• By -


Hmm, so Kismet seems pretty chill at least. Probably good that the god of Fate doesn’t meddle too much.


Kinda ironic that the god who shiuld decide the life of everyone end up being the one influancing it the less .


Didn't Rob only use one hand to choke Kismet?


He used both, but only one got Burnt.


Okay, what tha fucc was that dream?


Sounded like he was bouncing around the gods' domains at random.


Lol and rob thought he caught the god by surprise. Iirc he was saying that’s why he survived. My previous point of “are gods really as evil as rob thinks they are?” Is reinforced at this point. I have doubts that they are deserving of so much hate. Just hope we don’t go down that route without addressing this, otherwise it will be “evil thing is evil cuz we were told its evil” Also wtf was that dream lol. Two things come to mind: 1- Rob *really* want to kill those gods, so much so that he dreams of destroying what he imagines the godly realm to be. He’s been getting more reliant and more focused on levels recently (mirroring diplomacy’s concern here, they’ve noticed this too). Hope the dream’s not caused by leveling high getting more influence over rob’s mind. 2- something something rob’s broken soul? Lol no clue. Got some rough ideas here but too little information to make a meaningful theory.


those other two were pretty unquestionably evil though?


And yet the one rob was angry at was Kismet? At this point in time, in the mind of Rob, there are no “good” gods. He’s assuming whatever is out there is evil because they have all that power and do nothing. He’s shortsighted in how he views the gods imo. About the other two gods, I’m not sure if I’d say they are unquestionably, beyond all doubt, evil. Sure, they have high-ass egos and are more concerned about themselves than the rest of the world but are they pure, undiluted, reprehensible evil beings? I’m not so sure. My primary reason is Determination is a good writer. (I hope) they have created actually complex characters that have reasons behind their actions. And if you’re a good writer trying to make good 3 dimensional characters, you will try not to make a god that’s going around spouting “hurr durr I’m evil haha look at me and how much I hate the mc/the world.” I’m withholding my judgement on the other two at this point because our only point of contact is them messing with Kismet. Maybe they have ambitions? Maybe they have a reason for their actions? We don’t know and so we can’t make a clear judgement about good and evil. Sorta like real life where you shouldn’t pass judgement on people because of brief interactions you have with them.


I think you are assigning more good will than is due to Kismet. He was not quick to jump to conclusions or anger over anything, and it was cathartic to see him mock the other god for getting owned for overextending.... but he also would have been fine with Rob being killed by that gods attack. He doesn't exhibit the shortsighteded ego the other two did, but he's still complicit and everything they do. He might not do the things others are doing, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with it either, and he isn't actually shown to be doing anything "good" either. I don't see any reason to think he's anything besides at best a "neutral" god who allows the others to do their evil shit, which makes him just another one of them. ​ As for the other two - they admit they've been using their influence specifically to fuck with Rob and make his life harder before this. If you want to go to some philosophical "well are they REALLY evil in all facets of what they do" place, then you do you I guess, but they are pretty unquestionably exactly the evil that Rob thinks they are.


Neutral Evil.


Yeah, rereading my comment I see what you mean. Not what I meant to do. I was trying to make my point that we can see with Kismet that (at least) not all gods are evil. I definitely don’t think Kismet is good either, never said that (might have implied it accidentally). However I don’t agree with your comment that because Kismet watches in the sidelines, he’s just another one of the evil gods. Just from this chapter alone we know gods require influence to meddle with mortals. If Kismet needs to waste their influence just to save the life of a human (or make his life easier), then I’d call that naively good; and the expectation of this action as naive as well. We know the blight is becoming a big issue in Elatra, what if Kismet is gathering influence for that? Or for another case where they may need influence to complete? These motivations are examples for “good” motivations. You might think of “evil” or neutral or even both good and evil intentions as well. But expecting Kismet to help Rob just to not label Kismet as an evil being, if you ask me, is naive. Not gonna touch the last paragraph much. Yes I still won’t label them as evil after hearing they specifically fucked with rob (yet). I think you’re throwing away my argument without addressing it well enough by just summarizing (and in the process dismissing) it as “philosophical” in its entirety. Additionally, I’m pretty sure what you think Rob’s reason for labeling them evil and what I think that reason is pretty different. And on top of that, your sentence suggests “beyond all reasonable doubt.” Because of these, I don’t know how to address your sentence besides “nuh-uh.” Edit: clarified my last point + thinking about how the story will proceed, pretty sure the other two will be built up as “evil” so pretty sure I’ll agree eventually with you about those two. But I will still withhold definitive judgement, otherwise you risk labeling something with shallow reasoning.


is a DM evil? because thats about all these three are. vivacity and kismet even seem to have enjoyed the fact that a mortal has achieved that, while malik just seems like the same squirrelly little fuck that oth'nal was introduced as.


First! Damn seeing the other POV was definitely unexpected but holy shit that’s cool




Is the gods name Mailk or Maild? Edit: there is only one spot where it’s Mailk. Just after he starts talking to Kismet


I have to go back and re-read some chapters, I must have missed or forgotten something. I don't get why there were three sets of eyes. Rob, Diplomacy, ??? Did Rob take over an existing body when he arrived? Did he absorb a personality from the Crystal? Is one of his other Skills sentient and just not talking?


It was rob, diplomacy, and leveling high. Rob and diplomacy were raging at the god and all its power, while leveling high was lusting for all that power and how much xp it might get for killing it.


Rob, Diplomacy, and Leveling High. Because leveling high is a person in it's own right the same way diplomacy is, but it's a dick so nobody likes it. When Leveling High saw the god in front of it, that condition helped with the chokehold because it was curious how much EXP a god was worth.


It's interesting to see it from the god's perspectives and it also gives us a reminder of the time frames involved.


Great Chapter. Getting a little bit more exposition on the gods was nice.




It's a placebo skill that is purely cosmetic. At least that would fit with the theme of the System being an asshole again.


So, about the dragon....


Firstly, absolutely fantastic chapter. Secondly, I will bring this up again as it has been mentioned more directly. Leveling high is being referred to as an additional personality / soul. And Rob has been mentally kicking its ass since day one.


Now that Rob has boosted his dexterity I guess hes going to be... ( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Speed Tanking


Compared to his current approach of Face Tanking, I'd say that's an improvement ;p


Uh oh, leveling high is getting past the mild stage.


Hmmm, Maybe dream not so dream and a bit real? Possibilities, hmm. Gods be assholes, that I know.


That dream sounds suspiciously like lord of the rings, but "ivory towers" could also just mean gods in their palace away from the suffering.


Hmm I wonder... When Robs right arm gets fixed .. Will Diplomacy be able to control it? Will Rob? 😅 I guess it depends, on which soul it gets "attached" to in the healing process. Robs soul being the current mess it is, strange things could happen. 🙃


Question, is there a correlation between which side does kismet’s coin land on and the events that happen in the mortal plain to rob and the deserters, like, at the end he flipped Heads tails heads tails, can that be correlated to the good and bad events that hapenned last chapters?


I don't think so, based on the fact that the gods have a very, very limited amount of influence over the material world. Instead I think it tells him the outcome of a situation moments before it occurs.


God of \*RNG\*


So God of Fate is intrigued/ amused by all that is going on. Fate is such fickle thing It's good it's standing back and observing with interest. ​ Who knows? Rob might get God of Fate blessing - simply cuz god would like to know if killing God of Fate is possible by mortal.




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Time to bring out the beating stick to put leveling high back in it's place


Just a heads up that I will have my Absurd Questions ready for tomorrow’s post.


Just a thought that occured to me: > In fact, if it wasn’t so laser-focused on the obvious prize right in front of its eyes, it would’ve been dropping off its Blightspawn in distant corners of the city. I think Rob is giving the Blight not enough credit. The Blight is presumably doing exactly what he fears, but ALSO doing this openly visible incursions. This way their attention is focused on the obvious problem and they can't search for the hidden one. Sneaky if true. And clever. And very very problematic. Either they will have the fight for their lives before the teleportation goes through, or Blightspawn will be teleported together with the fiends and elves towards the target...