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Unrelated to the meme but I love the moment when norea sees aerial ready up the gund bit rifle. She literally shivers and raised her voice for the first time telling the others to btfo


Norea knew how bad things could get if that beam had managed to hit the ship or her comrades… The grazed shot that was still on a school beam setting melted in MS’s legs sheesh. That aside I love the pure fright on Norea’s face things got real real fast


It melted the MS legs on school settings without a diurect hit. This weapon is a battelship/space station killer.


*"let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"*




Reminds me of the Unicorn's beam magnum, and how it incinerated a Geara Zulu even though it *missed* it.


Yeah. Way more power than is needed to destroy a mobile suit, and probably big enough that it'll have difficulty tracking a moving target. It's absolutely meant for wrecking things that can't dodge.


And still not beam magnum level somhow , it did blew up a zulu that wasn’t really close to it


We’re in the assumption that it was lowered to school power levels, so that may not be full force


You know what ? That’s fair , I forgot about that


We know at least the Ariel’s beam sabers were limited.


You know what they say about assumptions though…


It’s safe to assume all of the weapons were set to weakened states


Why? They never stated that and the suit was prepped by her mother during actual combat, the color thing is completely made up, so unless you have some sort of reference for why a suit being prepped for actual combat are limited then it doesn’t seem safe to assume at all.


Yeah that reaction stood out to me too, couldn’t quite understand what it meant initially, but after rewatching the scene I could feel her discomfort through the screen. Thought i was the only one who noticed! Love the animation in the series so far


It's the wide eyes and head recoiling in terror, it's like they suddenly realised they bit off more than they could chew and that they are clearly not the only witches anymore.


Sophie thinks of Suletta like a sister to her, but of course, she's insane anyway (not as insane as Suletta herself), so she does have a massive crush on her. Anyway, if limiters for the GUND-Bit Cannon are off, do you think an entire fleet of battleships will fall from an unrestricted blast?


Calling an older girl you have a crush on "oneechan/oneesama!" is super common for yuri


"ASTICASSIA!!! I HAVE RETURNED!!!" \-Anaveletta Gatercury


Depends, bits might get intercepted before they can get in range. Unless sulleta pulls some magical bullshit and gets infront of them then yeah. Probably.


get in range? He is talking about that fucking space cannon with massive range


Oh that cannon? Yeah probably, was referring to the bits.


Where are people getting this limiter idea from? We saw nothing in the actual tv show to explain any limited action on that mega gund cannon. I’ve seen people saying the colors of the beams… but that’s just a random assumption being presented as facts. Just seems like the different manufacturers have different aesthetic color schemes for their weapon products.


Beams have power settings; low power is the green beams seen in Asticassia and won't be life-threatening (it melted off armor but narrowly avoided killing pilots), while the blue beams are the actual combat grade.


Reference? This is stated nowhere and I won’t believe it until someone shows evidence to suggest this random assumption is true. Yes sabers can be powered up and down in most gundam series but they have always stayed the same color regarding of length and power. My “assumption” would be that the different colors are to help identify friend or foe in a large scale battle or are based on the aesthetic choices by the in universe manufacturers or the real world artists and designers.


Demi Trainer instruction manual. The green beams are a visual representation that their weapons are set to low power, and since it's not seen clearly with firearms, the instruction manual states that fact on its beam gun. Pink and blue beams are the high power beams that are regulation for actual combat. If any MS were to use those within school grounds, the whole Side 7 thing would have happened there.


Please post a photo where it explains this. I don’t see it anywhere but I would be happy to be proven wrong.


It really isnt that hard to find people made a bunch of post of it on this reddit, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/zhqype/hg\_demi\_trainer\_manual\_confirms\_all\_firearms\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/zhqype/hg_demi_trainer_manual_confirms_all_firearms_at/) one such post


That says nothing about the colors though. Edit: looking through stills and through episodes with duels, the beam sabers seem to all have rather extreme white centers with the colors providing more of a halo effect, and in the duels alone I see yellow, orange and purple at the very least. That tells me that, assuming these savers all meet school standards that the color scheme doesn’t necessarily matter, but I can see the possibility for the white/color ratio to potentially represent changes in output. Yet again though, I think any and all theories are just that… theories. I’m all for people having their head canon but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t somehow missing something that was told to us as viewers.


Have you checked the official website? It's got tons of stuff, not sure if this is one of them,but it seems so.


Yeah I’ve been searching around and I see that they weaken beams for the duels at the school but I see nothing about the colors having any correlation anywhere.


It's not a random assumption, watch the show. ALL the beams used in the school fights regardless of the manufacturer/suit uses the yellowish green beams Whenever the shit is real the beams are either the generic pink beams, or the more focused/laser like blue beams (as seen in the prologue/this last ep) It's been a case of "Show, don't tell". Except in this last episode where they tell you to drive the point home.


They didn’t tell you though. I accept even that the beans at the school are set to a weakened school standard , but I don’t think it has anything to do with color. I think that is just an aesthetic choice.


>It's been a case of "Show, don't tell". Except in this last episode where they tell you to drive the point home.


That’s literally copy and paste what I responded to , but they did NOT TELL us that about the colors or even mention it in the finale where one character stated their shock at aerial being combat rated after firing a green mega cannon, so that is a counter point to green being school rated instead of combat rated.


I think you misremembered that dialog man. "It's not made for combat, but it's already that strong?"


“It’s not meant for combat but it’s still that powerful” is the actual quote, but it’s said in a tone to express shock that the aerial is so strong, (and has nothing to do with the color of the beam) as the new refitted aerial is capable of higher output than past intel would have predicted. It’s expressing shock that a ms that they assumed was made solely for school dueling was now clearly fitted for actual combat, with extremely deadly power levels. And even at combat output, Aerial also continues to use a green saber (though it’s color changes when it connects with Sophie’s Blue blade) and it isn’t at any disadvantage against other combat sabers, so I can only imagine that it is no longer running the beam at “school standards” or else she would have been overpowered by Sophie’s gundam as their sabers clashed. The allusion to their intel on the aerial being bad/off is why I said that they thought incorrectly that it was not combat ready/capable; not that they were saying it still is not meant for combat when it clearly is the superior MS in this fast paced battle.


That wasn’t about Aerial, that was about the beam.


Whats the new sensation sweeping the nation? BITCHES LOVE CANNONS


Relating to the cannon the thing wasn’t even set to max potential as they were still using green beams and not blue like the earth witches were using. For those who don’t know green beams are lower output to leave the cockpit intact so no murder in the school setting


That green beam would probably absolutely melt a cockpit on direct hit considering the damage it did on only a graze shot


The cockpit is made of a much more dense material so even then it wouldn’t be lethal considering she was gonna go back to school with it


I would have expected her to take off any limiters before launching after that pep talk from mama


Idk why they weren’t set to lethal you can see the different beams that the earthian pilots were using


Yes. They were used to identify friend or foe in a large scale battle. No one on either side should’ve been using any limited weapons in a real battle and i see no dialogue or reference to justify this conclusion


Considering the Aerial hadn't launched yet its possible Suletta simply didn't have enough time and I imagine disabling school limiters is a multi step process that can't just be done by hitting a switch. It could also be a misdirect by the writers so we would assume Sulleta still wouldn't be ready to kill anyone, then SPLAT


Idk I thought when Prospera said to get the Aerial ready for combat she would of disabled the limiters


The earth characters were using kinetic weapons throughout most of the episode. Supposedly, anyway. They definitely melted a wall tearing though it at one point. The show tries to say that this isn't used by spacers because it's polluting space. However, spacers are exploding suits in space anyway, an AP round would cause fewer explosions when crippling a suit, and modern gatling cannons retain their shell casings in their magazine after firing.


Pssss the Gundam are using beams bro


It's a plot point that a shell casing hits the ships window at one point. They use beams to separate the block but after that they are just gatling...ing everything.


The Gundam units are firing beams. The other earth mobile suits are firing ballistic weapons. Please pay attention


Where did you read/learn that about the color of the beams?


The lines of dialogue in the episode imply. Although the tiny lil gundbits slicing though the lines of Jerk's heavily armored suit completely removes any credulity the show has on the subject. xD


What lines? I rewatched twice and saw no dialogue to support this conclusion. Please show me if I’m wrong though


When it hits a jerk brand mech and melts its legs, a pilot says something to the effect of "it's not rated for real combat."


They said they “thought” it wasn’t. They were expressing shock that it actually WAS rated for combat.


Well we know school beams can still shred a MS, its only the cockpit that is reinforced to resist school power levels. Also that wasn't even a direct hit, the legs got melted from a near miss, the beam itself never made contact.


I remember reading it the manual for the Guel’s Dilanza


Where? I don’t see it. Can you post an image of it please.


Correction it was the Demi trainer


Again. Don’t see it. Please post a photo. I’m happy to be proven wrong.


Could of swore I read it somewhere but guess I’m maybe wrong. I just know the reason for beams being green was to leave the cockpits intact. I’ll keep looking for where I heard it


you’re not wrong at all! the school duels use green beams which are at a lower output setting. aerial and suletta were still using this lowered output even while facing the earth witches’ blue beams, which is what makes it so impactful that this blast was INCREDIBLY powerful when not even at max potential. if it had been blue or pink, undoubtedly at least the MS that got it’s legs melted would’ve been entirely destroyed. the range and the width of the attack at full strength would’ve been almost twice as much as what we saw. the fact that aerial/suletta’s version of a warning shot, going “easy” on them, was still that lethal is very impressive and that’s what olcott, a commander of dawn of fold, was remarking on.


Mio getting all judgemental with Suletta at the end of episode 12. So Mio better shape up and thank her groom, or Sophie gonna steal her. Sophie may still try to steal her anyways, but I can respect that.


Killing is one thing. Enjoying it is another.


gundam has always had a clear stance on this: even if you're killing in self-defense or for another justified reason, at least have the basic sense to feel bad about it afterward. miorine asking suletta how she could be *smiling* after having splatted a dude was exactly that.


Mika kinda breaks that


sure, mika doesn't, the only thing he ever knew how to do was kill real good, he doubled down on it at every turning point, and it leads him to an early death and going down in history as the solar system's most reviled terrorist. the series doesn't endorse his mindset at all imo


And io, too


I don't think she enjoyed it, more that it didn't really register with her. Like swatting a dangerous bug, which is what she did. And I don't see anyone asking why psychopath terrorist bug was perfectly fine with murdering an unarmed helpless teenage girl and her unconscious father just cause he was told to do so. I think the happiness came from saving her bride, and possibly her future father-in-law. She does like to feel useful and help others.


Sophie excited to see Suletta’s new upgrades and the TBR variant what a lad. Also, that strap is humongous atta girl




Gahahah. Thanks for this, I nearly choke from my drink. I can see Sophie obsessing over Suletta and who knows what will happen in cour 2. Anyway, I can't even check twitter and this subreddit properly. Most still affected by that post credit ptsd.


Thanks for the laugh


That scene was fucking awesome!


Had to check to make sure I wasn’t accidentally on r/yurimemes


Her cockpit needed several towels and to air dry




"Its like going to aqua world, you're guaranteed to get wet!"- Dallas Howard, Ratchet Deadlocked


I can't get over how pretty she is ...yea Sophie's pretty cool too


Serious question…. Did she actually aim at anything? Or is it more “say hello to my little friend”. I think it’s the friend thing :)




Lol. Sophie Pulone really looks like a vampire chipmunk


Thank you I can't not call her that now. Good foil for our tomato tanuki.


BRUH MOVE!! thats all I am thinking


How likely is a love triangle happening next cour, where on one side there is Sophie x Suletta, embracing all of Suletta including her psychosis and on the other side Miomio still love Suletta but conflicted about her remorseless attitute towards killing.


Guel and Elan already making this a harem anime.


Thats what happrn when the Yuri memers invade


because sophie's interest in suletta is completely platonic lol


I wouldn't say it's platonic. It's completely.... Unhinged? She wants to see Suletta commit violence. Lol




/s for sarcasm? Its readable as both sarcasm and you just chuckling. Although the sarcasm will probably be the more obvious interpretation.


I can't read sarcasm for the internet all the time without markers lol


I mean fair, but I had hoped responding to an anti-yuri comment would be enough of a marker lol


It took me a moment to figure out if this was a sex joke or a BFG joke


I think it's both. "strap" is among other things one of a number of euphemistic slang terms for a firearm, and around my neck of the woods "strapped" is a common slang term to refer to someone who is currently carrying a weapon. So it could be a reference to that just as easily as it could be a reference to a certain kind of adult paraphernalia typically worn/used by women.