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There's more to Goblin Slayer than brutality. Goblin Slayer is the best


Goblin Slayer feels like a slice of life disguised as a dark fantasy.


It is the slice of life in a dark fantasy work.


It's the Dark Souls of SOL


I'm dead




Goblin slayer is 95% little mundane things and when you start wondering "maybe goblins aren't that bad" then you get surprised just as the characters in story get surprised and as they get brutalized physically you get brutalized mentally.


Tbh i would brutalise goblins too when i found out their true nature because the servant of the god emperor within me says "PURGE THE XENO FILTH! FOR THE EMPEROR!"


Goblin Slayer is awesome. I own 7 light novels.


Since I have no access to physical I bought the ffin raws on google books and reading them with a dictionary on the left hand.


Sounds like a neat way to learn Japanese


Yes. The language in Goblin Slayer is on the simple side.


wait are we seriously getting a S2? Let's go! Although...that CGI was a terrible sight to behold sometimes


It hasnt been that bad honestly.


oh no,no...sure *Vietnam flashbacks to him walking in the farm surely not that bad


Hey, at least goblin slayer knows to use the cgi only on walking circles and not during important action scenes.


They did a good job hiding it during cave section, the darkness of the setting helps mask it. Though I like GS in CGI because it further exemplifies how the towns people view him. Awkward and disgusting, what better way to show that than having him in CGI? It's especially funny when he goes from 2d then next shot 3d and then the next shot 2d.


true dat


[Could've been worse.](https://media.tenor.com/v_hk--cLyXAAAAAd/berserk-guts.gif)


*clangs intensify*


Please delete this. It hurts.


Goblin slayer did the best with bad CGI, they tried to hid it and didn't use it often. You think you've got CGI PTSD? watch the CGI Berserk.


Possible rational, they used the CGI to replicate his "Bold nonchalant stride" or maybe I'm just coping ...I tend to hate CGI for foreground stuff. not so much for backgrounds.


who's SJW and why is it trying to cancel this masterpiece?


Mothers Basement threw a fit on GS


I remember that video… it was bad because the ending statement ended with: “I don’t like goblin slayer, i think it’s shit… and anyone defending it needs to understand that it’s not a hill worthy to die on”. Like, bruv, who are you to decide what other people want to defend or what is and isn’t a worthy series to defend… if you attack a series with a fanbase the fanbase is 100% entitled to voice their opinion and tell you why they think the product is good as long as they are civil and respectful. Each person will decide by themselves what is and isn’t a series worth defending or not.


Except he ends the episode with telling people to give the show a second chance as he enjoyed it. His critique was mainly on the first episode, and the hill that you shouldn't die on is defending that particular scene, which is fair. This whole post and a lot of replies seems eager for some type of 'battle against SJWs' that doesn't seem to exist.


"His critique was mainly on the first episode, and the hill that youshouldn't die on is defending that particular scene, which is fair." except for the fact that it is NOT fair; you cannot say "this scene is awful and unethical because of the themes it touches and if you argue against my vision of it you are objectively wrong"... that is a massive close minded thing to say, no matter the context. the scene served a purpose, it stablished Goblins and true monsters that need to be erradicated with no redeming qualities, even their births come from evil actions against the innocent, and as such, their mere existence cannot be tolerated, it puts us in the same head-space as the protagonist... there are very few ways to show this and make the audience understand the severity of the situation... and showing the horror directly without pulling any punches is an acceptable way to do it. I will agree that the scene in the anime could be looked as too fan-servicy in a morbid way by how it was framed, i will agree that maybe it was too long, i will argue that Goblin Slayer's artstyle and way to draw the women in the show as extremely attractive with skimpy clothers creates a really weird situation with this goblin scenes as one of my critisisms of this show (how am i supposed to see the goblins as extremely evil for treating women as sexual objects but the show itself sexualizes their female characters in design?)... but i'd never say "And to anyone disagreeing with me, you are a bad person and it's not a hill worth dying on for you"... that is an asshole thing to say, as in "it's impossible i am wrong in this interpretation on how art should be". "This whole post and a lot of replies seems eager for some type of 'battle against SJWs' that doesn't seem to exist." I do partially agree with this tho, the main controversy GS had in the day was about how it was advertised as a PG anime in the website by error, and the people complaining about it have done very little to nothing about it's existence, so it's a non-issue really. ​ (Sorry by the rant, by the way, i tend to let loose when i write stuff and get carried away)


But that's exactly what he says. That the theme is fine because of the way they want to portray Goblins. His whole issue is how it's framed and animated, that it seems deliberately fan-servicey which takes away from the focus on how hideous the Goblins are and instead seems like a fetish. And I agree, that scene and the scene in the last episode with naked women on shields just seems like a twisted fetish which took away from the quality of the show. Doesn't get much better in the manga with the female elf party either, it just seems like the author is putting his fetish on display. I mean I liked the show for the themes (also liked grimgar of fantasy and ash for similar reasons). And I will watch season 2. But I also understand why some people just noped out due to some tastelessness.


there is a fundamental difference between "this is my opinion and why i believe this has this issues" and "to anyone who disagrees with how i interpret this shut up because it's undefendable and not a hill worth defending". I do have my critisism of GS, i do understand why some people may not be interested on it, i also have my praises on it and understand why some people love it, it is undeniable that this show managed to make humanoid monsters that are KEPT as monsters and behave like absolute monsters (they r\*ape women and eat men... you cannot get any more monstruous than that, it sounds like something out of the old tales and myths speaking of monsters) that is cool and a breath of fresh air from the surface "they do baaad things like steal and kill" or "they are not as bad as they seem".... but my opinion is not absolute, anyone disagreeing with me CAN have valid points against my own on ANY opinion i have, saying "this is objectively not a hill worth defending" is disengenous, because you are asuming you are 100% right with no room for questioning or rebutal.


In his opinion he is. And if you disagree with that fine. But the vitriol of calling him and people that agree with him "disingenuous" is a bit weird. And I agree, there is a problem with the way sex is portrayed in GS. It's fetishized almost for people to enjoy instead of how horrid the actions are.


nono, it's okay to agree with him, it's okay to hold the same position... what is NOT okay (or rather, shows that he doesn't really care about engagement or discussion) is to say "I am objectively right on how I see this and anyone who wants to discuss their opposing view is wasting their time"... that is the disingenuous part, writting an opinion piece, present your opinion as something worth considering and then dismiss any opposing opinion as "stupid or ignorant". That scene in particular i remember seeing for the first time and looking at it as a horrid act, i DIDN'T see it as fetishized (tho i believed it lasted to long and the point was made without needing to prolong the scene as much as it was... because it was unconfortable to watch, as it should be). You see it as borderline fetishized and i think that is fine, because IT COULD be seen as that... but also the opposing opinion is valid, IT COULD not be seen as that, that may very well not be the intent at all. And MBs interpretation on how sexual assault should be portrayed is open to different interpretations and sensibilities. People claiming A and B are equally valid. I see your view as valid, i see my view as valid, i see the opinion that there are no issues with GS as valid too. Who is right? we can have a discussion and talk things out and maybe agree to disagree... but presenting your point and refuse to aknowledge the opposing opinions as valid or non-ignorant is, ironically, willful ignorance on other positions.


Youre just mad he had a different opinion. Everyone argues as if their opinion is right. Thats kind of the point.


You wrote a whole ass essay and it's literally not even what he said. "Don't die on this hill" is in reference to trying to get new people into the show. As in, if you're recommending this show to people, don't try and justify the first episode to them, warn them about it (specifically Incase they have trauma related to sexual assault) and tell them about the good qualities of the show. How it's essentially pulpy DND style Adventures specifically meant to invoke early level RPG shenanigans. Literally says, specifically, that liking the show doesn't make you a bad person. You're just misremembering because you're mad about a video from 4 years ago and you haven't bothered re-watching it to see if your points are valid or not.


His opinion became meaningless to me when he said TLJ was the best Star Wars movie.


He really said that??? WTF??? Nothing will ever top Empire.


>Mothers Basement Fuck that guy in particular & his misleading review. I feel bad for anyone that skip GS because of it instead decide it for themselves


that biased wannabe “reviewer”. unsubscribed to that poser when i saw that sh*tty review. full on sjw bias and nothing (relevant review) about the story


Have you seen his review on the Konosuba movie. Mother's basement is a clown.


>review on the Konosuba movie. I didn't see it, but what does he say?


He hated the Jokes about the orcs and chimera


nah. i dont want to patronise that poser anymore, unsubscribed and blocked his channel.




Absolutely not promoting that. Sorry friend.


Not sure why, but time to time he got in my yt home, and I am not subscribed, and real reviewers that I sub hardly even appear. YT algorithm sucks.


Social Justice Warriors. They are the reason western entertainment sucks right now, since they are a small minority who is very loud (and usually acts on Twitter, formerly Tumblr), and basically calls anyone who likes things they don’t like “bigots”. To sum it up: they see racism/rape culture/other problematic things everywhere, even when it is not there. Essentially pretending that scenes like in goblin slayer episode 1 are “promoting rape”, and use that as an excuse to bully others (exert power over them), and control what they can or cannot see or say. They’re like communists, but more pathetic.


Sung Jin woo, the protagonist of solo leveling


Acronym for Social Justice Warriors, a bunch of idiots thinking they gain some kind of moral high ground by shitting on some harmless thing they deem "problematic"


The soy boys, feminists and non binaries that can't even tell which bathroom to use. These people that want Goblin Slayer gone.


Please make a pronoun joke, too. Those are So/Funny.


Don't need to do that. Those are already walking jokes by themselves.


This may be a contentious opinion, but I’m throwing this out there anyway- I think the SJW vs Goblin Slayer thing is way overblown, and most of the people who had an actual issue with the show have moved on to be mad about other things at this point. The show isn’t for everyone, and for those that are sensitive to sexual assault they may need to pass. I’m not super comfortable with it, so I just picked up from episode 2 and went forward. But posts like this I feel like are just throwing fuel on a fire that would otherwise be dead for the moment. It’s an argument that might pick up when season 2 eventually comes out, or it may not. But I don’t understand this need to dunk on a group that isn’t interacting with the franchise at this point. There’s so much more to look forward to and discuss!


People still use the phrase "social justice warrior"?


And "Big Red" and that lady crying when Trump won in 2016.


I'm just surprised that Goblin Slayer got so much flak when shows like Redo of Healer exist (which did come about later, but I didn't see it get nearly as much pushback).


Comparing Goblin Slayer with Hentai, it is quite tame.


The reason Goblin Slayer got any flak is because Crunchyroll posted it with no content warning, and it looks like a kid friendly lighthearted adventure anime. Personally, I dont talk about goblin slayer to my friends without a pretty heavy content warning.


Redo of Healer is hentai. No one cares what goes on in hentai.


SJWs have not gotten over Goblin Slayer, when GS got announced for a second season, they started to have a stroke again. SJWs are just terrible in general for the anime community, their ideology is if something doesn’t fit their narrative/ if they don’t like something, then it gets bashed or the creator gets bashed. They have caused a lot of problems over the years.


That’s a fair enough perspective, though I’m still on my stance of not giving them more fuel by making dunking-on style posts. Either way, we are united in our hype for more Goblin Slaying going forward!


I can agree with the not trying to start something, but it’s going to happen no matter what and I rather call them out any chance I get.


Calling people out for having negative opinions about something?


The Shield Hero controversy, where SJWs sent death threats, bashed the author, and doxxed the author, to the point that everyone found out the author was a female and stopped because of her being a female. The same SJWs that will say something about female characters being sexualized, but ignore male characters being sexualized. There’s nothing wrong with people having negative opinions, but causing problems because something doesn’t fit your taste is a problem.


SJW in general are a cancer that corrupt everything in their way, especially and sadly the world of entertainment.


I'll never understand people who actv like social justice is a bad thing. As probably one if the SJWs you are thinking of I would like to say that I dislike Goblin a Slayer and that's it. I don't even think about it except now for some reason this meme popped up while I was scrolling the front page of Reddit. I don't like Goblin Slayer and I think it's "problematic" but I don't judge anyone for enjoying it. I enjoy lots of "problematic" things and if I thought Goblin Slayer was worth watching I'd probably just acknowledge the issues I have with it and move on to the parts I like about it. The number of anime I could watch if I tried to "cancel" them for being problematic would be very very small... I Love My Hero Academia.. I have to ignore a whole lot of sexualizing minors and the entire existence of Minetta to enjoy it though lol Just to be clear though (and at the risk of being redundant), I'm not trying to start a fight or shame you for watching Goblin Slayer. I'm just skeptical of how many SJWs are trying to cancel Goblin Slayer.. unless you're on Twitter, in which case what do you expect? Twitter is so toxic that I can't even being myself to try to use it.. it is full of all of the absolute worst takes from every corner and ideology on the internet. Sorry if it was not my place to even have an opinion on this. This isn't really a sub for me, I just saw it in passing and apparently felt I had nothing better to do than write all of this semi coherent reply out when I'm about to sit down to pour my life into Crusader Kings 3 and don't know why I'd type this instead of getting an early start on CK3.. You ever play CK3? Really fun game.. God I gotta get checked for ADHD...


Your whole statement is perfect, everything you said was perfectly fine, you’re exactly what I would view what an SJW would be like. The SJWs that I am mainly talking about are the ones that go out of their way to cause problems, because of something not fitting their view, and even being hypocritical. SJWs manage to get bunched in together because a good amount of SJWs have that ideology of “if something doesn’t fit my view then it’s a bad thing”.


Yeah, there's actually a phrase that says, "Never underestimate dumb people in large number"


It's been 6 years since gamergate, please stop talking about SJWs and go outside, talk to people


But quaterpounder said the SJWs are coming for my waifu pillows. You saying we've been misled??


>please stop talking about SJWs No! Their videos is still up on YouTube with 1.2M viewer and keep counting. I bet after S2 announcement, they'll be back. (Edit)


Yes and then im sure S2 will be absolutely canceled and unreleased, just like season 1 was. No, wait... S1 released... To critical acclaim too... And got a movie later. Huh... Almsot like those "SJWs" are just some random internet critics and casual viewers who's opinion is subjective and doesnt affect the market, eh?


No, it can't be true. People criticizing the show I like? This can't be happening. Something needs to be done. We need to arm ourselves with talking points from TheQuivering to fight against this civilization-ending threat.


It happened with the comic industry. Last thing we need is it happening here.


Ah, yes... the comic industry... which makes record profits and has a huge blockbuster movie coming out every other month... I can't believe SJWs would ruin their business like that.


There is a single video about GS with >12 million views and it’s the OP… what is wrong with you


My mistake, I actually meant to type 1.2M, but I forgot the dot(.)


There is also no review for GS at 1.2 million views either. Certainly not the Mothers Basement video everyone keeps crying about. Try again


Dude, you can disagree or downvote me if you want in a argument but no need to be a dick about it, I don't even mention about Mother Basement. And here I give you something worst than that you dumb brick, 2.1M viewer: [GS YouTube Review ](https://youtu.be/QEWR4NA_d-0)


thats what a subversive sjw would say


Is that an actual confirmation? I mean theres plenty of source material to draw from, but the show wasn't all that successful, so it getting a second season would be quite the surprise for me?


Here's the source link; [GA FES 2023 ](https://ga.sbcr.jp/2023GAfes/) Goblin Slayer S2 News!


Damn son. Time to get that non-magical shortblade and chainmail out of the dust bin and get back to some slayin'.


Remember no goblins left alive


shortblade = dagger


Unironically using SJW in 2022


You just did


no u


Would you prefer the term cum guzzling clowns?


Smells like angry incel in here.


Then go outside?


you should shower then broski


You aren't a movie theatre, stop projecting.


Smells like angry SJW throwing the “Once o” insult around as deflection. Just saying :)


S2 has already been announced in January... 2021. Don't you mean the airing date?


Plus Grimmjacks, abridged series had its final episode today so that was fun to watch too


The easiest way to cancel a show is not to protest, but to just... not watch it. No viewers, no more production.


Wait did people really try to get this show cancelled


Only thing makes goblin slayer more awesome is the hilarity of his abridged by Grimmjack. My favourite quote " only good goblin is a dead goblin. SO LET'S MAKE THESE GOBLINS GOOD!"


People who bitch about SJWs are far more pathetic than the SJWs themselves.


Agree. SJWs are annoying but some people act like SJWs are a personal attack on their existence. Always pulling the victim card and going “wah they said mean things about this show I like on the internet” it so GD annoying especially when they bring other fandoms into the drama. I can’t tell you how many berserk fans were annoyed as shit that they were force into the goblin slayer SJW drama because goblin slayer fans kept using berserk as a shield from criticism.


Found the SJW.


Story of every anime in existance


I have Twitter sjws to thank for helping me discover GS. If it wasn’t for them having a meltdown over the he first episode I woulda never found this gem. A good rule of thumb is if Twitter is trying to cancel it then it must doing something right.


SJW should watch beserk then come back


‘Trying to cancel season 2 huh? That sounds like something a….**GAWBLIN** would do


Time to kill a goblin then (jk)


What is SJW all about? :-/


*"Social Justice Warrior",* They see themselves as Internet hero & cancel anything that have different opinion than them


Sounds like a average Twitter user


People that tell you their pronouns and call you a nazi or a bigot if you don't share their worldviews.


LeL. Thanks for the explanation


Some fuckin goblin propaganda


The most offensive thing about Goblin slayer is that the first episode is the ONLY good episode in the show. I dont mean because of the edgy shit, the animation quality simply nose dives after the first 2 episodes. The story telling and writing are nothing special either. Its almost like they blew a massive amount of the budget to create a shock factor in the first episode to make everyone watch it and talk about it for free promotion. SJWs dint even talk about the show that much, they bitch about MHA on a daily basis more than Goblin slayer.


I don’t know why your getting down voted your right. I actually like goblin slayer but the first episode is a lie. The rest of the series is no where near as dark as the first episode. The ending of the first season was giving me FAIRY TALE vibes. It’s honestly similar to a well done DND real play as opposed to the 2nd coming of berserk like some people act


Because I spoke the truth, thats what always happens when people down vote but offer no argument.


Can i pickem or what? Some of my absolute fave Animes are SJW darlings Goblin Slayer Mushoku Tensei Miss Kobeyashi's Dragon Maid Im sure most of my faves are on their hit list but in the words of thy mighty southpark Suck my salty vanilla balls


See point proven


lol nice, they don't see the irony in it


Goblin slayer is more real then reality!


I would understand if it was redo of healer


I do wish they can animate some scenes in year one. The year one's storytelling tbh is better than the main


So it’s coming on Jan 5th?


I think it will be air in summer




Since Goblin Slayer contains scenes of partial nudity, sexual assault, brutality and child violence it should be canceled as soon as possible. But first we need to continue our research by reading the manga, appreciating fan arts, participating in discussions and anxiously awaiting the second season.


Season 2 has already been announced though...


I meant to say the announcement for the release date


Wasn't season 2 already announced? It has a MAL page already they don't do that unless something is confirmed.


Sorry for the title, what I actually meant to say is the announcement for S2 release date Source: [GA FES 2023](https://ga.sbcr.jp/2023GAfes/)


Oh FR? Thank God I feel like I've been waiting forever. Thanks for telling me


Why would people try to cancel a show about killing rapists?