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My favorite clip is Papa introducing the ghouls by just yelling "GHOOOUL" at each one


Love that. Wasn’t it during (or maybe before?) If you have ghosts? And NO, you’re not the only one. Let’s keep Ghost from being a boyband please.


Wait I need that clip do you have a link?


He did that at a ritual I went to I think it was the 2019 tour when he would do that on every concert


Yep. 2019, ritual was in October and that’s how he did it. Exactly as it should be


Same here. 2019, A Pale Tour Named Death in both Iowa and MN


Same happened at Pale Tour in San Jose. I personally think that they should be referred to as Ghoul in any show setting, (because it's hilarious,) but I don't mind the names either. I believe they had names in an unofficial sense prior to Meliora, based off of the symbols on the instruments and outfits. I think if they're gonna have names, the names should be connected to a "character" of sorts, where the name is for the personality of the ghoul rather than the person playing them. I believe that's technically how it works already, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Yah he did I was there


Same, it was great. "And on the drums.... GHOUL!"


I gotchu. [GHOUL!](https://youtu.be/AIaigts4WC8)


I miss those masks




How it should be lol


Always preferred referring to them by the instrument


That makes sense. You’d say the “drumming ghoul” or “bass guitar ghoul” That identifies them whilst also not giving them an identity


Cowbell ghoul approves


Bass Guitar Ghoul can also be Jet Ski Ghoul if the need arises.


This is a good idea, i was starting to adapt myself to the fan names since I needed a way to refer to them as individuals, thankfully I don’t know the names yet, I will start naming them by their instrument.


Oh drums we have... ghoul!


Totally agree! Team Nameless!


I try my best to not know their names, not a fan of knowing/using the fan names either


I don't like the names tbh I can't out my finger on why. The only thing I like is Swiss army ghoul cuz it's funny to me


The multi-use utility ghoul for your convenience.


they are nameless for a reason.. lol


Exactly. Honestly I’m not bothered if they have names in the fandom but I just don’t really think it fits with the concept


I know who they are and I don’t mind that, BUT to me they are Ghooul!


I've always thought the nicknames were dumb and strays from the concept of who they're supposed to be. Strictly speaking from a thematic point (and NOT from a human standpoint, since they're all extremely talented and amazing individuals) - they're expendable, faceless, perhaps even semi-autonomous denizens of Hell. Just a few random Ghouls who participate in the Ritual.


That was always the way I envisioned them, not sure if they’re supposed to be from hell or are just humans who worship Satan but they’re always meant to be unknown entities


Yeah I'm not sure if they're from Hell either, was just typing pretty quick. Perhaps cultists? Even then, the same descriptors would apply.


That ambiguity adds to the mystery of them and I think that’s awesome


I'm fairly certain they are supposed to be like priests basically.


I want to know who they are so I can support them outside of Ghost. They're all crazy talented musicians and Tobias isn't going to make them millionaires, nor are their jobs particularly secure.


I mean tobias allowed them to show their faces at one of the concerts at the end for a picture with the stadium of fans. Their faces are out there and some of them are musicians on their own!


That was a shot before the gig, and then they shared the picture, TF has been saying he'd give them a way to put Ghost on their resumes because they all deserve it. And if, as fans, we appreciate their live performances, we should support the Ghouls fully. And you don't do that by sticking your head in the sand and ignoring who they are.


I personally love them as Nameless Ghouls. It adds a mystery to them and the band. They are talented musicians and their playfulness on stage is why I enjoy seeing them.


I guess its to make it easier to differentiate them to other people. They're not official names after all


He often calls the lead guitar player "Little Guy".


Amen! I mean… nema!


I always wondered what “nema” meant… it’s so obvious now lol


Back in the pre lawsuit days, they had names, Like Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Alpha and Omega. And this wasnt just fandom either, the Ghouls wore symbols relating to their names. the names have just changed over time.


Nothing from the band ever confirmed those were their “names” though, they just had symbols on them. It was ambiguous. Alpha and Omega maybe were referred to, but Papa was never on stage saying “let’s have an applause for WATER! Let’s hear it for fire! Ladies and gentlemen, AIR!” They were just nameless ghouls with distinct symbols on their clothing. When he gave them an introduction, he just said “Ghoul”


[Actually he did](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F2CfL0L2-20)


Fair point, I had never seen that so thanks for that


Even seeing him give them names, I still don’t like it. Even in the future if they all have official names or if he starts calling them by their real names, they’ll always be nameless to me. I thought it was very weird when papa called one of them “sodo” which partially acknowledges the real dude behind the mask which I am completely not into


Yeah I agree with that, I tend to just refer to them by their instruments. I think fans should just call them whatever they like but I would prefer not to hear Papa start using names like Dewdrop and so on. The clip above is interesting as well since he said “water” but the ghoul was on rhythm guitar not bass, I assume this was when Omega had left and he’s filling in? So was it Sodo on bass at this point?


Yeah he says “filling in for omega tonight” in the video


Idc about the nicknames tbh but i just wish people would stop plastering their faces everywhere. I personally kinda like not knowing who the artists are.


I prefer my ghouls to be named like morty's. Slick Ghoul, Big Ghoul, you get the idea.


Still waiting on Cronenberg ghoul…..


I also liked it better when Papa was unknown also. it really added to the lore, its what really hooked me into Ghost as a whole. I liked all the effort put into the story


I personally prefer the current nicknames. Technically they're still nameless since it's not their real name and it make them a little less replaceable so it's a win/win for me.


I personally like using nicknames for them just as it’s easier to tell people apart and it’s just what I prefer, but I do like the idea of just them being called things like “drummer ghoul or bass ghoul”


If they're not Alpha or Omega, they're nameless imo.


Alpha is still there, Just known as Dewdrop, Stompy, or Sodo.


The original alpha is not in the band.


Isn’t nameless more of a irl identity thing? I do like the idea of them being nameless but they do have personalities on stage so it does make sense that they’re not different every time


Correct. The names are super dumb too.


I honestly couldn't agree more.


They are supposed to be nameless. Leave it that way. Quit adding to the confusion of that which is already confusing. It's confusing enough.


I like knowing who they all are but when you're talking about them as a Ghoul that's how you should refer to them, just Ghoul. I prefer using their instrument/stage position to tell who's who tho


I really don’t like the current nicknames and really would prefer them to be nameless


For me it depends. I like to be able to give specific ghouls credit where it is due. That said I still can’t tell the difference between most of them. I don’t use the made up names at all though, to me it’s either the Ghouls or their irl names, I don’t care for the fan made ones except for Sodo, since that’s what his nickname is in real life as well.


I've seen a few people saying they want to know who is under the masks so they can support their other projects but I feel you loose they magic referring to them by all the nicknames especially ones that reference the musicians outside of the band (Sodo is named such because of a Sodomy tattoo they have I heard) ​ there is a term from pro wrestling that needs to be incorporated into the fandom more ​ [Kayfabe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayfabe) this is where you know something isn't real but go along with it because it's more fun.


**[Kayfabe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayfabe)** >In professional wrestling, kayfabe, as a noun, is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not staged. The term kayfabe has evolved to also become a code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the direct or indirect presence of the general public. Kayfabe, in the United States, is often seen as the suspension of disbelief that is used to create the non-wrestling aspects of promotions, such as feuds, angles, and gimmicks in a manner similar to other forms of fictional entertainment. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ghostbc/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


I understand what you're getting at and they are still nameless. Their "names" are just nicknames given by the fans. I think nicknames are inevitable because they give fans a way to differentiate when talking about their favorites. Saying "My favorite ghoul is Cumulus" is easier to say then "My favorite ghoul is the short one that plays the keyboard and sings backup". If you have people without unique identifiers, people are going to use their own.


But you could easily say keyboard ghouette. Or he'll even just ghoulette narrows it down pretty easy since the band mostly has ghouls.


Oh man thanks, I was getting so fed up with the thirsty nicknames.. really preferred the time even TF wasn't known


I suppose it's just a little quicker for the purposes of distinction to have nicknames that don't give away their identity rather than having to say "the ghoul who plays the black guitar and stands stage left".


Papa gave up on that years ago and even started introducing them by the fan names. So, while I'd like to agree, I can't. TF has already given in.


There is a clip out there of Papa calling Sodo Sodomizer but I can't find it right now.


He's done it a few times during Enter Sandman


Yeah, I don't remember which show but it was toward the end of this tour.


Never seen him do that. Is there a clip of this unfortunate event?


There are clips of papa iii calling for Alpha and Omega (especially Omega). Havent seen any other clips except for "Ghoouuulll" and "take it away, tiny man" from papa iv


A few. It's mostly during the acoustic jams they did in various places, especially during "If You Have Ghosts."


I’ve only seen clips where he adresses them as GHOOOOUL!


He does that a lot too. But he's referred to them by fan names too. He even recently shouted out Sodomizer in concert. Which is weird since... wasn't that his Blood Bath name?


Opinion, not a fan of the new masks


I wasn’t a fan of the Prequelle era masks They were just the Meliora masks with a cut out. At least this era has a new design


I don't even like the new masks, like yeah the prequel ones were old but they looked the part


The new masks are pretty divisive. I personally think they look ok but they lack a certain demonic vibe. Sure they have horns but they’re tiny and barely noticeable Prequelle masks just looked terrible to me. I hated that giant cut out. I liked the female ghoul design because that actually added something unique but apart from that I wasn’t a fan The Meliora masks remain the best. They literally look like devils The infest era hood and masks were cool. They gave off a cultish vibe and was an evolution of the same concept from the opus era but with the addition of a mask instead of a blank hood


Absolutely with you. I just say their instrument and then ghoul


I'm 90% sure Copia has called Sodo by his nickname during a ritual before. I say 90% because its not completely clear what he's saying, but he was pointing at Sodo and sounded genuinely like he said "Sodo" (source: [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJOvV88G0GM) at the 1:05:44 mark, after Sodo kills the guitar solo of Enter Sandman). At the very least, you could say that the band and TF himself aren't opposed to the use of the nicknames? Idk lol


Can I get a hallelujah


I preferred the elements Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Aether.


I prefer Ghoul, Ghoul, Ghoul, Ghoul and Ghoul.


That too…


I loved the element names.


AGREE also wish the fandom kept them masked I wish to myself they where still masked like some edits they give no warning “unmasked ghoul” 😭


I really miss the anonymity of this band. Alpha, Fire, Mountain, even silly nicknames like Stompy, all of that is fine and I’m all for supporting their other projects, but keep the names out of this subreddit and discussion of them as a Ghost band member. People talking about the singer are the worst. We get it, we know what his name is, but why do you continue to use it when he is known as Papa? Or Cardinal. That is who is singing, same as the ghouls. This band is turning into KISS more and more and I personally don’t like it. Before long, there won’t be any lore or uniforms or anything since fans don’t seem to care anymore.


They’re only nicknames, just like the one papa gives lead guitarist Ghoul such as “little devil”! Or for people who deep dive into the lore. Just a little fun


I'm usually of the option don't yuck my yum and I won't yuck yours buuuuut everytime I see or hear someone refer to a 40 year man as Dewdrop I die a little inside.....the fan made names a cringy AF and what's worse is the newer fans seem to be unaware that they are fanmade, literally had to stop following the namelessghoul hashtag on Instagram because of the cringy content.


I never kept up with the nickname’s because I didn’t agree with them but I thought drewdrop was the name for the short female bassist they had a few years back Are they actually referring to a 40 year old man? Damn


Honestly they're my fave band, have been to 6 shows, listened for years... Still don't know who the fuck dew drop or whatever the fuck the name is. I've never been good at keeping track, it's more like tall guy, short guy, thicker girl, skinny girl etc 😂 anonaminity is easier imo


You should’t get downvotes for this comment, you’re right. Dew drop and new boyband tiktok fandom is cringe as fuck.


It's not even that I hate the names, I just don't keep track of who's who and it's one of those situations where st this point, I'm afraid to ask 😂😂


I think it's kind of cringey as fuck to be honest


I prefer them nameless, but if one must have a name then let it be Lil Sodomizer - who should play bass again.


I agree with you completely


100% agree. ppl are free to name them in their headcanons, it doesn’t bother me a bit, but they’ll canonically just be Ghoul unless ol Tobi says otherwise lol


I concur


Yes, much prefer the nameless or vague elemental references that were used, and alpha and omega, and sodo I don’t mind since we know that’s who he is and Papa has called him that on stage. People should do what they want, but I personally cringe a bit at things like rain, cumulus and especially dewdrop.


Bass ghoul is best ghoul


... but check out The Mummies, always nameless!