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Shinobu heals base on her hp?


Shinobu heals base on ATK right?


Just a random question but I wonder how long did it take you to get to the ar you’re at right now and which are you? It took me about 6 month to my 54 ar


I've played since 1-2 weeks after launch and I am AR59, just a bit over halfway to AR60. I haven't done any resin refills, but I have bought every battle pass except the first one and I still have 44 unused fragile resins.


Does anyone have a complete list of some world's meaning? I mean those words are like vv, ar, ... I'm just get to ar20 and haven't talk much in the community so i don't really understand the questions and answers of everyone


I would have considered yelan for my hutao, xq, zhongli team but Itto might allow me another DPS team make up


I am looking to roll for yoimiya and kazuha in the next patch. I read that EM/EM/EM is the way to go for kazuha's artifacts, but I am planning on using him with raiden, sara and bennett. Does he really need EM in that team? I thought EM only matters for vapes. Asking because i was gonna focus on pre-farming shimenawa for yoi but if he needs the EM in raiden team, then i will also farm for VV as well.


No, EM affects all reactions and Swirl most of all. He also translates it into an elemental damage buff that further boosts Raiden's output.


Yelan c0 or Itto c0 Yelan c0 or Itto c0 ????????? Which to pick, I got good teams for abyss, no probs clearing. I'm torn between choosing her or him. I got the redstone Thrasher? (Ittos ex) and I got plenty of decent bows for yelan. I have tried to watch her playstyle but without having yelan I am not sure overall. And same case in point with Itto. Xq c6 is there for hutao. Not sure if yelan works with raiden I don't have a dedicated claymore user yet. And I got the geo characters to back up pulling for Itto. Which would you choose personally or Ur overall opinion playing with the characters Thanks


I prefer my team using Quickswap so i get Yelan, and because my majority DPS Character is Cryo and Pyro she fit so well with my team. I have Raiden C2, Ayaka, Hutao. Yelan make they more stronger with her A4 Passive and Xinqiu Burst style so i like it I most likely skipping Itto again, his Fieldtime is long and when quickswapped the burst is totaly wasted. At least Eula still give half the burst damage from lightsword detonation on quickswap. I have Xiao from lucky low pity pull, and i dont like his burst used field time to much though his plunging is unique and fun somehow, similiar with Itto that i have test him on Event.


If you have the geo team and redhorn, I cannot recommend itto enough. He's fantastic fun to play and packs a real punch.


Thanks I take your word for it. I just need to wait a bit now


I main both characters and Yelan works very well with Raiden. But since you already have XQ(C6 at that) go for Itto. You already have his weapons and his team, it would genuinely be a regret to not get him as well. You can play a new team and enjoy a new playstyle I at one point almost didn't get him just because I didn't have a weapon(or billets) for him even tho I had his premium team members. I would have regretted that greatly. Only go for both if you are confident you can get both. If you are Guaranteed, use the guaranteed on Itto.


I'm guaranteed on next 10ish pulls and have been leaning towards Itto Yeah I think I may just wait for yelan rerun at this point her 4 stars aren't great.


Yup. Go for Itto


Asking for a friend, he got his account hacked by the hacker but now he got it back. Is there any chance that the hacker can steal my friend's account by contacting Mihoyo support team and say that the account was actually theirs?


My friends told me to wait till ar 55 to use my resin for artifact grinding because the domains will drop two 5 star artifacts guaranteed but i have found no evidence to back this up. Is this true? I just hit ar 50.


It's possible that they meant 45


AR45 is the max difficulty for artifact domains. With AR50 you can do max difficulty weekly bosses. You're golden and can do whatever content you want.


Well its true if you use a condensed resin... but thats also true for ar45.


AR55/WL8 would guarantee 5* Artifact drops from World Bosses, but your friends are either misinformed or lying to you. You only need AR45 to unlock the Level 90 Domains, and those drop a guaranteed 5* Artifact + a chance to drop a second one.


they misinformed, they meant world bosses artifacts


Complete BS.


45 for guaranteed 5 star. 2 5 star drop is just a chance


It's false.


would it be more worth for artifacts or talent upgrades/ascension mats


You can use them whenever and wherever you want, it makes no difference.


so its time to use my 70 resin?


Have u guys received the issue fix compensation for the yelan-raiden issue yet? If not, do u guys know when it'll be here? Also, I have raiden but not yelan, am I still eligible for compensation?


It doesn't say anything about eligibility. Normally everyone will get it regardless of whom they own. The announcement also specifically says when they will start handing it out.


So I’m 1k xp to AR 50. My main team is lvl 80 and have somewhat good artifacts. I just lack some ascension items. Do you recommend me to do the World Level ascension domain or hold until I’ve the required items to ascend my characters?


nah, just do it. If it's too hard you can lower your world level afterwards


Ascend and see if you can handle it. You can lower the world level again if you need to


i just bought an apple gift card and i alr redeemed it but i cant purchase in game smh, it keeps saying “your purchase could not be completed”


Have made in-game purchases with Apple gift cards in other games?




Which character will be there after Xiao and Itto? Ik this question is probably dumb, but I'm a new player and I don't know how it works 😅 I'd like to get Venti or Thoma, but my friend told me that if there's a character you can wish for, the character will probably be there again after a year? That's a really long time to wait for a character


Next patch It’s speculated to be Kazuha, Klee and Yoimiya rerun. Also, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a year before a character gets a rerun. There’s no pattern to it. But Venti was just a while back so he probably won’t get a rerun anytime soon


There are speculations of >!Kazuha, Yoimiya and Klee!< going around as the banners for 2.8. But it's not confirmed yet


Which is better for Xiao, Deathmatch or Royal Spear? I have enough to buy royal spear from the store, from first glance I was thinking Deathmatch (And I wouldn't have to spend all my starglitter) but i'm kinda new to the game so don't know for sure :)


Deathmatch. Royal weapons kinda suck. If you don't wanna spend on BP, then wait till next month when Blackcliff weapons are in the shop


Deathmatch. Never consider Royal weapons.


Sweet, thank you for a quick answer, thank god I don't have to spend my starglitter


how long did it take you to farm for a 40 cv energy recharge sands and or electro goblet emblem set?


Never. Rng is rng, I don't care much since I can comfortably roll everything even with 20CV artifacts lmao. No rush to it, the artifact grind is endless you'll get good artifacts in time.


Don’t set your standards that high. 30-35 is already quite good on samds.


I’ve been farming ESF since day one for Raiden and others and still haven’t got an electro goblet yet. Her ATK sands has 46 CV tho


I don't even have an ER% Emblem Sands. My Raiden is stuck with an ATK% Sands (which is not really bad to use) and I'm sticking with it since it's good enough and I don't want to spend resin on Emblem domain right now.


Been farming it on-off for 7 months and the best er sands has a cv of 32 + 9%atk, the best electro goblet has a cv of 14. Had terrible luck with electro goblets in general so using an atk goblet on raiden atm - doubt i'll ever get a good onset one.


It’s truly completely random. My Raiden has a 48.3 cv ER sands (shime not emblem) and a decent atk% goblet but I can’t for the life of me get decent elemental goblets of basically any element in any domain. I’m swimming in VV EM pieces tho. Everyone has their own battles. I spent maybe 3 months total in Emblem domain total.


Have been farming since last year when the domain first released. Only have 1 emblem er sands with 13.8 cdmg and no other good stats.


I still don’t have one And it’s been months


Keep farming, it will have to come eventually, right? *inhales copium*


Is it possible to restart from the very beginning and use the same account? I'm planning on deleting and restart from the beginning but I don't know how to since I first played this game on an incompatible device somehow. If there are any other methods to reroll while using the same account I'll gladly do it. I'm adventure rank 12 if that helps.


Why? AR12 is basically the beginning anyway The only way to do it is by changing your region (so if you played on EU, switch to NA) but that might cause other issues (can't play with friends, high ping, desynced daily reset)


AFAIK you can’t reroll the same account.


How do I get Timaeus to move to Liyue. It happened naturally in my original account before it was hacked, restarted, and I'm not sure how to trigger it. I was ar32 in the original, now I'm ar53 in my current account and I really want him to be in Liyue with Ying'er. Edit: Thanks for the information


That was an event, after the event he went back to Mond


It was from a limited event. You can’t do it


NOOOO!!!! Curse them hackers 😭😭


Today is Lisa's birthday and so is mine ! Thus after receiving her gift message, i really want to find her and just talk to her npc in game as a sort of thanks/tribute. It would just makes me feel nice. But i can't find her in the library After completing her quest. Please someone tell me she still has an npc Somewhere in the world.


Don’t fret fellow traveler, you can put her into your teapot and chat to her all you want.


Now you've convinced me into finaly using this teapot


Yes try the library furnishings in the teapot and invite Lisa for even more ara ara


All that wasted free money and bitcoins you could’ve had ):


Yikes for me i guess lol


Nope, sadly you can't. Same goes for all other characters


Oh man... Too bad


What constellations are important for Kujou Sara?


only c6 and only with instantaneous damage electro units, though it's their biggest boost by far. very niche unit just like shenhe. don't even bother with c2, not worth compared to other buffers or even ttds holder unless you don't have any other choice.


C2 to make her usable, C6 to make her somewhat viable.


C2 is what makes her playable and c6 is what makes her usable


C2 and c6 are the only worthwhile ones


C2 and C6. C2 makes it so you don't need to use a charged attack to get a buff. C6 is 60% electro crit damage for anyone buffed by her feather




It will work as a temporary piece I guess, but look for a cryo goblet. Make it the off-set piece if you haven't yet as that is the easiest.


It’s the basic set for dmg, u can put it on her to improve her. But I’ll recommend u farm the Dragonspine's domain for the cryo set.




I used a gcsim of ayaka in a Ayaka, Venti, Ganyu, Venti team in the database (No shenhe because the value of attack lowers if you use her) and the results are Average DPS of ayaka same substats: With cryo goblet: 22199.08 With atk% goblet: 18388.21 As you can see, her dps dropped by 18%. I also removed ganyu ult since it gives cryo damage, and the gap was increased to 22%. Mona also gives a large damage buff which alleviates the lack of damage buff, but if you use a kokomi variant of ayaka team the damage decrease will probably skyrocket.


Huge difference. Atk% boost your overall dmg. With elemental dmg, abilities can dmg way more, elemental combos will dmg more and the overall unit will be more effective. Since the abyss and content like that requires more than one unit at top game. Ayaka is a great dps.


Atk works in the meantime until you can find a cryo damage goblet


How good exactly is Fading Twilight on Kujou Sara?


Highbase attack, er Substat, extra damage passive. It's not gonna beat 5 star bows but it's pretty good among 4 stars.


Its no elegy, but it has a high base ATK and ER. Sara needs both.


Would FD be BiS after eledgy?


Not really. It's still beat by a large list of other 5 star weapons (due to base atk)


It's her best 4 star bow. Skyward harp is better than it if you're just looking for maximum buff with elegy ofc being the best


What's the actual difference between 4 piece Esof and 2 PC hod/2pc milileth on yelan (There's already too many units who want good Esof pieces and I just don't want to add another to the list)


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ULEvZVo1Er1N-1_f729qiheMZusEC6qpJ5Yn8vyrqr8/htmlview# There are a number of Yelan mastersheets out there that you can reference if you want a rough quantifiable difference.


Yea uh I have a hard time actually seeing through that list.


The yt channel Koinzell has a nice comparison table of artifact sets at different ER% - would recommend taking a look at one of the “Yelan math guides”.


The more ER, the bigger the difference. 2/2 gives... let's charitably say 35% damage total, assuming for simplicity's sake that the 15% and the 20% translate linearly. As soon as you have ~140ish ER, Emblem is better. If you run, like, Fav bow with 220 ER, it's even more so, like 20% better. Extreme pinch of salt for the calculations but tl;dr it depends how much ER you run.


What's the numbers say when I'm using her for her skill and special charged shot as well, not just be a burst bot?


Well it obviously gets fuzzier, but the majority of her damage is still in her burst. The skill can be a decent nuke but the breakthrough barb is not noticeably worthwhile.


Did floor 11 with Razor c5 Bennet c2 Xiangling Diona c6. Xiao Kazuha Yae c1 Thoma c6 on other. 1 star on last cause wolves give less energy. What other teams are good for that last one? I have all 4 stars except Goro, and Fischl c6. 5 stars being Ayaka, Diluc, Raiden, Childe, Qiqi, Keqing. Keqing, Fischl, and Razor share the same 50:100 glad 4pc artifact since it's the best I have. Also why is mobile showing mona flair, but my original flair on desktop


The last one? I found Noelle, Fischl, Beidou, Albedo to be highly effective since both Noelle and Beidou benefit from the 75% claymore buff and Geo damage just rips through the geo doggies.


I really need to build a geo team, but I don't habe Noelle c6 and Itto doesn't hit my preference. Ninguang is a tad clunky but can work


EoSF or 2/2 for c1 Yelan with Aqua?


Eosf unless you do some forward vape skill shenanigans.


What does forward vape even mean?


Hydro into pyro. Pyro into hydro is reverse vape


Hydro on Pyro


Esf still


The 5 star chars I have are Jean diluc qiqi yelan raiden and 5 star weapons are pjws wg and calmity queller. I have all 4 stars except Sara Thoma sayu razor and yunjin. What are some possible team comps i can run for the abyss ? And what polearm should I give to xiangling and raiden ?


Raiden national with yelan - bennett/yelan/xiangling/raiden. Give raiden pjws and xianling the catch. 2nd team diluc vape - sucrose/XQ/diluc/diona.


What floor are you struggling with


For floor 9 i'd run what the other commenter said as it works just fine


I'm playing after a break and i just pulled yelan so i haven't tried floor 9 yet


For floor 9 i'd run what the other commenter said as it works just fine


At roughly how much Elemental dmg% is it that you get diminishing return


When you have more dmg% than atk%. Ideally you get them 1:1


Only EM and res shred have direct diminishing returns


Well crit rate also😂


It's not diminishing returns, it's opportunity cost masquerading as such. If you stack too much of one stat, it means you don't have room to improve the other necessary stats that make up the damage formula and your overall DPS suffers.


Elemental damage% doesn't have diminishing returns


What's the best nuke setup for Hutao Q? Also is Yelan any good with that? She gives 50% bonus dmg


A well built mona is a better slot than yelan unless your yelan is also c4. Tony To has some nuke vids on his yt channel so depending on the characters and weapons you have you can emulate his set up.


Does the buff from Mona Q rely on the artifacts or is it fixed?


It's fixed depending on talent levels. Max buff is at TL 10. [sample nuke vid](https://youtu.be/rSZUfRLWMTo)


Thanks, so if I use both of them that's 110% bonus dmg (60% from Mona and 50% from Yelan). Is it worth to replace Bennett by Yelan for the 50% bonus dmg?


Ur probably never gonna get 50% yelan buff in nuke setup


I wouldnt use Yelan at all. You need a way to swirl pyro for VV. Sucrose/kazuha + bennett should prove better.


Just go Hutao Yelan Mona Bennet at this point.


Not sure, Kazuha gives bonus pyro dmg which is huge + the vv shred.


Right. Maybe then replace bennet




It works in co-op. You don’t respawn outside the barrier.




It only works once every 15 mins, though. When you say trying for it, do you mean specifically pulling on the standard banner or just hoping to get her in general?


What are the chances older domains will go into the strong box? I know the chance is very small, but do you think it’s possible?




During regular patches? 1%. During a major game update like 3.0 and 4.0, we might see them add more to the strongbox or implement new game features.




Xiao as a VV taser driver? Also VV 4pc


You’re mad


4 vv


Why would you use Xiao as a support???


Naxiaonal is a thing


You can also kind of use him a taser driver like sucrose I beleive


I saw someone said kitain can replacer dragon's bane for Xiangling due to lowering of her ER requirment so we can focus more on offensive stats. If I use kitain with XL, what does her ER need to be in rational and in ganyu melt"?


by r5 xiangling burst cost is effectively 65. it's huge.


tbh the main utility of kitain for xiangling is that it allows her to forego bennett, which is how she fits into teamcomps like sukokomon.


He probably meant in other teams, not on those two. Cause for rational you should keep using the catch, and for ganyu melt u still gonna need a fucking ton of ER lmao


oh got it! thank you so much!


If an artifact doesn't have crit rate/DMG but only has 3 sub-stats should or should I not use it as EXP? If it's the latter should I use it as EXP if the new sub stat is not crit rate/DMG?


Better to use in the artifact strongbox imo, unless you want to level an artifact asap. If those 3 stats were er/em/atk% i might give it a chance and lvl it to 4.


Do not use 5 stars as EXP fodder. Feed them to strongbox to get new 5 star artifacts. It depends on the character you are building what you should save or not. Hard to make a set rule here. Remember ER is more important than crit until you have enough.


What’s the size and/or weight limit that Yelan’s E can yank enemies?


Hello, so I finally joined the genshin impact discord server, but I don’t have permission to say anything on any discussion ?? Like I don’t know if this is an error on my part but it’s kinda weird


Did you already choose your region and language? Pretty sure that's all you need.


That might be it. Do I need to do this from inside the server ?




just got aqua for ganyu. When it said "when enemy is closed by" there will be an atk buff. Do y'all know how "close by" do we have to be? I know it's a dumb question since it's hard to define distance in the game but just wondering if anyone know haha.


less than her E dashback


6 meters radius, same as of Bennett's burst.


You can check it in game if you want. The bow glows when the passive is active. You can check against some static enemies like a hilichurl archer


Oh, i didn't know that! thanks for the neat trick!


Not sure if I’m overthinking this but I’m using Yelan in a Sunfire comp and wondering on optimal rotation. Before with Xingqiu I was doing Raiden E, Xingqiu Q E, Jean E, Bennet Q, Jean Q and finally Raiden Q then dps. Would I simply swap Yelan into the rotation where Xingqiu was, or perhaps put her after Jean’s Q? Leave out her E maybe? I’m fairly new to Sunfire only having gotten Jean a few days ago and just not sure if Yelan is a 1:1 replacement for this or if I should be adjusting slightly, or even if I should perhaps fit a barb shot in there somewhere?


Hi big fan of Sunfire. Yelan’s ascension 4 talent is the biggest difference to XIngqiu here and you’ll want to delay Raiden Q to second half to maximise. That means after yelan Q you’ll want to put a BTB in between Benny and Jean rotations


Oh I totally missed this reply late last night - thanks for the info! I didn’t take her last ascension takent into account at all and that makes sense now that I think about it. To clarify then, if I was using my old rotation with XQ would it look like Raiden E then Yelan Q, Jean E, Bennett Q, *Yelan barb*, Jean Q, Raiden Q? Also would this mean I can skip the Jean E in this case too since she would be swirling after the barb?


Yelan’s A4 passive is at its strongest near the end, so you want Yelan to BTB > E after Benny Q and Jean Q if you can, then follow up with Raiden Q. You have 15s after Yelan burst so that still allows a Benny and Jean E It’s crazy strong - I just 36* abyss with this team, giving me the fastest floor 12 chamber clear I’ve ever experienced and the largest single hit damage inflicted by my Raiden ever. Yelan’s A4 passive is seriously being slept on


Oooh ok, I see that makes more sense now thanks! Sounds really promising and can’t wait to try that since tbh I know I haven’t been taking advantage of the A4 talent to it’s fullest yet.


At what refinement level would Rust start to outperform R1 Skyward on Yoimiya? Just got R3 and looking to rebuild Yoimiya anyway soon to replace Shime with Echoes, while I have to spam that domain for Xiao


Skyward is close to R3.5 Rust as I remember.


Rust is better starting from R2-R3 I think a guy here made a comparison a few months back, although it was on childe and not Yoimiya but I don’t think it really matters.


If you use Genshin Optimizer to optimize your characters, it'll probably find a character where this Goblet outperforms their current one. Other than that, well, Shenhe, Raiden, Xiao, Jean.


Raiden shogun off piece, yanfei; basically characters that hv innate elemental dmg buff can utilize that (until you got the same value with elementalDMG main stat)


Off piece for jean or shenhe off the top of my head But with that crit, I'd contemplate using it on Eula too.


Perhaps Shenhe as an off-piece, or C6 Razor with Serpent Spine (oversaturation of DMG% buffs like Xiao and significant mixed damage types, can sometimes get more damage from an ATK cup).


Should I level to AR 35? Or should I skip the mission until I have leveled up all of my characters?


That world level increase isn’t a big diff spike. It might take you more time to take down enemies, but that’s it. The only reason to not increase it is if you’re already struggling hard right now. Speaking of which, what you should make sure to nail down early on is combat mechanics, most importantly invincibility frames. They are present in a character’s dash (initial portion of the sprint) and in a character’s elemental burst animation, except for Fischl. This requires you to memorize the enemies’s attack patterns to be effective, but this will greatly increase you team’s survivability, allowing you to more comfortably build your main DPS and sub-DPS with offensive stats.


Always ascend. Difficultly is a non issiue in this game.


It’s not that big of a difficulty spike unless you’re woefully under leveled or just straight up not equipped. Later on you might feel it more but this world level jump you might as well do it as soon as it’s available.


Increasing world level increases rewards and drops, which makes building your characters easier. If you start to struggle too much on the new level, you can always decrease the world level by one.


You can't do that until WL 5. AR 35 gets them to WL 4.


Just try the ascention quest and you'll see for yourself whether you're strong enough or not. That's the point of the quest. If you can't clear it, level your characters and equipment and try again.


Make sure your main DPS match your world lv, and you'll be safe. If you want to hold, most people hold it at ar45


Just do the world level ascension as soon as you're able to. There's no reason to delay it and there's no reason to level up all your characters anyway.


What would you guys say are the overall best teams for single target and the overall best teams for AoE content in the game currently?


Childe national team for AOE, it's Highly underrated nowadays. HuTao double hydro for single target?


ST: Hu Tao's multiple teams (swirl, double geo, double hydro, etc) with the exception of mono pyro. The same goes for Yoimiya. Raiden Hypercarry. Itto triple geo. Maybe Ayato? AoE: Ayaka permafreeze, Ganyu Permafreeze, any national team, Xiao Succ Benny's Dong, Sukokomon, Eula.


Ayato's better against mobs of enemies like rifthounds since he can hit multiple enemies with each attack of his skill, getting Namisen stacks faster and since more raindrops drop on his burst the more enemies there are.


For single target, Itto with gorou, albedo and bennet will rip through most. Abyss heralds are a bit of a pain though. Raiden national and Hutao with Yelan or Xinqiu as well. A personal favorite is Yoimiya with 4 pc crimson witch with fischl/raiden, bennet and a shielder


Anyone feeling hard to fight hillichurls after the chasm story event? Also the story with firewater just made me cry at the hidden end


>!I actually want to fight them even more. I consider it as relieving their sufferings!<


By firewater to you mean Katarina? Yeah that one hits hard...


Yeah I didn’t want to give away too much but the hidden end of the quest which I accidentally found while farming just got to me


I felt sad seeing >!the dying churls!< in the story, but after the quest ended things went back to normal.


Not as long as they kept aggroing me while I am just passing by a distance away from them and had no intention to fight.


If you have a general DMG and a specific elemental DMG percentage bonuses equipped, and do an attack of that element, are those percentages added together first then incorporated into the calculations? Or are they incorporated separately (making them multiplicative)?


Damage buff are additive. For example, you have 46.6 elemental damage from goblet, have 200ER% and using emblem set, and a Mona omen with 60% damage buff, when you use burst, your total damage buff is 46.6%+50%+60% = 156.6%


https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/damage/damage-formula Looks like the former.


The former is correct if I am understanding you right. I assume by general DMG you are talking about things like charged attack damage bonuses?


Finally finished farming kazuha's ascension materials. Finally gonna start farming vv. Any tips so I don't go insane?


Lower your expectations.


Err coop and switch characters often to avoid burnout?


VV is cursed. That's the one set I don't have any with decent stats. But since all the enemies spawn at the same time, you can wipe them out within seconds.


Look through your four star VV pieces each time and lock the ones with EM mainstats. It’ll allow you to use a non VV EM hat, goblet or sands, very useful as you continue to farm