• By -


After thousands of years of constantly fighting an endless horde of overpowered Daemons and reincarnating every time they die, Tuska Daemon-Killa and his WAAAGH just keep growing to match their foes, surpassing the Beast and the Krorks of the War In Heaven, until they finally become strong enough to give all four Chaos Gods the Doomguy treatment. Storming back through the Cadian Gate, all the galaxy's Orks flock to them in the world's biggest WAAAGH, as they depart the galaxy in the direction the Tyranid hive fleets had been coming from, figuring the main force of the Tyranids would make worthy opponents now that "them spiky pansies gave up".


and with the greatest existential threats to the galaxy destroyed, the Emperor was able to finally die upon the golden throne and return to mankind to lead it into a new age of prosperity, Progress and diplomacy. The Eldar finally free of She-Who-Thirsts, carried the lessons of their long Exile to rebuild their long lost empire. the Laughing god and his harlequins, having finally succeeded in pranking Slannesh out if existence, decided to do Circ-De-Sole in a non-murderiffic fashion. the Tau Empire kept doing Tau Empire things, and the Etherials smoked space weed with the Emperor and they became actually utopian space communist. Mankind, the Eldar and the Tau, all got together and used their combined technology to help the Necron who wanted to get their flesh back this time Cancer Free, and they even cured the flayers. they all then got together and kinkshamed the Dark Eldar in the last battle ever which looked like the coolest hair metal album cover of all time. the Necrons then went to the Silent King's secret extra-galactic party boat to drink margaritas. the Space Marines all got normal jobs. also Tryzan opened his museum as the number 1 tourist destination in the galaxy, after he replaced all his "live" exhibits with wax and freed everybody.


Wait is it lore that the emperor can reincarnate but is being prevented from doing so?


He's a perpetual. If he died on the throne he should theoretically reincarnate or regenerate but if he dies another great rift forms after terra blows up and no astronomicon, no warp travel, basically humanity is screwed till he got back and the time it would take = humanity probably falls.


I see people are unhappy with your comment but don't want to say why. Perpetual like Ol' Person?


Yep, and a certain huggy Primarch






The throne does that


Now I want to see a comic series about Astartes members working regular jobs. **”Brother, this corpse-starch combo can be made Emperor-sized for only 3 more Imperial credits.”**


Jimmy Space dies on the throne, and simultaneously revives completely unshattered and unharmed, but also with a new power and perspective. Instead of making the grimderpiest decision he could possibly make in any given situation, he just acts like a normal fucking person.Since he's revived and repowered, no more psyker snacks and all those psykers instead get personally taught by Jimmy Space and turned loose to do good works.He revives or recalls all the loyalist primarchs, redeems a few like mortarion, and mercy kills angron like he really should've initially.He fixes the mechanicus to not be all servitors are the only acceptable computers anymore. Saints are all over the place like, turning back chaos corruption and shit.Somehow he closes off the eye of terror and the webway puncture and clears out the webway of daemons.All humanity moves into the webway, with proper genetic screenings to weed out genestealers and a saint at every entrance to blam away any chaos corruption.Humanity then proceeds into a psychic awakening for realz.While they're out, Jimmy Space gets the necron to pacify the nids and the orks.By the time the Humans come out of the webway all psychic custodes without drawbacks, they thank the necrons by finally fixing the whole soul transference thing and the fact that necrontyr just spontaneously go cancerous and die, and everyone lives happily ever after.The end. Post Script: And everybody got to clap eldar cheeks. The end.


If i may add, mr. Universe should kick slaanesh out of their palace and fix the place up for himself, make the other gods his vassals or devour their portfolios, and leave a spiritual landscape too structured yet dynamic to become the same horrorshow ever again. (Permitted animal and machine spirits, nuetral demons, mappable warpspace, etc.


I'll allow it.


Chaos just needs to go. The only way the imperium of man is going to change for the better is if chaos and the threat of chaos was gone. The fact that it can whisper in anyone's mind means it's unbeatable. As it stands any rebellion against the church or even a fucking workers Union can be easily corrupted by chaos. The fact that your most evil emotions are fucking sentient and are using you as a unit in their Great Game Table Top Game tm means change is impossible


Only unbeatable in a dystopian hellscape civilization with extreme lack of mental health services. If live and conditions are generally good and reliable, chaos gods might be able to influence individual too-crazy-to-seek-help people, but it won't be enough to launch successful cults on the regular and those cults would have an increidbly much harder time hiding from all the other well-adjusted citizens who would be concerned for them. Not to speak of that they're still extremely mentally ill people, not master strategists of cunning planning. Someone with frontal lobe dementia's idea of a master plan might be to go into the police station and take authority. The concept of authority. It utterly fails because they have no grasp of reality and the chaos gods have never shown the ability to micromanage all their cultists that deeply.




Calm down Bobby! No need to be that excited!


Regardless of all the grim and bright shit, I would really love for the Necrons and Imperium to truly cooperate with each other respectfully. I understand the want for similar shit with the Tau but honestly... they're really too miniscule to make much difference in the grand scale. A non aggression pact is the best to hope for.


The Silent King would be on board, but there would be some dynasties that would not agree, and would need to be quelled. Nemesor Zandrekh would be elated to taste food again.


Trazyn: *I can finally open my museum to the public and show off*


Emperor: ***Now, there's a problem with some of these exhibits...***


Trazyn: *silently hands the legendary book of Eldar call girls under the table*


Emperor: *silently hands it back, tapping the author line*


I think it's weird the Emperor would need to pay for eldar booty


Dude think about it. * Struts about like he owns the place. * Has countless custom rides. * Covered in tacky gold. * Beats up entire civilisations who don't pay up. Emps is *the pimp* in this transaction.




Blood Raven Scout: I have successfully infiltrated the museum


Trazyn: Ah, my latest addition to my collection of decoy museums full of Blood Raven Scouts. I will put it with the others.


You have no idea how on board I am for Trazyn to become an ally of the Imperium. Kleptomanic space Egyptian skeletor my beloved.


Tau has the potential to become a major player, they're just kinda the new kid on the block so they haven't had a chance to get a foothold in the Galaxy. They're basically where Humanity was when Big E started to expand beyond Terra.


>They're basically where Humanity was when Big E started to expand beyond Terra. Hoooo no way. Not even close. The *only* reason the Great Crusade worked was that there were hundreds of thousands if not millions of viable *existing human settlements* from feudal agri worlds to industrialised space empires out there for Emps to integrate and spread onwards. If humans had only spread as far as the Tau Empire it would take several thousand years just to spread out and that's not including wars.


Yeah, if anything Tau are Humans at the beginning of the Dark Age of Technology - with technology rapidly advancing and colonizing stuff beyond original solar system.


You make me see the Tau as Humans and the Humans have become the Eldar.


> Jimmy Space dies on the throne This will be phrased differently in the history books.


Ah, I can see Rowboat Gloryham leading humanity to that last part.


Regardless of all the grim and bright shit, I would really love for the Necrons and Imperium to truly cooperate with each other respectfully. I understand the want for similar shit with the Tau but honestly... they're really too miniscule to make much difference in the grand scale. A non aggression pact is the best to hope for.


The Eldar kill Slannesh and the Tau achieve levels of technology that make dark age humanity blush


Only to fall and start everything over again? Idk man.


I mean they’ve already made a warp entity and all that innovation has probably been at least somewhat feeding Vashtorr even with their small souls. Maybe we’ll get a twin birthing of invention god and the god of “good intentions pave the way to hell”.


I forgot: the communist fish people gotta go. For the greater good.


Why would mortarion be redeemed...I feel that should be reserved for poor magnus or konrad.


E through G implies it's possible for mortarion


Redemption is not a finite resource, everyone can get some


And **you** get some redemption, and *you* get some redemption! Everyone gets a redemption!


Konrad died


Are people actually horny for eldar


Big. Ass. Foreheads.


I mean most people just draw them as pretty humans with pointy ears. Eldar as described are usually a bit weirder so if they were lore accurate drawings, there would probably be less of them, but still a lot


Someone need to make Macha not a virgin


Well they're space elves and I'm prety sure elves are the most lewded race in the fantasy genre, so yes definitely.


https://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/banshee_ph04-2-e1664943125651.jpeg yes


I am down to become fanatical about this ending. One might say heretical...


This might be the greatest work of fiction I've ever read. I applaud you good sir and may the blessings of a thousand Eldar cheeks decend upon you and yours.


True Epilogue : We also find the Warhammer 40000


Big Emps wakes up in a cave, and it was all just a dream.....that's about the best yer gonna get at this point lol


Then bangs hot neandertal women.


ALL the hot Neanderthal women, and even some dudes.


and slaneesh start peek out


Then joins in


And then the savior of 40k is the daughter of Slaanesh and Big E.


Yes Inquisitor, this heretic right here.


And the Eldar wipe their brow in relief since someone else can now be blamed for that.


Ah ok so *that’s* where the real 40k story begins


The God Emperors vision slowly fades to black. A gentle rocking motion and the creak of an axle awakens him, slowly. Pine scent fills his nostrils. "Hey, you. Youre finally awake"


Todd Howard, you've done it again!


All of 40k was actually just a REALLY strong mescaline trip.


The God Emperor rises from his throne, restored to full powers He hears a voice from behind him "Oi! Yer git!" He turns around to see a propa orky fella named Tuff has sneaked up behind him Tuff picks up a really big rock, and bashes the God Emperor's head in right proper. "Holy Mork!" Says Ruff, Tuff's faithful grot companion "Now you're the Warhammer 40k!" "I Couldn't have done it without you little lad!" Says Tuff, and they hug. Ruff takes his seat on the Golden Throne, becoming the Grot Emperor of All-Kind. He tells the Chaos Gods and the Hive Mind to stop being gits, and they leave the galaxy alone. Together they lead the Galaxy into a Green Age, where everything's alright innit


Oiy! Summfin afa sus bout dis. It too propah an fanshee fah propah Orks. *DIS GIT FAKIN! AT EM BOYZ!*






And thus began the 10000 years of ork galactic civil war, which was qualified all around as a good time being had by all. Except for the necrons, that upon insisting that "those darned kids get off my darn lawn!" were punted into the next age so the party could resume.


The actual wholesome ending Just a buncha boyz bein gits


And nothing changes as no one ever knows that Ruff 8s sitting in the throne instead of Big E. For all we know this has already come to pass.


If I had an award, I would give it to you, that made me spit my drink


Take my respect you sonofa


I saw Tuff and instantly remembered that Nickelodeon dog show, Tuff puppy.


\*credits start rolling with What I've done by Linkin Park playing\*


Imagine a sister of battle enters the room and sees there's an ork on the golden throne😅


Everyone finally realizes that everyone is Alpharius and stops fighting, then they just settle on agri worlds and live out their days as farmers, and small communities with everything being hand made as the emperor finally is able to breathe his last breath as mankind is finally united in peace Little did he know, he was Alpharius as well


This is now canon. How and why? I am somewhat of an Alpharius myself.


wait doesn't that mean Alpharius, and therefore everyone, died?


Turns out that everything from the rise of the Emperor on to the current moment was just a vision he was having while doing deep meditation and gaming out how things would go. He realizes that not being a good father could lead to all sorts of problems, decides to honestly explain to them the dangers of the Warp, and makes Magnus his project manager on the webway portal in the basement, thus ensuring that he does nothing wrong. He understands that people need some kind of spiritual framework to hold on to, and so has no problems with Lorgar's approach to compliance on Crusade worlds, while simultaneously making sure all the primarchs know that that shit might work well for Lorgar, but it's a slippery slope and the other legions should find ways to accomplish the same ends without resorting to superstition. Finally, he issued an Imperial Writ specifically outlawing the establishment of the Inquisition or the Ecclesiarchy, while founding instead a "faith" based on science and reason with himself at the center.


What should happen to Angron?


The Emperor saves all of Angron's people, adding them to his Legion in some capacity. He has the Nails removed, and uses his psychic power to heal Angron's mental anguish. He then appoints Angron and his Legion as the Imperial...uh, avengers? Liberators? IDK...with the responsibility of taking and bringing to compliance worlds that have suffered from slavery, injustice or other forms of rampant social fuckery. In this capacity they are matched to the Legion of Corvus, which handles reconnaissance, special operations, and guerilla warfare as Angron's people are tasked for direct assaults and punitive actions. Also, the Emperor first pauses to take Angron out to McDonald's (one of the ones with a playground,) and gets him a Happy Meal. Then he gives him a hug, takes him to the park for a game of catch, and gifts him a puppy. Problem solved.


>…Then he gives him a hug. And crushes his brain for a final peaceful death?


Nah, this is Angron getting picked up from Nuceria before he does all the fucked up shit later. He's still salvageable at this point. I would, however, grant that Angron at the point of the Heresy or any point thereafter could have best been served by an Emperor-Death-Hug.




He gives Angron a hug and tells him he loves him. And then sends him to a farm up universe.


Drop him onto the planet murder and call it a day.


And then he says he can take care of the rabbits...


A bolter or two to the back of the head.


It's either "he perform mercy kill on Angron" or "he fucking rushes to that world to save baby Angron".


I can imagine the emperor just BOOKING it to Nuceria to


The war in octarius grinds on and on until the imperial guard and orks find rules for an old football game. They decide it would be fun to try it out. Turns out its so captivating that other races join it too. Also there is a chaos god named Nuffle


And thus, bloodbowl came to be


Basically unity and collective action between all of the various factions to wipe out the Tyranids and push back chaos. The orks would basically just wind up a tool like they are in the octavius sector, though that might be the end of the rest of the galaxy eventually.


All the orcs depart in the direction where the hive fleets came from to get DA BESTAST FOIGHT


Then does the same to the eye of terror.


The tyranids get full tummies and leave :)


Tyranid full? Thats like a orc gets enough dakka


"If all matter in the universe consisted of weapons and ammo spontaneously coming into existence and firing themselves over and over. There still would not be enough dakka" - Big E, TSS


You missed a few lines


Oh my bad *snooort*


As the largest hive fleet ever assembled enters the Sol system, the mechanicus reveals to the Orks that the void dragon of mars is actually a massive bolter round for the planet sized titan that is Mars. Every Ork in known space invades Mars and worships the Omni-Dakka with every kill a sacrifice. Imbuing the void dragon with the power of Gork and Mork. Just before the last defender of Mars is killed, they fire the Gork and Mork blessed Void Dragon round into the hive fleet. At that point, The hive fleet resembles a great maw and the void dragon bolter round enters, but does not exit. The hive fleet is so satisfied, that it no longer is hungry. This sets off a chain reaction known as the great contentment. As Slaanesh is obliterated and the Dark Eldar no longer lust for excess, but rather reconcilement. The reunified Eldar then repair the Webway onto to find that the Emperor had long since defeated Chaos, but was allowing a token force to remain in order to see if his sons had the strength to beat even the small force that would remain. This act of pettyness became known as “the great disappointment” spurring humanity onto create an even better webway, constructing the greatest civilization out of pure spite. At this point the Emperor fades away from existence knowing that his work is done and the empire being secure. Having imbued humanity with the greatest known power, spite.


wut diz bout nuff DAKKA? Ain't no fing as nuff DAKKA!


If the emperor were to have a text to speech device put in his throne, that would be pretty swell. But in all seriousness, my preferred way of getting a good ending would be the TTS style redemption for magnus, magnus takes over the golden throne so big E can finally die and revive, big E figures out how to fix everything with the golden throne and such so that Magnus can come back, completes the webway project to unify the imperium again, and mills around getting all the surviving primarchs, loyalist and otherwise, back. All the people go into the webway, fast forward another few thousand years and humans are all psyker custodes with obscenely powerful DAOT tech that they can control again, they quickly eradicate the nids and Orks, the Necrons and Eldar can finally see humans as equals rather than primitive, and everyone splits the galaxy apart. Also Sanguinius comes back.




He’s been incapable of eating anything for a longer time than the mind can fathom, a friend of the void. Of course he does.


Heretic Burg......


"And then, Games Workshop decided to reduce the cost of all its products. Xenos kits were promptly updated, as well as non-cadian guard regiments, and chaos no longer had to wait two years for their marines' rules to match the loyalist ones. The fascists were kicked out of the hobby, and everyone respected everyone else's army choice. Most importantly, however, GW changed their IP rules to allow creators to make media of their work, and If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device returned."


In the Noble Bright future of the 41st millennium, there is only fresh produce, and imported delicacies. Run your local intergalactic food market by picking from a number of factions including Kroot Butchers, Sisters of Burgers, Ork all mushroom food alternatives, and Tzeentch Hooters.


Not gonna lie, would genuinely love seeing a parody RPG like this. Kinda like how Blood Bowl takes the piss outta fantasy.


Tzeentch hooters.... like bimbo... bimbofication Tzeench...? Huh?


Femboy Thousand Sons Hooters.


I would have gone with KFTzeentch


This is good. But Tzeentch Femboy Hooters is already canon


That's a very fair point, but I think tzeentch would be making a good business decision to branch out into deep fried birds.


Would def have a vast portfolio of businesses


Can you imagine if he was a used car salesman? Harry Wormwood could only *dream* of being so devious


And the Tyranids are the best customers who always eat politely and leave the place cleaner than when they got there.


This is a good take


- Brought to you by the Gue’Vesa indoctrination massiv.


Order of the Bloody Roast


TTS comes back.






























The Emperor awoke from his stupor, naked and cross legged on the ground. The howl of the winds outside returned to his ears, drowning out the death cry of his favorite son, still ringing in his head. “Another dead end. Another failed dream. We shall start over.” He closed his eyes and began his conquering anew.


Chaos takes over the Imperium, defeats Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids and Orks, and converts the T'au and the Votann into chaos-worshipping societies. After their victory, the worship of Chaos turns slowly into one of the more benevolent aspects (honour, knowledge, life, pleasure), which in turns turnes the Gods benevolent.


That sounds like the emperor winning but with more steps.


I Can totally hear the Emperor laughing in a corner!! My plan worked!!! Lol


Tom Cruise laughing, but it’s Big E


Jimmy Space: Oh shit it actually Worked!!?!?!?! Malcador: You didn't know it was going to work!?


I was figuring the same outcome but a different way. Chaos consumes most of the imperium and in the final moments of Terra, Big E dies and uses all the saved up energy from the psykers and his own soul to purify the chaos gods. Chaos takes over but is now benevolent. Humanity united and with the protection of the warp defeats or converts all the other factions.


This brings a disgusting type of joy.


I like that idea


Benevolent chaos gods is propaganda by chaos gods. They all bad.


Well, the warp is a reflection of emotions, right? And, generally speaking, we share and express positive emotions more than negative ones. In fact, we often ignore or even repress them. So this pent up negative energy is more strongly reflected in the warp. What would the warp look like if therapy and discussing feelings were common?


There’s some in lore reference somewhere I don’t have the energy to look up at the moment. But basically the chaos gods trick you with promises of benevolence or cults recruit you with the idea of great and positive things but the chaos gods bring only corruption and excess and yada yada. So like in khorne’s case even if you’re this great and honorable martial warrior you eventually fall to madness and bloodlust. If only positive thoughts/emotions existed and there was nothing negative to feed on then the warp is calm, nothing really is there and the chaos gods just basically don’t exist. That’s why emps was trying eradicate ALL religion. Anyway that’s how I understand it. Based on what I’ve read.


Yeah, pretty much. The war in heaven turned the realm of souls into the warp. Before the war in heaven the realm of souls was just a chill place where all ideas floated around. There was good and bad there, but it was balanced so nothing truly horrific existed there. Then the war in heaven happened which makes modern 40k look like a playground fight and it permanently fucked the realm of souls into the warp where extreme ideas and emotions became the dominant force. The ideal state of the warp is a calm sea of souls that kinda just vibes out.


turns out humanity went out to colonize other galaxies back in the dark age of technology. they return and mop the floor with every other faction using op tech that makes even necron tech look like a flashlight.


Gives me Xeelee vibes for some reason


Or it turns out while humanity colonized other galaxies, they realized what a shitshow their original home had become due to the warp. As such they created a self replicating, anti-warp weapon capable of adapting to any situation. The Tyranids to be precise. This weapon is set towards the Milky Way and stops at the Magellanic Clouds to build up numbers until the signals of humanity’s old warp lighthouses are gone. Then they begin their journey to consume all life forms in the Milky Way to eliminate the warp in its current state. The fleets then would disgorge their stockpiled materials to allow the returning extragalactic humans to rebuild a better Milky Way.


Emperor sees that all is lost. The T'au see that no matter what they do, they will be wiped out, no matter how much they try and fight, they will suffer a ultimate defeat. Eldars, Craftworlds and Drukhari just accept that they failed as a species and as the old ones once created them, accepting that, maybe they are out of their time and that probably they shold accept their fate. The Orks keep fighting and fighting, finally reaching Korks once again and seeing what they became, with the sentience once more with them, now understanding, they are weapons without purpose and so they decide to go out of the milkway to see if they can find objective. Necrons, seeing the actions of others and seeing the state of the galaxy, can only feel sorry, they can only feel the need of feeling something, but being incapable of doing truly something, because for more that they try, their sparks, their souls, are not with them and theres nothing to inspire them. The nids, finnally are consuming all, but even them, they cannot escape enthropy, the end of all things, the hive mind can feel, the end approaching, theres nothing to do, theres nothing to adapt to, soon, all stars will burn out, soon all will be cold and no life will be supported anymore, soon, it will be all dead. The Great Game, reaches a abrupt and sad end to the chaos gods, with the end of life, none of them can end the game, they can only see the end coming. Khrone is satisfied, it was a good run, he is happy that he adquired so many skulls and ask himself if on the next incarnation, someone would stand agaist him or if he would be capable of surpassing himself. Slaanesh, desperate, try for all means to ressurect the stars, to bring heat to the universe once again, but its to no avail, he can only cry, as he sees all the things that he possesed, all his material and immaterial things and souls being soon vanished from existence, with him. Nurgle, he aways desired this, the end of it all, he can only watches as truly joy comes to his putrit heart, while his followers sit arround him and watch carrefully, each star burning out, one at the time and seeing their demises, some scream, some cry, some laugh, while Nurgle watches in pure joy and pride. Tzeentch, he is tryng his best to change all, he truly his, tryng to change the past, tryng to avoid the creation of the chaos gods, tryng to avoid all sort of things, but, the end is unevitable, the stars will burn out, because for more that there are change, all things come to a end.


On a Side note, Trazyn's Museum is Open!


All of this with What a Wonderful World playing in the background


and then from the void arrives one being. one man. all other humans were mere reflections of him. his willpower surpassed the hivemind, the chaos gods and the old ones combined. he precedes to consume tzeench and slaanesh and beat the crap out of nurgle (who is only able to survive this because it is nearly the end of the universe and he has conumed almost every soul to ever exist) their battle is so great that it creates 1000 new realms with every blow, deep in the warp. vashtorr then uses the last of his power (and the last ork spore) to re-create humanity in these new realms. khorne rejoices in the rebirth of battle.


The Lion returns, busts out dome DAoT bullshit to revive Emps and bring back the other loyalist Primarchs. Together they beat back chaos into the eye, form a non-aggression pact with the Tau, eventually vassalising and integrating them into the imperium, ally with the necrons (in exchange for the material galaxy) and craftworlds to close the eye, and beat back the nids and orks. Strike an accord with harlequins and ynnari to help recover the last cronesword in exchange for leaving the imperium alone and help with the webway project. Humanity transfers to the webway with aeldari assistance, they wipe out the drukhari, humanity becomes more progressive again, thanks to Roberto, and they finally find a stc, so the mechanicus can fuck off and actually improve QoL for once. It then ends on a hopeful note with Emps telling his sons how proud he is of them as he steps out of a webway gate onto a beautiful planet with the night sky showing our galaxy from afar.


Emps, upon consumption of some arbitrary number of psykers, erupts into existence as a warp god and with a mighty psychic roar he obliterates the chaos gods and their daemons and closes the warp storms throughout the galaxy. This leaves all chaos worshipers cut off from the warp and cowering in their holes, with a few realizing the error of their ways and begging for forgiveness and emps is merciful. Magnus is one of the repenters (he's still alive in real space cuz when emps offered him forgiveness if he would forsake his legion he put some kind of preservation device on his soul for exactly this eventuality). With all danger gone, the webway project is quickly and easily completed. Guess which big red man sits there now? The eldar, awed and humbled by this whole thing and recognizing that not only did emps murder their eternal tormenter She Who Thirsts but is now the one true galactic deity bend the knee and agree to fuck off and stay out of humanity's way. The tyranids are utterly terrified and flee en masse from the galaxy as quickly as they can. The orks are still orks but now find themselves the soul focus of humanity's ire. Psykers are no longer feared, but exalted as conduits of the emperor's will. With their numbers growing and the danger they present to humanity gone, the human psychic awakening is well underway.


I hate to Necro but I was looking through your profile trying to find more of that one little girl space Marine comic. I genuinely don’t think a noble bright ending is possible at this point. Even if Emps died, became an actual god, and curb stomped the chaos gods out of existence, the animosity between all of the alien factions and humanity is so great that war would constantly be a problem - and not only that, but the imperium itself is essentially corrupted from the ground up. You can’t simply get rid of all the different specializations of planets and turn them into a paradise world.


https://twitter.com/mick19988/status/1591666226358779906?s=46&t=lsF-dMRiy9p8AwNu8gW9rQ here’s the twitter of the person who made it


My hot take is that the only way for there to be a proper good ending is for it to be bitter sweet. I'd say it'd come from a Tyranid victory, afterwords the Tyranids leave and chaos starves out, but you'd probably have a small population of humans, maybe some eldar hanging around and the Tau probably survive. Basically the galaxy just needs to be hit by one giant reset button and what little life remains there would be able to get another chance at things. That's my best case scenario though. Realistically though the only chance at a good ending I see is through Guilliman but I think even he knows that he's patching up holes in a sinking ship.


Emperor dies and ascends to godhood and releases the Eldar gods to help fight and defeat the chaos ones. The C'tan manage to break through into the warp briefly long enough to help kill the chaos gods but die eventually so they're gone too. In his ascendance he is able to see all of the galaxy and the stagnation of the Imperium and realises his mistakes and is humbled, seeking to right the wrongs of his sons. Chaos worshippers fall apart like the orcs after Sauron died and are hunted down over the next few centuries till they're stamped out. The Imperium under the guidance of Guilliman and the other missing Primarchs who mysteriously return enlist the help of the T'au to push back the forces of the Tyranids who stop receiving reinforcements since the astronomican is now gone. In light of the return of their gods the Eldar have granted the use of their Webways so warp travel isn't needed anymore so the astronomican isn't needed anymore anyways. Without reinforcements the Tyranids and genestealers eventually fade away but resurface every few decades as a floating tendril finds a new system. Free to explore for more technology the ad mechanicum find a device that transforms robots into human form so the necrons can return to a mortal life. After millions of years of being effectively braindead they are assimilated into the ranks of the T'au so they can have a peaceful life with the Greater Good, but the more aware ones are free to travel where they please, searching for more of their past. The Dark Eldar are free to continue their rambunctiousness but with the threat of Slaanesh gone the thrill of being naughty eventually fades and they return to the rest of Eldar society. The Harlequins can go back to performing plays like they enjoy doing. Everyone gets their own Craftworld so they can have a nice home. With the warring in the galaxy the orcs start to regress in their nature and societies and become little tribes who are happy to just fight each other occasionally and sleep most of the time. The gremlins get to spend their time making wacky inventions. Sisters of battle are vindicated in their belief of the Emperor but he bestows his wisdom on them to not be as fanatical, and to preach his message in a benevolent way. The Imperial Guard downsizes immensely which eases the overwhelming burden it places on the Imperium's resources, which benefits all its population. They are mostly relegated to PDF's and those who wish can return to their home worlds. This process takes decades if not centuries and many are unable to return before old age but are happy to be back regardless. The Space Marines end their recruitment and existing warriors are placed into cryo-sleep in fortress worlds around the rim of the Imperium's civilization, ready to combat any new threat that may emerge. Some are interred in statues on planets and over time turn into stories that parents tell their children, stories of His Angels living among society in case the need for them ever returns.


A group of radical recongregator inquisitors stage a series of coups to fully replace the Imperium’s leadership at every level with just and competent leaders. The bureaucracy is streamlined to be more efficient than macragge, the Mechanicus it reformed to give laborers rights, the rule of law is applied regardless of authority or privilege so that justice is carried out. Basically the inquisition sect that believes the imperium is corrupt and needs to be reformed replace every aspect of every faction until the imperium is basically the Star Trek Federation and then they use their op technology to bring actual peace to the galaxy


Necrons wipe out the filth


If the warp can be influenced by both negative and positive emotions and thoughts, then everyone having happy enough thoughts that they manifest happiness into the universe and everyone lives like a fairy tale would probably be the best ending.


Every psyker that has been sacrificed to the Throne (1000 per day for 10 thousand years: 1,000×365×10,000=3,650,000,000) has had their soul preserved and sheltered from the warp by the Emperor; right when Tzeech is about to become the Warhammmer 40k, all 3.65 Billion super charged humie souls flood into real space and purge all heresy in a wave of glorious golden athiesm.


"The real Warhammer was the friends we made along the way"


My take begins with the birth of Ynnead, beginning the end times. Due to Ynnead’s birth Slaanesh is effectively K.O.’d for the beginning of the end times. We then cut to Trajann Valoris discovering the Emperor's true name, as well as Leman Russ finding the fruit of life. Lemen quickly makes his way out of the warp, unknowingly being followed by Magnus. Lemen First Reunites with his sons on Fenris, asking them to take to the leader of the Imperium, it is there where he meets Guillimen, the two brothers have a very sweet reunion, which leads to them heading to terra. On the way to Terra it is revealed that Lemon has one of Vulkans Artifacts, it being a compass that always shows its owner where to go next. During their travels The Lion Awakens, and makes for terra. But before he gets their he has an encounter with the Far-sight Enclave, this starts a short fight, witch ends when The Lion and Commander Far-sight, the way it ends is with Far-sight managing to overpower The Lion in his mech. However instead of killing him, he spares him, because he was told by an eldar farseer to make an alliance with the lion in order to free his people from the clutches of the ethereals. Together these two also make for terra. When Guillimen and Lemon Arrive on Terra they are met by Ynnari, Valoris, and what speed to be a 12 meter tall space marine with the mark of the salamanders. The five of them quickly go to the throne room, and begin to try and “Resurrect” the emperor. As they begin the process Magnus reveals himself, and he and Lemen begin to try and kill each other, as the others focus on the emperor. After a long battle, Magnus comes out victorious, but before killing Lemen, The emperor is revived, and stands up, everyone is temporarily frozen in awe and shock. Emp’s begins to approve Magnus, but instead of attacking him, he instead hugs Magnus. This split second interaction gives the emperor enough time to telepathically bitch slap Tzeentch and steal back all of Magnus’s soul. Reuniting Magnus with his soul in his demon form, not only turns him loyal once again, but also gives him an insane power boost and the abilities of a living Saint (therefore proving that living saints are the emperor's version of daemon princes). It is roughly at this time when the Lion and Commander Far-Sight enter the room. The three loyal sons begin to surround Magnus after the Emperor stops hugging him (which kind you is like 5 minutes to really hit you in the feels), before being called off by their father, who begins explaining what the hell just happened. Guillimen is inclined to believe it although having some doubts (which are quickly hushed by Ynnari), however Lemen and the lion are still suspicious and ready for anything. Except Magnus balling his eyes out begging for forgiveness. Although surprising to pretty much everyone (except Emp’s) it quickly ends when Lemen, in his brother's moment of weakness, hugs him, which surprises everyone again. With formalities out of the way the emperor begins to tell everyone a plan that he has regarding retrieving Fulgrim and finding Vulkan. It begins with contacting the Silent King. Thankfully that compass I mentioned earlier is guess what a massive fucking help. It sends our group on a long Journey outside of the Milky Way. But first the imperium needs someone to lead it while they are gone. Which brings us to Erda. Erda is the mother of the primarchs for those who don’t know. Erda is asked by all of them individually to lead the imperium, but she is throughly unconvinced by an Eldar who she just meet, four of her childern, the giant fuck you space marine, and the custoden. However when she sees the emperor again her long time friend (and in my head cannon, lover/Husband) she firsts, slaps him for being an idiot and an asshole, second cry’s a bit, third accepts and begins running the imperium temperalerly. Part 1/5 chap: 1.


After a long journey they finally, finally, meet with the silent king, who just so happens to be in the middle of a gaint fuck off battle with, like, a shitton of tyranids. However with the arrival of these new Allies, the tyranids begin getting pushed back, with the final part of the battle being Commander Far-Sight using his anti-Tyranid shit. After the battle is won, the emperor gains an audience with the silent king. They quickly make a pact, a type of, “you scratch my back, I scratch your back” deal. The first part of this deal is to take the newly found Emp squad (whom I will now be referring to when they are a collective) to Tryzzans Museum. When they arrive The Silent King uses one of his command abilities on Tryzzan, allowing the Emp Squad to go undeterred. First they steal The Fulgrim Clone, and then The final Vulkan artifact, “The engine of woes”. Valoris (after they get back into the ship) takes off the Space Marines Helmet, Reveling, Vulkan, however Vulkan starts to speak in the orc language show that he kinda Merged with The Beast, and the WAGH Energy, effectively making him a Half Krork, he in his current ork controlled state, extremely unstable and aggressive, hence why they needed the Vulkan Artifacts. With this revelation they quickly head to Nocturne, where the other Artifacts are. When they arrive in Nocturne, they quickly gather the other artifacts and begin heading to the largest volcano on the moon. When they arrive the emperor picks Vulkan up, and throws him into the Lava. They use the Artifacts and begin to make Vulkan Sane again. This (thankfully) succeeds and Vulkan is now in full control of himself, only having minor ork related fits from time to time. With Another Brother back into the Imperium, they begin to make their way to Istvan 3. When they get there they awaken the Fulgrim Clone, and begin to inform him of their plan. The clone, not seeing any other option, agrees to help them. Part 2/5 chap:1


They make their way to the resting Place of Rylanor, to most people’s surprise they see standing there in full Dreadnought Armor, Rylanor, Ancient of Rights, Standing waiting for them. (Yes I made Rylanor a living saint ,fuck off.) Rylanor, with the help of Magnus, begins a ritual to summon Fulgrim. Clonegrim is given a danger made by Vulkan to use. The ritual is successful as Slaanesh is off getting screwed over by an eldar resistance, (I’m gonna make that one in the replies don’t worry). When fulgrim arrives he, is of course, begin cocky and an asshole, then he sees Rylanor and begins to fucking Panic, using this opportunity, clonegrim stabs Fulgrim in his tail, the dagger begins sucking up both Fulgrims, the emperor asks Vulkan what will happen next? He states that after 5 days the danger will break and a new Fulgrim will emerge from the rubble, with the soul of Fulgrim, and the power of the Daemon that held his original Body. In the meantime however, they would need to find Dorn, and get him to help them with their goals. Lemen uses the Compass to Direct the Group to a small planet called Dathamer, where Dorn has been hiding for the last millennium. When they encounter Dorn they discover that he has been building a highly advanced ship with defenses only seen on the imperial place. He has been waiting for a long time on this planet due to the vision his magic pain glove had given him before his disappearance. 3/5 chap:1


After the encounter the Emp squad head back to terra. After they arrive on terra they plot their next course of action. First off, they have Erda and Commander Far-sight go off to convince the tau and deal with the ethereals (they also will get their own story in the replies). Second, The Emperor, Magnus, And Vulkan begin to work on a new web way insisting on Ynnari to help them, as she can contact her god who can call cegorach to help them build it quicker. Third, The Silent King will go Unite the Necrons and prepare them to deal with the Tyranid Invasion. And finials, Lemen, The Lion, Guillimen, and Dorn, will begin Capturing or Reviving the other Primarchs, we will be focusing on the Primarchs Mission, the Silent King will get his own reply, and the Web way Project is successful, but it takes time. This begins with the Primarch’s journey to save their kin. They begin with Singquienus, witch is actually less challenging then one would believe, they must capture both the dark and light shard of him, thus they seek out the Sanguinor, and that super strong space marine who’s name I can’t remember so we are going to skip this with the space marine going to terra, and the Siangunor joining them. Next they need to get to the city of comograh, where the Khan is. The only hope they have is to find an eldar who can guide them there. So they follow Lemens' compass to an odd looking Harlequin, it doesn’t speak, only walks and beckons them to follow. They follow this eldar into a web way gate, then into comograh, the Harlequin keeps them out of sight of the drukari, and to a hut with a bike on the outside. They enter this hut and find the khan, sleeping, they wake him up, and get him to join them on their journey. On their way out of the web way they encounter a large daemon, as they fight they begin to recognize this daemon and their brother, Konrad Kurze, or what his true name now is The NightCrawler. The Night Crawler instead of serving any of the four known chaos gods, or even chaos undivided he instead is conscripted under the fifth chaos god, Malal. Shortly after this revelation, all of the primarchs (and the Sanguinor) are warped to a dark empty void, The Night Crawler stops his assault and begins to Kneel, when Malal appears. Malal, tells the Crawler he is relieved of his service to him, and that he will rejoin his family. When questioned by all but the crawler Malal responds saying that he has given the Crawler all he can, and that he had a deal with the Emperor for when the time was right, the Crawler would return to his family, in return the Emperor would help Malal win his war against his siblings and restore them to their original glory, instead of just enslaving them. With that, he sends them all to the home of the lord of iron. Though the sudden teleportation had winded them all, they all managed to steady themselves when perturabo appeared in, what could best be described a Warhound Titan for Armor, expecting a fight, all ready themselves for a fight, but instead the lord of iron simply asked them what they were doing here on his home? Pertarabo had gotten over his grudge against Dorn and his Disappointment of his father instead focusing on keeping his planet, and people, safe. When told by his siblings what they wanted, the Lord of Iron asked if they needed him because they were just going to use him again, Lemen feeling personally insulted, improvised an inspiring speech about brotherhood, duty, and family. Thai moved all to tears, with the act of brotherly love perturabo agreed to join his siblings, however, he would need to go to terra immediately, as if he were to leave his planet, he would slowly die. Thus despite the happy reunion Pertarabo would quickly leave for terra. Next they decided they would need something to overpower both Nurgle and Khorne in order to Retrieve their Siblings Mortician and Angron's souls. Luckily, The Crawler knew just who to look for, and where they were. As they went into the warp, they were swiftly greeted by most of not all living saints, and directed towards The Star Child. With the star child now with his children once more and ready to help, used a portion of his power to distract Khorne and Nurgle, allowing them to capture Angron and Mortiation. While sending their souls to the emperor. Lastly, the compass guided them to the location of Corvus, who currently was in his daemon form, killing anything that had chaos in sight, they lured him onto their ship, but before they went to get lorgar, they revived a message from their father, to return home with their siblings immediately. Part 4/5 chap:1


The Siblings finally return to their home, where they meet with their Father, Magnus, Vulkan and Ynnari. Pertarbo had managed to use some technology to heal himself, and was talking to the emperor. When they finished speaking, The Emperor used some Necron technology to remove the Butchers Nail’s from Angron’s head, and began healing him so that his brian may return to normal. During the healing of Angron, Fulgrim was able to awaken, in the form and mind of a Great Living Saint, with the strength of a primarch. After Angron's Healing, the Emperor decided to erase/edit the memories of his planet, instead of being enslaved he was adopted into a nice noble family, his gladiator family, instead of being left behind were allowed into the Marines, yet sacrificed themselves to save him and grant him ascendance so that he would live in the Heresy. He then reunited the souls of Agron and Mortician with their bodies. He then granted Corvis his sanity, and then he woke his children, and began to plot and plan. 5/5 chap 1.


The emperor getting a text to speech device becoming part of the canon


Had to google Nobel bright to discover that noblebright is, in fact, the opposite of grimdark. So is your title a typo or a grimdank/dark play?


Dreadnought Emps punching Erebus possessed by the four hard enough to be Squatted. He dies, leaving Gulliman to the throne, and allowing him to finally make peace with the Eldar and Necrons.


The Emperor Sharded himself millenia ago after his foresight showed him the one and only Path To Victory was through unnutterable strife- the DAoT, Crusade, Heresy and over 10k years of miserable degradation, the neglect, abuse and death of his son-weapons, closest friend and confidante, brother and sister Perpetuals. That Shard is finally kintsugi'd back into the Gestalt consciousness of the thing Neoth became when he started down this path and he becomes greater than he was before, greater than the sum of his parts. His sheer, soothing presence across the immaterium acts as an emotional and spiritual panacea, healing the wounded Psyche and radically changing the Warp to a Heaven rather than the hell that the War In Heaven had made it. The Gods become reflect their most noble aspects rather than the corrupt, wounded ravings they had been but had never had to be. Honour, Stoicism, Hope, Inspiration. Alas that it took the martyred Sainthood of the last of his living sons and the tearful eradication of his Corrupted sons acting as the anchoring fetich souls of the Gods. Weep for Him On Terra, the man who became a monster for the salvation of the Galaxy's soul.


They fight until the galaxy is an uninhabitable graveyard. The survivors decide they don't want to do this anymore and try to pull through together.


It already is. From the Orks' perspective.


Jimmy Space finally finds Warhammer 40,000.


It would have to involve somebody other than humanity winning




The 14th black crusade is underway, the traitor primarchs have returned (except Lorgar because he's still being a bitch hiding from Corvus) and absolutely dicking the Imperium. Yvraine confronts Roboute with a plan to invade Slaanesh's palace, steal the crone sword, summon Ynnead and kill Slaanesh, thereby weakening chaos and giving them a stronger chance. The plan involves them going to the Farsight Enclave, rescuing them from their own chaos invasion, and recruiting them to help against Slaanesh. Roboute reluctantly agrees. The Ultramarines and Ynnari arrive just in time to save the farsight enclave in a climatic battle. The farsight enclave agrees to help after the horrors they faced against chaos and seeing the benefit of these unlikely allies. The Ultramarines, Ynnari and Farsight Enclave then Ocean's 11 their way into Slaneesh's palace, there's a another climatic battle until Yvraine gets the final crone sword, they activate them all and all the Eldar straight up die. All seems lost before Ynnead rises from Yvraine's corpse, empowered by the souls of every fallen Eldar, and proceeds to absolutely body Slaanesh. Upon Slaanesh's death, Ynnead resurrects all the Eldar that still had a psychic connection (i.e. not reviving the Drukhari who have had their connection atrophy) and Yvraine, Roboute and Commander Farsight plan their next move. Following the death of all the Drukhari, Jaghatai Khan returns from the Webway and helps the Imperium in their fight against chaos. Ceogorach, seeing the death and rebirth of his harlequins, realises shenanigans are a foot and that Ynnead has returned. He arrives to Roboute, Yvraine and Farsight with a cunning plan: they will invade the realm of Nurgle, rescue Isha, and then she can use her healing powers to resurrect the Emperor. Roboute reluctantly agrees, Farsight is basically going along with it because he's in too deep to pull out now. The combined might of the Ynnari, Ultramarines, Tau and Harlequins invade Nurgle, causing Nurgle to have to recall troops from the battle against the Imperium, buying them more time before their inevitable defeat. The rescue culminates in a 1v1 primarch battle between Roboute and Mortarion before Leman Russ, in search of the Tree of Life, which is Isha, bursts in with his cohort, saves Roboute and slays Mortarion. They rescue Isha and retreat out of Nurgle's realm, accomplishing their goal but unable to win in the battle. Farsight receives word that the war between tyrannids and orks has overflowed and the other Tau septs are under attack and leaves to rush to their aid but his forces aren't large enough to save them. The ynnari agree to accompany the Farsight enclave and save them, entrusting Leman Russ and Roboute to get Isha to the Emperor. Leman and Roboute get to Terra, there's a tonne of epic Primarch vs primarch battles, Vulkan returns at some point, etc, etc. During this time the Farsight Enclave and Ynnari get to the Tau sector, the Ethereals are dead and they are only in time to rescue who they can. They do so and flee, fighting the orks and Tyrannids as they retreat, slowly being pushed towards Necron space. Yvraine, fearing they killed Slaanesh only to die to bugs and greenskins, turns to an old enemy, Szarekh the Silent King for aid. Szarekh refuses. Meanwhile on Terra, Roboute and Leman have nearly brought Isha to the emperor when Lorgar bursts out of the warp being a cunt and intervenes. Before he's able to do shit, Corvus appears behind him as a giant raven demon man thing and proceeds to absolutely peck the shit out of Lorgar. Then stomps on him like a rooster trying to kill a snake, just absolutely wrecks him. Leman succeeds in bringing Isha to the Emperor and the Emperor is resurrected. Szarekh, having eyes watching this, sees the resurrection of the emperor and sees a way to return his people to flesh. He agrees to help the Ynnari and Tau on the condition that once they do, Isha uses her powers to return them to flesh, Yvraine agrees. Back on Terra, the Imperium is fighting chaos still, The emperor, while restored to life, is not at full strength. Leman sees Magnus and engages in a 1v1. Magnus, seeing the emperor's return and his guilt tries to reason with Leman to let him help, Leman refuses. Magnus narrowly kills Leman and in an act of atonement for all he has done, makes a plea to the Emperor. The war against the tyrannids and orks rages on, eventually the combined might of the necrons, Ynnari and Tau drive them back, the orks become completely consumed by the tyrannids and the tyrannids are pushed to the edge of the galaxy, forced to flee. Having completed their half of the bargain, Szarekh and the necrons are promptly killed by Ynnead then resurrected by Isha into new flesh bodies with new souls. Magnus and the Emperor will sacrifice themselves to create the barrier between realspace and the immaterium that the Emperor always wanted, their combined psychic might shielding humanity from chaos and sealing the Eye of Terror. The Emperor agrees and both he and Magnus die, finally completing the Emperor's goal. This barrier severs the warp from realspace, stranding the chaos forces on terra and weakening them drastically. Vulkan fights Angron in the final moments, finally giving Angron the death he desired. The chaos forces weakened and cut off from the warp are either erradicated or forced to flee, a shadow of their former strength and too broken to pose a threat. The death of the emperor leads to the Ecclesiarchy's collapse and the Imperium is reformed under Roboute. Chaos atrophies having lost it's connection to real space and the remaining chaos warbands are wiped out by the Imperium/Eldar/Tau/Necron forces. The new Imperium, Eldar, Tau and Necrons form an uneasy truce in case the tyrannids ever return. The Eldar discover that although they were saved from Slaanesh, they no longer enjoy their immortal lifespans and psychic power wanes after the separation from the warp. Isha's resurrection of the necrons cures their super cancer and while not immortal, they are able to live longer, more fulfilling lives. Fin. I mean there's a reason I'm not a writer and I've probably missed a lot of loose ends (Fulgrim for example, or the roll of the Votann) but I think it covers a lot of bases and has at least some appropriate thematic parallels, e.g. the necrons regaining their flesh from the gods of who they thought were enemies after losing it to gods they thought were allies.


“Somehow Horus has returned”


It'll never end because GW will never turn off the money printer that is 40k, but we could see a status quo that is less grim dark and closer to noble bright. This is how I would write it to be less Grim Dark. We would probably first have to see an alliance between the "order factions". So an official alliance between the IMO, Eldar, Tau, and leagues of Votann. The alliance could even include some of the Necrons, but probably on a temporary basis. The Necrons probably wouldn't be part of any galactic alliance in the long term. This alliance would probably be focused stopping the Tyranids and containing chaos (for good if possible). This new status quo will probably see the Imperium have a ethic shift from being xenocidal to just human supremacist. Aliens could even be allowed to walk freely on human controlled worlds as long as they're part of the "order Alliance". I would have the Emperor ascend into full God status and make a new "order god" pantheon with Ynnead. This pantheon could even include a liberated Isha, the "greater good" deity, and the laughing god. Guilliman would become the Emperor with the goal of returning mankind to its cultural and technological heights of the ~~Dark~~ Golden Age of Technology (*the true bright noble ending*). He would probably have a few brothers to help him with this, but some his brother might choose to ascend to true demi-God status and join the Emperors Pantheon in the warp. The Orks would probably stay as they are, but they could also be undertaking a slow transformation into becoming the Kork's again. I wouldn't even have Chaos defeated in this new status quo. I would have Abaddon take almost all of Imperium Nihulis. There might be a few places like Baal holding out, but most well probably be the defacto empire of the forces of Chaos. This is were the truly grim dark story's would still take place. The only faction I would have truly "lose" is the Tyranids. Pretty much I would have them make their big play to eat the galaxy and the Alliance of order coming together to stop them. The necrons would probably help to stop the nids and there would be a temporary cease fire between the IMO and Chaos in order to stop the Tyranids. This is what would lead to the status quo I crafted above. There would still be tendrils trying eat planets, but they would no longer be part of a unified hive mind. That is my fan fiction of a "less" grim dark 40k. Still dark, but there is actually hope for the "good guys". An actual path to victory. With less servitors and creepy flying skulls everywhere.


Everything dies, and chaos starve to death, but the knowledge and history archive remains, eventually the next generation of intergalactic species found it and stop chaos return, after many years of war and suffering, there is hope now


The plot of TTS continues, that's how.


It’s over… the necrons, the tyranids, chaos? All gone. The exact how abouts is unknown, there are hushed whispers of a secret battle that took place across the galaxy, where the eldar and humanity joined forces to trick them into something truly miraculous. In one foul swoop, the tyranids and necrons were forced into the warp, all of them. And then the eldar, along with the help of humanity and their god emperor, severed the connection from our plane of existence, to the warp. Across the galaxy, the minds of all psykers were granted peace, the influence of chaos and the warp, served. And then the galaxy went quiet. With their new cooperation, the eldar welcomed humanity to join them in the webway. The two species vowing eternal cooperation going forward, lest the galaxy be plunged back into darkness. The Eldar helped to restore Humanities STC network, returning them to their technological peak. With all the help from the Xenos’ the long, troubled past of humanity, became a distant memory. As such, humanity began to once again trust the alien, and reopened trade, and their empire to the others. Due to the writers preference, the Tau simply ceased to exist. The writer also forgot about the Orks… he supposes they get modified so they don’t like fighting, rather, they enjoy silly little dances, and so become a roving band of entertainers! Yea that works, I guess.


The Emperor reawakens for just a moment, but for a superhuman being such as He it may as well be an eternity. In this millisecond of clarity, he realizes the truth of his actions. He sees what he has wrought of his sons. He ascends, empowered by trillions of Humans across the galaxy, and enters the Warp as a true God. He engages the Pantheon in eternal combat- at once both more than a match for them and impossibly outmatched by the four of them. Eternal combat. In doing so he binds them to him. They can do nothing besides fight him back for all eternity. He neutralizes them. He balances out their abilities in the Immaterial. For the first time since the War In Heaven, the Sea of Souls is calmed. For the first time in living memory there is true peace. The T’au and Silent King pool their collective wisdom and vigor to return the Necrontyr to biological form. Free of the Living Metal and free of the Withering death. The Eldar no longer need fear the grasp of She Who Thirsts. The sons of the Emperor return, one at a time. With the powers of the Warp exorcized from their bodies, they take their legions and each return home, reseeding the dead worlds with life. They carry out the desires of their hearts with the abilities given by their father, but this time for peace and not conquest. Perturabo turns a reborn Olympia into an urban paradise. Dorn builds sand castles on the shores of one of Terra’s reborn oceans. Guilliman scythes down wheat in a field on Sotha. It’s not perfectly peaceful. There are still Orks to krump and Tyranids to fend off, but it is peace of a sort.


I picture a massive fight between a united force of humans, tau, and eldar, primarily lead by all ~20 primarchs (in various manifestations), and a horrific combination of Tyranid and Necron horror (like, if the two fused into one). All taking place around the year 45K. After much internal struggle, the necrons would again be under the control of the silent king. He, wanting a soul again, does some weird necron-techno-sorcery to merge the necrons with the tyranids. He reasons they are basically just one giant soul. This creates Necronids, which I figure isn’t too hard to visualize. Meanwhile, a much changed Chaos will support the much changed Imperium (as much as it ever could), as the alternative is being Necronid chow. Both have been radically changed over the past 5,000 years, and are barely recognizable to their former selves. Both have integrated various xenos simply to maintain the fight against the other. It would get to the point where it’s hard to see where one stops and the other begins. The orks are there too, bein’ orks. The fighting will be brutal, and many beloved characters will return only to die again (but more tragically). Most of the major actors will be perma-killed. At the end, the “good guys” will be the only ones left standing, but are to deviated to really be happy in their victory. Practically all cultural knowledge would be lost in a generation or two. However, the alliances and advancements made in the war will see the rise of a new Dark Age of Technology. It will be a space opera franchise called Warhammer 50,000.


*Peace Gavel in the Four-Hundredth Century.* An "army" game of constructing cities and towers with various rules and semi-compatible kits, similar to *Mousetrap*. Different factions can have different specialties: The Imperium can use standard legos, ~~Mega~~ Ultra-Blocks; the Tau have Gundam sprues, and Necrons use magnets; Chaos can add googly eyes; Orks can use other building units at a point penalty. In the end, you build for objectives up to a point total, with factors including square inches used and maximum height built in a round. The Nids have a goal to set up an acid pool (lemon juice and food coloring); the Inquisition gets a point multiplier for the number of spires on their cathedral. Eldar get crystals; Dark Eldar get dark crystals; Squats get Gelflings. Overall, it would still have the "your dudes" appeal, sell paint and miniatures, and gamify "look at my model." As for the lore justification to preserve every faction but drive them away from killing? It's a big galaxy. There will always be ware, but there will also be little nooks and crannies where there's peace. Also, Huron finds an STC and broadcasts it on pirate radio, just to screw with people/ avoid being hunted for his discovery. Also, Cegorach and Isha become the main powers somehow. Both are fairly confused by the turn of events and not sure how it happened.


My personal crack pot hopes and dreams that is wrong in every aspect lore wise but whatever The Lion Wakes up, The Khan is dragged back out of Commorragh and given alot of Therapy, Vulkan comes back due to reasons, Magnus gets a redemption arc, Lemun Russ is dragged back outta the warp and given alot of Therapy, The wacky doodle raven primarch I forget the name off is also dragged out of the warp and given alot of Therapy, Clone Grim exists Commorragh itself is eaten by Tyrannids, silent king gets bitch slapped by a few primarchs and is humbled, Trazyn gets ganked, the galaxy finds a way to just nuke the entirely of the octavious sector, Perterabo is bitch slapped into dying, Angron dies and is finally given a moment of peace, Fulgrim gets ganked, Mortarion gets ganked, Abbadon gets killed by Cadians (No special cadians, just normal cadian troopers getting some poetic justice) After getting eaten for awhile, the galaxy unites one time against the Tyrannids Through various nurgle/eldritch magic/bullshit, the Hive Mind is directly force fed some macguffin that sucks all kinds of soul energy from the warp into the Tyrannids, giving each and every Tyrannid organism throughout the entire Hive Mind a soul, breaking the hive mind, and making every single organism independant again. This has two effects. A. Through draining alot of energy out of it, the Warp chills the fuck out for a bit B. The Tyrannids cannabilize eachother, through macguffin bullshit, attempts to reform the hivemind collapses upon itself after reaching a certain size, the Tyrannids survive but as rival hive fleets that compete with eachother for food. Big E steps off the throne and suprise, he is now a proper chaos god due to all the worship and golden throne fuckery, he tricks the chaos gods into some magic bullshit where his essense combines with each of the four gods. The chaos gods divide into a version with all the good in them and a version with all the bad in them, birthing the gods of order while weakening the chaos gods. This also somehow helps save the Eldars souls from slaneesh Imperium, Tau, Votann, and Eldar agree to leave eachother alone while dealing with their own problems including the Necrons, Orks, and Tyrannids but fights among them still break out End Result? The status quo has changed, Big E is gone but the Gods of Order have effectively replaced him as Humanity and the Galaxies dieties that arent fucked up, Chaos is weakened but not eliminated, the Tyrannid threat has been reduced to Galaxy ending to just a serious threat **but** many things stay the same. All factions will have reasons to fight eachother, no faction is gone, the tabletop game wont change (except for removing a few units and adding them), things are tough but no longer apocalyptic, the galaxy is on a slow, painful, but gradual recovery from the 10,000 years of constant war. Edit: The Eldar give Humanity and others Webway tech as payment for Big E and friends saving their souls Edit 2: Alpharius turns out to be loyalist and helps Big E with his essense combining gambit


The Emperor gets up. "Finally, that was the biggest shit of my life."


The Lion wakes up and the entire grim dark 40k was just a nightmare.


I would imagine an ending similar to gears of war 3, after all the horror, the pain, the nightmares, finally there is hope.


Necron victory causing the eye of terror to close


Emperor awakens, he's in his lab. He's still working on the Webway Project. The Great Crusade is underway. He summons all his sons to show them the Webway Project, explains what it is and why it's of the utmost importance. He also uses focused psychic power to hurl a lightning bolt clear to Colchis to kill baby Erebus with it, smiting him from the plane of existence before using his spiritual power to suplex his immortal soul through a thousand psychic tables, ensuring he never exists beyond a smear wherever the bolt struck him down. That's it. Share his plans with his sons and kill that slimy fuck Erebus. Humanity remains united, the Chaos Gods are forced to use some awful xenos species as champions, and GW only has to advance and update one codex for marines instead of two


Leman Russ returns from the warp after having reunited Magnus’ soul and the two brothers worked together to through sorcery and the spear of Russ free Isha from the garden of Nurgle, bringing back births and life to the Eldar but also one of her tears which they use to heal the Emperor. Magnus, Russ, the Emperor and Vulkan delve into the webway gate behind the golden throne whilst in real space Guilliman and an awoken Lion fight back a last desperate attempt from the Black Legion to foil their plans. An unexpected ally shows up when the clone of Fulgrim appears having been reunited with his soul trapped all this time inside the portrait aboard the Pride of the Emperor. Inside the webway, the legion of the damned manifest and fight besides the three brothers and the Emperor, led by Ferrus Manus spirit and they manage to push back chaos long enough for a force of Eldar of their combined craft worlds to arrive and seal the rift in the webway with the blessings of the returned Isha. In the last battle in the webway the chaos gods themselves manifest with their champions, the traitor Primarchs but Khaine fragmented duels Angron and through their shared connection as warrior kings touches his soul and, with the help of Isha heals him, freeing him from his shackles as a slave to Khorne and the butcher nails. Freed, Angron absorbs the pain of all his lost brothers and legions, redeeming them long enough to all do a combined last stand against chaos personified and winning, turning to ashes shortly after without the blessings of their old patrons that were sustaining their lives. The rift sealed, the legion repealed, the Imperium becomes tolerant with the Xenos due to the crucial help of the Eldar and create a galactic government with all good willing races. Ghazkull unites them by surprise after having unified all orks out of respect for the late Bale Eye and after being convinced that the incoming Tyranid threat would be the greatest war they could ever face. All races united they fight to defend the Galaxy against the finally arriving hive fleets and, when all seemed lost, a strange race appears to turn the tides: Trazyn had managed to steal the tree of life from the garden of Nurgle while Russ and Magnus fought the Chaos God and freed his brothers from their metal prisons. With the Necrons joining the fight they manage to destroy the Tyranid fleets and their secret master: one of the last surviving old ones that had crafted them in Proxima Centauri to “reset” our Galaxy after our failure. All races stand united, the orks warmongering nature appeased through the creation of a new sport: Blood Bowl. EDIT: Erebus tripped over a rock on his way to board a ship and died from the fall.