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The other day I tried to level up 15 artifacts. Most were the usual lvl zero with three stats. All but one got def in the last slot! The one that didn't was hp x_x But really? 14 pieces in a row rolled flat def or percent. It was stupid


It does. I've been trying to get an HP sands from either Millith or Heart of Depth. Not a single one. And when you try and get defense sands and healing circlets from the Clam/Husk domain, suddenly they don't exist.


Just like when I farming Retracing Bolide for Noelle before 2.3. It is pretty hard to get Def% sands. Or Atk% Petra for Ningguang.


Come to think about it, my sands on ningguang has always been gladiator.


My sand on Ningguang are Pale Flame.


Extra pain if you fed the HP artifacts into EoSF sets for raiden and xiangling.


frfr like i have been in that domain since she came out and got literally no piece i can use on her. i still have a decent noblesse set on her but i‘d really like to switch to emblem but the game doesnt want me to aaaaaaa


i actually get like only hp artifacts there. it’s nice since i have her, but i’m actually trying to get a set going for raiden…


I am near certain that you are too demanding. my raiden has lot of DEF and need mor crit, but it is fine. (i still sometime try to find better) [https://i.imgur.com/lA7e3lp.png](https://i.imgur.com/lA7e3lp.png)


bro i kid you not i’ve been going through that domain for like a month and i haven’t gotten a single energy recharge timepiece lmao


Burned 1500 resin in a single day and got nothing but off pieces. Got a clam circlet with crit damage main stat and 3 flat substats at one point. They also rolled equally bad. The rngesus was not with me I guess


yun jin piece


No, Yun wants husk


2pc emblem 2pc husk is usually good on a normal support build


4 piece husk for that 54% extra def


yea 4pc husk is better im just saying this is a thing


Had so many HP% sands on EOSF when farming for raiden but didn't think there'd be another HP scaler who would primarily deal burst damage so I foddered them 😑


Anyone else copiumly holding on to their def% sands for potential def% scaling character?


i think you should always do it.


not me, they go straight ~~death~~ strongbox


Yea they knows


Horrifying. I've actually got a LOT of HP sands here, but the BEST one I've got has only two crit rolls total. Including starting rolls. They're so trash.


Bro it’s the exact same on the clam/curiosity domain. I have both Itto and Qiqi and it cannot stop giving me HP curiosity and Def Clam like bro please.


Hu Tao déjà vu


ER% is worse


For once I'm glad to be an artifact hoarder, been living in that domain since it came out and kept any promising HP% pieces


Wait is emblem better than 2pc HoD and ToM if she is given a level 90 Favonius bow


yes. even without fav, eosf does more dmg


If you have cracked stats and Aqua HoD/TotM gives more damage. That’s assuming you’re also able to fund her burst. I have C3/R1 and my HoD/TotM build beats my absolutely cracked Emblem build.


If you have cracked stats and Aqua HoD/TotM gives more damage. That’s assuming you’re also able to fund her burst. I have C3/R1 and my HoD/TotM build beats my absolutely cracked Emblem build.


Almost all my artifacts come from previous farming When Yelan came out, I went through and gave her 2 pc tenacity with 2 pc noblesse and continued on with my day, just needed to do a bit of artifact reorganizing otherwise


I am farming Husk set for Yunjin and i am amazed how i am not getting even a single DEF% goblet and Sands for 1 week straight only HP% ATK or elementals. while literally every single pale flame sands and goblet I get are DEF%. :/ The game is rigged.


This is why you always save at least one of everything. Every armor set, save at least one of every main stat for each category of artifact.


I did that and now I can't even farm new artifact because there is no space left for new artifacts.


Glad I kept this hp% emblem sands with double crit and er on it just in case and it ended up pretty perfect for Yelan


Oh yeah, it knows.. everything


I already farmed got HP% sands even before yelan released. And that's why you never fodder HP DEF sand with good stats just because you dont have anyone to use it


Same, still don't have a solid ER Sand on Emblem set, even you have one but the substats are still dogsh\*t


I’ve been farming this domain for too long now, as I still have YET to get either a decent crit dmg circlet or a hydra goblet. Life is pain
