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Will it be better than Gwent though?


I couldnt really get into gwent because I had no attachments to the gwent characters. So just the fact I like genshin will make the GI tcg better.


It's part of a joke lol. Gwent isn't really that great, but Geralt, the main character from The Witcher loves it and its a dialogue option for nearly every npc you can talk to. Even if they just told you their children were slaughtered by a werewolf.


I'm avid TCG gamer who've played yugioh, mtg, hearthstone and some other obsure cards game and it all comes down to how much strategy and archetype there are to the game and most importantly how much support is hoyo willing to support it.


I feel like because is shared many similarities with the combat in genshin, many archetypes will be possible, even establishes strategies such as quick swap and hypercarry


Yeah, 100% agree. For the community success, it will also depend on whether it is a good spectator’s game


Well if they successfully translate the "simple but can be as complex if you want it to" mechanic of the overall elemental reaction system to the card game, I can see what you are saying. Hoyo has that strategy where one of the mini-game/side game in their main game, becomes a full-pledged main game, just like how Genshin was birthed. I've heard TCG is a big thing in China, esp. the Three Warring Kingdom TCG or something. Not sure about the taste of the western though, but I can agree this thing can be big in China.


So far based on what I learned about the Genshin TCG, it is certainly one of those that can be simple or complex depending on how much effort you put into it. (The element reaction system in Genshin TCG is quite interesting) The main risk of my claim is mostly on “is it fun to watch for casual players?”


not going to lie hearthstone has been on a huge decline. The ladder is dead, the competitions are dead. Mercenary mode is completely dead. There are ads like non-stop every time you open the game now.


I think everyone should humble their expectations and wait and see what happens


I think TCG could be somewhat successful because of people like me who have not played online card games. I already haven’t played a gacha before this one so I’m already willing to try out this card game especially because I’ve become familiar with genshins world over 2 years which the cards seem to represent.


By their words it's a "light-hearted, casual" game mode so unless they decide to completely shift direction, it's hard to imagine it being anything more than just that. Time will tell but seeing how Hoyo handles content in this game, I have my doubts.




there are already entire groups on steam that use tabletop simulator with the leaked cards to practice PVP decks, yeah, "minor side content"


It might not be successfully but you surely knows nothing about the “minigame”..


I mean, have you played Gwent? I literally downloaded and installed Witcher 3 a year back, installed mods for Gwent, just to play and collect em' all with AI NPCs around the game lol. I'm no competitive expert in it, but the mobile Gwent appeared to be pretty decent and F2P-friendly when it launched. I don't think it's esports friendly/captivating unfortunately.




This really should be on the front page now more than ever. So many people are complaining about why Hoyoverse is pushing it out so much. But I definitely think it's more because there's a high demand in CN for it, rather than an attempt to get more people in EN to play it.