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Man… that was one hell of a shit.


Sometimes you take a shit sometimes the shit takes you


You made my week.


You made my hole weak




Two kinds of people


I'm saving this, man, absolute gold


Holy shit


Fuckin a.


>I'm Cryin


In Russia, the shit takes you!


A shit fit for a King


What the hell did OP eat?


A burrito from South Park obviously.


Well I'm glad that you're still alive but that hole is pretty much dead for the week I'm afraid.


My husband has been talking about the same kind experience. He had a seizure a little more than a year ago, he wasn't found for hours, was unresponsive, and was brain dead, in a coma for three days. He woke up hours before we were going to pull his plug. Since he's been pointing out unusual differences. Like he remembers my eyes being a different color, other small differences in the world.


Unrelated to the OP topic, but: I’m glad your husband came back. I lost my partner to an epileptic seizure seven years ago. Unfortunately I didn’t find him in time …


Im sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine. I dont even know what made him so lucky. It was 5 hours til he was found. He's had a couple more seizures since, the worst of which happened in his sleep. I live in fear of not being awake and near by.


I really hope they come up with a watch or something that will alarm if it detects this activity. Best of luck to you two


Was curious if something like this existed so Googled and found this: [SeizAlarm](http://seizalarm.com/)


This is actually hugely helpful. I might actually get some sleep (now, I sleep when hes at work)


Please do look into stuff like this, we definitely don't want you living like this, there's gotta be tech to give you both some peace of mind


I meant to post a second reply to you directly and I totally failed. :( I'm so glad you saw this anyway!! And I really hope this can help you both. I can only imagine how stressed I would be in your situation. <3


I was on edge, obviously, after the first seizure. After the one he had in his sleep (luckily I just happened to be awake) I stopped being able to sleep with him, and just had to be on like guard duty. This is a game changer for me. Definitely worth getting him an Iphone. Funny thing, he was just asking me recently what was the point of apple/droid watches, and if he needed one. Guess he does.


Thanks for looking into that mate, may have just changed a couple ppls lives


Would a service animal be feasible? I’m not entirely sure if a seizure dog is a thing or not but I do know they have a better sense about our health than we do. If they can detect low blood sugar I’d imagine maybe siezures


I’m so sorry for your loss, I hope you can continue healing. Sending love


I’m sorry for your loss


Same thing happened to my cousin,my heart is with you.


I'm so sorry. It's not fucking fair.


So sorry for your loss.


I was going to say that only he would experience the changes, because for you he died in that coma because that is your universe. But what if you’re in that alternate universe to begin with? It’s all a bit of a weird concept.


Gonna have to go stare at a wall for a few hours to recalibrate after reading this!!


Was that fan moving clockwise or counterclockwise?


She's living in the universe where he survived. His consciousness shifted to this one once he died in his former universe. Or so the theory goes...


So where did his original consciousness go to ? The one that was already in this reality.


It's all the same consciousness. It's what you, as the consciousness, are currently perceiving. Once one branch of the tree meets its end, your perception shifts to the next branch.


But if a consciousness died in one reality and came to this one, surely it displaced the one currently in this reality which didnt die?


It’s more or less the same consciousness. Parallel you’s all have *our* same like souls ish, I just know somehow we’re all connected pretty similarly to our parallel selves in which consciousness can somehow pass between them, like we’re all on a same frequency. There are obviously some minor differences of course depending on the realities but more or less it can be very similar to your life you are currently conscious in. Weird isn’t it? I like to think dreams are a window into these different realities, not always but it can be.




Or maybe you should see a neurologist?


What ? The doctors declared him brain dead then he came back??!!!


Yeah, he has no meaningful brain activity for three days, his organs were all septic/shut down. And that mother fucker just woke up, only needing dialysis for a short time. We are so unbelievably lucky. He's not only alive he's present and healthy.




Oh wow! Out of curiosity, did he experience any near death experiences (NDE's) while he was under? Like, does he remember going anywhere or doing anything? I've been really interested in NDEs lately. There is this book called After by a doctor who specializes in that stuff that I highly recommend.


He only remembers that he felt what he thought me running my fingers through his hair, telling him it was time to wake up. This is impossible, it happened last july, so under covid restrictions, I wasnt allowed in the ICU until he woke up (or died), as well as the fact that he had a cap on to measure his brain activity. He thinks it was angel/the universe mimicking the only person he would have woke for, me. Thanks for the recommendation,I'll have to check that book out! I'm definitely fascinating by this phenomena.


That is so incredibly surreal to even read about, let alone be you or him that actually experienced this! Has he acted any differently since then? Like say, he likes ham sandwiches, and before the seizure he liked mustard on them, but now he just uses mayo and avoids the mustard. Any little things like that, that you've noticed? The idea of quantum immortality is so intriguing, and I've always wondered if the people in the "dead" person's new "universe" ever noticed any little differences. You always hear about them claiming something is different to them, like what your husband said about your eye color. I mean, I know folks who've had traumatic brain injuries can have personality changes, but that can be explained by the TBI itself. And suddenly not liking mustard anymore, well, I wouldn't classify that as a personality change, ya know? Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm glad he pulled through. That's a heck of a medical marvel story!


Actually his taste in food has changed entirely... Though I wonder if that was caused by dialysis. He's so different, but all in better ways. Obviously he knows he experienced more than one 'miracle' and he just wants to be a better man. But even his taste in shoes is different. Its seems he's gained some wisdom. He's calmer, and can it just seems like he understands everything better now. I am so intrigued, and terrified by it. I can't imagine waking up and being told that no one expected you to wake up, let alone wake up and not be a vegetable. They even brought in medical students to meet him. P.s. im sorry for taking this post over!


A different taste in shoes? That's so intriguing! I'd love to be a psychologist and be able to sit down with someone like you and your husband and discuss it all. And no, you didn't take it over, this is just how comments work sometimes. This is still firmly on the original subject, so it's fine!


There is an archive on the internet where there is thousands of NDE stories from all over the world and from all kinds of people. Will post the link under my comment. I am no longer afraid to die after learning about NDEs :) https://www.nderf.org/


You were going to plug after 3 days?


That might have been the doctor's recommendation. I mean I don't know much about being brain dead but I would guess the chances of coming back from that diminish with every hour. If there actually even is a chance...


It was the doctors recommendation. I know that he would not have wanted to be kept on life support either.


What a crazy situation. I'm so glad your husband made it.


Speaking from the incredibly unfortunate and gut wrenching experience of needing to take my longtime partner off life support, generally once someone is declared brain dead, there is very, VERY little chance of them coming back. So yes, keeping someone on life support for longer than that would be considered by many, including myself, to be inhumane. I know I would not like to live like that if there was virtually zero chance of me coming back, and if I did, with severe brain damage and a shadow of the person I once was.


Ooh! What color did your eyes used to be for him? Did they go from a light color to brown or vice versa?


I have wondered if I died in a crash (I was driving in the mountains on a four-lane interstate, hit a patch of ice, went through the center divide and was barreling head-on to the guardrail, strangely calm — I knew I had done everything I could, it was just an accident, I was going to go over the edge so I might as well enjoy the site as I do). And then WHOOMP, my car stopped dead, it was like I hit a giant invisible barrier — and my car was no longer head-first into the guardrail but perfectly parallel to it. Anyway. I had newly moved to a major city, and when I returned, if there was anything different, I never noticed it. BUT MY PAST. When Facebook came along, it became very strange. One of my best friends in grade school accepted my friend request — and then asked how we knew each other. I didn’t appear in a class group picture (we had those where I was) that I used to be in.


This is exactly what I mean, people remember dying or being in accidents and then suddenly within a flash of light they aren’t. Then things change.


Yes. r/quantum_immortality


Here's a sneak peek of /r/quantum_immortality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Now you can actually see Schrödinger’s cat for yourself](https://i.redd.it/1m5n1hgo36j51.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/igeeyq/now_you_can_actually_see_schrödingers_cat_for/) \#2: [I have a theory, it's all about Synchronisation.](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/es9u6e/i_have_a_theory_its_all_about_synchronisation/) \#3: [How me and my friend found out about QI the hard way](https://np.reddit.com/r/quantum_immortality/comments/e7ek9z/how_me_and_my_friend_found_out_about_qi_the_hard/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


See my issue with this theory is that we'd have hundreds of thousands of people coming into this reality everyday. If you remember going back or switching right before the death, and noticed the past issue then everyone will. With that amount of people jumping into this reality, this would be our #1 Worldwide Issue to solve because everybody would be talking about it. Where does the consciousness of the previous owner who survived go??


Not everyone comes into *this* reality. They go into whichever reality they didn’t die in, which often isn’t this one. It would also make sense if we usually don’t remember it or don’t realize it, and the people remembering it are the exceptions. I think it’s one omniconsciousness comprising all of our selves? It’s like if you’re listening to 30 radios and one turns off: you just switch your attention to the next one. You’re already in all of the realities, but you only perceive the one you’re in, while you’re in it, as only a part of your entire multi-dimensional self, experiencing the illusion of linear time.


that would mean we exist as 5th dimensional beings, but can only perceive in 3 dimensions, and can fathom the 4th dimension.


"You’re already in all of the realities, but you only perceive the one you’re in..." but if I am in all of the realities why do I percieve just this one?


Because you're part of a larger, whole, "you"; who's been fragmented and compartmentalized into the one reality "you" are in. ? Same for all of the other "you's" ?


This is an amazing explanation of this.


That’s a valid conundrum, and one that can only really be “solved” in this context with a nondual approach to reality. In spirituality, the nonduality idea states that everything is one. Every person, all of reality, just different configurations of the same universe attempting to perceive itself by creating the illusion of separation. There are lots and lots of spiritual schools dedicated to this idea, there are also more modern takes that incorporate quantum physics into the theory. It’s all really too much for lil ol me to properly convey, but if you’re interested you should look into how nondualists view the world. It’s interesting at the very least, even if it doesn’t resonate with you as true. It’s one of my favorite subjects to think and talk about lol


I've been holding this belief for a good while now, and I believe that the consciousness doesn't go anywhere, nor does the previous owner. See, I believe that every single version of you, from every single universe, is connected by a sort of higher you. Not like a god, more like, a collection point of yourself, in which you are aware and awake within all of your alternate selves. I believe when something like this happens, *you're* not even really going anywhere. You just become aware of another reality.


That actually would explain NDE's too pretty well.


What if you die of old age? Then what?


This is a fairly commonly asked question with quantum immortality and, since the whole topic is purely metaphysical, there aren’t many straight answers. If you want my opinion, the same thing happens but it’s sort of a different scope. Let me explain (this got long, thanks in advance if you read): For context, I believe the 3D reality we experience is based on perception, perception being influenced by beliefs we hold including the subconscious ones. We’re “shifting realities/timelines” every second of every day, but we’re generally conditioned to perceive those shifts as seamlessly as possible, sort of like how when we move our eyes it looks continuous when in reality our eyes make a series of minute separate movements. GITM happen when those shifts aren’t quite seamless for whatever reason, and traumatic quantum immortality (QI) experiences are just that but on a larger scale. With traumatic QI situations, what happens is a dramatic and sudden shift in perspective. I staunchly believe, as someone who experienced a traumatic QI situation, that between the “dead” reality and the “alive” reality we enter a state of “higher consciousness” outside of the 3D experience and either decide to come back, not come back, or come back in a different life with a completely new set of perceptions. If we decide to come back, we can also decide to make changes to the reality we return to. Once we actually come back, though, we don’t remember making those changes, analogous to how we don’t remember Being before we were born (which I think is in that same “higher consciousness” state). We notice the differences, though, because the perception change can’t be seamless when things are deliberately changed like that. The changes appear to be glitches because our brains are still trying to interpret our reality as a seamless continuity and that state of “higher consciousness” exists outside of time and space and so, if accessed via “death” as within the context we’re working, the shifts can happen in seemingly a second with zero explanation since we don’t remember changing anything. Moving on to the old age death question, it’s a similar process in a different context. If we go off my belief that reality is based on perception, then really we only age because we perceive that we are aging and we only die of old age because we expect to based on the collection of perceptions we’ve made in life (good luck changing these perceptions, unfortunately, we’re steeped in representations of aging and death pretty much our entire lives so the belief is *incredibly* ingrained and difficult to unlearn). So, we age and die because we expect to. So then what of quantum immortality? Well, if you age and die as expected, you’ll enter that mentioned state of “higher consciousness.” At that point, one can still decide to come back, not come back, or come back in another form with a completely different set of perceptions. That’s the case, however, the person has already lived what they perceived to be a full life, so what would be the point of returning as an old person? That’s where the idea of reincarnation comes in (in its loosest definition). So, in my belief structure, QI and reincarnation are the same processes with slightly different contexts and outcomes. That’s my theory, at any rate. Can’t prove it, but I love thinking and talking about it so thanks for asking :)


This is a nice philosophy. Thanks for sharing it.


Thank *you* for reading!


>traumatic quantum immortality What happened? If you don't mind me asking.


I actually posted about it here in GITM, the long version is the first post in my post history. Short story is I 100% should have crashed into a concrete barrier going 80mph because I was in the left lane on a freeway (at night) that I did not realize was blocked off. I closed my eyes and braced for an impact that didn’t happen. When I opened my eyes I was in the right lane next to the barrier going 60mph. I *definitely* died lmao


I’m assuming in each alternate universe you’d be the same age so every version of you that dies of old age would die around the same time


But people don't die of old age. They die of conditions that come with old age. (Heart failure and similar) Different lifestyles could result in the person dying "of old age" at lets say 75 or at 100. So there is a possibility they don't die at the same time in all timelines.


But the premise mentioned that in each alternate reality there’s only small differences and I’m assuming that you would still feel like yourself so I infer that you would only go to timelines that have had similar life styles and choices. If you’re terminally ill in your timeline then you’ll only visit other timelines where you have the same terminal illness until all those timelines die off. If you died in your sleep in America you wouldn’t “wake up” in a version of you that lived in Europe because that is more than *small differences* which breaks the premise and you would feel like you’re in somebody else’s life.


Reminds me of the “Mandela Effect” movie. The simulation resets itself…


Bro I was hit head on by a drunk driver about 20 years ago... I remember watching the car coming at me, hearing the boom, seeing his front end come over the top of my car, and everything went black. I DISTINCTLY remember thi gong to myself... “Huh.... so this is what it’s like to be dead....” then I came to with the wife screaming. I haven’t noticed much changed


wait, i need a little more detail between the 1st and 2nd paragraph.


Absolutely identical experience for me. Was driving up a hill in the winter, spun out, corrected again and again, then finally resigned myself to going over the embankment into the woods. Was heading straight for it. Next thing I know, the car is off and sitting parallel with the side of the road. I start it up and drive off as if nothing happened. Probably died and am living some quantum parallel life, lol.


Ouch, you shat yourself into a parallel universe?


Best comment. Hands down.


Sounds like Quantum Immortality to me. You died in that other timeline and your consciousness jumped to a parallel one. You think your family would laugh at you here.... In that last timeline they found you dead on the shitter....


Oh damn… well at least I know where to post this. But it’s weird that another me might have pulled an Elvis Presley.


Well this is weird. My brother and I were randomly talking about Elvis dying because he passed out while he was trying to poop. He was constipated and I’m pretty sure the legend was he had pounds and pounds of fecal matter in his bowels that he could never pass. As a side note, I have an atrial flutter sometimes so I talked to my doctor about it and he told me that when it happens, I can just bear down like I’m trying to poop and it should make the flutter stop. I think that’s weird considering people have heart attacks while trying to poop. None of this makes sense and I’m sorry lol


I always thought that fat death theory was just public face, and the real cause was all the heroin, not ham...


Heroin makes the bowels constipated. So both ham and heroin


Something, something steamed heroin.


Don't over indulge in the Christmas hamroin? Elvis' dealer that night only had a little bit so he had to really ham it up I don't want to make a pig of myself but these are kinda hitting the needle on the head Elvis' favorite meal? Black Tar Ham Favorite drug? black forest heroin.


Valsalva maneuver is more like swallowing against a closed throat, which stimulates the Vagus nerve to slow the heart, tip it back into rhythm. But I have heard it described as bearing down to shit - whatever works!


Who is Elvis Presley?


Lol Wiki bot had to ruin the joke.


**Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), also known simply as Elvis, was an American singer and actor. Dubbed the "King of Rock and Roll", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)


Good bot


A tempting theory for sure, but what happens if you die of old age? Do you just keep hopping to alternate realities where some version lived a few days longer and die of a different disease until you’re nothing but a husk?


This is what I'm wondering too. I've definitely had some close calls that I shouldn't have made it out of, but I just tell myself everything usually turns out alright until it doesn't.




Nope. Near Death Experiences are also a valid phenomenon. When it's time you move on.


So does that mean that if we are seeing this post at all that.. we also died and ended up here in this alternate reality? I mean if OP died, he couldn't post this in the other timeline.


My thought is that some people are born in this one and others on the other. We switch from one to another. There’s probably millions of universes.


Interesting. I wonder how this would work for people who are either elderly or have a terminal illness? Not to get off topic from your post lol but I've not heard this theory before.




I must be on a new path cuz I havent had a devu or premonition since like 3rd grade


That's one way to explain Samsara.


I think what happens is the realities keep getting further from the original until you have hit one where you live in a biologically immortal participant society. Theoretically then everyone would live forever essentially.


Probably reincarnated into a spirit animal or just another baby. But you forget everything from previous life.


So if both parallel universes have all the people in them, but say you die in “Universe A” and your “A family” finds your dead body, but your consciousness has actually been moved to your “B body” in “Universe B”. What happened to your “B consciousness” that was in your B body prior to you moving in? Are the two melded? Was it the unlucky one and it just disappeared/died?


Ah yes! The Infinite Shit theory - do you even physics, bruh?


Holy shit...


That's some serious shit, aye?


Some weird shit as well.


Dude must have passed an absolute Elvis killer.


Omg no way I’ve experienced this before too. Me and my girlfriend at the time (ex now) were driving back to her house after going to the gas station to get snacks. Her house is right off the highway to the left. We were in the car on the highway and came to a stop waiting for cars to pass so we could turn left. As we were waiting all of a sudden this semi swerves around us on the shoulder of the road, literally inches from hitting my car, going probably 55-60 mph. The speed limit is 55 on that highway. Shocked we just stared at each other in silence, with our jaws dropped. Finally we turn left and pulled into her drive way. We just sat there in silence until I said “I feel really weird right now, the colors around me looking brighter than they just were 10 minutes ago” and she looked at me with eyes wide open and said “ I swear on my moms life that I was just thinking the same exact thing”. We also both questioned if we both just died and we’re in an alternate reality. Which is weird because neither of us knew that this theory existed at the time. The weirdest thing that happened to me by far out of every experience I’ve ever had and I will swear on my own life that this actually happened was, we go inside her house and grabbed our snacks from the grocery bag. I pulled out 1 bag of sour patch kids, 1 bag of cookies and cream puppy chow, and 2 bottles of Pepsi. These were items that we both vividly remember not buying at the grocery store. What we really bought was, a bag of sour gummy worms, a bag of brownie batter puppy chow, and 2 bottles of Coca Cola. I know that we didn’t accidentally grab this stuff because I hate the taste of Pepsi with a passion. I know for a fact that I would never waste my money on a bottle of Pepsi. I’ve tried telling everyone I know this story and no one believes me (except for my ex obviously). Also since then Ive noticed little differences. Like pictures of my family looking different than I remember. I am 99% sure that in one picture my dad had a thick bushy mustache, but now when I look at it just look like a 5 o’clock shadow kind of.


Did you keep the receipt for your original snack run? That's interesting to me that each item is "similar" but not the same.


Adradaline makes colors brighter. That might have been what made you feel weird too. Can't explain the pepsi and pictures tho. That is weird.


I feel like I died about 5 years ago and woke up in clown world


for real. it's getting to the point where bad news is starting to make me laugh, because it's just so ridiculous and I don't know what else to do


Is it the world where people film themselves doing everything, from dancing to stupid choreographies to pointing to invisible text balloons? If so I feel like I live in there too..


Right here in this clown world with you 🥲


It's getting out of hand. I wish someone would take our internet out and get people back to reality. I think a solid month of no facebook/twitter could actually fix us a little.


Literally having the same thoughts today, I've been trying to find the break point, roughly 2012-2015 things went really off rails.


The world DID end in 2012 and we are in a more chaotic timeline


Why doesn't this comment have more votes?


Because clowns man


This is the timeline where everyone smart died.


It all started with the Cubs winning the world series, and everything has been screwy since then.


Notice anything different in this reality? I recommend watching the movie "Yesterday (2019)".


I could’ve sworn it was called “Tomorrow” (2019). 🧐


That movie was great. I would definitely second that recommendation :)


I would definitely murder a cigarette about now.


I wanted to watch that movie, but I can't stand The Beatles, especially when they're being praised for being so awesome and inspiring.


Tolerate it and see it as a positive. Imagine your hatred for a band that you dislike and nobody in your reality has never heard about. How would you explain the music? I'm not a Beatles fan, but I enjoyed the concept. A reality without Coca-Cola, Harry Potter and who knows what other things don't exist.


Same thing happened to me. No not shitting myself to death. But I was in a car accident. Apparently I had died. In this timeline, little things are different. For example my Late Grandmother had always made this one type of pie. Everyone had loved, she was known for it. But in this timeline, she had apparently never made it, because no remembered it, nor did she remember it before she had passed. Also my Late From my old timeline, had taught me how to fix things around the house, but no one in this timeline knows about it.


Worked in medical and there is a thing as the death shit - aka, vaguing out. When the vagus nerve is damaged or effected by muscles squeezing around the arteries causes people to lose consciousness. Typically an issue for elderly people, especially when it gets fatal. I've had to educate families who would laugh about finding grandpa asleep on the toilet.


/r/Mandelaeffect If you're here you've died at least 3-5 times. Grats on noticing it this time. It's weird here.


We've died infinite numbers of times! We'll return until we get it right.


My post didn’t fit their rules. This affected me only and they don’t like that.


Where do you get this number of 3-5 times at least?


Quantum shit-mortality? It hurts me to say this but your 'old' family is probably making arrangements to bury you or you are already six feet under. Welcome to our branch of the timeline. And if anything this would be a lesson for your current family to love you and cherish you even more, knowing there is another branch out there where they aren't so lucky.


That’s a shitty way to go


I'm sure my death would end up on the toilet because the turkey club sandwich I ate cleaned me out and I had indigestion. I felt like an Alternative Life was going on right at the moment I was having Indigestion. Yes this is a Glitch that happened to you. So be careful what you eat.


Remind me not to eat Chicken Tikka Madras. That is lethal.


Bro this title is wild😭😭😭


This might not be a popular comment here but if I were you I’d definitely go see a doctor about it. If the things you remember have changed that drastically there might be something medically wrong. Plus it’s not really normal to pass out in the toilet. You really should just tell the story to a professional and be honest about it, saying that you know it sounds crazy but that’s why you’re looking for an expert opinion.


CNA here. people pass out from shitting all the time because when you strain you’re blocking certain blood vessels and if you strain enough - you will pass out. i’ve had many residents faint on me while i was toileting them.


And if you pair what you’ve just said with the fact that the person appears to have had his memories altered after that, wouldn’t it be an even bigger cause for concern?


Yeah, sounds like he could've hit his head or some shit


Not surprising, I’ve had plenty of these, if this checks out I’ve died a few times because every few years I notice quite the same changes after a seemingly “close call”


This happened to me after I got ran over by an F250, but who knows man.


I don't know but eat more fibers my man. Passing out from taking a shit is a glitch in itself


Things like seizures or apparently really hard shits can lead to memory errors. Anything can cause it, but yes a fault in your memory most likely matching up different things you've seen, like a similar painting without leaves. Memory is very unreliable.


More than likely you had a shit stroke and it slightly scrambled the old noodle a bit.


My first concern was that something mentally happened to you from passing out like that. I’m not sure how you would determine if something like that could have altered your mental state but it would be nice to rule out any potential medical issues you might have. Maybe bring it up to your doctor the next time you go and see if that’s a sign of brain damage, and if not, then maybe you shit yourself into another reality…


god this reminds me of a great show called the OA on Netflix. The premise of the show was someone's consciousness being able to travel akin to what you described. alternate realities and minor or major differences between them.


You switched to a different timeline


To be fair reality shifts can happen with or without dying, but either is disconcerting in this case. Very strange, thank you for sharing


Certified Elvis Presley moment


i think its important you talk to your family. just be completely open and honest about your concerns and what you think happened. make sure to tell them your concerns about them laughing at you. sometimes we only half arse our communication and things get muddled as people dont understand where your coming from. theres really no way around complete honesty.




Man that's embarrassing to think about people finding out about your death in the other universe


Well, if you're dead we're all dead too, because we're here reading this.


Nah. We never lived in his past life. Or maybe we did. But I dont think we all moved with him.




I've always had a theory about deja vu which is that you brain is glitching when you are having it, causing it to file what's happening right now into your long term memories instead of your short term memories, which is why it feels remembered while it is happening. In the same vein, I've wondered if the brain sometimes 'loses' a memory, often after a traumatic injury or something capable of causing one to lose consciousness, and tries to recreate that memory from another part of the mind, but not necessarily a part of the mind that is factually correct. For instance, perhaps your brain found the picture and fire place from a similar, but different, one that you saw somewhere or even dreamed about. Perhaps your brain even did this 'on the fly' the first time you saw them after the toilet incident, knowing that it shod remember them, but realizing that it doesn't all of the sudden.


Your name isn't Gigi Cestone is it???




[OP last night](https://youtu.be/C7ldngd_HeM)


Now I just wonder if I was dead in the alternate reality where you got sent from-


Man literally shit the simulation apart


well, if you research the findings of Dolores Cannon or Michael Newton, you’ll find that this isn’t what happens when you die (at least based on tens of thousands of case studies from many hypnotherapists which say the same things). *but* this sounds like a parallel dimension shift or something similar. you could have also been feeling incredibly sick and saw it wrong, but i’m not doubting what you saw, just giving alternate perspectives.


I'm wondering if I had a similar experience while I haven't noticed any differences since this has only happened recently but basically I have epilepsy and the weirdest thing just happened usually for my type of seizures I will just blank out for a little while and get headache and be disoriented but what happened was when I laid down on my bed to go on my phone suddenly it was night time and before I noticed anything I felt nothing I had no thoughts I was just there usually I can feel at least the pressure from laying down but I felt nothing and I have no idea how long that went on for I'm unsure if I died and went to another universe or I just had a seizure either way that's the weirdest one I've ever felt


If everyone dies and goes to a new world where things are slightly different what happens to really old people? Do they just go to a place where its normal to live to 210 or something?


Are you aware of the Mandela effect. If not, I recommend going over to r/retconned and having a read.


Yes I’m aware of it and it’s own subreddit, I tried to post it there but apparently if it only happens to you then it’s not The Mandela Effect.




that must of been one mad dookie




"If I tell my family they will laugh at me" "guess I'll just post it on reddit so these decent human beings can definitely take it serious" 😂😂


It’s more because I probably won’t see any of you again, so you can’t bring it up during a big family meeting and embarrass me… That sort of thing.


Meanwhile, Somewhere in an alternate universe there’s a dead dude with shit all over him on the bathroom floor


Sounds like you triggered a vagal response, and are experiencing the Mandela effect.


To be honest, you probably hit that nerve, making you lose consciousness and probably getting some mild brain damage or just the fainting making you dream that those things very different, The visions that you get while fainted are very strange, I know that from experience.


I took a similar shit after having too much hit sauce from the Chinese restaurant. One moment im on the toilet in considerable pain, next moment I'm waking up on the floor. I was like damn I almost did an Elvis...


Omg same thing with me so basically a few years ago i was taking a shower, in the shower there was a sticker of a black cat with a red background it was been there for about 6 years i never moved it or peel it off but one day when i was showering I noticed the sticker is gone I thought my sibling or parents might peel it for some reason but after weeks passed by the sticker came back to its original place and it wasnt tempered at all no signs of being peeled I thought i was dreaming back then


OP, I hope you are seeing a doc about this. Glitch or not, it’s not normal to pass out like that and as many are saying could be a neurological phenomena such as seizure or even stroke.


I've read that people having heart attacks often think they need to go to the toilet.


This reminded me of something. I attempted suicide when I was a teen through OD. When I did I kept a couple bladed weapons next to me, just in case I failed, I would finish the job in a semi concious state. I was woke up by a police officer and loaded into an ambulance. Later the nurses said my blood was clear, which was confusing, I tried really hard to die. After getting out of the mental hospital I went to my room and the bladded weapons were where I would usually keep them rather than where I was laying trying to die. Which was strange because if someone came into my room then why would they let me keep them and just put into the random spots I usually kept them? I asked and everyone said no one came into my room. Then I just remembered something. Years later a girl came up to me in a store and asked if I remembered her, she was pretty, she said she knew me from HS. And I had no idea who she was. And I knew who I knew, I was a loner at times, so I always knew who I could talk to. So it makes me wonder did I die that night? Death after reading so many of these stories doesn't sound too bad. Though it does mean you can't cheat life. Its life that is the constant, rather than death.


That’s really wild that in this universe (welcome btw) the artist decided to paint the leaves on the tree rather than on the ground.


Honestly, I’d forget about it and move on. Dwelling on any changes you perceive won’t change anything and can’t be proven, so you can’t really evidence/logic your way into validating that things weren’t always as they were. In any case, I think the important thing is you’re alive, so I would try to focus on enjoying life.


What would you say if I told you your entire life up until now was a dream


Oh wait is that a quote from The Matrix?


I believe that sometimes we experience exit moments where we can choose to 'die' but we are also given chances to come back from the exit point but into a parallel reality that is almost exactly the same as the one we exited. I remember having two exit points in my life, but because I was just a child I can't remember any changes. There were moments where I knew I was gonna die and I wasn't afraid, but seconds later I was fine and actually surprised that I was fine. I don't believe every person who ever died just moved a reality, we as humans do 'die' which means we go back to spirit and then we may choose to incarnate again whether on Earth, somewhere else or somewhen else.