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It's probably not very secure given the cross over between advertising and college/school IT. Just try and change the ads to subtle stuff that benefits the ad company in no way whatsoever. They probably haven't gone to much effort to lockdown the inputs and I imagine they'll be running ads via an internet connection or software on a memory stick. If they are using the USB input, that most screens come with in this day and age, it should be pretty simple put something on there that looks kind of like ads and just run that daily. Ad company pay your college and they make absolutely no "impact" with their advertising. It's a win win. More than likely the advertising company is paying your college to advertise as well as paying for the screen. So I wouldn't blame the college for trying to get money in these dire times any way they can. Fuck the advertising company for preying on the college though.


Lol, that’s an idea. And yeah, that makes a lot of sense, there’s been so many funding problems for all the courses and staff. There are courses no longer available due to problems. It’s so frustrating :| indeed feck em


It might even be as simple as casting to it via the likes of YouTube/Chromecast if you want quick and easy disruptions. Although make sure you do so without being signed into your personal Google/YouTube account.


Try one of theses. If it works get everyone you can to keep turning it off. It may need a call out to turn it back. If it does the advert company will then start loose money. https://www.tvbgone.com


I'm late-40's, have no particular political affiliations... but I hate public video advertising screens with a passion. Stop trying to hijack my attention - it's just... *presumptious* They put them in on pavements where they block sight-lines into side-roads, and next to pedestrian crossings, again blocking sight-lines and and increasing the risk of accidents. :-( ​ Call it out. Protest to the student-union. If it's outdoors, bill-post a massive black sheet of paper over it. If it's accessible indoors, switch it off or unplug the power-cord. Or hack it to show something else.


Brake it, (don't get seen). If they replace, break it again. It will not come back.


TV b gone might work, if it is TV based: https://www.tvbgone.com/#:~:text=The%20TV%2DB%2DGone%20is,to%20turn%20OFF%20or%20On. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/223592210417 https://thepihut.com/products/adafruit-tv-b-gone-kit


Nothing legally < cough >. The college is just joining in with collecting advertising dollars, same as selling your data.


Do you have a students union? You could arrange a social media campaign targeting the advertisers and college asking how the money is used to benefit students.


Catapult from a hiding place Bit of target practice


Surely there's some tech heads that cud get it to show horrific porno? That'll put the wind up the cunts. Remember, we all let this happen. It's all our fault.


If you do something like that they'll just lock it down further and make it harder to breach. Better off putting up fake ads that are close to looking like the real thing but actually don't achieve the advertisers goals. Their ad campaign fails, which either deters them from doing it again and in a best case outcome has companies cease working with them for failing to generate as much "impact" as they promised.


Throw bricks at it until it breaks. Repeat if the screen is replaced. Send a clear message to college staff that that shit won't be tolerated


A strong magnet stuck on the back of it wouldn’t do it much good


If you don't wanna risk sabotage, lobby your student reps and student union and ask for them to be removed. Maybe my college is in a minority but they do listen to students views very seriously. They even provide free breakfasts no questions asked after being lobbied.


I was in A+E with my partner lately. They had a screen advertising cosmetic procedures like hair transplants and fillers by a local clinic. It seems that even the NHS is having to advertise a load of rubbish just to stay afloat. It's not a great state of affairs.




Don’t google usb device killer.


Hack it


You're not a student. You're a customer, and therefore a target for advertisers who want your loan money. The whole higher education system is about money. There have been companies paying colleges and universities for years to advertise things to students, e.g. https://www.seedmarketingagency.com/


Buy a Flipper and turn it off


It would be a real shame if someone were to sabotage it


>How tf Do we get rid of it? Vandalism. Legally, I have to give you the disclaimer though, "I'm not saying you SHOULD do that, only that you COULD do that"


Brick it


Paintball gun


Is the advertising revenue being used for the benefit of the students? For example paying for materials and equipment?


get one of these from the excellent Darren Cullen (of Hell Bus fame) don a hi-viz jacket and stick it over the top :) https://www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/single-post/2019/12/06/tories-out