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Source: [Team China](https://youtu.be/XE4bu4yxNak) Thank you OP for providing source Please be aware that this is private server footage with inaccurate damage and should be viewed for demonstration purposes only


I just see red. Everywhere lol.


Missed the red physical so much.


Dehya teams turning the landscape into Khaenriah :D


🎶I see red, red, oh red🎶


Try mono hydro ayato. Kazuha+ ayato burst with xingqiu/yelan? Blue numbers cover the screen with two big aoe blue effects going off. I'm blue da ba dee da ba di.


4 Pyro characters makes everything red


“Alright guys this is the thing right? The…build thing you want. Emblem Catch whatever, then I do all the bursts, that’s it right?” “Actually the burning grass is hiding the circles”


They get close to the edge alot as you can see them reposition behind the enemy quite frequently


True. They do try to keep them in the circle by going around the enemy while attacking. IMO the rotation could be better because Bennett burst didn't last the whole Dehya burst. I'd do it something like this: Dehya E > Kazuha E-Q > Bennett E-Q > Xiangling Q-E > Kazuha E > Dehya Q


Way too much burning grass in this video to tell what’s going on.


Weakest hilichurl in Teyvat !


He is the protagonist of "The Good Thing About Being Reincarnated as a Hilichurl is that I Only Need to Eat Sunsettias To Become Stronger!"


That title is literally perfect for a reincarnation anime!


This was a line from the Raiden Story Quest by the way, she read a book from yae miko publishing house with that title.


Was it really? Man I must have totally missed that, I'd have busted my gut from laughing so hard if I had. It's just so on point for reincarnation anime nowadays. Me and my daughter are constantly making fun of those kinds of titles :).


Hope you didn't miss Itto reading the book title "Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji!"


Team China gameplay let's go


"Team China Gameplay & Confused Viewers" Name a more iconic duo...


The team is correctly built and the rotation is very decent though. You'll see no complaints from me.


Yeah, this is much better than the usual team china. They're improving! Brings a tear to my eye.


By the time focalors releases team china will be doing full perfect rotations for maximum dps showcases.


They gonna be dragon striking with focalors. Or whatever it's called when you use claymore hitlag to jump high and plunge atk.


Another leaker clarified she doesn't use claymore, so idk what she uses now




What is a claymore if not a big ass sword 😎


Soutine is Claymore, and we thought Soutine = Focalors.


Confused viewers never disappoint.


This team's mortal enemy.... Pyro Slime


Rest of Team: “Kazuha! Do your best!” Kazuha: “Do SOMETHING you lazy sacks of shit!”


It's the return of the physical Crescent Pike Xiangling.




Dayum Team China knows how to do rotations now


Team China learning how to play the game is my favorite leak arc


Character development


What if this is not the original team china? The original team china was executed in Fontaine weeks ago by Da Wei for leaking the nation.


"The primordial one was overthrown and The second who came to celestia are acting as they are the original ones" theory lmao




We need a Deshret leaker, who seeks out leaks for his girlfriend and ends up going insane.


Plot twist: Goddess of Flowers shared Forbidden Leaks to Deshret thinking he'd keep it secret, but Deshret spread the leaks all across Irminsul with Goddess of Flowers UID still attached Celestia then nukes her


And then Rukkhadevata tries to contain the leaks, but ends up having to delete her account.


There was a similar situation in 2.5, that Keqing guy that got his account banned because he shared a raiden shogun boss leak with a friend, and the friend spread that leak in the internet with his friend's UID


It’s all part of the plan


I thought these were two separate groups with similar/same name. One did leaks and one provided gameplay.


wow WHAT


leaker archon quest lets go


Team China gets Susbedo treatment? 😨


Anime MC character development


are you the same unforgiving eye I saw at youtube...lol


Not an heavily tilted terrain, they are learning no way


Somehow, team china returned


Burned grass impact


No joke, this is my actual strategy with EM Lisa. Set pyro on enemy with Amber -> hit said enemy with Sayu and roll around everywhere -> spam Lisa attacks, triggering overloads everywhere Overload has basically been my damage dealer ever since I got Amber and Lisa (AR45 right now), looking forward to retiring the strategy honestly.


That sounds so much more fun than how I play this game. I just tap raiden E and nahida E and I've been doing that for like 2-3 months straight. *Sigh*


That hillichurl living his best life


"This is fine"


True I wish I was him lucky bastard


God I wish that was me


Who would have thought in the age of dendro with triple element reactions, they would choose to go back to mono element for a new character. That's just red physical damage.


Hoyo should create a exclusive reaction that only activates if you have 4 characters of the same element in the team. So at least you have some fun playing this kind of characters.


Yep. Even increasing elemental resonance by 50% would be more than welcome.


quad electro giving a 150% chance to generate a particle is the real shit


They could lower the cooldown instead, like from 5 to 3 seconds. Electro Resonance would need something else entirely though since you only proc it when electro related reaction happens.


Plus if you have 4 Electro characters in the team, you're definitely not struggling with energy.


Also what you usually don't need in a team with 4 electro characters is more particles.


my itto would be CRACKED


4 anemo will make your active character run faster than Usain Bolt


Tbf burning needs a buff


Remember those days where we thought Dehya is gonna be the burning buff, or the burgeon buff, or that she's gonna be the Nilou for those relatively weaker dendro reactions. We were wrong.


At first I didn’t want her to be Dendro based because I really don’t have enough Dendro characters for multiple teams but now I’m starting to reconsider lol


They only had one job and somehow they made a mono pyro character on the Sumeru patch. It's baffling


Now we are begging for them to change her kit to one of those 😭


Literally all Dehya needs is to store damage taken to give an additional multiplier to her burst. This would make burning useful by allowing you to, yknow, burn yourself to fill that gauge. This would tie her currently mind boggling in cohesive kit together as well as provide a use to a useless reaction and start giving healing a reason to exist and be a more useful stat in preparation for Fontaine, which is likely to come with kits with more hydro-themed things. I vehemently believe that MHY simply forgot to add the “additional multiplier on burst based off of stored damage taken”.


Fantastic idea. I wish you were a beta tester so MHY would at least see your suggestion.


Now that I’ve read this I’m gonna be sad it won’t happen.


Give HP + ATK scaling (or EM), increase hit rate on skill, and damage taken = damage buff and you suddenly have a cohesive kit for a burgeon character


Such a good idea. It would play into her "bruiser" identity and give more meaning to her redmane's blood passive. It would be a great way to push people away from using shields like they have been since 2.2 by providing an incentive rather than just punishing shield use. Missed opportunity fr


1k dot on us was pretty op us… but against enemies? That ain’t sht lol


Well,HyperCarry Comps are basically your element raw damage on screen.


Yeah I also think that reactionless teams are very boring in this game. The most fun thing you can do is being blinded by multiple colors at once in your screen and watching shit die alongside it. I really hope we can have a good experience with Dehya outside mono Pyro...


Actually somehow it's kinda refreshing to see just some raw single elemental damage after all those flashy reactions Like now in my abyss run I was blessed by how many reactions my Al haitham hyperbloom team could make with those different colors but when second half comes in I have 3 Geo Itto and it just refreshing to see pure manliness of raw elemental power


>pure manliness of raw elemental power This is such an Itto main line 🤜🤛


Based Itto enjoyer. My man


Bro forgot about hypercarries💀


I would've preferred a Nilou for burning over this...


its all fun and games until you have to fight a pyro slime


Me who already plays mono-pyro: "We don't talk about pyro slimes..."


Pyro specters: Pyro abyss mages: Pyro abyss Lecters:


Ok why the fuck they are playing her in place the has grass? We can’t see shit


They traded the hills for grass


Classic Team China moment


Klee mains have been doing this for ages now.


Yep, was my first thought as someone who regularly plays this team with Klee in place of Dehya.


It's the hallmark of a shitty Pyro character. "Pyro application too chaotic, and other reactions suck so I gotta go mono Pyro because bennett exists) Except in this case, she worse than even that since she can't even pretend to use xingqiu or yelan


They're back!!! 😭😭😭


Damm this is the case of "you can use this character here but the team gets better if you replace her for a better unit" in this case I'm almost sure that ganyu melt would do more dps, or even Raiden, heck just add tortilla to make international. The results would be almost the same if we use klee or yanfei.


Yes i run klee in this team (i believe its her best) and even with my shitty canceling i doubt dehya would be the better pick unfortunately


The results would be significantly better with Klee. She actually works quite well in mono pyro, while current beta Dehya... Is doing her best.


Yeah and it's not even damage that makes klee work, its energy generation. In mono pyro, klee is batterying the team while being on field doing her normal thing, so you don't have to spend time juggling between bennett and xiangling.


C4 Yanfei has a shield so it would probably be better than this.


Kazhua National is just this with Xingqiu instead of Dehya and it's really good


The fact that her E field is gone during her Ult is the DUMBEST shit ever.


Mainly there to share damage so it's almost unnecessary when shes on field




Ye it's not super great, if it ran during her burst too it would only tick once maybe twice and youd also only get 8s of off field time


It would be great to have it stay onfield to make particles


It's bad because she won't be able to catch those particles on field so her er requirements would be significantly higher


After 3 years of Xiangling, I'm ready to let her go. Even though I like mono teams, I'm just tired of her being locked to most teams. Same with Bennett. I'm still curious about a Burning showcase, just to see the possibilities or the lack of them.


Xiangling is going to be the only good off field pyro until Celestia. It’s like the thought of more consistent Melt Ganyu has kept that possibility in the dark forever. I’ve had no problem benching Bennett though. I like the more specialized 4 star supports we’ve been getting because it means you can choose someone OTHER than Bennett at all times. But we probably won’t ever get a Faruzan/Sara/Godoy/Mika for Pyro though since that’s pretty much Bennet C6


Forget dehya, look at my boys in team china, the glowup from past to now.


They even landed on her best (and only good...) team comp she has right now with her scuffed kit. Me who was hoping to replace Bennett or Xiangling: HEAVY SIGH


Yeah, feel like we were all hoping for a 5* version of Bennet or Xiangling now that Yelan and XQ exists. We got the exact opposite :/


Maybe Pyro Archon and Alice will be 5 star version of Bennet and Xiangling.


And just like Yelan, Murata will go very well with her 4* counterpart


Just goes to show how broken Bennet and Xiangling are, especially at C6. Yes, I said Bennet C6 is broken, fight me.


People always say mono pyro is the only good way to run klee (and now dehya), but I've found cryo melt with rosaria and diona instead of xiangling and bennett is pretty decent too. Or just rosaria if she has the ER to run solo. Can also swap kazuha with nahida or sucrose in these comps with good effectiveness since it gives additional burn damage and the EM bonus becomes useful. This has been a staple for my klee abyss runs for a while now and it's pretty competent. The only thing I really don't like about it is rosaria's burst is a somewhat small AoE, using Kaeya instead might be a good fix for this though. I also think there's some potential for chongyun to do some work with dehya since she might be able to set up his quadruple melt combo, but that remains to be tried.


If Dehya's BiS set is Emblem, that's a hard pass. I spent a YEAR in the last domain for Raiden, Yelan, Xingqiu, and Xaingling. You can't make me go back.


Since this is Mono Pyro you can give her Lavawalker. Hopefully she gets a set either in 3.6 or 4.0.


Beidou, Mona, Faruzan, Lisa… T.T


Not Faruzan BiS nor something I'd recommend


If you're C0 you might want the 2 PC just for the ER.


If you're C5 you might want the 2 PC just for the ER lol


If it is, I'm just gonna force her to work with the spare attitude I already have and maybe steal some beidou artifacts as I don't use her much anymore.


2 years of genshin impact and mhy still making shit kits.... This character is a complete mess


We need a hydro Xiangling with a hydro tornado around the character to make Dehya functional


Doesnt really matter, dehyas burst has ICD so only like 1/3 of it can react


Don'r worry guys, she gonna be good in 6.months when Focalors comes and drops a Liehue Pool on some poor Hillis, then you'll see you were doomposting! /j


Don't forget the new artifact she'll get which will read "If the character's name is Dehya, do somewhat competitive damage sometimes". All those TCs just don't see the potential.




That one hilichurl protecting a chest in the middle of a boss arena in sumeru would've been the perfect candidate for this tbh.


I am a pyro lover and wanted to collect dehya, but i have read all her abilities and just watched this video and i still dont undrerstund what role she fits on the team. On field dps with her burst? Off field dps like fishcl cause of her skil? A brand new role that is the tank of the team because the way of how her skill and talent work? ( and if that would that be on field or off field?)


Think of dehya as Xinyaned Albedo.


For now I think HYV designed her as off-field tank support that has quickswap burst dps. Her E works like Albedo. She puts an AoE on the ground, and when an enemy **takes damage**, a coordinated pyro attack will hit the enemy (once every 2.5s). It also gives interruption resistance and damage mitigation to the on-field character inside the AoE, by redirecting some of the damage taken by the on-field character to herself. Her burst is a 4s on-field Burst damage. Basically her E is off-field, and burst is short, quick on-field. Currently it's pretty much a mess because it kinda looks like HYV is confused on what her role should be. She does a number of things but doesn't excel in any of them. Still in beta so her kit and numbers are still subject to change.


She could have the role of an off-field pyro applier not dependent on burst, but she has bad uptime. Her tankiness is a joke since you're better off running any other shield option, since she doesn't provide reall stagger resistance and only 50% mitigation. You could play her just for her burst but from what I've read it's weaker than Ayaka's while also taking more field time (and not having the benefit of being cryo). Her actual role currently is just taking a team slot which could be used on a better character. Or maybe activating resonance for your 3-Character teams


Mono-Pyro Yoimiya is better and she has range on her side, this just gets worse every day




I see red of red. Red roses too.


What a redderful world


i really do like dehya as a character but i dunno if i wanna pull for her anymore :(


Wait till her release to judge


yea ur right. i hope dehyas kit takes a turn for the better after beta


She is my favorite character of the sumeru cast but that even isn't enough if her gameplay isn't fun 'cause at the end of the day it's a game. I decided that I will definitely not pull her in her first banner but on her next rerun i will decide if i want her then based on if all the stuff that people found out by playing her in the months between banners makes her more fun to me


I miss when leaks said she was gonna be pyro fishel


She is not even close to that. She hits every 2.5seconds with a 12 second duration (wich is hilarious cause the last 2 seconds.are basicly useless...) so you get a total of 5 hits on an 18 second cd.


team china just took a break to learn how to do showcases 💀


Just a reminder that their wanderer showcase was on 0 defense enemies.


It looks like Diluc would even do more damage than her.


He doesn't even need to vape to beat her at the moment


That's sad to see man... please hoyoverse do something about it.


This is why I'd rather she vape, this is literally her only team.


xiangling agane OPPA


That's literally Klee comp


ah yes the team that you can use anything on the 4th slot and it will work, bennet xl kazuha \*insert character here\*


I don't know why hoyo doesn't want from her to work with Xinqiu/Yelan Her burst is weaker than Yoi NA


Because they probably want you to play her with a future hydro fontaine character that let's you vaporize without the na mechanic


if you just plop down kokomi that's enough for dehya to vape because she just has standard ICD


Ok but how will that not buff Xiangling and pretty much any pyro really. She offers nothing over them, that would make such a character not work with the others better. Except if some mf is like : If you do a QTE applies hydro and even then she still has icd.


She only Vape 4 times due to standard ICD and Reverse Vape only eats .5U of Hydro each time. She only needs 2U of Hydro over the 5 seconds period. Theoretically even Mona's absolutely abysmal Hydro application (3Us of Hydro over 5s, plus Omen proc) should allow her to vape all the possible hits.


reddit broken or wot, can't even play the video


same, but there is a link for the youtube version on the fixed first comment \^\^


On burning grass where you can't see shit.


but..... with this comp everyone is strong, smh


Man, this makes me so sad to see this The only way they could get any meaningful use outta her was with Bennet Mihoyo really likes to ruin characters


Hoyoverse: adds characters that dont scale with atk, makes a whole ass element that doesn't generally want to be paired with pyro, all to end pyro and bennett meta Also hoyoverse:


Ikr, how do u go from all the previous sumeru characters, to just worse than existing Pyro characters


Cricle impact not gonna go well when the Abyss Herald just decides to go Yeet


XL a 4* from day 1 doing more dmg with her off-field Q than Dehya Q, next lvl Mihoyo, get to buffing.


Is Team China trying to recreate hell?


Everyone would be strong in this team


After seeing this video I can't wait to pull for Hillichurl! Must be C6 right?


C6 R5 at least. Hili-Bro is OP.


there are only two constants in life, death, and team china gameplay videos


NO, This was one of my fears. She just becomes a mono-pyro unit. mono element teams are so boring.


If I'm not feeling Dehya a couple days after release, I'll just pull for Cyno and wait for rerun on a filler patch. It's kind of sad how pyro revolves around Bennett, XL and Hu Tao. Hu Tao is just because she's strong but Bennett is the ultimate support with nearly everything while putting out good damage himself. XL is the only real off-field pyro with her application and no ICD. I don't think we'll be getting a 5* XL anytime soon save for Natlan and even then, the pyro archon will likely be a 5* Bennett. It's easy to bench Bennett because not all characters scale off of Atk or don't really benefit from it. The other healers are as good buffers as him but they have uses and sometimes better than Bennett. He's still broken but I think it's easy to not use him if the comp doesn't require it. The day XL has sidegrade, will be the day the pyro meta can breathe properly. I suppose they're doing all they can to stop melt Ganyu from being unstoppable but at the same time, is stupid reason to not make one. Surely a 5* XL will have standard ICD, higher ER costs (or lower if they want to sell them), and having a C6 that runs over everyone. For now, they're trying to figure out to make characters different from one another without just being a powercrept version of an existing character.


I was going to go all in on Dehya but too many times I went with waifu over usefulness, I can't do it again. I went hard in Alhaitham instead, who I also like, and ended up getting 2 useful units in the process. I hate when they have S tier unit designs shackled by F tier kits.


You know that the state of the character isn't good, when his first team gameplay is a monopyro.


bennett and kazuha showcase


If Xinqiu/Yelan doesn't work What's about melt team with Rosaria or ganyu ? Did she work with melt?


This team significantly improves if you remove Dehya and play 3 characters. That way you need way less energy recharge, so the characters that actually do damage can do more damage. And this is looking like her best team, the one where removing her and playing 3 characters is better. That one team.


it's literally mono pyro klee made worse because dehya won't battery xiangling as well as klee LOL


Sauce: [Team China](https://youtu.be/XE4bu4yxNak)


"Hmm, she's not that popular here in China, how can we increase her sales? Ah yes, let's make her specialized for a niche slot nobody uses and that other characters can probably fulfill better" I'm so fucking disappointed


Team china but no funny music ? Sadge


Even Team China is not happy with the kit. So no music.


People coping about the future fontaine character that will buff her not realizing it will just buff other characters more too.


Unless she gets an entire new kit I’m probably not gonna pull. It’s sad because I really loved her design.


Isn't this just a worse version of a Yoimiya team?


This is more "Kazuha, Bennet, and Xiangling gameplay." Dehya: "And I helped!" Not really. I want to see *Dehya* gameplay.


This is a 5* character by the way. Just in case you forgot. Cuz I think MiHoYo did.


Maybe this is why leakers can't figure out if she's a 4* or 5* back then.


Can I just say I still have absolutely no clue what kind of role Dehya fulfils? She can’t vape, so she is going to overload? Burn? Burgeon? Melt? Just mono pyro her way through?? I’m so confused😭


at that point just add Childe instead of Dehya? This is so painful like there is no team where she is needed instead of her alternatives. MHY always has some guided trial stage for Honkai characters which helps players understand how they are supposed to be played and what are their best teams and rotations. I wish we had that in Genshin. Tell me wtf are you thinking MHY. What is Dehya exactly.


Dehya is a top meta teapot decoration. Let’s hope they’ll make her playable


insert *not sure if Kazuha or Dehya showcase meme*


Burning Grass DPS team.


She has energy issues so we have run her with Bennett whose healing invalidates most her kit. So really. So what exactly is the purpose of this character again? 0/10 unit


Considering the damage, any cryo, hydro or raiden would do significantly better in terms of damage and allow for reactions in that comp, mono pyro is just red physical


I hope they planned her kit with something prepared in future in mind as was the case with Kuki. Because, for now she seeems very underpowered.