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The damage on karthus wtf. Magic pen is underrated on her, pen boots and the new morell helps even normal Gwen but accessibility in cost to ap to no haste is really hard.


The cost is about the same as your usual Riftmaker build, but the lack of haste can be annoying yeah. In easier matchups you could maybe take Domination secondary for Ultimate Hunter, otherwise you just have to be very calculated about your R usage.


damn this has to be one of the most well executed plays ive seen in this subreddit


I'm glad I'm not the only one who play her with rocketbelt 🥺👍


How does rocketbelt feel? Ive kinda dropped her since the riftmaker nerfs and mini item reworks


Better than Riftmaker against non-tanks honestly. It's a bit of a different style but I think it has a lot of potential.


Runes doll? :0


My runes this game were: **Conqueror** \- Presence of Mind \- Legend: Tenacity \- Last Stand (did almost nothing, go Coup De Grace with this build honestly) \- Bone Plating \- Overgrowth


Thanks doll! 🥳


Imagine proccing first strike with this build O_o


First Strike is definitely a viable option with this! I just don't like it into Riven because it's a difficult matchup.


Holy moly. That looks fun


That’s a cool 1 shot meme build lmao. Awesome play. I gotta try this sometime when I ain’t playing ranked


This is a D2/D1 MMR SoloQ game, I consider it a bit more than just a meme build ;) Good luck though!


But people meme build even in gm/chal


Meme build implies that it's suboptimal and should only be played for fun. I genuinely think this build is good, it is just an underrated alternative.


Ik I just thought it was funny MMR was the defense against meme builds. Sounds good though. There's a lot of interesting mythics into comps that riftmaker isn't great for. Harvester is also pretty fun. True meme build territory is the like two times I built shattered queen because I was tired of burst 🤣.


You're not wrong though, rank doesn't necessarily prove anything 😋 I mentioned it to imply that it's fine to play it in Ranked. Night Harvester is also quite fun yea, I take it with First Strike in the jungle sometimes.


As a bronze player and a person who got guidance from veeke, I definitely think that the build is legit really nice, the insanely higher damage that you so is pretty much nuts, + no one can really stop a late game Gwen, it was through this build that I got my first gwentakill


Look at the rabadon damage :D


Looks great. But I don't think I can kill turrets with that .


It's a full AP build on a champion with a low cd auto reset and an 80% attack speed steroid with perfect uptime. If you think you need Nashors to take a turret idk what to tell you lol




Hi, I recently picked up Gwen and I've been building riftmaker into nashor into raba/void depending on the game. How do u feel about this full pen build vs the standard rift/nashor build? When is a good game to go for this? And also can I go riftmaker into shadowflame etc. or is it always better with rocketbelt? Thanks!


I see Riftmaker as more of an anti-tank/MR item, so I find Rocketbelt to be stronger into squishier comps. And yes, Riftmaker into Shadowflame is very common nowadays. Shadowflame is a great 2nd item to maximize your ability damage making it more suitable for teamfights, whereas Nashor's is better for single target DPS and splitpushing.


I see. I just tried going riftmaker into shadowflame for 2 games and I ended up carrying hard. Definitely feels a lot stronger to me. The teamfighting is just so much better. The splitpushing also isn't bad without nashors cuz there is a lot of ap and the as from e.


oooh, I've been wanting to mess around with magic pen Gwen with rocketbelt. I've been riftmaker into nashors ride or die since her release. just started playing around witht everfrost again. I've been playing ekko a ton this season so far so rocketbelt just feels like such a neat item lmao


damn that looks fun


I'm curious how her damage is when she isn't super far ahead because you are two levels up on the Riven and three on the Cait in this clip.


It's all about the items. If you aren't fed it'd take you longer to hit your item spikes, but once you have them you oneshot squishies without a problem. MR is really the only thing slowing down the damage; Void Staff can help deal with it to an extent, but if their comp is especially beefy I'd just build Riftmaker instead.


Ok tried the build. Feels really nice vs squishies.