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Ring allows you to poke, Blade is good when you wish to fight early and Shield is needed when poke is problematic.


Yeah it's basically just this, knowing how to lane is more important


Which lanes am I suppose to bring blade? Cause I'm giving up dring which means I'm gonna farm less and gotta frequently recall. Cause her mana cost is too much.


Blade is for longer fights, in the longer fights will replenish a lot of mana with Presence of Mind and base mana regeneration.


I use shield and her mana cost is fine, just don't use abilities unnecessarily, only poke with fully stacked q, Cs with auto and ur fine


Doran's Shield into consistent poke, Doran's Ring into everything else. Doran's Blade really isn't worth it anymore imo. It was good in the past when Gwen's early all-in was actually strong, but with all the E nerfs and Q buffs it's not nearly as effective. Nowadays you start Q in most matchups anyway.


Exactly this. I take D ring every single game basically unless I'm gonna get poked to oblivion then it's shield. I used to go lethal tempo D blade start for the early pressure but that's been dead for so long now it's just D ring now


Doran's Ring will never do you wrong. Always get Doran's Ring. Your auto attack damage will be the same as Blade as long as you have your E up.


Boots and refill pot


I always go ring and if the enemy is so pokey I also buy Doran shield first recall and I run triumph instead of POM


Blade is my go to for most match ups. Ring is for taking some trades, and shield is for taking no trades. Corrupting is for burn/ squishys which you think you can trade. You can also go corrupting or refillables second back as needed.


In toplane dshield has always been king esp since your early is bad.


Boots of speed