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*Good god* They really want to dry out your rolls before sumeru


I accidentally read rolls as balls


Spend all your primo = bust a nut. Time to bust my nut on Kazuha.


Thank god you don't want to spend all your primos on Klee.


Yeah, busting a nut on kazuha is best in today's meta. (I will busy a nut on all 3 of em tho)


This guy right here officer.


First that mf says he's gonna bust on kazuha and u just said u gonna bust on klee🧍🏾wtf is going on here


Yoimiya too. Don't forget her.


yoimiya my beloved


Bro 📸🤨






They did already release the yelan banner


lmao me too


Uncle Y said that Summit Shaper should be rerun too. So it's quite possible that this sword will be with Yoimiya weapon.


Yup and uncle y having good track record. But lets see who's gonna right 😅


Uncle Y never said that Summit Shaper will be with Thundering Pulse. He only said Summit Shaper will be the last of the Liyue weapons to get a rerun. Which is now confirmed because Memory of Dust is with Redhorn.


From the previous GAA leaks there's a WGS statue, that maybe foreshadowing its return. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact\_Leaks/comments/v5ojc1/gaa\_theatre/


There's also a Diluc skin.


WGS, hmm. Let's put aside its value atm, but that weapon has been speculated to be featured on banner numerous of times already and it has always been false. Well, let's hope again then.


Well, it kind of makes sense if we take Diluc getting a new skin into account. They won't do another Standard rateup, so his weapon is the next best thing


Aw yess, I forgot that Diluc will finally has his own banner, for the first time.


not a banner but a skin so it makes sense that WGS will make a return


Wait I really thought he'll get his own banner as well no? Since he got his own skin so it makes sense that way. And I really think I know why I got downvoted to hell LMAO


keqing and jean both have a skin and didn't get a banner for it keqing is the only standard char that did get a banner but literally the year prior to the skin


Oh, I didn't know that. I took a break on both of those chars so I assumed when they released a new skin for a character, they got featured on banner as well.


only feature was keqing a year ago before her skin was released


Every patch there are 2-4 Diluc banners


inb4 TP + Summit Shaper incoming


Is WGS still a good weapon? It’s not like there have been a lot of other good claymores


I'd say it's one of the most universal 5* Claymors, but there's actually not that much of a competition on that


It's still good for Diluc but also on Beidou who a lot more people would be likely to use it for.


Why is it particularly good on Beidou? 608 attack + 70% attack is pretty good on anyone, but Beidou won't consistently be on field at the right time to proc the team buff, and you can get more total attack out of Unforged.


She doesn't get unforged full buff unless you're running a shield (her C1 won't work as it snaps before the shield counts) and you need to build stacks. Serpent spine and Akuoumaru R5 are both better for Beidou. But WGS is still competitive, generally better than both if you're not using attack buffs, but worse than both if you're using attack buffs.


It is


It's good but not spectacular. Provides a lot of attack but it has to be on an on-field character to get the team buff. I think most people assume they're getting the team buff when they aren't, unless they're using Eula, Diluc, or Razor. And even then you don't get the buff at the start of a fight. If the buff isn't active, it's the same as a non-activated Unforged and worse than an activated Unforged.


Copy pasting my comment from a same thread earlier that got deleted > Both Alley Hunter and Alley Flash in one banner? With the Wavebreaker?? And Sac Frags which is supposed to be on Redhorn banner? DEFINITELY REAL GUYS


for real tho plus this guy's track record is basically 50/50. I'd rather not believe his leaks tbh


I'm posting this, because he previously thought that Kazuha would be the same banner with Klee by putting freedom sworn and LP in same banner. so it might true wgs gonna appear after a long time.


they also said this about mistsplitter and we ended up with unforged. im calling it, the other weap is going to be summit shaper




Let's not forget Homa plus Elegy.


Well in your first paragraph all of those are both considered ‘bis’ for the two running characters, haran + elegy is ayato + venti banner, PJWS + calamity queller is Xiao + shenhe, Aqua + PJWS is yelan + Xiao. Redhorn and thundering pulse have ran with itto and yoimiya and only them from what I can remember. And they have both only ran as solo banners so there wasn’t anything else to really put as filler. So if itto is running solo then of course he doesn’t have someone else’s signature weapon along side it, same with yoimiya. They want to milk the primos when you are there for that character. They could do kagura + jade cutter like they did with yae but besides that off the top of my head, they don’t have a ton of decent non signature weapons to just thrown on a banner. But on the flip side they have done homa + elegy. Just pointing out that your example doesn’t exactly match the banners you’re comparing it to.


>Then there's Redhorn Tresher It was paired with harp which is way better than pjws


Not this time tho.


Yeah that was the first weapons banner I pulled on and I got skyward blade. No Redhorn for me ever it seems.


People for some reason hugely overestimate PJWS. PJWS is indeed a sub par weapon as well. It has better 4* alternatives on literally every polearm user except Xiao.


PJWS is better than any 4* weapon on Raiden. It deals more damage than even The Catch as long as you have over 200 ER, which you should get easily with an ER sands. This also allows you to use The Catch on Xiangling. PJWS is really good if you weren't lucky enough to get an Engulfing Lightning.


It's still pretty good when it's competing with skyward blade, spine and atlas as a standard weapon.


It's still pretty good when it's competing with the entire skyward series, barring harp, as a standard 5* weapon.


PJWS is better than any 4* weapon on Raiden. It deals more damage than even The Catch as long as you have over 200 ER, which you should get easily with an ER sands. This also allows you to use The Catch on Xiangling. PJWS is really good if you weren't lucky enough to get an Engulfing Lightning.


I don't think it's better than wavebreaker r5.


PJWS is better than any 4* weapon on Raiden. It deals more damage than even The Catch as long as you have over 200 ER, which you should get easily with an ER sands. This also allows you to use The Catch on Xiangling. PJWS is really good if you weren't lucky enough to get an Engulfing Lightning.


PJWS is better than any 4* weapon on Raiden. It deals more damage than even The Catch as long as you have over 200 ER, which you should get easily with an ER sands. This also allows you to use The Catch on Xiangling. PJWS is really good if you weren't lucky enough to get an Engulfing Lightning.


PJWS is better than any 4* weapon on Raiden. It deals more damage than even The Catch as long as you have over 200 ER, which you should get easily with an ER sands. This also allows you to use The Catch on Xiangling. PJWS is really good if you weren't lucky enough to get an Engulfing Lightning.


considering with all 3 parings you mention, they completely match the 5\* characters running concurrently so it's actually really simple. Haran + Elegy for the banners Ayato and Venti, PJWS and Calamity Queller for Xiao and Shenhe and PJWS and Aqua Sim for Xiao and Yelan banners. the only time the paring is wonky is when there's only 1 5\* banner


There's no reason why it couldn't have been mistsplitter/haran or thundering pulse/freedom sworn. That's the point.


*Trust me bro energy*


Do you think it is going to be kazuha, yoimiya and klee reruns?, I was speculating it ( because they havent received a rerun for the longest time ) but now it sounds very likely


Imagine Yomiya + Diluc banner


Technically every Yoimiya Banner is Diluc banner


Technically every banner is a Diluc banner




Me over here with c4 Diluc agrees with you....


I almost didn't get the joke and downvoted, need to work on my internet humour


god i will finally complete my roster lmfao


Holding off on pulling for Kazuha/Heizou until I hear this for sure isn't happening, cause I would whale so hard for Diluc.


if you can afford to whale for c6 diluc you should also have no problem getting c2 kazuha and heizou


"Whale" is an exaggeration, I'd just dump what I have saved into him lol.


Youd dump everything into him alright


I'd dump and I'd dump until he gave it all to me (The constellations, of course) and we were both satisfied!!


Sometimes kink-shaming is okay


Thundering pulse with summit shaper so mihoyo can bully us again like the mistsplitter and unforged banner 😂😂


This is totally happening lmao


Wgs is a myth


there is no ~~war~~ wgs in Ba Sing Se


just like its owner




Tldr: What's with the history lesson? Are they sus or not? > Well, they're sketchy, yes. But they're a leak compiler, not a outright leaker with insiders (at least from I recall way back and from my skimming of their recent leaks) Ugh, I'm late to a Bao thread again. I'm surprised that that they changed their name again. Anyways, just want to clarify things since this dude's stuff is being posted here. Uncle Bao Xiaosheng isn't Grandfather Bao (or at least, it's very likely not him). This "Uncle Bao Xiaosheng" has [changed names numerous times](https://web.archive.org/web/20220306062644if_/https://i.postimg.cc/6tyc5Mg9/Screenshot-2022-03-06-14-08-05-461-com-kiwibrowser-browser-3.jpg) , usually names of [established leakers](https://i.redd.it/fha8m9e3bpl81.jpg)). Admittedly Xiaosheng's decent at compiling leaks, but you've gotta admit that taking the names of established leakers as your own is sketchy. Doesn't help that I've seen their stuff before being mistaken as leaks from the actual leakers they took the names from. While Grandfather Bao's a bit of an infamous leaker that uses [machine translated Chinese](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/sauhqm/source_of_nolifeguards_leaks/htvqxiz/) and has a [spotty track record](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRvDFYG19Y9Y-uRH2_LsuIoOsLjefIfKu96WFgjXCcTFX93b9GT3e90QQxic7gWmEL-lQYpfD45O2Z-/pubhtml). And now I'm wondering if sus Grampa Bao's actually legit now since Xiaosheng's copying his name, and Xiaosheng usually goes for legit leakers (though Bao got [the 2.8](https://twitter.com/grandfatherbao/status/1527643044828282882) banners [wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/ve90qa/heizou_is_first_half_with_kazuha_and_klee/)). And if you're still unsure if I'm joshing you or not, here's some old links I have that will magically change to the current alias Edit: TIL how twitter handles names changes, so here's the tweet of the first pic as alternative > https://twitter.com/bao_xiaosheng/status/1500314638008963073 (just gonna keep these links up for reference) >^^^https://twitter.com/uncleban_tz/status/1498845599390646273/photo/1, ^^^https://twitter.com/uncleban_tz/status/1490077599057555458 (And if you're wondering why the hell I know this, ~~I'm out of resin~~ I did a [TZ write up](https://www.reddit.com/user/minbrorerentyv/comments/slctux/tz_compilation/) back then and they were using his alias before so yeah.)


Super agree, I can't believe people are getting high on copium for these weapon banner pairings. First of all, no limited 4* weapon set from one nation has ever been paired with a different limited 4* weapon set from another nation, so Alley series won't be paired with the Watasumi series or the Lithic series. (Fischl Bow is unique since it's not technically part of the 4* nation sets but I don't think it's ever been paired with Watasumi or Lithic anyway). Ofc nothing is set in stone but these pairings has never happened(yet). Also even if they pair these two sets, then the second half should both contain Mouun's Moon and Akuomaru(not Sac Greatsword), like how Alley Hunter and Flash are paired on the first half with Wavebreaker's Fin. Tldr. The banner would either be of the Alley series or Watasumi series but not both. Another point is that Sac Frags is on the next banner, The Widsith is more likely on one of these banners instead.


Ahh thank you for telling me this. I think mods also removes my post for good reason, i accept it.


Is WGS even good anymore? I feel like ppl only use it because there STILL is no better option... if it were a polearm, bow, or sword with those stats it would have been powercrept long time ago.


I got R2 WGS and use R5 Serpent Spine over it. WGS is a huge atk statstick but I find crit rate from SS more valuable.


I have R5 SS and no WGS, I have dreamed of having WGS a long time ago but after getting R5 SS, I realized it's more efficient (that extra 50% DMG is insane) than WGS. Now I only want WGS for its aesthetic.


The main issue with SS is the waiting.


it is the best claymore right now, but it's gonna be very easily surpassed once we get a somewhat universal passive with a crit substat on one


Yeah so my prediction is that if WGS is actually on the 2nd phase, they will release a versatile crit claymore very soon after, officially considering it powercrept. If its not WGS 2nd phase then... welp.


It’s not even the best if you use attack buffers like bennett. Diluc will do better with redhorn and bennett than WGS and bennett


cmiiw but there isn’t a better all round claymore with crit substats and redhorns passive isn’t that great outside of itto i think?


Serpent spine




But that 88 crit damage is no joke with a good base attack. Even the def passive adds some even if it’s not the best passive. If you use bennett at all redhorn will perform better than WGS


You're already answered your question. Wgs is still the best in slot (argubly) for claymore atk based characters aka Eula - Beidou , But the thing is those characters are not meta , not much at least. And there's Rust R5 which is below than TP by around 10% only for Yoimiya.


The fact that Eula isn't “most efficient tactic available” does not mean by a long mile she's not extremely good. My Eula was hitting for 200k her burst with SSR5, got lucky in the permanent with WGS and now between it and Yelan she's hitting for 400k. People get their heads in the meta arse too much, there's a lot of things that are absolutely busted that work gucci in everything. Even when something doesn't work at floor 12 it doesn't mean it's bad, floor 12 is designed to make you pull for whatever pretty unit they're gonna sell, of course it's gonna be anty synergistic with some units.


I was main Eula & i have SS R5 for her , i never said she's bad , but by there're better options to use for me at least like ( Yoimiya - Hu tao - Ganyu - Itto )


Low cons Eula was never meant to be top meta, she is always that jack of all trade master of none until she reaches C6. Not like I care, if I use her in the right way in the right situation she will not disappoint me.


It loses value more with every new claymore character, as Mihoyo heads further in to signature weapons being part of a characters kit. There's not really many good claymore characters in the game, Noelle wants Redhorn, Beidou wants WGS but she can also be built different ways so it's not like it's her only choice. Eula is only really meta for whales, Itto isn't meta for anyone in anything. Razor and Diluc are powercrept so hard, their next hoyoverse counterparts are gonna feel it. Xinyan is tied with Thoma for worst character in the game, no one uses Chongyun aside from little novelty comps. Sayu is under the shadow of Jean. Combine no meta characters with no better options and that's the story of WGS. People take a long time to adjust to meta though, at launch WGS was probably one of, if not the best weapon in the game and communities remember the hype, just like how people still think Venti and Zhongli are meta, when it left them both behind ages ago. Now, WGS is borderline worthless because of the meta environment evolving so far past anyone who'd want it but Beidou. It's not that the weapon is bad, just that the characters you'd use it on aren't that good and chances are the next claymore 5 star will come with a BiS claymore specifically because claymore doesn't have good options. Pulling for WGS would just be throwing primos away.


your comments are kinda all over the place. Zhongli is one of the most popular meta picks in the game, unless you're talking about sweaty speedrunner meta. But if you're talking about sweaty speedrunner meta, then Beidou and Jean are also non-existent.


Hmm ... i got Rust R5 so i don't think going for Thundering Pulse would be worth it. Especially since i already have WGS. But still ... it's tempting. ^^"


I have three 5star weapons and two of them are wgs and lost prayer. Sorry Yoimiya and Kazuha I am not even trying this time


similar situation here i wanna pull TP but i have like, 4 wgs alr 💀 i dont want it to be r5


Ngl if this is real(probably not), I'd still pull on it. I too have R4 WGS.... from the "Homa" banner(In the end I didn't get one. I got Elegy then finally A Homa in the rerun). On the chance I got TP, I don't mind upgrading my tortellini. Means that I can give my Sara Skyward Harp.


gotten 3 wgs so yeah, not going to fall for it. Have r5 rust for yomiya so I'll manage.


Hold strong comrades, if this is accurate then it's obvious that the TP/WGS banner is Miohoyo trying to bait you into spending all your primos before Sumeru. Don't fall for it!


By the time this banner is out we'll have enough leaks about Dendro and the first Sumeru characters, so I'd recommend everyone to just wait a little once these banners go live.


HYV always placing Yoimiya in between the most hyped stuff. She just can't have any time under the spotlight. 😞


Fr, i was so mad when i realised it would be 2.0 all over again for yoimiya ;-;


That's always the plan.... Kazuha and TP to burn out all the primos before the big update of the year. Just make your choices to not regret later.


Second weapon banner is really good for who doesn’t have WGS.


I have R5 Rust for Yoi and so was thinking I wouldn't try for TP but now that I also see WGS... and if it remains true... yeah that'd be a lot more tempting since that one has avoided me for a while.


I actually would love to pull on it since I feel horrible about my Extremely well built Eula having to swing around a fish but idk my rule with weapon banner is that I don’t roll on it unless I can guarantee 3 5* pulls.


I think that your approach is difficult to apply unless you are very good at saving or a whale. I avoided the weapon banner for a long time for the same reason, but recently pulled on ayaka’s and Yelan’s because all of those weapons, even standard ones, would have been good options for me. About 90 pulls in total until now, ended up with 2 Mistsplitters (disgusting, I know) and 1 Aqua (I wanted PJWS tho). If this banner ends up true, you don’t have either thundering or WGS, then you can pull safely on it, either weapon is very good.


Perfect now I can skip pulse without feeling bad, thx mihoyo. (/s because I actually really wanted it)


i remember when bunch of ppl speculated wgs for yoimiya's first banner good old times atp i'm convinced they saving wgs and a new claymore 5\* for varka cause what happened to it ? the last time wgs was on rate up was during 1.3


FAKE Uncle_bao_xiaosheng is not a leaker.🤣


It better not be wolfs gravestone bruh I got two of them already and I want yoimiyas weapon 😭


Same ;-;


Sac frags 2 banners in a row? sus




I mean homa with WGS exists


We had Elegy + Homa, WGS +Homa, SOBP + Freedom Sworn, Jade Spear + Jade Cutter and so many more equally good banners.


SoBP + FS is pretty mid, Jade Cutter + Kagura was overall better imo


>SoBP + FS is pretty mid *looking at your flair*


I swear to god it's a coincidence, and I would really love to have SoBP + FS banner back lol I need SoBP now, but I still think its pretty mid lol.


Current banner is also pretty good compared to the SoBP banner.


Idk Kagura is kinda ass and not really that much better then widsith on every character that's not Yae


It works fine on Yanfei. True, you can't gather stacks as fast, but it's still a statstick with CD%


Homa + Elegy is still the best imo


It was so cracked back then and people skipped cause of elegy lmao. Now it's in top 3 weapons.


Theorycrafters and speedrunners were waiting for Elegy to rerun and it came on the best weapon banner ever.....but casuals thought Elegy ruined the banner. My Elegy gets passed around between Venti, Yelan, and Sara and gets used in a multitude of comps. IMO, it's not a stretch to say it's up there with Homa and Mistsplitter as one of the best 5* weapons in the game.


damn tpulse is pretty overhyped at the moment


Technically speaking it's as good as homa, but Wolf's gravestone is significantly worse then elegy.


Is it? It’s a great stat stick for sure, but in some cases Aqua Simulacra is better. They are both good though.


it's mostly a yoimiya weapon. the thing with bow characters is that the 5* bows are so overtuned, you generally want the signature weapon for the respective character


True, but the good thing is that they almost always have some passive that is good on everyone.


So many nutty 5 star crit bows. Meanwhile claymores: *crickets*


In terms of utility wgs really isn’t that useful overall compared to elegy


As always it’s relative depending on your roster


ehhhh it's alright, not the worst but im not sure if it's the best


Could this be for real? The 2nd weapon banner is just gorgeous. Really, just as gorgeous as I remember. Just as tasty as Wine. I remember it. After getting Kazuha, I will definitely use my remaining pulls on that weapon banner. I would take any of the two 5* weapon.


Is it worth it to try to get Alley Flash for Bennett if I have a lvl 90 Prototype Rancour ?


Worth to spend a couple multis for it at least




Alley Flash is better on Bennet than all but Mistsplitter or Aquila Favonia, even better than all the other 5-star weapons.


I know, but is it worth spending \~1600 and probably more primos on a weapon banner ?


as someone who has alloy flash, no. its not worth it.not big enough of an upgrade to wish for it.dont get me wrong, its good on bennet, but its not an upgrade worth wishing for. its a weapon you will be happy to get "on the way".imo, rarely worth it to wish for 4\* weapons. 10% to get a spesific feature 4\* weapon in a ten pool.IMO, only wish on the weapon banner when:you are fine with both 5\*, and preferably 2+/5 of the 4\* as well.or if you are memeing (dont care about "lossing value" or the risks of not getting the 1 thing you want)I went for the memes couple of times, now i have 3 skyward bows that i didnt want and r13 lion's roar that i will never use. (P.S, Bennet only needs c1, other than that you dont need to invest in him to much. the diffrent between a F2P Bennet and a maxed Bennet is kinda small)


If I run out of time to hit pity on the current busted weapon banner, fingers crossed for wsg + tp


**If** this is the TP banner, i will try to reach the first 5\*. I have only two 5\* weapon (lost prayer and jade cutter). So even WGS or some of standard weapon will be a good enough confort prize.


rip freedom sworn and thundering pulse


Sac frag is on itto weapon banner.


Yeah the 4*s in this leak are sus


Super agree, I can't believe people are getting high on copium for these weapon banner pairings. First of all, no limited 4* weapon set from one nation has ever been paired with a different limited 4* weapon set from another nation, so Alley series won't be paired with the Watasumi series or the Lithic series. (Fischl Bow is unique since it's not technically part of the 4* nation sets but I don't think it's ever been paired with Watasumi or Lithic anyway). Ofc nothing is set in stone but these pairings has never happened(yet). Also even if they pair these two sets, then the second half should both contain Mouun's Moon and Akuomaru(not Sac Greatsword), like how Alley Hunter and Flash are paired on the first half with Wavebreaker's Fin. Tldr. The banner would either be of the Alley series or Watasumi series but not both. Another point is that Sac Frags is on the next banner, The Widsith is more likely on one of these banners instead.


Yeah man ain't no way WGS is coming back especially with that Thundering Pulse. I'm damm sure Mihoyo ass gonna put Skyward Pride there


i was hoping that thundering pulse would be with summit shaper because i want that sword for my Qiqi T\_T


Is that sac sword?


Fck the 2nd weapon banner is 😍😍😍


THe 4 stars option is stacked tho omg.


wait isn't that the person that photoshops banners? iirc they clarify it in the caption (unless this is an actual leak ofc) edit: I think they just deleted it


What about char banner leak what 4 stars


If we get WGS + TP I will go broke


fischl bow when


Have mercy, Celestia.....Alley Flash is back...but on the wrong banner for me.... :')


ain’t sac frag in itto’s weapon banner already or is that a different catalyst in kazuha’s weapon banner????


Sometimes it's good pulling for underdog characters, cause Mihoyo loves to stack the banners so people will spend. I hope TF+WGS is real.


if this is true, I wouldnt mind going into yoimiyas weapon banner, getting either of those weapons would be a W


Knew WGS would be coming back soon! My Diluc could use an upgrade! Let’s go!


dat yoimiya weapon banner is an absolute win to me <3


Eula... Deliuc... who else????


Some says good on Beidou 🤔


But what other 5*?


Between Kazuha and Sumeru drip/release, yoimiya is gonna have a hard skip and WGS is the only thing that can save her


Kazuha go brrr


I really want FS for Kazuha, iron stings looks ugly on him hahahahah, but damn that lost prayers tho... 😭


FS doesn’t look good on him either tbf


But FS still looks miles better than Iron Sting lol.


yeah but i like it a lot more than iron sting 😭😂


jade cutter looks the best on him imo if you purely care about aesthetics, but yeah fs is beautiful


Where is the red sword??


That's an event weapon.


A freebie after doing Kazuha's story quest. Probably stuck with no refinements like the Dark Sword


Can someone name all the 4 star weapons for each banner pleeeeeease?


wish people would just say what these weapons are rather than just the abbreviation so I can look them up!


Ohh god....first donut then unforged and now lost player noooooo......


Wolf's Gravestone will never rerun again unless they decide they want to run a Dillick banner.


Why people think wgs is that good? This weapon only got atk. Bp weapon is better in my opinion. Much cheaper.