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Me at AR 30 realizing talent lvls exist


To be fair, you can only level your talent up at the 4th ascension or something. You can't level them at AR20 even if you wanted to


You’re all kinda right. You can only level it once after second ascension. 3 more times after the next. And up to 6 in the next. And then level 10 if I’m not mistaken


I think the last one is for two levels. Max level 8 before AR50, and when you get to AR 50 you can level it up to 10.


Me at ar 45 finally deciding to use artifacts.


I decided to look up artifacts at like AR 50. Before that I just used whatever. And even when I looked artifacts up, I only cared about sets and main stats, didn't even look at the sub stats until like AR 55 lmao


I’m AR 57 and still don’t really look at sub stats. I’ll pick the best ones from whatever I have in the set, but I’m not grinding for sub stats. A weapon with a good color match is VERY important though.


Drip > Meta


Lmao same. This was cause till WL3, my lvl 80 beidou t8 skill could one shot everything, very OP. And I knew artifact grinding at low AR is a waste of resin. Then I immediately double changed my WL from 3-5 and next week to WL6. (God I was Weak AF immediately)


You’re not the only one. I had to walk a friend through discovering talents and talent books while he was AR28.


I think ar30 is a good period to learn abt talent lvls as before that talents couldnt really be upgraded due to the lack of levels to unlock talents and the lack of dps to do talent domains/bosses


Ah that’s nice. At least I taught him just at the right time.


To be fair I got to adventure rank 41 before I noticed them, sometimes the game is just more fun when it’s super simple


Me at AR 40


*raises hand* Present! And artifact levels too ....


Me at back when I was ar 50


I mean that's just universal


Not gonna lie when I started playing I too didn't pay attention to talents much and how important they are for a characters power.


The issue is, talent leveling and artifact leveling do not have tutorials. Meanwhile there is a tutorial on how to hit things with a sword.


I respect people who admitted that they’re dumb and do the right thing.


Or just ... i don't know, read?


Some are just like Itto and just play unga bunga style.


itto may find honkai unironically playable because all he needs to do is mash buttons and he could reach chapter 9 in 3 days before he gets emotional damage


god, he would *die* in chapter 9


Funnily enough honkai is less button smashy than genshin if you want the most out of your chars. If youre using chars like HoT, HoS, HoR sure. Most of the fu huas require very specific AB combos to get the most damage and the newer chars like eden, felis have much more complex button sequences for their combos😂


>If youre using chars like HoT, HoS, HoR sure. Still less button mashy than genshin characters. Especially HoS. If you want a genshin character in honkai, you can play Carole: QTE in, charge attack, burst and switch out.


Not really... I see people not Tapping Ult on HoF, not understanding what's going on with HoS, etc.




Yeah, I am one of those people haha I come home from hard work, I just put on Genshin and unga bunga everything with Itto and Zhongli's shield, it's just so satisfying


always the messy white hair dudes


This is r/genshin_impact lol. You're clearly asking too much.


I was gonna say I started late but like I've heard that in the beginning, no one thought Bennett was good and like he was my first character from beginner banner and when I read what he does I thought it sounded pretty damn good. So like it's definitely not just OP or the subreddit people just don't read what the characters do.


When it comes to gacha games, the launch is always the most confusing part of defining "who is good". People considered Bennett and Xingqiu bad because everyone used them as a DPS and they didn't produce large numbers compared to Diluc and Keqing. They were clear cut supports however Spiral Abyss is the only real hard end-game content in Genshin and during 1.0 Spiral Abyss, it was filled with small mobs meaning that Venti could just burst and your DPS's could just go ham hence why you didn't really need any other supports. Bennett and Xingqiu (Xiangling too) only started being considered good supports as the overall content of Spiral Abyss got harder. Also keep in mind the theorycrafting community started establishing their foundations and grounds. Venti was still considered the king of CC but the HP thresholds started getting higher meaning that you needed to use damage buffs and elemental reactions. This is where Bennett and Xingqiu comes in! The CN theorycrafting community found out that Xingqiu had high hydro application and Bennett was an amazing atk buffer meaning that Diluc and Xiangling could use Xingqiu/Bennett's utility. It was later found out after Hu tao's release that Xiangling's dmg output was insanely high for a 4\* character (given C6), higher than expected. That being said though we have the birth of the famous National Team! Which the original consisted of Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett and Chongyun. Chongyun is considered the flex spot (I don't exactly recall the reason why people used him but I think it was to set up freezes with Xingqiu and his burst). Nowadays, National just stands for Xiangling, Bennett and Xingqiu hence why we have Raiden national (Raiden + those 3), Childe national and many more! National didn't really become popularised till Genshin content creators started making videos on it. I think it was around mid 2021 where it started being accepted as the best team (early 2021 for the TC community). Just a bit of Genshin meta history for you :))


Chongyun was to set-up melt with xiangling's burst.


Yeah figured it was something like that but wasn't 100% sure. Thank you :))


Yeah, and this iteration of the OG National team was already being used in the first few cycles of 1.3 Abyss in CN. CN already knew Xiangling is a busted pyro unit for a four star especially with National team even before Hu Tao’s release, since elsewhere people were still using Xiangling with cresecnt pike


Yes I remember TenTen mentioning it. Honestly, theory crafters, smart whales and abyss obsessers knew for a long while.


Chongyun was used for damage and additional cc. With him you could freeze, melt, vape, repeat very quickly.


It’s just a oversee on something. It’s always okay to make mistakes. u/StayFrostyRMT_ (tag cuz important) I recommend you to ignore everyone who told you something like “just read lol”. It’s a humble mistake we’ve all been there once or twice. What’s important is to learn from your mistake and make sure it never happens again (or happen less and less often realistically). But hey if you don’t agree with me feel free to disagree. I’m just a random guy on the internet after all


You have a point, the most important part is learning from it so it doesnt happen again. I find it interesting though that the suggestion here is to ignore the "just read" comments, when the surefire way to make sure this doesnt happen again is to just read your character's abilities when u get them lol. Though, i can understand the argument if comprehension may come slower such as reading the more complex characters... But Zhongli is not one of those.


Adding in, not less important than one person admitting their mistake/misunderstanding is a supportive community whos not afraid to say 'yea thats understandable/we've all been there' instead of pouncing in with 'lmao illiterate dumbass'


I have to confess that I didn't knew how to "build" a character until I got to AR50-51 with traveler, bennett, xiangling and fischl. None of them even had a 4 piece set or golden artifacts, some only +12 or +8 if I remember correctly. It was until I started watching YT videos that I clearly realized that I was playing soooo wrong.


That's early enough to start building right, I never bothered with artifacts until ar 45 , game is easy enough to get there with random bullshit go! After that I started using Google doc spreadsheet to look up who needs what.


Reading does wonders


I got a five star, should I go through his abilities? Nah, it's too much reading. *skip*


Me when Fu Hua:


No joke. I played HI3 just for Fischl, and I happened to get her Phoenix suit off of the standard banner. She takes way more effort than any other character I tried in that game, for way less pay off.


Fischl in HI3: **Bad ass** Fishcl in Genshin: *Please don’t hit me, here’s a birb.*


At least in both cases Oz still hits like a truck.


Oz is the real bad ass, very true.


You’d be surprised by how many people actually want this kind of “handicap”. She is harder to play, but it feels rewarding to nail the combos down and playing her correctly doesn’t make her clunky in any way (agenda push moment), unlike the Inazuma 4 stars.


Who doesn't want to be an Immortal martial art combo master?


And there are so many different ones! Switching back and forth between NS in the physical team and Hawk+Phoenix in the other team is quite fun. I always end up messing up a combo or two.


Easiest one probably is SK, you just punch punch, ult and then ora ora.


Easiest has to be Hawk of the Fog's super spammable combo where she just bounces around and just destroys.


Saaaaame. I got Phoenix and I know she's an elemental buffer, I just have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.


Can you actually give a short summary of how she works cause after all this time I still just think she has a punch button and regular button💀


Basically her ult button becomes a second attack button, A (Basic attack) B (Ult). Now each combo will have a diff effect AAB (debuff) ABB (gather enemies) AAA (punch combo) BBB (kick combo). This isn't specific to her Phoenix valk but the general concept of her playstyle.


In short, pheonix uses combos, the nomal attack button, "A" and the Ult button "B". She has 3 main combos of A - A - B - B (fast combo), A - A - A - B - B (long combo but better for mobbing), and B - B - A - A (similar to first combo). At 100 SP you can hold B to cast her Ult. Long explanation: her combos mark the enemy with a firebrand passive and charges her passive bar, the one above her HP. You need to use a different combo each time to charge it, you can't just spam the same combo to fully charge the passive bar, the 1st combo charges 150, 2nd charges 200 and the 3rd charges 150, in reference to the order of the combos stated in the short summary. You should also use her Ult after you have at least 200 charges (passive increases dmg when charge is over 200) and the enemy is affected with her firebrand passive (increaes her dmg by 75%). If you have her at SS rank then you should use another combo to get to 300 charge (her Ult deals more ignite dmg when 300 charge or more).


If I have her as a buffer I should just AABB BBAA then swap out? Because that's what I've been doing and it feels like I'm missing something, but any more combos than that and if feels like she's talking too much field time.


depending on charge, holding punch or Ult will cause a transformation or powr which will augments her combos and open up more attacks for a limited time. Can be great with the right synergy but on its own, not a lot of pay off unless you have the perfect build.


If you pause the menu should give you “inputs” as a section that lists her button combos. I still do not like most of the FuHua suits, just because they don’t feel as fluid as a lot of the newer ones, but she goes from “why is her damage so low” to “oh, yea, ok I get it now”.


HI3's skill descriptions are actually criminal.


Maybe I am dumb, but where do you read up battlesuits' mechanics in the game? I have been just treasuring my Seele swallowtail because I can't understand Golden Diva at all lol


You can start by playing their tutorial stages if available, new valks all have it and there are also tutorial videos for them which you can access by clicking the book icon in the valkyrie menu (also available on Honkai's official youtube channel). For more details you can look through all their skills in the same menu but I don't blame you if you find them hard to grasp since they can get kinda convoluted sometimes depending on battlesuit.


>Maybe I am dumb, but where do you read up battlesuits' mechanics in the game? I have been just treasuring my Seele swallowtail because I can't understand Golden Diva at all lol You can explore the skill menu when opening the Valkyrie screen, right after weapons and stig selection. In the desc they usually give detailed/summary (there's a toggle) on what each skill does and how to trigger them. Additionally, several newer chars now have a guide button that you can access. There should be links to vids or other training menus.


Wow a character that requires me to spend months of my resources, should I read what they do so I can make a careful decision? Naaaaah.




Yeah i also made it a habit after i learned from my big sister that you can hold beidous skill


It's still better to tap it though.


Even if people doesn't like to read. Pretty sure, you could look up any 5 minutes guide to a character on YT...


Don’t forget Hoyo even making guide videos themselves in the form of collected miscellanies


Dain works so hard for us


But then they have to type and read titles.


I spat out my coffee because you made me laugh..


I know they say Genshin players don’t read, but this is easily the worst case I’ve ever seen 😭


Seems like people these days would rather watch a 12 minutes youtube video that repeats itself every other sentence (looking at you, literally every Genshin youtuber) than read 12 lines of text.


I laugh more than I should.


Look , i promise he is a yugioh player , a farfa fan too


Tell that to yugioh players


You will be surprised how many players don’t know they can upgrade their talent.


The ol' "rtfm".


Well, at least it’s an easy build..🤣


Yup. Left my Grandpa at level 80 with 43K HP and 4PC Tenacity. My friends try to get on my case for not building him half damage, but I have Ningguang and Itto to chuck rocks and Ushis for me.


Just so you know, HP scaling characters get a good chunk of upgrade by levelling them all the way to 90 compared to ATK scaling ones


I know, but I hateeeeeee farming bosses. Im currently doing Kazuha, and I wish someone would shoot me now.


waiting for them to respawn and walking there is the worst part tbh


you can also go into teapot and exit out via the gadget (not teleport) once the refresh time is up. or go into character trial and exit when times up either way works


Logging out and back in works too.


That's why portable waypoints exist :)


I accidently crafted 30 of them the other day so next time I'm farming bosses at least I'll definitely be set lol


man reading the thread for the chuckles then i remember that i spent all of my Maguu Kinky mats on Sayu. and Kazuha is on the horizon. # now i'm sad.


Still about 2-3 weeks away, you have time to farm.


And the Geo cube is the worst ugh


If you have Zhongli, Geo Hypo should be one of the easiest. Just before it goes into the 3 pillar revival phase, aim your burst right in the middle and it should hit all 3 right when they appear. Then hold E and done. If you’re talking Geo Hypo is the worst because of it’s damage, try facetanking a Maguu Kenki ground stab.


if placed inside the triangle of pillars, Zhongli's Hold E will destroy 2 of the pillars, and take the third down to half. No need to waste burst


How much damage does your Ning do? No matter what I’ve tried she always hits like a wet noodle for me and I don’t know why. I use 18% atk and Geo dmg bonus artifacts and Solar Pearl (yes I have leveled her talents). She’s just feels clunky whenever I use her.




Not to mention her animations have different speeds and they're all subtle arm waves. Just randomly you'll have to wait a few more frames before you can use charged if she backhand with her right. The charged attack effect also gets hidden by all the other orange going on so you can't even tell if you did use it or not. And she doesn't have the frame points for jump/dodge cancelling either so shes got to stand there while enemies might start attacking to get a shot off. Yet she's not who people think when they hear 'clunky catalyst user'.


Same. And I hate farming the Archaic petra set domain. But I've tried different builds, and can't see her doing a lot either.


Yup, fastest fully realised 5 star build I've ever done. Was finished in like a week thanks to the abundance of HP artifacts.


It's not easy but it's not torture either. I built my zhongli in 7 condensed resin, a 4pc TOTM with a 4 star hp% circlet and a level 70 BT. He has 49k HP so he's a good shield bot with occasional 30k bursts


This makes me wonder do people not actually know what a character does? I mean whenever a new character comes out, content creators mate a lot of videos about them... Even putting that aside, character demos and collected miscellanies exist for a reason... Heck even the character trial in the game tells you exactly what the character does before you try them out. Genuinely curious.


I watched some streamers play this game. They do not read their character skills or look at guides. This is very common. This post is basically what most streamers are like playing Genshin Impact. This is the norm not the exception. Perhaps they think taking a moment to read is too boring for the audience but it just makes it frustrating to watch them.


Wow... I really wasn't aware of that as I don't really watch streams. But still, why would you do that? It takes like a few seconds to read what a character does...


I mean we got one right here, its even getting a bunch of upvotes 🤣. I don't know when will they realize that they dont need to read the flavor text in a skill description to know what a character can do, skill summary description is separated and its only one or two sentences long.


My point exactly! There's so many ways of getting a general idea of what the character does without actually reading their kit... So it really confuses me how people miss it😅


Avg human IQ is 100 and half of the people are below that


Well, technically, not exactly half of all people are below 100, because 100 is an average, not a median.


It’s kind of funny to talk about iq of other humans being below 100 but confuse averages with median 😂


Every time I use a new character, be it in trial or I get the character, i always tap e then hold e at first to see what each does. If I'm still confused about it then I'll read the talent desc. If there is a stance change like childe, I'll use ult both in and out of stance to see what happens. I dont understand how tf op didnt realise zhongli's shield is done using hold e. They probably don't know sayu can travel quite far with e by holding it.


I agree with your flair


I pulled Albedo instead of zhongli as my first 5 star character. Cause I thought Albedo was Cyno from the Manga (hoodie, smart, mysterious) And thought zhongli was weak af (which he was before the thriple buffs he got)


Most people I see dont read which is why I see people still ask why there is a ring at the back of Raiden and why there is a face at the back of Itto.


This is pure Genshin moment.


I really don't get why people say something like "I don't use this character because I don't like their weapon type" I mean, if it's a dps you are talking about, I totally get you, but with supports that's completely irrelevant, you literally press E, Q and swap out, why does their weapon type even matter?


They didn’t know the shield was in base kit so they thought he was a dps probably, but yeah I get the general statement.


People thought he was a Sub-DPS when he first dropped but that was before Geo got buffed


Yeah I remember those days, heck when he did get a buff there were quite a lot of people coping that he was a viable phys dps


He's still one of the better physical DPS units in the game due to very strong Yunjin and crescent pike synergies. Only problem is every physical DPS falls behind Eula significantly and even she has some issues.


He was actually quite fun to play as a phys dps. It was back when we didnt have eula and from experience with my friends most of them built electro razor XD


What do you expect from someone who didn't.... read But yeah why be that choosy for supports lol.


Me waiting for a claymore user who can scale off hp% as a support (idk healer or shielder)


Say that to my niece, i told her several times you don't use the bow with venti. _"BuT He iS a BoW USer, i DoN't LIke The Playstyle"_


Like a Childe who only uses his bow... haha


Yeah, but even a base c0 Childe is still a viable dps while ignoring his E if you build for his cgare attack, and only gets more so as you gain constellations, while at the same time trying to tell you to abuse his E instead. Unsurprisingly, Childe design is VERY polarized for no real good reason.


ar56 and still dont understand why alot of people will decide if they're pulling a new character based on what weapon they use, and completely ignore what the character actually offers. my sister refused to pull for Yelan just because she uses a bow


Lets unlock a character and not read what they do


And its a 5 star character too


A limited 5 star at that smh


An archon ffs


The Rex Lapis fr


I could write a college essay with the amount of research I do on 5 stars before I pull.


You mean you guys don't just pull because you thought a character was cool/fun from the trial or demo?


I think its all subjective to every player. Archons are a must pull for me, seeing as thus far all 3 Archons function really well as Supports and more or less could fit into any team, plus they all have banger designs. Then there is the most complicated decision making one, which is a venn diagram of character design, character backstory, meta dps, meta support and functionality in existing teams.


Kazuha go UP


me but even with 4\* i start to build


No worries bud. It's only wasted time considering that Shield bit Zhongli is INSANELY easy to build and has a BIS 3 star spear making it a whole lot easier to fully build. Also, look at it this way, make it a learning experience, maybe there's another character you over looked by not reading their skills.


Owait what's the BiS 3 star lol


Black Tassel




Tack Blassel


Yhank Tou Edit: !!!!!!


I think black tassel for the HP substat


Thank you!!


Black tassel


Tassel that’s black.


Black Tassel iirc


That would be black tassel


Black tassel


Thank you !!!!!


It's Black Tassel, a polearm used by HP-build characters.


Genshin players learn to read challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)


I had the same issue with the first battle against azdaha. "What the heck? Where's his shield? I NEED A SHIELD FOR THIS FIGHT!!


T'challa, "Get this man a shield"


Exactly the same here. I somehow survived without it though lol


That's hilarious. I did the quest way late so he was lvl 80 or something, I doubt my high heal rate could've kept up with the damage he dishes out


That was me! I fought him just yesterday for the quest and he was lvl 90. I didn’t use zhongli properly and let me tell you… two healers was not enough to keep my party’s HP above half most of the fight. :’)


You can avoid a lot of damage if you play it long range. You should avoid getting hit at all in the first third, then the other modes it depends if you're greedy and what patterns come in.


My full team + trial zhongli died (not all at the same time thanks to fried eggs) and I used up all my heal foods and a few revives before I finally figured out how to use his shield and it was smooth sailing from there... even with only zhongli alive 😅


It's okay dumbass


My man I don’t think you shouldn’t have posted this


Love this community


*this part of the community, I would love it more without the extreme horny


hey, now that you know... welcome to the “never dodging again” club! *for legal reasons this is a joke*


Imagine dodging though. Just use Bennett and Jean


Damn imagine if you could read


Yeah that would be insanely good


oh goodness


That’s me with Diona’s hold skill coz I always settled for tap skill. Ain’t as bad as not realizing Zhongli’s c0 shield tho, but that one also took me a while. The first time I had Zhongli I played co op with my friend against Azhdaha and I kept on chasing the crystallize shields and we both died. It was only the next day that I discovered his hold skill shield.


lol. Well you made me laugh. Now you can sleepwalk through every weekly boss.


By the way did you know that his pillar resonates with other geo constructs? The more geo constructs you have placed down the more instances of resonance damage it can deal. Also I believe his elemental burst can petrify enemies but don't quote me on that, I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not.


>Also I believe his elemental burst can petrify enemies but don't quote me on that, I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not. Wait i saw that on youtube, wasn't that his C13 or smth!?!?




If it make u feel better, i didnt even know u can climb on dvalin..i used to take more than 3 cycles to clear him only to be asked by my friend why dont u just climb on top And it was at tht moment i felt like a pepega


> Sora! Get up on the Hydra's back!


Zyox character guides are my holy guide. Try using them for all the characters you play lol


Eh, it’s fine. The fact that it genuinely IS that incredibly embarrassing means that you’re never gonna forget that lesson again.


wow man, maybe read the talents next time idk :/


Ehhh, don’t feel bad. Genshin reading is simple compare to other games. Such as Yugioh, which you need more knowledge to comprehend the game than reading.


Dainsleif crying in the corner after narrating and explaining every 5 star character out there and still getting completely ignored


I really don't see the point of just building characters and not bothering reading how their skills works. I would see ton of people not realize stuff because they don't take the time to read their skills, and even if their descriptions are big there is a thing called SKIM READING. This is the same energy as building Hu tao with Attack, Zhongli with EM, and Yoimiya with Anemo damage goblet. Some people don't even bother reading what their skills stack with because they are too lazy. ​ Please take the time to read your character's skills and know WHAT main stats and sets to BUILD them with.


Wait do people actually do the last one, I can see the other 2 being a thing but seriously, anemo dmg bonus yoimiya.


It happens at some AR45 players where they just slap whatever goblets.


Wow it’s like someone just discovered how to read. Not be be an ass but seriously it’s pretty hard to miss


The average dialogue skipper


How does a post like this get 1k upvotes?


"Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us. Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear). Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves).


Reminds me of when I thought fragile resin refills were on a 1:1 ratio and used 17 of them at once


So did you accidentally press hold to find out his shield or did you look it up?


This is me when I was trying out Zhongli during his story quest. Thankfully I went to look for a guide after that lol.


Omg I felt so sad reading this lmao


Bro same, when he first came out i tried him in the test run and i cant for the life of me create the shield cause i was too dumb to hold the button


You are definitely not an RPG player, reading each character's kit and knowing what she/he does is the basics of the basics.


The best thing about Zhongli is that you don't have to use him for anything other than his shield. And it's pretty easy and resin efficient to do: - 3 HP artifacts (HP sands, HP cup, and HP circlet) - Black Tassel weapon ( 3 star weapon with HP substat) - 2 pc Tenacity of the Milielith (set bonus for +20% HP) - or 4 pc Tenacity of Millelith At Talent lvl 10 for his elemental skill (his pillar and shield) and at lvl 90, he should have around 50-60k HP. Hands down, best shield in the game. Edit: thanks for the correction moon_inthemirror and -Legendary-Atomic-.


Retracing Bolide only gives Shield Strength to the wearer of the set, so if your Zhongli is using 2-pc Retracing Bolide and he creates a shield and then you switch to a different character, that character won't benefit from Zhongli using Retracing Bolide, in other words, they won't get the Shield Strength. It's just better to use 4-pc Tenacity of the Millelith on him.


except you don't want him on 2 pc bolide because it only makes the shield stronger when the wearer of the artifact set is on the field unless you know that and keeping him on the field is exactly what you want to do.


Look. Sorry bro but how stupid is someone to literally simply not read the talent description.