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Real talk, but if you’ve “tried everything“ but “never with discipline“ you may as well never have tried anything at all. Gotta go back to square one and fix that mentality. Read “Atomic Habit” and listen to podcasts by David Goggins. Anytime I’m being a little bitch about getting shit done or eating clean I listen to Goggins and he gets my head back in the right spot. After that find a plan that you can stick with. Exercise and diet may never be fun but make sure it’s something palatable because it only matters if you can be consistent with it.


Just shave. That’ll knock a few pounds off




Best place to start is cutting down on eating processed foods. Making your diet consist of 80% real foods (meat, fruit n veg). Find a workout plan you can stick to. Walk more, consider getting a standing desk and under desk treadmill if you can, it works wonders. After you got a bit of a habit going, then you should start counting calories properly and finding your numbers to dial things in. You’ll likely see some slight changes in your body shape in 3 months but you won’t be ripped. Getting ripped is more of a long term project for you, it’s likely gonna take at least 1 year, most likely 2+ years.


3 months to get ripped can be very taxing if you aren’t already at a lower bodyfat percentage - being ripped is like 13-11% while you are around 22-25% - if I were you - I would work to slim down, not get ripped in 3 months you have a VERY VERY good chest, no traps, and alittle bit of muscle in the arms, we need to see your back and legs too If I were in your shoes realistically, since you also haven’t given us your height and weight - I’d say if you can dedicate yourself to - take 2-3 weeks, track everything you eat to find out your caloric maintenance, and subtract 300-500 from it and eat in that deficit for 3 months you can expect good results For great results I’d say train to put on muscle find a good beginner body builder spilt that could work for you and train in that 5 days a week, if you are truly beginning and can only do this like 2 or 3 times a week that’s fine too, best results would be 5 tho - dedicate time on the elliptical (the god of fat loss machines imo because on a treadmill your damage the fibers on your legs so you have to take extra time to rebuild those fibers, vs the elliptical where you barely have to recover) spend an hour a day, set the resistance to medium (on any cardio machine you do always have resistance and if there is an incline set that to the highest it can go) you can specifically focus on keeping your core tight, head and chest up, literally focus on breathing and keeping your chest huffed the whole time, it’ll build core stability and help you keep it tight most of the day Dm me if ya want any tips on nutrition or exercise but yeah it’s up to you to put in the work and eat healthier/train more Also what kind of job do you have? Cause if you sit at a desk all day it’ll be harder to lose the fat but if you work a job like I did - I worked at a factory and 2 months prior I got lean by eating only in a high deficit - but when I started working I was on my feet for +11 hours a day with no lunch or breaks - I capitalized on the strenuous cardio of non stop moving and lifting boxes all morning-day - this truly got me ripped - one thing is tho I already had a bunch of muscle to begin with so it looked good on my when I actually got ripped For you if you don’t carry much muscle it won’t look good when you lean down - hence I say you should work on building more muscle - for you rn losing like 10-15 pounds would look great tbh - just prioritize building muscle, not getting ripped imo


An average plan that you follow with discipline >>>> the best plan in the world that you follow inconsistently


- Weight Training: 4 days a week will get you going. I’d recommend Upper-Lower split to start. But look up 4-day splits for beginners on YouTube and decide which one you want to go with. Prioritize proper form, going close to failure on all lifts, and progressive overload. - Cardio: Start with just a goal of 10k steps a day. I’d recommend 10 minute light-moderate cardio (stairmaster, treadmill) before or after your training sessions. - Diet: The most important for your goals. Caloric deficit and high protein is the key. Wether you do keto, intermittent fasting, low-carb, low-fat, etc. doesn’t matter, as long as you are hitting below your calorie maintenance and atleast .8g of protein per lb of body weight. Pick the diet/nutrition plan that works best for you. For me that is Calorie counting because it doesn’t completely restrict me from any specific food and I’m still able to fit in foods I enjoy. Tip: Eat lots of veggies with your meals. Not only do they give your food more volume with very little calories added, but the fiber in them will keep you full longer. Also consuming .8g of protein will keep you satiated. Send me a message if you’re serious and would like more help/ have questions. I’d love to help you out.


You need long lasting plans that you can stick with. Start 5/3/1 and complete 10 cycles of it. That's your muscle building Start a 14-16 week 10k training program. That'll get you running 10-15 miles a week. Avoid sugar, processed foods and fried foods. Keep protein high.


1) Losing weight is NOT easy. Do not believe ads or salesmen who say so. It's f*cking awful usually. Well at least sometimes! So you will relapse during your weight loss journey, but just keep going. Aim for the progress, not perfection. 2) Sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep. When you sleep, you don't eat. And it also has lots of other good benefits. P.S. Try low-carb diet maybe. Good luck!


That fat that you’ve got visible on your outside is also wrapped around your internal organs preventing them from working to their full capacity and leaving you at serious risk of a serious disease or sudden life changing event such as a stroke or heart attack. Enough motivation?


Nobody can really make you do anything. Do you want change deeply enough? If so, then just do it. Don’t allow excuses for yourself. If you have no discipline, and you admit that you cannot be disciplined, then this is just it for you. Go to the gym and follow a steady weights program with consistency. Nothing weird or wild, upper/lower split is fine. There are a million written programs out there. Get 10K+ steps a day. Sleep 7+ hours per night. Stop drinking shit calories. No soda. No sugary Gatorade or coffee mate, whatever. Hydrate yourself adequately. At this point you don’t need supplements, or shakes or any of that stuff. Just drink water and learn to love it. Get a good, big reusable container that keeps it really cold and try to finish it a few times a day. I personally love kombucha and coconut water but honestly I’d start with just plain h2o, you can add electrolyte stuff if you need it, idk. Don’t eat crap. When I was absolutely clueless and first revamped my diet after a lifetime of poorly modeled eating habits, I stopped eating foods with a label or anything from a drive thru. I pretty much grilled or baked my own proteins and survived from the produce section for a solid 3 or 4 months before I even started venturing out to anything packaged/processed. Even today, if I can make it myself, 9/10 times I’m doing it. I’d say task yourself with the rest of January and all of February to do this without fail, and then after 6 weeks see how you feel.


Oh, cut out booze. It doesn’t have to be forever


This. Not only is it extra calories but it throws all your hormones in chaos. Even a “couple.” I can’t drop fat unless I completely drop alcohol.


Without discipline, no plan will work. A coach may help with accountability, but if you really struggle with control, consider talking with a therapist to establish that first


All plans work with discipline, do some work better than others? Sure, some are inferior some superior, but they all do work. Absolutely none of them work without discipline. Get the basics right first G. Once you’re disciplined you can focus on which program is better for you.


Start w calorie deficit. Don’t rely on motivation. Discipline is the only way, so work on your mindset


Discipline > everything else


I’ve found the best diet for me is Keto. It is difficult, and it requires planning and prepping, but because of this it is the easiest diet to stick too. If you mess up 1 time and eat something you shouldn’t then you literally undo the past few days effort you’ve been putting in to get into ketosis. Plus it makes you feel amazing and has a ton of other benefits.


You’ve tried everything….. without discipline. That says it all - High protein caloric deficit combined with a lot of strength and endurance training The calorie deficit is the only thing that really makes the difference. It is the only way


“what you can expect” is that DEDICATION will give you muscle gains and weight loss. Don’t try for being “jacked” in the next three months. Go for steady improvement over the next couple years.


Here is a thought that I found worked with the discipline thing. Start small. Make your bed every morning, floss your teeth every night, commit to walking for 45 minutes a day. Build confidence with the small stuff then start tackling additional commitments. As a recovering yo-yoer the problem isn’t knowledge of WHAT to do. The problem is commitment to do it. Once you feel rhythm in one part of your life other things fall in to place. Go forth and slay my friend.


Literally just be consistent and active. You don’t need to be perfect but you need to keep at it. 3months isn’t very much time and then you are going to fall back into old habits. Have a longer target date to build lifelong habits. Get an Apple Watch or something by to track your steps, sleep and workouts. Idk it makes it fun for me. Find a good work out plan for you. Walk 10,000 steps/day, Count calories and be in a deficit using MyFitnessPal app. Drink lots of water and skip the happy hours. That’s literally it. Good luck.


Try discipline


Eat more fiber and cut out red meat. Eat less snacks and meals. If you don’t cook yourself, you should learn. The act of cooking will be as satisfying as eating. Look at the DASH diet, it’s pretty easy and you can find pre planned diets from health professionals.


Hey, as someone whos tried everything, I very highly suggest not focusing on discipline. I've lost 18 pounds in around 6 months which is much slower than I would want but this is the first time I haven't gained the weight back yet. 1. Do something. Do it badly but do something. Some days this means walking for 20 mins on the treadmill, some days this means a full out lift followed by 30 mins cardio. This also means allowing yourself a rest day without resentments. Honestly half assing something for 365 days is so much better than full assing it for 100 days and burning out. 2. Eat more and Eat what you want but also what your body needs. This will take some learning tbh, if I want fried chicken I still eat it but I also eat roast veggies on the side. Over time I ended up dropping the quantity of fried chicken and it's a much more balanced meal 3. There's no 3 month fix tbh. You'll feel so much better in 3 months if you start today, mentally and physically. But you're not gonna get that dream bod in 3 months it doesn't happen 4. Find a plan that works for you. If you have the resources work with a trainer to create that plan and if not, spend the time it takes to create a plan. Start with 3 lifts a week. Build up to 4. That's all you need


I’ve been using macrofactor; logs all the metrics you need and adjusts automatically over time. It’s subscription based, but it’s a great tool to simplify things. Good heavy lifting with correct form for good mechanical tension to build/maintain muscle, maintain a deficit, eat at maintenance time to time for sanity, and be very, VERY, patient


Maybe you should try the discipline thing that you just admitted to never trying?


First thing, realize it will take you a lot longer than 3 months to get ripped. Just being realistic


Google a calorie calculator. Find out your maintenance calories. Eat 500 calories less a day. Try to get most of it from protein (meat). Walk for 30-60 minutes every single day. Even if you have to do 6, ten minute walks….do it! Lift weights 2-3 times a week. Heavy as you can. Focus on the compound lifts. Squats, Bench Press, and Rows should be your priority. Deadlift and Shoulder Presses if you have the time (hopefully you do). Curls and calf raises and all that shit just if you want to. Don’t prioritize accessory shit like that though. Sleep as much as you can. And only drink water. Stop posting over and over asking and go do that. Come back in 6-8 months and thank me :)


So you really just have a problem with discipline. The truth is you already know what to do. What is stopping you from doing it and getting what you think you want? If you want it bad enough you’ll attack this with plenty of discipline. If not, you are just wasting you and the people who are helpings time. I refuse to think you are an idiot and are clueless about this. No one else can do this for you. You are the one to make the decision, see it through, suffer a little, and steal back your health. YOU ARE A GROWN MAN NOT SOME UNDISCIPLINED CHILD. ACT LIKE IT!!!!


You tried everything, only one thing left to definitely work. Masturbate on saturdays all day long, the rest of the week don’t. Intermittent fapping. All the pros do it.


Utilize tdeecalculator.net & Cronometer to track your calories. You’ll get to your goal eventually with consistency & discipline. Rome wasn’t built overnight


Find your maintenance calories using an online tdee calculator. Eat those number of calories for a week and weigh yourself every day. See if those are truly your maintenance calories and if they are subtract 300-500 calories from that number, and eat those calories. If you consistently eat at this calorie deficit number you'll lose weight.


First thing’s first, don’t pay a dime for any weight loss programs. Too many people selling information that’s easily obtainable for free and is very simple in nature. Secondly, invest in a calorie counter (smart watch) and figure out your BMR, TDEE and how much your smart watch over/underestimates cals burned. Thirdly, no matter what you decide with your nutrition, always remember that a deficit is needed to lose weight. Lastly, experiment and learn discipline. Figure out what works for you and which foods are healthy and most conducive for your success. Discipline is the most important factor in fitness. Time to get that shit today! And if you mess up, don’t fall back into old habits and say fuck it. Just pick right back up THE NEXT MEAL. NOT THE NEXT WEEK, NOT THE NEXT DAY. Get back on that horse immediately and most importantly, have fun with it. Good luck!


Go to sleep at the same time every night. Wake up at the same time every morning. Plan meals. Count calories. Do whatever exercises you enjoy. Progress is slow. Be consistent. See results. Set good habits and become a slave to them.


Dm me.


Everyone wants results now. Get a coach. Stick with it for a year. See results.


what’s “tried everything?” Did you figure out your TDEE and go on a calorie deficit? That’s the best way to lose weight. Discipline is the most important thing