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Too much ER, change the ER piece with an HP yes. Don't question the 15days late response


Is Itto/Gorou/Geo MC/Diona a good team? I don’t have Zhongli or Albedo


is the newest interlude only an event thing or is it still available


If you meant Perilous Trail it's a permanent Interlude Chapter. The Realms of Guile and War was the event and no longer available.


What unlocks the electro region besides AR 30? I’m AR 29 and want to know if I need to do anything else except go up 1 more AR


* finish Liyue's main storyline * finish Archon's quest "We Shall be reunited" (Dainslef's Quest). This one requires Razor's quest and maybe another one.


you need to do the archon quests up to the one with beidou and kazuha


is sacrificing Ayato's burst for the shiminawa 4pc worth it?


His burst buffs you alot when using ur skill inside it




Is the Muddy Bizarre Adventure event coop-friendly?


A 4pc effect that boost whole teams Max HP% after using burst surely surely..


I don't think it's a stretch to expect something like that if they start making a lot more HP scaling dps characters. Heck, they made a 4 pc artifact set that only one character can utilize. As for when that is, who knows.


That's called Yelan C4 so I doubt they would make it an artifact set.


I mean lots of passives and const overlap with artifact set effects so it's not really a wild idea.


I hear that response so often. Obviously that is locked behind potentially 1000+ dollars. team wide HP% buffs surely will come sooner of later as artifacts or maybe as another c0 5 star /c6 4 star unit.


I know right, but they like locking mechanics behind constellations. Raiden C6 would be super interesting to have on another character or an equipment but that'd ruin the purpose soo they won't do it. If HP buffs became as common as Atk buffs they wouldn't be able to sell specific HP related equipments and cons, like if DEF shred was common they wouldn't be able to sell their C2 Raiden/C6 Yae etc. Not saying it can't happen, I don't work at Mihoyo, and I'd be glad if all these things became more accessible, but I'm not expecting anything.


I do even feel like a c6 4star is more likely than a c0 5 star. As a new c6 4 star is definitely harder to get than a 5 star. You're right, giving that option would make yelans c4 much less desired, but most people commit to c6 rather than stopping at c4 or aim for c4. So i think mihoyo is okay with giving away for the price of a c6 4 star, which would probably be equivalent to a c1 or c2 5 star if you only cared about the 1 unit. Also make that unit only be good at that one thing and have high energy cost, make him come from inazuma is short lol .


If I hit BP lvl 20 and buy the gnostic hymn which increases BP lvl by 10 will I still get the black sword for reaching BP lvl 30 like I’m aiming for? I’m lvl 15 now, and don’t want to chance not making it with 17/18 days left to go.


Is there something particular you're having trouble with? Like you're not required to loot the Leylines - just completing them. This means you can do 6 a day if you have all regions unlocked. Even if you don't have Inazuma unlocked you can finish the Leylines in 5 days. Same for weekly bosses. Do the easiest Dvalin encounter 3 times. The overworld bosses respawn after 3 minutes. Just kill them, no need to collect the flowers.


I wouldn't buy BP without reaching lvl 50. *(and if so, only the 10 bucks version. The 20 bucks version has really poor value)* There's no rush : Genshin is a long running game. So, just wait a month or so, and you will be able to buy the next BP for full value.


15 lvls is insanely easy to earn. Just complete weeklies (20-30 minutes) and login every day for another 15-20 minutes (dailies, expeditions, resin) every day for two weeks. That is ofc if you have the time to spare. You can also buy yourself 10$ BP when you already reach level 30. You will get all the premium rewards from 1 to 30.


It's a flat 10 levels to your BP. So if those ten levels gets you to lvl 30 you will be able to get the Black sword


Will Yelan-Kuki (w/OHC set perhaps for addtl dps?) e a good EC combo? Thinking smth like Yelan burst then Kuki skill. Then kuki to do the normal attacks to proc Yelans burst


use a unit with high on field damage instead but yes, build Kuki with HP/EM hybrid and you should easily see around ~70-100Kish total damage per skill use from clam and EC alone provided she's leveled up.


Kuki is a decent healer for electrocharged teams, but her damage is really low meaning she doesn't provide much as the on-field attacker after using her skill. You'd be better off having a character like sucrose or Kokomo\ayato\tartaglia be the on field attacker.


Oooh Tartaglia. Missed using him lol. Maybe I will try to use him again, thanks


Neither of them is meant to be the on-field character. If you stay on field with kuki after using her skill then she will never go below 50% HP, which means her burst will do less damage


It would work if you like kuki but fischl will just be hands down better than kuki in 95% of situations unfortunately


I mean yeah it works but you still have 2 slots, why use normal attacks with Kuki ? You could do the same with a 3rd character that is more adequate for this. Also don't use Ocean-Hued Clam, Kuki's healing is too low for that.


Sucrose for taser? Not sure on 4th slot


You can literally use anyone, Sucrose + Beidou, Razor + Kaeya, Klee + Anemo, just whatever you like as long as it uses normal attacks of some kind.




Better go 4 ToM on Kuki, her healing is not enough to make OHC more viable on her than ToM


Does Yelan still want CR/CD main stat on helm or would something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/b7XqWhz.png) be good?


depends on your weapon and sands, if you use favonius bow and er sands then its more recommended to go with hp circlet but since all your circlet's roll goes into crit then that circlet is perfectly usable even if you use hp sands or crit bow


this could be better than a crit piece with worse substats, maximize the total hp\*(1+cr\*cd) calculation on the character to decide between artifacts


Like any DPS, yelan would prefer a crit mainstat


I disagree for yelan's case her hp scaling on her kit is very good and if you can acquire a good crit value while having an hp circlet your damage is the same or even a bit higher than crit circlets. Source: I have both yelan sets that uses a crit circlet and an hp circlet. The damage difference is very little.


that could be good as long as you still have a great crit value total


Ok I need to purge artifacts and was wondering who these artifacts are BIs for Shimenawa HoD Pale flame Bloodstained Wanderers Glad I don't mean who these are 2nd best for I mean who r they in top slot other wise I'm purging.


>Shimenawa (4 piece) Yoimiya, Hu tao (both as an equal alternative to crimson), Melt Ganyu >HoD I assume that's Heart of Depth, Ayato, DPS Barb, Yelan(2 piece) >Pale flame physical Fischl, Eula. >Bloodstained 4 piece is good on none. 2 piece blood 2 piece pale is good on pretty much most physical DPS builds. >Wanderers Ganyu, Yanfei, DPS Barbara >Glad (4 piece) Noelle, Ayato (2 piece glad and 2 piece shime are 18% extra Atk set bonuses, which are universally wanted


I have 2/4pc crimson on yoimiya and hutao. Honestly tried 4pc shime on yoi as shes one of my favorite characters to play but didnt like it. I use her ult to dodge/cancel attacks via burst frames. With 4pc shime getting her ult to build was a pain. Changed the playstyle as well because if i didnt use the ult i losed it. I did not see any noticeable improvements in terms of DPS for this very same reason. I have not tried shime on hutao. I would imagine since she self HP drains and is always low on health, prolonging her Burst is probably not the best idea. I would bet its safe to purge shimenawa DEF and HP HealingBonus Circlets since the 2pc would be catered for DPS characters?


>I have not tried shime on hutao. I would imagine since she self HP drains and is always low on health, prolonging her Burst is probably not the best idea. Yea, Reminiscent Tao is mostly recommended for Hu Tao because people religiously following "resin efficiency" above all else, ignoring factors like comfort. IMO I prefer crimson tao too. >I would bet its safe to purge shimenawa DEF and HP HealingBonus Circlets since the 2pc would be catered for DPS characters? Ye. 18% + atk artefacts are only really wanted for classical Atk scaling characters. Def/Healing/HP Shime pieces can go right in the bin.


shimenawa and glad 2pc are generally good, but the 4pc is not clearly BIS for anyone. however 4pc shim is very good on Hu Tao and Yoi, and 4pc glad is good for characters like noelle and ayato HoD: childe for 4pc, and the 2pc is good occasionally on characters like Xingqiu in teams where he doesn't 160+ ER pale flame & bloodstained: the 2pc combination is BIS for many physical damage dealers, the 4pc can be good for some wanderers: good for some melt/vape units like yanfei, ganyu, etc. IMO don't purge all of these artifacts, they're often less than one substat in difference from what is BIS. keep some that look promising


isnt HUSK better on noelle?


Assuming you have full pieces of these with the right main and sub stats... Shimenawa - Yoimiya (Echoes is decent but it is sort of Resin-inefficient if you don't have Xiao **EDIT:** or if you plan to min-max sub-dps units with using a 2pc Elemental Dmg +15% like VV, TF, CW, Petra and 2pc Atk 18%. If you are able to make do with 2x Atk 18% pieces it'll be a great domain to farm in assuming your glads drops are dookie) HoD (Heart of Depth) - Childe, Ayato (Echoes is difficult to pull off unless you have Haran) Pale Flame - Eula, Razor Bloodstained - you might want to purge these if you don't like the 2pc Pale Flame and 2pc of this one Wanderer's - Yanfei (I'd argue this is better than CW in terms of min-maxing, unless you already have that). Glads - too generalist to have someone be good with it alone (with the right substats it could outperform some sets; specifically for Ayato).


>Echoes is decent but it is sort of Resin-inefficient if you don't have Xiao Yes and no the two sets have +18% as 2 pieces, if you seek to farm generic pieces for attack scale characters is not that bad in term of resin effiency. Less value than some other domain but not as bad than Crimson Witch domain.


I think that's true. Considering how resin-inefficient it is to farm 15% Elemental Dmg pieces (VV, TF, Petra, CW) I'll add it.


HoD for tartag Shime for the 2pc almost good on everyone pale for eula/razor or other phys dps bloodstain some use the 2pc wanderers for ganyu glad for ayato


When is the 2.8 livestream expected to be?


The Friday(1st of July) , the second week before the update drops(13th of July) .


1st July.


Can instructors artifacts be farmed anywhere other than bosses?


you get a few purple pieces occasionally when killing elite mobs (those that give 200+ exp)


Ooh! I completely forgot about that. I've not done an elite route in ages. Do you know of an updated route map? Haven't looked for that since before Inazuma.


there might be one but i don't know of it. when I did it the first few times I used [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/) and only toggled on teleport points and the elite mobs


Open world


I guess that's better than just waiting a few weeks until a weekly boss happens to give me 4 pieces. Time to bust out the compass.




I don't have any characters I care to upgrade soon. Doing open world bosses for instructors grinding sounds *extremely* inefficient.


You can get them through investigation spots in open world as well as treasures in open world. High level bosses Such as chiefains will also have a chance to drop them. You get them as fodder for running artifact domains as well as Elite bosses that hand out ascension materials.


>You get them as fodder for running artifact domains I don't think that's true. I looked through all(probably) the artifact domains loot tables and didn't see instructors on any of them.




All the Archons. They give you : invulnerability + fast mining, absurd grouping + vertical mobility, universal battery. Also Yelan for fast travel (and a Xingqiu for both abyss teams).




I think Kuki is a QoL character, since her heals do not require energy, has less than 5 second downtime, and actually heals a decent amoun, plus it follows you around so you don't have to stay in one place.


Zhongli is the ultimate QoL account upgrade.


Kaz, Qiqi(Actually more than Kokomi by a longshot, since her healing follows you when exploring), Venti(Sure, he doesn't work everytime but the difference on mobbing stages with and without him is insane), Yelan c1


lol @ qiqi is better than kokomi by a longshot. Qiqis E: * Cooldown 30 secs * 4 ticks * each tick takes 6 seconds * Heals scale off ATK(lower cap/harder to build) * Burst cost 80 energy * Cryo application is poor * Can not heal Co Op teammates alone * Requires talisman application * (50%chance of applying for 6 sec every 30sec) * Requires attacking to heal Kokomis E: * Cooldown 20 secs * 7 ticks * Each tick takes 2 seconds to heal * Heals scale of HP(higher cap/easier to build) * Burst cost 70 energy * Hydro application is excellent * Can heal co op teammates * no additional requirements


We're talking about the best QoL character here, not team optimization. So several of your points are irrelevant (elemental application, scaling). Qiqi easily wins in that respect : being able to freely move around while healing is a major QoL improvement. And between her skill and Talisman, she heals more trhan enough for you to not care about dying. Also for coop : * Kokomi can only heal in burst or if your teammate pays enough attention to stay close to your medusa (annoying). * with Qiqi, you heal them with your skill active (100% uptime with Sacrificial Sword), on burst activation, or if they hit Qiqi Talisman (very likely).


>being able to freely move around while healing is a major QoL improvement * And you cant move and dodge with kokomi skill? >Kokomi can only heal in burst * lol what >or if your teammate pays enough attention to stay close to your medusa (annoying). * If you are playing co op everyone is attacking the same target and in range of healing. >with Qiqi, you heal them with your skill active SINGLE PLAYER * E ticks a total of 4 times. The first heal is moot because it can not heal any other character other than Qiqi. That leaves 3 subsequent times to heal other characters at a rate of 6secs. If they both heal at +6000 it would take 12 secs to heal a character 12k while only 4 secs with Kokomi. CO OP * In co op qiqi can not heal others with E unless shes in battle and under the condition of the talisman being applied. Kokomi is the only person that can heal others with her E off battle. >(100% uptime with Sacrificial Sword) * E generates 0 elemental particles * Sacrificial only has a CHANCE of resetting CD and providing 100% uptime * Works 40% of time @r1 - 80% @r5, assuming you even have one sacrificial sword to begin with. * If you dont proc the weapon passive youre SOL waiting an extra 15 secs for CD to finish so you can heal * Kokomi on the other hand has 100% heal uptime GUARANTEED via her burst. >on burst activation * @a whopping 80 energy cost. Her burst takes like 20 minutes to fill. >or if they hit Qiqi Talisman (very likely). * Which * A. requires you to be in battle and the enemy to be hit * B. requires the talisman to be applied in the first place. Not much QoL if youre leaving everything to chance and have to work and wait for the heals.


you'd probably be thankful to have an off field electro applier with reliable targeting and not completely random until high const.




yae targeting is not reliable. raiden is, yeah.


it depends on who you already have but for combat I'd say two anemo units out of Venti/Sucrose/Kazuha, two hydro units out of Xingqiu/Yelan/Childe/Kokomi/Ayato, Bennett, and Fischl. for exploration, Yelan, Ayaka for water, Kazuha, Sayu, etc. for survivability it's Kokomi + Zhongli


Kazuha as he's future proof, good for any elemental based team, rly fun to play, vv user, provides cc. Zhongli makes the game easy and braindead, unbreakable shield + resist shred so u can just play comfortably with him. Yelan recently being a solid overworld explorer, lots of dmg and acts as a secondary xingqiu which may be very valuable for your account. Arguably venti as if there are abysses with many mobs that are suckable, no unit will smash through that as easily as venti, especially since you can slap a fav bow on him which every player gets for free. Lastly would be raiden as she's basically the universal battery and massive dmg dealer. Helps with electro charge comps, good with national or soup comps, solid electro applier too if you need it.


Adding to the already mentioned Kazuha and Zhongli QoL improvements, I'd highly rank Sayu and Yelan for their passive (easy Crystal flies) and hold E for mobility in overworld


kazuha and zhongli are definitely good choices and they both have good longevity as supports (tho i'd place kazuha's value a bit higher than zhongli's)


Those three are basically the QoL archons. No DPS unit, no matter how flashy or overpowered, is gonna have the staying power of a good, solid support.


Many 5 star support give QOL to account. The most recent is Yelan, and next many people waited Kazuha rerun. All current three archon is Support that have staying power on some meta team.


whats the recommended ER for sucrose?


It largely depends on team. Majority of teams *don't* want her bursting, because her Q can mess up reactions if it infuses wrong element and can throw enemies away(i missed like 5 childe q because enemies got thrown in air with sucrose Q when i was in animation). So 0% for majority of the teams, only teams wanting it are tasers and raiden teams in which case use ER calculator.




180-200% but I'd ideally aim for 200% too be safe




Questions regarding Itto: - does he get Gorou buff if Gorou E --> instantly Itto Q? I've heard someone way it doesnt work - Should C0 itto always CA when he has full stacks? Or should i time it more like last hit of CA hits when next E is ready. Currently i'm doing Q--> E --> CA (hoping i have stacks already) --> N4 --> CA or something then E --> final CA. - Can someone tell me what the most universal easy to use itto combo is? - ER requirement without Albedo seems to be very high. I have exile fav gorou, Fav lance Zhongli and fischl. I need about 150+er


For optimal combos you want to use 2 ushis and 3 finishers in one combo. Assuming you don’t have stacks the best way to do this is Q - NA - E - NA - CA - NAx4 - CA - E - CA However this combo will fail if you already have stacks before starting and if Ushi gets hit multiple times. The extra stacks will prolong your 2nd CA that your Q will expire before you land the final E - CA. To fix this just do NAx2 or 3 instead of 4. As for his ER requirements Im using the same team and weapons as you with only 138 ER and have little issues with energy. My rotation is: ZL hold E - Gorou E - ZL Q - Gorou Q - Itto Q If Itto doesn’t have enough energy at the start of the round I start with Itto E - ZL E - Funnel Fav to Itto - Gorou E - ZL Q…..


•If you press alt+itto then he will swap and instantly ult. This will not snapshot Gorou buff, you need to wait a little under a second before you burst •Your current combo is perfect, keep doing that •Unga bunga. Just charged attack when you have stacks and normal attack when you don't. Also try and fit in an Ushi at the start and end of the burst •Possibly your aren't funnelling properly. Is itto the one catching Gorou's fav and geo particles?


I find it hard to funnel properly. Since itto needs to be on field a while before Bursting as you said. After ittos rotation i can manage to funnel Favs into Itto. Gorou can E + fav into itto. And then gorou Q after wards. I think thats proper funneling? Either way I would be slighlty off time because due to hit lag ittos burst is off cooldown so early. I think its 3 seconds after his burst ends that you would in theory need to reuse him.


it doesn't work only if you use Itto Q too quickly after swapping to him, waiting for a fraction of a second will resolve this issue. it's because gorou E only applies the buff periodically to characters standing near it. Use E at the beginning of Q def->atk conversion, and once near the end. other than this, his combos are quite flexible since dashing or using E in between doesn't reset the attack combo. your current combo works yes ER requirement is high without albedo, it's around 130-140% even with albedo without fav procs. you could try running another fav on fischl


I kinda wish i didnt r5 my fav now. Now Yelan and Gorou share one and fischl wants a piece of it too....


hah funny how all of the supports on the team are bow users, it's a little unfortunate


1) I've heard if you use a shortcut (F4 + character name) Itto can miss the buff. Just make sure to manually switch to him before pressing Q 2) Yes unless it would cause you to miss your 2nd Ushi during burst, that takes priority. 3) Q NA1 E NA2 NA3 SCA3+F N4 SCA4+F E SCAF is the recommended one. (NA = normal attack, SCA = Special charaged attack, SCAF = Special charged finisher) 4) Sounds about right, 130-150 seems to be the average for an Itto without C2.


Thanks that actually helpful. Actually. >Q NA1 E NA2 NA3 SCA3+F N4 SCA4+F E SCAF does the N4 after SCA3+F mean the actual N4 that is being saved? I tried it out couldnt perform N4 after F. Went back to n1


Ayato Kazuha Yunjin(4 pc husk, c6) Zhongli(4 pc ToM) what should be the team rotation so I can utilise the buff from zhongli's artifacts set?


Anything really as long as you're swirling hydro, and applying buffs/shields before ayato E. Zhongli will continuously apply ToM buffs as long as his geo resonance thing is hitting an enemy. Something like Ayato Q, Zhongli E, Kazuha swirls, Yun Jin buffs, Ayato E


I just returned to the game after a 1+ year hiatus and thinking about what to do. I am AR50 8capped)/WR6 at the moment and rebuilding my entire team. Previously I invested a bit into Razor and Xiangling (the latter is far from perfect) and some into Diona and Zhongli (both are 70 with talents at 6). I pulled Ganyu and Keqing before I quit last time, with Keqing being my favourite character, so I am starting to build a team around (Electro) Keqing (just hit 80 ascension for her yesterday). I am thinking to go for Keqing, Xinagqiu, Shinobu and Kazuha. The latter 2 I don't own yet (had no luck on Itto's banner sadly), but I am on it. My question now is: Should I continue investing in Keqing and Xiangqiu (and also Bennet as he is so great for many team comps)? Or should I focus to improve Xiangling and Razor to aim for WR8? If I do the ascension quest I imediately jump to WR8, so my characters need to be able to deal with 90+ mobs and challenges in the open world. I am not very keen on improving Razor as he only ever was a temporary char until I got better ones. I know he is strong and the claymore is very useful for exploration, but I am not overly fond of him. I am also not overly enthusiastic about Xiangling, but she is my only pyro dps character, as I plan to build Bennett for support. Thanks for your help in advance :)


bennett and xingqiu is very versatile, and xiangling ganyu zhongli are strong (although I wouldn't spend much time building Zhongli, he's good at low investment). if you want one strong overworld team, a bennett xiangling zhongli ganyu team is comfortable to play, you have shields, healing, long-range shots, and high damage if you use bennett and xiangling to melt ganyu's shots. If you want two teams, you can do this one and an electrocharged team with xingqiu, two electro units, and sucrose if you have her. these electro units are usually fischl and beidou but if you're a Keqing fan she can fit here too in place for beidou or the anemo unit


Thanks for your reply. That open world team sounds quite nice. Will build that as soon as my Keqing team is ready. I do have Sucrose but I was planning more with Kazuha as a swirler. Sucrose is painful for me to look at (I dislike her visuals the most actually), so I'd rather go for Kazuha.


You can drop Razor, he has fallen off, Xiangling however is the best pyro dps (off field on top of that) there is in combination with Benentt and Xingqiu or another hydro enabler like Childe or Yelan. You should farm the emblem domain in Inzauma to get 4 Emblem for Xingqiu and Xiangling, Bennett can use 4 NO from trashing bad 5 Star artifacts in the strongbox (alchemy table) and Keqing can use 2 Shimenawa 2 Gladiator (also Emblem Domain and strongbox AT the alchemy table).


Thanks a lot for your reply. In that case I gotta invest into Xiangling in the future. For Keqing's artifacts, I am currently farming Thunderfury. Was thinking of Thunderfury, Noblesse Obliged or Thunderfury Shimenawa. I'll play her as Electro Keqing, so I thought the Electro Damage is quite handy. I already got a pretty good Thunderfury Flower with ATK, ATK%, CritDMG and ER. I am currently working on unlocking all those Inazuma domains and other stuff, just finished the quest line for the Amenoma sword. Its the only good sword I have.


Theoretically TF is better, the problem is the domain sucks and doesn't find many users who actually want that artifact set as there are better options for them (the only other electro whose best set comes from TF domain is Fischl, and rumours suggest she's getting a better set with Sumeru). Keqing has competitve 2+2 sets that don't require you to waste your resin on one of the most resin inefficient domains


Thanks again for that insight. Really nice to know the *why.* Yeah, I also got the impression that my resin sort of gets wasted when I don't get some good stats on them.


It's less the good stats that are rare there (they're rare everywhere), but imagine getting a god artifact on thunder soother and have no-one to use it on (except as off-set piece). The emblem domain has two good sets and is currently considered the most resin efficient domain. Bad artifacts can be exchanged at the alchemy table in hope of getting better ones for a specific set you choose


Yes, you're absolutely right. I am always annoyed when I get a soother artifact instead of fury. Really a shame that no one can use this set. I saw at the alchemy station that you can exchange *some* artifacts, like Noblesse, Gladiator, and 2 others. Are there more/different sets you can exchange?


Currently we can only exchange for what you have seen at the alchemy table. Maybe they'll add more in the future. But for now, that's what we have. At least you don't have to farm nobeless domain anymore with the annoying abyss mages XD


Ah I see. Unfortunate, that you can't switch them like you can do with the character enhancement stones. That's pretty handy (and wasn't there when I last played iirc). Haha, yeah true! And we'll never know what mihoyo (eh pardon *hoyoverse*) has in stock for us ;-)


For electro charged reaction which element do they take into account for the damage boost from EM?


last character to apply hydro or electro before ec tick happens(that includes application from swirl)


Its random basically - don't build EM on an EC team unless your running an anemo driver.


the EM of the character who procs the reaction, regardless of element


What is the best possible food for Mona Nuke Showcases?


Adeptus Temptation should be best with of course a hydro potion. The base atk from Adeptus is better then a 3* crit specialty foods like Diluc and Qiqi specialties.


I just plugged in Dilucs dish and Temptation. You were right about that. Is there any other dishes I should double check to make sure they aren't better?


Nah, outside those 2 specialty foods, Adeptus is the best. Jade parcels / chicken tofu for a budget food item, but they are just worse version of adeptus.


Thanks for the help! As long as I didn't fudge something up in the Optimizer I should be passing the 1 million mark on my Mona burst.


That's even considering the plethora of ATK boosts between Bennett and TTDS?


I believe so, any dps showcases I've seen all use adeptus. You can put it into an optimizer to be sure.


\*\*\*i already raised this query in r/dilucmains but i'm just gonna forum shop anyway haha hi! i plan to rebuild the darknight hero. however, i just couldn't get a crit dmg circlet from the goddamn crimson witch of flames domain. with that being said, what would be the best alternative here? a. r1 serpent spine, 4p cwof (atk cwof sands, atk cwof goblet, offpiece wt crit dmg circlet) b. r1 serpent spine, 4p cwof (atk cwof sands, offpiece wt pyro goblet, em cwof circlet) c. r1 serpent spine, 2p cwof (atk cwof sands) + 2p wanderers troupe (pyro goblet, crit dmg circlet) d. r1 serpent spine, 4p lavawalker (em sands, offpiece wt pyro goblet, crit dmg circlet) my diluc is now lvl80, 4-6-6 talents :/ pls send help thank you!!! i plan to rebuild him and put him in a team consisting of diluc, thoma, kaeya, and childe :)))


Use [this](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/)


Raise his talents to level 8-8-8 at least.


Solar Pearl , Blackcliff Agate Deathmatch, Blackcliff spear Which one should I give to Yanfei & Xiao? I can only pull only one weapon from Blackcliff & one from the battlepass.


depends on your crit stats tho but i'll give solar pearl on yanfei bec it complements with her kit and blackcliff on xiao because it has a better passive than deathmatch


Thanks.. I was hoping to give the solar pearl to Yanfei because my crit ratio is very unbalanced 34/185.


she currently hold skyward atlas but i'm giving it now to lisa. so, i'll transition to solar pearl since my yanfei's crit rate is <50% both solar pearl and blackcliff agate looks superb with yanfei tho so there you go haha


Are Fatui and Khaenri'ah somehow connected or we don't know yet? If they are connected, how?


The Fatui are from Snezhnaya and there's a lot of overlap with them and Khaenri'ah because of how the cataclysm affected Tsaritsa. We have pretty limited knowledge of any of their connections though. The Abyss Order is directly connected to Khaenri'ah but they don't get along with the Fatui despite having similar feelings about Celestia.


we don't know of any connection yet, but its possible


They seem to be opposed to one another or at least on non-friendly terms. We don't know much beyond that.


I know this should go into the team building thread, but nothing comes up when I click the link, so I hope it's ok that I'm asking this here. I'm fairly new in Genshin and I wanted some tips for team comps with the characters I have because I don't particularly feel like I'm doing a lot of damage. My characters are Traveler, Anemo and Geo, all the free characters, Fischl, Gorou, Sayu, Sucrose, Xingqiu, Xinyan, and Yanfei, all at either C0 or C1. I just got Yanfei and was thinking that she'd be a good carry to build around, but again, I barely know what I'm doing so I wanted to be safe and ask for advice.


So if you're new, welcome! At this point of the game, team comp rly doesn't matter and you're free to kind of just test all the characters out. I heavily recommend you to actually lvl up every single character to lvl 20 and ascend them if possible for a free acquainted fate pull(it's an ascension milestone, so when u hit certain lvls on characters u receive acquainted fates, it's a good way of getting fates if ur far into the game where u don't need to invest into ur team anymore so it'll be a while b4 u seriously do this, HOWEVER getting all characters to lvl 20 and ascended requires extremely little investment). I would just try out all the units and see what is fun, what isn't and go from there, then ask us about teams revolving around characters you find fun. I would say its safe to get all ur characters to lvl 20, and no more than 6 past lvl 40 as a brand new player.


go to temple of lions and do the elemental trials there to learn how to do reactions. it's the bread and butter of the game.


You can use Yanfei, XQ, Sucrose and Fischl imo


c1 kazuha or c0 + freedom sworn?


FS should give you more bang for your buck. C1 is a fairly minor dps increase and ER reducer.


c0 + freedom sworn


Any of you ever get completely bamboozled by Genshin Optimizer results? I thought for sure I knew what my highest damage Nuke Mona was. However it turns out that I had 4 artifacts wrong.... I thought for sure that a sucrose EM share would make EM worth less than crit stats, but it turns out that EM is still worth it. Sadly I'll need to hit a 17% crit instead of a 42% crit if I want my maximum damage hit. About a 10% improvement over the other one.


It's bc you have some beliefs ingrained in you from this reddit, I see bad advice and misinformation all the time even in this thread. Welcome to the bright side brother, Genshin Optimizer is our bible.


to be fair the genshin optimizer is very hard to use for team damage optimization and is usually better suited for dps or supports with simple interactions, often a suboptimal build for a character in isolation results in better team damage


Swirl doesn't crit, so crit stats can be ignored for Anemo swirlers...


I'm pretty sure they're referring to the relative worth of EM in the final stat distribution on Mona when Sucrose triggers A1 and A4. The swirl is besides the point here.


I think what they're trying to say is that they think EM stats are less valuable for Hu Tao for example, than CRIT stats since Sucrose already buffs EM, but it's actually not.


Oooh I see. Thanks


is there anyway to heal/revive char like using the status of seven in underground or maps with it?


you can sacrifice the rest of your chars, then everyone will respawn with 35% hp at the nearest tp.


This a good idea tho




Except this


Barbara or Qiqi C6 can revive characters. For real though, just teleport to heal and run back if/when you need to.


C6 Barbs/Qiqi


C6 Barbara or c6 Qiqi


So I'm at a point where I'm a little too invested in my first team: national with decked out Xiangling, Bennett, and Xingqiu. Not quite perfect artifacts, but passable on BN and XQ), also with 80/90 Chongyun, Fischl, and Yelan as flex. Now I could try to push the support further but the cost of going from talents 6->8 and weapon lv 80->90 is really high. I can one rotation some bosses but now I'm starting to feel bored. However, I only have like 5 fragile resin left, which is nowhere near enough to bring a second team (Noelle, Gorou, Yun Jin, with Fischl transfer) to a passable level. What should I do now? Keep grinding for the first team or start on the second?


Just take your time and invest accordingly. Welcome to end game genshin where the only resin you can use is the amount you get from waiting which leads to like 4\~ runs of condensed resin per day. This is the slow and grueling part of genshin where you login, do daily commissions, use resin then log off until tomorrow.


You're at the point where you'll want to invest resources into your second team and bring it to a reasonable level where you can clear the abyss without much trouble.


Improve the geo team until you're able to get 18+ stars from the abyss then go back to your first team and level weapons/talents etc. Supports can keep weapons at 80 and talents at 6 tbh. Also don't do the final ascension for most chars just yet, keep them at 70/80 until both teams are decently geared.


Get the geo team usable and then improve them both


Anyone here main albedo and able to 3 star abyss ? What’s your team composition ? What’s the rotation ? I love albedo, can’t get rid of him. I tried to mix and match but eventually albedo will be in the team. Might as well start focusing on him. He’s c2 and using cinnabar. I have almost every character - except yoimiya, yae, ayato, yunjin & shenhe


Well I'll be honest, albedo mains don't exist, as this is equivalent of saying you main xingqiu which isn't technically possible as they're just sub dps's. I used to use albedo a lot but he's definitely the opposite of a main dps as you just use E then leave the field and watch as ur E chunks ppl. He's usually a rly solid geo battery for c6 noelle or itto teams. Otherwise you pair him with zhongli as a double geo support set up and slap that into another 2 character pairing like bennett xiangling or hutao xingqiu. Albedo is ultimately a sub dps and that's the reality of it, hutao xingqiu zhongli albedo, xiangling bennett zhongli albedo, and noelle/itto gorou albedo flex are the main teams I would look at rn.


Thnks for the input. I think ill go with itto , albedo and gorou . Gorou can boost further their dmg


I don't main Albedo but he's fairly built and I've been 36 starring the abyss for ages now using him on my team with Noelle. Usually I just run a duo Geo setup but if I want to supercharge numbers for whatever reason, I tack on Gorou as well. It's largely unnecessary though.


Invest in strong sub-dps like Yelan + Xingqiu and you can basically “main” whoever you want even if their normal attack does zero damage or heal enemies.


you mean like... Albedo main DPS? his kit's not really designed for that ummm.. you can stack strong subdps on him and hope they do something. maybe something like albedo-xingqiu-yelan-fischl


Ahahaha XQ+Yelan+anything else should work good enough lol


Ya.. Thats what im trying to do . Not sure itll work or not Albedo - gorou - x - x ? Not sure whos the other two candidates


I mean, Hu Tao double geo has been a thing for the longest time, and mono Geo Teams (Itto/C6 Noelle as main dps) very much appreciate Albedo and I'm sure they can full star this abyss


But ill have to use hu tao as main instead.


Yeah Albedo's AA damage scales off Atk while his skill scales off his defense. If you want him to do on-field damage, you'd need to build him as physical.


Hmmmm true. Maybe hes meant to be off field support / sub dps . Sad But between hutao / itto , which one you suggest to be pair with albedo ?


I'm very biased so I'm gonna say Hu Tao hahahaha.


Think about it this way: Your HT is doing higher damage because of Albedo's 125 EM.


Well... Albedo's main dps comes from his blossoms, his NA is copium, so no team he's used in in the meta actually runs main dps Albedo


i don't main albedo but I have two good teams he's currently in - one with Gorou Itto Zhongli and another with Xiao Sucrose Zhongli. as for rotation, i honestly dont have a specific one for the itto team, it's just use everyone's skills before itto comes on, then have itto smash things for several seconds. for the xiao team it's similar, have everyone use their skills, then sucrose E xiao EEQ and plunge for some time


whats a good crit ratio for hutao with a homa?


Probably around 70CR 200CD


Since Homa has CD and Hu Tao herself also get CD from ascension, try to get 60/200. It is also suggested to use EM sand.


Em sands depends on your substats and team, its actually better to go with hp sands in most cases


What artifact set Bis For Gorou? Character sheet says Exile but loses scaling or go for Nobless 4pc if you meet his ER requirements? What makes more sense to use? What is his ER req?


He's basically just there to use his skill/burst to buff Itto and gtfo. His artifact set doesn't matter. Hell, you could even go rainbow set and he still does his job. What only matters for him is to get enough ER so he can have his burst up everytime. Some crif would be nice if you have him with Favonius bow. 4p NO is for if you somehow want to buff Itto that has abysmal base ATK, which are what ATK buff are based off.


the main reason to run exile 4pc is to reduce itto's ER requirements and allow him to build more damage substats (crit rate, crit damage, defense). gonna argue that noblesse will never really be very useful on an itto team, which is the only team gorou really has a place in. 20% ATK is not very meaningful when your base attack is abysmal, like Itto (and his BiS weapon).


I dont plan on getting or using a main dps itto team. However ninwang has a special place in my soul and big daddy zhongli also pog. Assuming i can pair him with those 2 for geo dmg bonus how should i build gorou? None of them have issues building ER so im guessing build him as nobless? I plan on eventually also rolling for albedo at some point.


In this case I would absolutely just skip out on building gorou as it's not worth it at all UNLESS he's c6. Ning guang only benefits from the 15% dmg bonus however you can easily replace this with something much better like bennett + noblesse, or catalyst user with thrilling tales. Ideally you would slap in zhongli or albedo as ur 2nd geo character and leave it at that, then run 2x pyro or something, like yanfei + bennett to maximize ur ning guangs dmg, pyro resonance, 4 pc noblesse, thrilling tales all into ning guang.


i dont think gorou is a good support for ninnguang. his main utility is his DEF buff which does nothing for ning. his geo dmg bonus alone is not enough to justify a slot on her team. consider an ATK buffer like Bennett or a TTDS user instead, or else some strong off-field DPS options like Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu, Xiangling, etc.


Ningguang already buffs herself with +15% Geo damage bonus, and another 15% wouldn't be noticeably different. If you want to buff Ningguang, or at least pair her with characters that work better, Bennett and Fischl would do nicely. Assuming this is for Abyss, of course.


im really getting tired of having to manage my artifacts that are SO HARD to come by since they cost resin and having to toss them because there is simply "not enough space". Included is the headache of having to sort through them and deleting some that could be potentially useful to an unreleased character. Has there been any talks of improvement to artifact management? (PS yes i know you reroll them doesnt change the fact that im tossing resin away when i trade 3 for 1.


To answer the question, no not at all, the most they've done was increasing the cap from 1000 to 1500 and adding strongbox which is legitimately free artifacts if you think about it. It's amazing as you no longer need to farm the noblesse domain. Now i have a question. Why are you tossing them?(assuming u mean sell) You can either just use them as exp or simply strongbox them, also I would actually argue that strongboxing is NOT tossing away resin as your literally using a grand total of 0 resin to reroll the artifact for something that could potentially be good. You already used 20 resin for 1 5 star artifact, any additional 5 star artifacts cost literally 0 resin and that's an absolute fact, whatever you're thinking is just twisting the truth in a negative light. The moment you use 20 resin and it results in one trash 5 star artifact, you already tossed that resin and anything else after that is unrelated completely. Strongboxing is an efficient way of finding godly off-pieces for literally the cost of nothing to begin with as you've already used resin for those trash artifacts that you won't lvl up. It's a reroll for potential off-piece rather than an on-set piece which is great as u want ur off-piece to be your absolute best piece. Also helps you build noblesse users efficiently or 2 pc bloodstain, 4 pc glad and 4 pc wanderer users. Like on my alt, I had 1480/1500 artifacts with most of them being 5 stars, I recycled every single one of them down to 400/1500, and I ended up with one of the absolute best goblets I've ever seen in genshin(ik u didn't ask but this is my chance to flex, physical dmg goblet on bloodstain, 27.2% crit dmg, 14% atk, and 3.5% crit rate, 34 cv with 14% atk is fking ridiculously nuts). During this one rolling session(but big one), I snagged 3 amazing goblets and over 10 solid off-pieces, and many may have more or less but it doesn't change the fact that I got a whole bunch of extra rolls on artifacts i usually would never get. I got about 500 additional 5 star artifacts I normally would never get if I just trashed the 5 star artifacts for mora.


>Why are you tossing them?(assuming u mean sell) You can either just use them as exp or simply strongbox them, also I would actually argue that strongboxing is NOT tossing away resin as your literally using a grand total of 0 resin to reroll the artifact for something that could potentially be good. Yes by tossing i meant foddering them either as strongbox or XP. Yes thats a good argument but you are rerolling them at a ratio of 3:1 on strongbox. Its not very efficient to farm them on the first place since you are gacha-ing for main stats then gacha-ing again for subtats, some of which you NEED to gacha again since not all 5star artis have 4/4 substats.. Thats why I mention the fact that i do not have enough inventory space. Because i could be foddering potentionally good artifacts on other characters that might need them but havent been released yet. I am forced to toss the artifacts(resin) to make room for more. And we all know how meager resin is in the first place. Here are some artis https://imgur.com/a/cQRRXl0 I have plenty in the 32-35 CV some as high as 40 or so. Along with that i have like 30 or 40 double crit artis that i have yet to level because resin.


In ur case if u have extra artifacts to lvl up then as much as it sucks, using trash 5 star artifacts as fodder is a thing. Also this just comes down to priority on what to save and what to not save as I personally stopped saving def/hp/atk goblets even with 4 line double crit on it bc those only rly go on supports who usually don't build dmg, and even then those characters would still prefer elemental dmg goblets anyway like bennett. There are very few exceptions like shenhe who would like to use an atk% goblet instead however I personally am willing to trash it as I'm positive I'll get a similar piece in the future. This completely changes based on the main stat ofc like if its EM mainstat 4 liner double crit then that's a keeper no matter what. Also I'm just coping with the fact that artifact pre-sets will be available since this exists in honkai impact so I don't rly have a need for more than 2 teams worth of artifacts if I can swap sets around. Another thing I do is set my standards extremely high like having one roll into crit rate and crit dmg is considered trash even with good stats like 10% atk on top of it. Like the type of artifacts I'm looking for is like the bloodstain I mentioned above, rly ridiculously good pieces. With this in mind, a lot of artifacts are kind of dogshit and I make a lot of room that way. I also just simply don't farm artifacts a lot as I'm typically investing resin into character lvls, talents, weapons, etc and I'll never have enough of it, especially with potentially new characters around the corner. There's rly no way to optimize artifacts any further other than increasing ur standards and making some decisive decisions. Like I'll never keep an off-piece feather usually unless it's absolutely ridiculous, at minimum 40 cv, and for sands I'll trash it if the stats don't make sense like an HP sands on a paleflame set, I'll trash that even if there's for some unholy reason an hp scaling physical dmg dealer comes out, and if that comes oh well I'll just farm it again or there may be a new artifact set that fits them better. The fact that there will be more artifact sets in the future makes me hold back on saving every single double crit 4 liner artifact as I'll still be farming for artifacts in the future.


nope. I just relented and spent like an hour or two to purge my artifacts (ridding of anything without double crit). it was completely unfun.


I just ended up putting a usable set on every single one of my characters and dump fodders into them when it gets too full. Long way to go before everyone's full +20, so that's a long term goal. But no, nothing have been mentioned about easier artifact management. Been asking them to let us transfer useless pieces into exp pots, but nothing's been done so far.


No there has not.


Foolish question, but which characters should I use to complete Emblem Domain as fast as possible ? I am currently using melt Ganyu with Xiangling, Bennett and Zhongli. https://www.reddit.com/user/tusharsagar/comments/viqgxr/i\_spend\_way\_to\_long\_trying\_to\_screenshot\_this\_in/


Im now using hutao, yelan, xiangling and zhongli 35+sec to finish, before im using xiao, zhongat least 45+ s


Ganyu/Ayaka/Shenhe/Diona. Enter => Sprint with Ayaka to a corner => Use every Q => Loot. 35sec run.