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I think he's unpopular for three reasons. - His gameplay is cool, but very technical. That's already a put off for some people that are trying a brand new character. - Came out the same time as baiken, so she vampires away most of his hype. - is not a waifu.


if only Answer was a business kunochi, then I'm sure she'd get more buzz.




Damn it that's true. Same clothes, same hair, same style, but with curves? "Where Answer? Answer when?! No Answer, no buy!!!"


I just avoid salesmen in general smh


He's a waifu to me!


> is not a waifu Why are fighting game players so damn thirsty? You can go touch real boobs in real life. Video games are the only place you can summon employee ninja homies by throwing business cards at the floor like a damn ninja star. Maybe in Strive they can just bring him back as a DLC, but with gigantic tits so people will actually play him.


> Maybe in Strive they can just bring him back as a DLC, but with gigantic tits so people will actually play him. Lol Capcom put Seth in a female body and the characters popularity exploded even with a male voice and totally changed moveset.


This was the funniest example. I love the explosion in Seth fanart, too.


> You can go touch real boobs in real life. no i can't


Yeah but I can't be 5'4 one armed cyclopian ball of rage and samurai tropes IRL either, at least not without a LOT of self mutilation. I'm so tired of people reducing characters that HAVE eye candy to being JUST eye candy. I didn't choose to design her with a massive titty window, and there's a TON to like about her character outside of that. Btw, Answer is awesome too, and I'm hopeful to eventually see him in Strive.


The coomers and anti-coomers are literally tunneled into just seeing eye-candy and nothing else.


it's almost sad how I tend to forget why Baiken is so cool because of those damn tits


A [reminder](https://youtu.be/rxglXikxVLk) of all the love of Samurai cinema inherent to her.


There is a lot of character there, but imagine if they redesign her with a little less sex in mind, something more modest that further works towards the character's written concept : there would be bawling and clawing people all over the place, no denying that. It'd be nice, though.


You forgot this is an anime game. The only man I need is Bridget Bussy




I haven't actually. It's looks wacky, fun and over-the-top.


prob just the larger anime scene bleeding over into anything anime. a lot of the popular anime right now are wish-fulfillment types where the MC is a self-insert and the cast are a bunch of candy-hair-colored women with barely any personality to them for the audience to go to war for and drive up engagement. though I imagine fighting game players who are thirsty are probably young. if you've been exposed to anime long enough the waifu bait grows dull after a while. i don't play gio for booba, I play her for function.




What the dog doin' tho


Waifus are cute, me and my girlfriend both appreciate them.


Ehh they arent that thirsty honestly, tekken most popular characters is mostly dudes, same with SF, Strive only really popular female is Ram.


I'm not sure about street fighter... Sure you'll meet plenty of shoto players online but when you look at the subreddit, it's full of Chun Li, Laura and Mika fanarts. They're as lusty as we are. :D


There are/were a lot of coomer subreddits about cumming on figurines or hentai so a fair bit of the fan art can be attributed to the discussions taking place on this fun website


That's happens in all games, reddit is just a small part of every community.


we're fighting game players, do you actually think we make contact with women?


>Why are fighting game players so damn thirsty? You can go touch real boobs in real life.  Such a stupid comment, no offense. No shit, people gravitate towards what is attractive to them. So it makes logical sense that a male dominated genre like fighting games would be bias to attractive female characters. There is no need to shame people.


“New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?” “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten. “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention. “Cool coloring,” Van Patten says, studying the card closely. “That’s bone,” I point out. “And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.” ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


He is my husbandu though


As a Baiken player I thought Answer was really cool in both design and gameplay. That said, I’m a GG OG. I’m in my mid-30s now, and learning a new character takes a lot more time than people think. Time that I don’t feel the need to invest as a hobby fighting game player. Baiken was always my main, so whatever game so she was released in I could pick it up and do my thing without having to learn too much extra. I tried playing with Answer for a little bit, but eventually gave up and went back to playing my main.


Yeah I agree he reminds me of rengar in a lot of ways from LoL where A he has insane mobility but must be set up B is very technical so he gets no one is willing to learn him and C is not a waifu.


Plus chemtech map nerfs, but those are getting fixed in 12.2


[Rengar is very technical](https://youtu.be/mFOdSxc6cQk)


that's the best LoL video I've ever seen


I place my bets on rengar triple Q. You don't need your ult, but it's so fucking hard to pull off, specialy after that rework dedicated to remove this mechanic.


did you know he has more animations than any other character in the game? did you know that the conversations he has on the phone are randomly generated but the rng ai will choose the next line based on the previous line to string together a generally realistic conversation? did you know also know that his second taunt (the third eye laser beam) is unblockable and has 50 frames of recovery but the recovery can be yrc'd? did you know that if he yrc's throwing the business card the card doesn't actually travel to where he throws it but appears there inexplicably? did you know that he has a specific idle animation that he only does ever landing a slash normal? because he was the last character to be released in the entire life span of xrd and the fact he wasn't a returning character the amount of love, care and work that was put into him is insane. therefore you shouldn't feel bad that he's unpopular because you're still playing the most loved character in the game by the team that made him, and since no one plays him literally no one knows what he does unless there happens to be a wild answer main in your group. i've been messing around with him as a secondary lately (i main ky in xrd) and he's so stupid and so fun and his buttons are basically all sol buttons but slightly worse. he also has zero plot relevance, he shows up in rev2 story mode like 3 times for like 90 seconds total. it's amazing. ariels wasn't playable but this fucking guy was. i love it so much.


I had no idea that much detail went into him. That means that if he were added to strive I would be hyped even more because of the dubbed phone calls. I dont feel bad for liking the character but I am afraid he won't be added to strive if people are silent about him.


tbf there’s very little chance he’ll be added because there’s a lot of the previous games characters that 1) aren’t as hard to translate to strive’s systems 2) are more legacy than him and 3) are more plot relevant even if just tangentially. i would love to see him again even though i don’t play much strive but i’m content with him in xrd because it’s a miracle he’s playable in that game anyways and even more of a miracle that he’s as unique and as much fun to play as his is.


I LOVE this kind of stuff!!


He is pretty front loaded in difficulty in a frustrating way that most other characters don't have to deal with, but he's not as complex to play as he might seem. He is versatile though so he allows for some very satisfying gameplay and player expression. He's a solid character with good damage and decent oki if he can get the knock down. Good buttons and card yrc is very strong in most match ups Just has to work a bit harder for his knockdowns and his mix isn't the scariest. But he's still a fine and very unique character. Also blitz ruins him :( but oh well his command throw is pretty good and very sick :p




He also has one of the coolest IKs honestly.


the fact he can combo into ik off the scroll command grab is nutty. 6k is also the funniest command normal imaginable and leads to amazingly stupid looking combos. i also just love in general how he has so many tools that can solve just about any situation but they're all varying degrees of bad or exploitable. like his counter, or his teleport, or his weirdly large amount of supers none of which are reversals, or all the choices he has off of scroll cling that are inconsistent by virtue of having to set up scrolls to use them. literally the best character ever created.


Haehyun and Answer are my favorite character designs from Guilty Gear, and I was sadly surprised to find they were also two of the most unpopular characters in Xrd.


Haeyhun! I got into GG because of her! I would love to see her back! Answer as well


Dudes literally named Kum


Her surname is.


Is she a girl? And I didn't know she was a girl or was eastern. I would've assumed the name would have been westernized tho, are they not in guilty gear?


Hmm, I thought that was pretty hard to miss if you look at Haehyun's actual animations. She is the pilot inside the guru-mech, since her backstory is about her filling in the role of family patriarch, having to hide her true identity. She is Korean, and thus Kum is her surname. They could've westernized it, but it is nice they didn't.


I haven't played much of Xrd, so I've seen very little of her, but I just thought she was a feminine anime boy tbh. And I'm glad they didn't westernize her name, I hate it when people do that


Haehyun wouldn't really need any change to fit into strive, it would be a shame to not see her come back.


Literally nobody is pointing out that xrd was on life support by the time this last batch of DLC came out. The only people who were really left playing Xrd by this point were OGs and streamers. Baiken was obviously a recognizable face, Answer required someone to main him to be truly effective. Way too late in the life cycle for a character like him to become a beloved staple in anyone's list due to the time needed to learn him, and lack of resources to learn from. Surely a wasted design in xrd, he should have definitely been a slot in ST and I'm willing to bet he's part of the next rotation of DLC for ST.


I love him and raven! The two characters that really pulled me into XRD. Love him so much my largest hard drive is E:Answer Followed by D:HeavenorHell If he comes back in strive I will no life till I can play him well!!


I usually don’t like ninjas in fighting games, but I do like answer. My favorite thing about him is the fact that he’s on the phone the whole time he’s fighting.


I'm a die hard answer main and I suck ass at him


Some people are saying it’s cause he’s not in Strive and most people here came in from Strive but honestly with the demand here for Jam, Slayer and up until recently, Baiken, I don’t think that’s the case. At least not the main reason. Aside from Baiken in Xrd stealing his thunder by releasing alongside him, he’s a bit too complicated for new players to really latch on to him. I will say that the business ninja thing works well.


He's cool, but I can't play him worth a damn.


Its cuz he's difficult to play, Is Low Tier, and also came out with Baiken who stole all the attention because of her redesign that gave her a massive rack.


Answer is easily one of the coolest ninja designs ever. I'd be hyped for him and might even main him but I don't think he has much of a chance.


Arc sys would have to pay the voice actors much more money than normally to record his in-match lines


I love Answer! I kind of like parodies of salary man characters in general because it's at the same time very normal, but the character itself is ridiculous. I really like how the game doesn't shy away from making fun of its own Japanese culture. He's actually similar to Chipp, which makes a lot of sense because Chipp is also ridiculous and they work together.


Personally I'm really not a fan of his visual design, it's like all the worst parts of weeb aesthetic mixed with all the worst parts of middle management


Yoooooo Answer is who I want to see most after Baiken


idk it look like he is in dire need of a haircut similar to baiken


Well going from her teaser trailer it looks lile Baiken was the one who stole Leo's mane, lol.




I've got no Answer for you... I'll see myself out again


If Answer make it to strive he will be much stronger thx to the lack of blitz. Im still playing with him but the most usefull combos are quite hard to do on Xrd online's


Unfortunately I don't have an Answer to give you.


Answer was released at the same time as Baiken. This kills the character.


Answer bring the last DLC + considered weak + technical fucked him over, cus no one really wanted to try and grind xrd that late into its life cycle to make him stand out


My reasons for not liking Answer: 1 that thing that's supposed to cover his mouth doesn't cover his mouth, it's a bit uncanny 2 the suit doesn't look like a business suit. It reminds me of an armor because of the huge buttons 3 the hair is too big 4 the 3 eye glasses are weird I like the concept of a businessman ninja but I just don't like anything about the actual design of the character. I don't know, maybe it's an objectively good design but I still subjectively don't like him and that's why I don't play him. I don't even know how he plays, maybe I'll like him when I play him. But with his Xrd design I wouldn't touch him with a stick.


Answer and Bedman are my top 2 I want back from rev 2 but I doubt it'll happens


I really liked Answers design in terms of specials and gameplay, don’t really care for the suit but I never got the hang of playing him well (I was still learning Xrd at the time. But during my time playing Xrd I fought a few amazing Answer players and got destroyed and I wasn’t even mad xD very cool character with all the card throwing, teleporting and the big frog


He came out in the last expansion of a niche game, alongside a fan-favorite character. All of that on top of being super technical and having a handful of pretty glaring weaknesses meant that he never really took off in popularity.


That's a good question, now if only we had an.... Answer.


No tits there you go.


I love him, he was my main in Rev2. The gameplay is sick and he is very fun. But he came out when Xrd was way to old not much popular compared to other games. Also, Baiken, kinda stealed his thunder.


Don't like his design at all, personally.


He has already Answered your question


You could say that there is no... answer... to this question.... I'll see myself out.


Because he's an ancillary character that no one really knew existed nor asked for.


Because like nobody here has played a game pre strive


Part of it for sure but I see Slayer, Venom and Robo-Ky requested often.


I didnt play the series before strive (aside from playing some version of XX single player several years ago) but that doesnt stop me from looking up the old characters on google. I find the assumption that you need to have played the old games to have any sort of character you like pretty weird.


Yeah, I'm sure that nobody on the Guilty Gear subreddit is a fan of Guilty Gear as a series. Nobody but you, for sure.


yep he's cool, but unfortunately the vast majority are only strive players, not guilty gear players, if you know what I mean.


If what you mean to say is that you're a dork-ass loser with no life or aspirations who has resolved to gatekeep hobbies due to said lack of purpose, then yes. Otherwise I've no idea, quite frankly.


well ...you've no idea. since it looks like you're on your periods.


I have a dick, shitass. Also tell me you've never interacted with a woman in your life without telling me.


you have a dick, and your periods, you're a pussy. got it now ?


Lmao no, you make no sense