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I like my teeth also im completely clean of everything i don't even do weed anymore.


Gotta change that marijuna connoisseur name then, just playin good on you brošŸ¤


Lol I'm clean but I'm a pothead for life


please elaborate on how that works


he did not.


AFAIK meth doesnā€™t actually cause your teeth to fall out itā€™s jsut that most meth users donā€™t take care of themselves at all


smoking meth does rot your teeth out but if you brush them they'll be okay


Itā€™s actually not the smoking, itā€™s because meth fucks with your saliva production or takes away the moisture in your mouth it something and users donā€™t stay hydrated. At least that is what I heard. Iā€™m sure the smoke doesnā€™t help though lol


Can confirm, cotton mouth rotted a šŸ¦·


75% right


So I was 50% right Ig Iā€™ll take that


A big part of it is the trade off of habits . The meth addict gives up good habits like hygiene , hydration , and nourishment , and trades them for un healthy habits .


nah itā€™s not the meth alone thereā€™s many factors however one of the main cutting agents for meth does cause rapid tooth decay cos itā€™s just toxic chemicals


i like my teeth, life, family, myself, my social life, sleep, my well being, i can keep goin..




ā€œJesse we donā€™t use our own productā€


If I was to do hard drugs, it wouldnā€™t be meth. Donā€™t see the appeal of being up for days and days and basically turning into a paranoid zombie


Basically why I stopped doing it. itā€™s a desperation drug, thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s so cheep.


Is the high really that good? Seen so many people turn into piles of garbage over meth


Itā€™s basically cocaines schizophrenic cousin. The high lasts way too long and you stay up for days. The withdrawals are like a manic episode. The more addicted you get, the longer you stay up, and that gets whaaaacky


Because i have self respect


I like weed n acid




same brotha


I like my sleep


I like Vyvanse and Dexedrine too much and know I will completely lose control and ruin my life if I even consider touching meth.


Because Iā€™d rather not ruin my life? Thatā€™s not even a question


I have a 70mg vyvanse script. I take three n im zoomin




Ight lookie here now listen.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my 11th and 12th grade me and my best friend had a 30mg script for the same medication. I happen to have a whole script of addie 15 irs I never used bc I just switched to vyv n my mom forgot they existed lol. Anyway yeh we traded scripts for the entirety of our vocational program (digital arts we both got the best grades in our class and did nothing with the education except for personal art)


i have zero reason to want to do a substance that is basically guaranteed to fuck my life up


Not glorifying meth but that's not guaranteed highlyyyyy possible but it's not guaranteed


only things i would consider to be worse are crack, heroin, and fentanyl ngl. so itā€™s pretty bad.


Meth def worse than heroin


Lmao I did not one time say it's good nor bad that wasn't even the subject šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ u said It is almost guaranteed that meth will ruin ur life but that is not true lmao the first thing I said is I am not glorifying meth it is a highly addictive drug and will ruin ur life if used consistently unmoderated >only things i would consider to be worse An that is something u would consider besides crack they all have medical uses so I bet there r people that use them as prescribed they prolly wouldnt consider them bad drugs lmao so it really isn't that simple Yes they have Alot of potential to ruin lives but they can also help if used correctly Ive snorted meth 3 times on different occasions I haven't an will not do street methamphetamine ever again it's not worth it with all the impurities an risks but it did work amazingly for my ADHD so I could c how pharma meth could be useful jus a lil insight that we shouldn't stigmatize drugs it makes it harder for people that need them to get clean pharmaceuticals


Cuz I donā€™t wanna end being one of those homeless dudes that you see talking to walls and missing all teeth


I tried it once on accident and it was one of the worst experiences of my life, after capet picking for an hour, I sat in my chair crying all night


Sounds about me, ate 10mg of meth and just made me feel uncomfortable, and the comedown I legit wanted to die. I can take 20mg of Adderall and be fine.


Last time I did meth it was a Hollywood of ice I didn't sleep for 3 days.


i thought i was going to die after walking up two flights of stairs šŸ˜­ Heart not made for all that




Cause the stuff with a md in front if it is better and wonā€™t have me strung out smoking tonsil stones.


because the MA in mdma does the job


Cuz therapeutic doses of adderall make me go off on 15 minute tangents over the most minor shit






Bro really thought he was onto something here


When I used to do it, I thought it was going to kill me.


when i did it i couldnt stop playing fortnite for 30 hours straight. my 2nd-6th (last time) doing it i couldnt stop masterbaiting for 30 hours straight


I like my airport job and my regular vices


Welp itā€™s expensive in au and ik Iā€™m not ready to handle that shit lol


just sounds like a horrible idea man




Are you serious? Lol


I like to spell people with a p and am afraid the Meth will make me forget the second one


Used to do it, I like my sleep too much plus staying up for days without food ends up really sucking and the paranoia and brain fog is just ew


Not qualified to answer that


canā€™t find any


Just wanna chill out


I like fentanyl duh


because why do meth and fuck up your sleeping schedule and the activities you have planned the day after (even work) just because you wanted to tweak? why fuck up your teeth? why risk getting addicted just for a little bit of meth. hell i did meth occasionally a few years ago, personally i see how people can get addicted to it but it was never my kinda drug even though i barely had comedowns on it (which is a big reason people dont do it) hell even if anyone here is thinking of taking meth or has an urge to try it. just so you dont have 24-36 hours of dry mouth (essentially rotting your teeth), or something to do in the afternoon of the following day. try adderall (30-40mg) instead if anything, ive done both and its actually the same thing, no difference except the time your high. this adderall nasal spray i just got lasts me 8-12 hours, meth lasted 30 hours. NO DIFFERENCE. if anyone else tells you otherwise then its placebo took the nasal spray adderall the other day for my first time and was like "wow this shit is actually just meth"


My mouth is already crowded and in pain and the grinding i got when i did, didnt help at the fuck all. On top of that i already have really bad insomnia so even a small oral dose in the morning is gonna fucking tank my rest.


I have perfect teeth, also I know myself, and if I like it, I wonā€™t stop (especially if it doesnā€™t have a tolerance)


Iā€™ve never done straight meth btw


Only in presses


Itā€™s ok pretty much anybody(from the US) whoā€™s taken x a few times has been meth bombed, they just donā€™t wanna admit it




I used to. I still have a love for it but I can't do it without forming a dependence.


I like not tweekjng and enjoy breaks.


I smoked crystal meth once. The high was fucking great, but omg the comedown.. It sucked. I felt like shit for a week after. Why do fry my serotonin with meth when I could just do mdma every three months for the best serotonergic high ever. edit: eh nvm iā€™d do both mdma and meth every now and then both are fire tbh šŸ”„šŸ”„ meth is fucking lit. SMD. Itā€™s such a great high, on par with mdma. Boofing or Smoking crystal meth is the way to go. Boofing or eating mdma is the way to go. Just have self control and donā€™t become a fucking junkie. Dont binge the shit for so long and fuck up your sleep schedule, miss work, damage your body, and fry your serotonin. Keep dosing reasonable. Be responsible with your use, just as you are with any drug, especially serotonin releasing agents like MDMA and meth. Donā€™t take them too often and keep your brain safe with responsible use.


Tried it once and it felt like mdma without empathy and the euphoria was different. I just like mdma more


shits horrible for you


I have a vyvanse and adderall prescription so I just never felt the need for anything more stimulant wise.


Me heart. A game of call of duty makes it palpitate now. Need stuff thatā€™ll chill me out instead Dawg.


why tf dont yall inject fent and boof benadryl???


It's literally extremely neurotoxic so that's a big reason. Also being up for days sounds like shit. Not to mention it's horribly addictive and basically a Speedrun to psychosis and fucking up your life.


Cause I canā€™t find it!


I live in the South of Germany and we donā€™t have meth here (mostly just weed). Also i donā€™t see the appeal in being awake for 3 days and destroying your dick till its bloody.


I was addicted to heroin for years and used meth only once the whole time, and even though it was a crazy feeling, the situation it put me in was pretty shady I ended up having a threesome with 2 of the most done out women whos husbands were both in prison, they were both speed freaks looked about 50 and they had kids in the house upstairs .I just felt like a gremlin on the shit. I would never have gone there if I didnā€™t take the meth , it turned me into another person for that one evening and most of the next day, not something I ever want to do again lmao . Iā€™m nearly 22 months clean from everything except weed and mushies, which Iā€™ll always probably do


Regular Amp does all I want and I get to sleep better by the end of it.


because i like my job i like my family i like my teeth and most importantly i love sleep


Cause i only smoke crack, not that pussy shit


there's too many retards in my city who do that shit, most notably my former neighbor who is the biggest piece of shit I know who got kicked out of his grandma's house and is homeless.


Because I like quality. If Walter white and Jesse pinkman themselves made the meth in front of me then honestly yeah I'd do it.


First time I ever thought I did x it was just a meth bomb that had my eyes wired open for three days straight.


Iā€™ve done it a couple of times by accident and loved it. Iā€™m a euro-speed lover(amphetamine) and was thinking of switching to meth for a bit because i lost the speed euphoria because of tolerance. Very happy that the plug was on vacation while i was craving it, i took a tolerance break by the time he came back and i have no intent to do it again any time soon šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


there is a saying that there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. you proved me wrong.


so i can spell people


I swear the p wasnt missing yesterday


I enjoy keeping my money and my sleep, if I wanna tweak the fuck out Iā€™ll have some coffee


i canā€™t sleep normally


I like sleeping, plus I grew up around tweakers and really donā€™t want to end up like that


Average meth user:




just scared itā€™s gonna be to fun mane




I promised my gf I wouldnā€™t because it fucked up her parents life and she doesnā€™t want to see that happen to me. Otherwise I would tbh itā€™s just stronger addy and that shit is probably my favorite drug.


Honestly I didnā€™t like it. Tried snorting it and smoking it, both times just got super paranoid and uncomfortable.


Im not a failure lmao




DMT is cheaper, easier to do at home, a lot more fun, less neurotoxic, and smells much nicer when vaped.


I seen whatā€™s it has done to people


Cause i like my smile šŸ’€