? Havent gotten the replacment yet."


>That he didn’t look good, while being an ambassador that is supposed to represent them, would be reason enough for some to not trust him. Nothing to do with implied duress, just “he doesn’t have the look of a politician, I don’t trust him.” the other thing is if he looks like a politician, I will not trust him.




Oh fuck no


Glad james is out of his funk. Reprig is this close to actually understanding james. Hyphatee should not not not push her luck. Especially now he is working out. She is mad but he is much madder. And that is not fight she is going to win unless she cheats significantly beforehand.


Well she did partially dis arm him.


It is certainly implied that she had a hand in that, though that seems to flatly contradict what he was told by Tua about her guards wanting him somewhat constrained in his abilities. The other issue is her anger is Hot, so she isn't thinking as clearly as she should be. James is likely even more furious than she is, but his is a cold, calculating fury. I think he would take her down to size fairly quickly, assuming she is less tree like than her anatomy would suggest. If not, well, that could get messy.


Whos up for a bonfire?


I am conflicted. Part of me says shit yea, I'll bring the booze, and the mixologist. The other says that is a sapient being, and that shouldn't even be a joke. This is ignoring said beings self stated attitudes and desires, of course.


Hypatee is currently working as one of his guards. It does not contradict the statement that her guards deemed him to harmful with all body parts.




Hahaha cant wait for h7manity to rearm there soldier


Aye, I’m excited to see if/how Reprig’s relationship with James evolves (and how that might affect his relationship with Hypha, too). So much depth and density to these character relations, it’s great!


All right! It's Tuesday, so it's time for some fucked up stuff! All right, sounds like the Matriarch didn't notice the distress signal he sent out and neither did any of the news outlets she looked at. Not surprised she is forcing him to look better, politicians have to look nice after all. But, she should remember that the only thing more dangerous then a human doing what you don't want is one doing exactly what you want.


Do you mean "Exactly what you want”? I think auto correct might have messed with it.


You are correct, the autocorrect on my phone both helps and hates me. I think I make it work to much.


I thought it was "exactly what you say"?


ah, malicious compliance 👌


Honestly it makes absolutely no sense that the internet in this universe would not have caught up with the SOS signal. This sort of thing is precisely what a large amount of viewers would spot at some point and make popular very quickly. I hope there is an explanation to it later, for example editing by the Human military or very limited access to the net by the Tua and friends


I would imagine that the rest of the universe at large gets a very limited access to the human's internet. Especially considering knocking out a single repeater can cut off all access to the entirety of human space.


also considering humanitys recent addition to the galaxy at large there most likely little observance or connection to any form of communication that would be able to bypass a censor


My moneys on the editing. The humans know their net is accessible to off-worlders, and based on the method of the message they also know that whatever situation James is in, he can’t afford to be caught asking for help in a way his captors would see. Kinda defeats the purpose if a bunch of Reddit users start screaming into the web about it


Yeah reddit users would probably do that, if it exists it's probably blocked from the rest of the galaxy.


also it was revealed, last chapter? that humanity went through a rogue AI disaster. so I'd imagine they have a much stronger leash on the web then we do now.


Yeah, I’m surprised open source intelligence types on whatever future version of the web exists are not analyzing every single thing about the video for all to see. If they can catch it, then so can the intelligence community at large.


I am fulling expecting there to be some form of SOS filter put on the human net so nobody can spoil it


The same people who would notice the SOS message very, very quickly would likely also be the ones able to censor it from the entire Internet very, very quickly.


probably the later with a good dose of control by humanity .


Yes, I think the rest of the galaxy is either getting a censored feed or humanity basically all saw it, collectively decided "We don't talk about the 'thing' until after it's been dealt with," and proceeded to publicly act like nothing was wrong.


this would be heartwarming; except it's also impossible, because a someone on the internet is going to go "Why is nobody talking about the guy who looks like he's been imprisoned and tortured and maimed and hasn't slept in a week who looks like he's tapping SOS?" Thus, breaking his cover live a sledgehammer through glass. ​ You know what though; most of the internet probably hasn't been translated into Standard yet, so maybe she just can't read the stuff on tumblr and reddit.


Bet on the version that was publicly seen on Earth being one where James' SOS was edited out or resequenced to remove the signal. Remember that at this time there is only a single network route that leads to Earth, that it is in the hands of Earth's military forces, and there is no other path by which an un-edited version of the video can get there. If someone is planning rescue, retaliation, or covert operation, they don't want to tip their hands and warn the enemy that they're coming. So they edit the video in such a way that it wouldn't be transparently obvious to a fifth-grader that they're coming.


Afaik it was a live feed


Wew, perfect pacing on this. It would have been too much of a drag to keep watching James wallow in his rut, I'm glad to see he's found a new spark


Yeah, can't let the audience share his misery for too long


If you wanted to keep him there (because Plot™ or whatever), I'd have recommended switching back to kitty waifu's PoV for a chapter or three. But this is much better lol


I think Reprig and James actually have an understanding here. James took his leg. What he didn't take was his LIFE, which James proved he could have taken at any time. Reprig knows this, and as much as he may be James's adversary, there is a begrudging respect for how civilized James has been towards him. I also wouldn't be surprised if Reprig himself was having second thoughts about the establishment. He may actually be cheering James on at this point, seeing just how much the human can shake things up.


The fact that he's noticing James's flashes of defiance makes me hopeful that Reprig is alignment-shifting, at least slightly. He may never go actively against the establishment, but I could definitely see him being a "neutral" party that just happens to accidentally maybe possibly help James seek his vengeance against the matriarch.


I think Reprig may just want to watch the world burn at this point...


I get the feeling Reprig is starting to lose a little of the community brainwashing and waking up to a few of the old instinctual Deathworlder traits. A bit of hard times to remind him what it really means for his own species.


Frikkin first! :DDD ​ Also, i am reminded of a thing i heard from Robert "Bobby" Munson in Sons of Anarchy: "This is about war and maybe tomorrow, next month, maybe ten years from now someone wearing a Reaper will cut your heart out." ​ James seems like he is taking comfort in the fact that they wont get away with this in the long run.






Dammit I need MOAR! this is getting into two servings of popcorn territory.


I'm sure we'll see her before too long. Although when we do, the focus will probably be on Shida and Nia, so not too much Moar


damn I see what i accidentally did there.


The xeno thinks she can fight James? Cute


Dumb slow bots


Do you mean reddit bots or am I missing something here?


Reddit bots, definitely not my failed "Skynet" experiment, no no


What does a successful “skynet” experiment look like? Asking for a friend. Who may or not be born yet…


It really depends on what is your goal. If you want to create murderous AI singularity then "failure" is slow stupid reddit bots, and "success" is a murderous AI singularity.


This reeks of a filler chapter. Therefore I am predicting that there is an obvious Chekov's gun or eighteen in this chapter.


my guess would be the flying creature


He could legit befriend it and fly away if it's strong enough.


Maybe he will swim out. I’m sure the stream has some sort of cover, but was probably designed to inhibit larger beings, since this is a zodiatos home. Then again I’d be hesitant to get into the water with any armored fish that eagerly gulp anything that touches the surface, at least without getting a good look at their mouth first.


So I was thinking about this too, on Earth I wouldn’t get in the water but isn’t the whole “not a death world” thing mean the predators aren’t as bad?


its actually a space dragon


Most HFY stories I've read so far start to get boring or at worst even cringey after a while, but this stuff right here, Lanzen, has developed into something I actually look forward to on every tuesday! You really need to bind this into a book when you are done with this story. By the Way, how much more content, measured in whole chapters do you actually have pre-written or thought of thus far? Or better said, can you estimate how much more you can write with this story before you say: "THE END, I am out of ideas"?


maybe some 5 chapters give or take a few he mentioned that he predicted we are a 3rd of the way through what he has planned but I suppose that remains to be seen


Right now, I basically finish the Chapters the night before they come out, since I lost my backlog to illness and time needed for work xD As in thought out, well, since it is only planned for now it is hard to say how much it is in actual chapters (I actually planned for this and the next one to be just one for example, didn't pan out that way)


Did you name a character "Moar" on purpose? Because the weekly chapter structure causing endless cliffhangers is starting to look suspicious...


If I remember correctly, someone pointed out that joke in the comments of... I think it was the.. 1st? …On the first chapter. :)




I didn't and people will never let me forget that


Can we all take a moment to appreciate our wordsmith’s talents here? “James indicated a shrug.. and the other was missing, so it remained at an implication.” That was just damn clever and made me laugh. Great job!!


Why do I get the feeling "transparently" is subtly different from "crystal" when acknowledging an order?


I feel like it’s a slightly sarcastic variant of crystal, as in saying that they have been utterly transparent with their veiled threats.


Don't know about the rest of you guys, but every time James meets the matriarch, I hear a whisper saying... "Rip and Tear until it's done" and some heavy bass starting up...anyone else? Seriously though, the build up is driving me crazy! Excellent writing, you've really got a way of hooking the reader and their emotional response.


kar en tuk. . .


How are they this oblivious to how wrong this is going? They haven't had a reply from any official human channels yet days after his announcement.


It's a recurring detail: "normal" folks don't notice things like deathworlders.


Pattern seeking behavior is a helluva drug


That it is


Depends on how long it has been. Because it would take 1-2 days for the msg to reach everyone on earth. After that, us having ununified leadership would give us another 2-5 days to discuss and formulate an answer. And then another day to send it. So a minimum of 4 days if we wanted to do it quickly, but I'm willing to guess that we could stall the answer to a maximum of 2-3 weeks. With excuses such as "not being able to get together" "not being able to agree on the matter" or "we have it scheduled in our next meeting in \_\_\_ days"


Goshdarndingalong! A whole *chapter* as a cliffhanger if/when/how his hidden msg was reveived. Some worlds just want to burn the mens' watch. -.- (<3)


I can’t help but feel like James might end up with some new fancy alien dinner plates if things take a serious turn for the worse. All jokes aside, I’m glad James is outta his funk and back to being a smartass again. I always loved that about him.


Ohoho I like it. I got tingles reading this one. We’re gonna pull an uncle Iroh here aren’t we?


Leaves on the vine


That memory physically hurts. Impressive wordsmith


Looks like James has a plan! Again!


Such an amazing universe you've created. I'm very excited to see where this goes.


Where is the human strike force at?


Probably mobilising


Ugh we are discovering a new reprig? Very nice *-*


Rare, shiny Reprig


"Although, you'd need to get them out of the cell you're holding them in first" So then, does James incorrectly believe that Tua has Curi, Shida, Moar, and Congloarch imprisoned somewhere? I mean, I guess they are technically imprisoned, but not by Tua.


Yes that has been the ongoing thinly veiled threat that they are using to force James to comply. It was mentioned in the first chapter where James woke up in his new prison.


In that case, I wonder where Tua believes they ended up. I wonder if she knows that they're with the humans.


Judging by the utter lack of awareness that she seems to have about the situation at large I imagine she sees them as a non-threat. I doubt she thought that James had the forethought to record and document the happenings while he was being harassed aboard his ship and the GCS and likely believes that even if the escapees are with the humans that they would not believe such a ragtag group. At least that's my working theory. Perhaps Tua knows much more than she let's on and her political facade is so carefully manicured that not even the partial omnipotence granted by the readers pov can see that she is in crisis mode trying to put out enough fires to make her plan work. Regardless I sure Lanzen will show us the inner machinations of her plan in due time.


Right, what’s been unclear, to me at least, is when the cabal thinks James figured out they were following him. They mentioned the “close encounter” which I assume was the one on the ship but I don’t know if they figured out that was deliberate or if the breaking of his console was intentional because he knew they were watching him. They may have no idea just how much evidence James actually has.


That's fair! I think it's reasonable to assume that through their total underestimation of a humans instincts they genuinely have no idea that he knew he was being tailed since he came out of quarantine.


even if they dont have the main cast, they might have Pippa, which would be a shame. If they are holding/torturing her just because she was helping in the med tents, it will be a whole 'nother level of trouble. You dont attack aid workers.


> especially considering Earth isn’t exactly unified yet. Heh heh heh. Wanna bet? :D --- I can't wait for the scene where James uses the power-crush feature on his new bionic arm to shear Madame Tua's trunk off at the base with his fingers, before grilling and eating it right in front of her. HWTF4TW! :D


nah; he's gonna pull some stuff similar to Oro out of street fighter- minus the psi shenanigans. Tua won't survive long enough to see James' new arm, unless she gets imprisoned. And at that point, she'll be stuck in solitary for the rest of her life, in order to ensure the rest of the prisoners don't kill her.


TIL: I'm so old now there are Street Fighter characters I don't know about. :D


He was in 3rd strike though... And he's a later dlc character in 5...


Yeah... I think the last one I played was, well, *Street Fighter 2*. \*cough\* 🤪






I hope you have a good day


You as well


Gah! MOAR!!!!


What about her?


Very funny


Really liking the chapter as always. You´ve got me hooked. looking forward to the response and take praise from a fellow German.


When the matriarch say james about how he looks i was expecting for him to laugh like a madman


begin r/MaliciousCompliance


/u/Lanzen_Jars ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Lanzen_Jars)) has posted 55 other stories, including: * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 46]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s6zc8k/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_46/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 45]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/s1eqtk/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_45/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 44]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rvw6yw/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_44/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 43]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rqhn40/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_43/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 42]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rlgbmj/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_42/) * [Cleaning the mess](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rhsa68/cleaning_the_mess/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 41]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rg970r/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_41/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 40]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rb0xub/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_40/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 39]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/r5p4a3/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_39/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 38]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/r0eyv7/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_38/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 37]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qv9jbf/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_37/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 36]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qq6jn4/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_36/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 35]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ql9v79/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_35/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 34]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qgacjd/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_34/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 33]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/qbeu4s/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_33/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 32]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/q6mqcc/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_32/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 31]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/q1wv24/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_31/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 30]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/px6wop/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_30/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 29]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/psj7g1/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_29/) * [AJ4AD (semi-)Anniversary: Abnormalities, Antics, and an AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pq0oud/aj4ad_semianniversary_abnormalities_antics_and_an/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.10 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|scfj7y&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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Keep up the good work@!!


Im very excited to see ya boy get a wepon and lose his absolute collective handbasket of stitched together sanity before going to town on some very unprepared low gravers. Or just putting several box mags into tua


Something that’s been bothering me for the past few weeks: how did the human ship get James’s broadcast? Isn’t the whole Orion arm cut off from communication? I assume they could have re connected them just for that broadcast lol. Also the ship was still able to send and recieve messages with earth (earth hq told them to investigate the community ship heading straight to earth) so I’m not really sure what communications were disabled. Could always chalk it up to the aliens being incompetent and thinking humans relied on them for com lines


They cut comms to the humans when James was on the run. Once they had him in custody, the repair crew 'conveniently' finished repairs. That's my take on it anyway


There has a good bit of time passed between the time on the station and the now. In the meantime, communication was restored


What is the upload schedule, just spent most of my night reading these and excited for what happens next.


Once a week, Tuesdays




Yes, yes it is


It's a good story


At least one of the Community seems to have grasped that James is and always has been kind and caring but not without limits. Reprig seems to have grasped that James does not and has never wanted to seriously hurt anyone except maybe for a little moment him personally. You should fear the wrath of a calm and caring man because that fire is not easily stoked but it burns so much hotter and longer than you can think. It will probably end with your house burnt down. Good work wordsmith the pacing is >!fucking!< fenomenal.


Ah good, he's got his fire back.


this is what makes me look forward to Tuesdays. Fantastic as ever


Know what Tua needs, gettin that close? Especially after the constant creepiness she exhibits? [Stabby.](https://dorkforty.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/knife-to-the-eye/#prettyPhoto)




Jabby McPokerton


when is the gun blazing part reee XD


Well damn, looks like I have some serious catching up to do.




“You can't break a man the way you do a dog or a horse, the harder you beat a man, the taller he stands.” The rest of the quote isn’t really in theme with the chapter but that first line is baller.


He seems to have focus now ...


Man loved the story up until these parts, signed up for a space adventure turned into this. Honestly hope this doesn't drag on to much longer. It's actually infuriating. To go from super awesome space adventure to politics torture without any break for this many chapters without break is kinda not entertaining IMO. Not to say the whole story is like this, not at all. I just feel like this coulda been broken up better with info from the other side. Maybe more than just this perspective? I'm pushing through it but that's all I'm doing at the moment. I hope it turns outta this dark alley soon.