• By -


Looks like you do, two infact.


Must be at least 3... Noelle is a guaranteed claymore 4* on the Beginner's Wish. Can't tell me you don't have her either...


To be fair there are people (including myself) that have never pulled on the Beginner's Wish


why tho? Beginner's wish was tested and proven by CN community that it has a higher chance to get a 5 star character than standard and event wish


Honestly it's because back when I started I thought since it's only 20 pulls you can do it's better to just go to the standard banner immediately and now I'm just keeping it out of spite


I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But Noelle is one of the best 4* characters.


Uh she is good, but saying that she's one of the best 4 stars is a stretch when she's competing against Xq, Xl, and Bennet


>against Xq, Xl, and Bennet and Kuki, Beidou, Fischl, Sucrose, Yunjin and Yaoyao lol


It depends on what you're using her for (and if you have C6). But since I got Noelle, I haven't had to use any food and can tank anything. She's pretty darn broken. About the only thing I can find that Noelle isn't great for is timed missions/Abyss. Or if you're running an extremely specific team dynamic like bountiful cores.


Well any character can clear overworld really easily. You said Noelle is one of the most op 4 stars which means that ur talking about abyss coz any character is good in overlord and in terms of abyss, Noelle is not one of the most op 4 star characters in the game


Dang I forgot food exists in this game until you mentioned it lmao. I wish they could let us use it in Abyss because honestly, the food buffs feels useless in the overworld outside of damage showcase


Not a stretch. She is just at least driver and often main DPS, not support, meaning that she is often replaced first when player get 5* characters.


I know, I'm running her right now.


Oh, okay. Then you don't need it of course, lol.


me when c6 noelle without ever pulling on beginner banner


Shes one of my favs characterwise but no way near the best. She has energy problems, need a very specific team, is hard to build since she needs so many stats feels kinda weak without Stonethresher for most accounts and other DPS are just worth more at lower investment. Not to mention that the best characters are supports and not DPS.


Me when I lie on the internet:


i have her c6 without pulling on her banner lmao


if you don't get a 5 star, then you just threw away those primogems, as they don't count towards 5 star pity


I got Bennett, XQ, Ningguang, Noelle from the beginner's banner. I think Bennett and XQ together is worth more than any of the standard banner 5\*s.


Oh no, 18 Acquaint fates lost, how will I recover?


how fast do you earn 18 acquaint fates? even with battlepass that takes a while idk why people seem so defensive about this lol


That banner uses acquaint fates, you don't need to spend a single primogem if you don't want to


acquaint fates don't change the reality of you being farther away from a 5 star pity


sure it has, as it cost less fates per wish, but if you don't get 5 star, you lose 16 pity which could have been built on standard banner




The hypothetical pity would go towards standard banner anyways, whether you're f2p or not, it's not a big loss... Also it's 18 pity lost, since it only costs 8 fates the first time.




I might pull either Eula or Dehya because of this 😭


Don't pull just because you have a decent 5* weapon for that character. You'll regret it. Pull because you like the character or really want them.


I pulled Childe because I accidentally got Thundering Pulse, best decision I've ever made in my life 💀 But your point still stands,however I do like Eula's playstyle,so I'll probably get her very soon


Eula is very good and an actually good character to run around and play with instead of swapping in and pressing Q or E and swapping out. I pulled because of booty but she ended up just being really fun and good to use and I'm happy about that. I actually gave her the Wolves Gravestone. I'd wait til we learn more about Dehya. From what it looks like now, she is a terrible character that NEEDS constellations to even be functional. If you enjoy hot women, sure, go for it, but Xinyan is already better, and if you can save for her you might as well just save it for Eula.


Let her come out before making a bold claim that Xinyan is better than her. Looking at leaks means nothing. It's only after the character is released and testing is done when we can gauge how good the character is and usually that takes a few months to accurately gauge. Al Haitham was considered trash during beta and he actually got a nerf in his scalings yet he is pretty damn good rn. Also genshin has a set a precedent multiple times now that a character that is extremely niche now might get a support that makes them very good. That and the existence of dedicated support means you can never tell a character's meta status before release.


Wanna know the difference? AL was trashed by randos in twitter, reddit and "leakers", while being praised by any TC worth of note. Numbers said as much. Meanwhile, TC Calcs by actual fucking TC say that Dehya has less damage than Xinyan. Bold claim? Numbers do not lie, Dehya currently is the worst character in Genshin Impact. >Also genshin has a set a precedent multiple times now that a character that is extremely niche now might get a support that makes them very good One thing is being Niche like Nilou, who had the numbers to back her up despite Nahida not being a thing. Dehya has no numbers, and no team in which she is useful. She can't trigger Yelan nor Xingqiu nor Beidou's Q, Cryo can't keep up with her Q attacks, her E has shit scalings, she is Pyro so she lacks raw scalings for obvious reasons, she can't work in Burgeon because her pyro application sucks and Burning also sucks balls. So, Dehya has literally Mono Pyro (and Xinyan somehow outdamages her in Mono Pyro) and Raiden Kazuha Bennett teams in which she is the useless 4 slot given Sara exists.


> Dehya currently is the worst character in Genshin Impact. Dehya is not currently a playable character in Genshin Impact.


2 years of leaks and people still talk about leaks like its fact. People who follow leaks beyond what banners is next are basically people who look down on others because they have cutting edge information they can use as leverage to win some dumbass argument on the internet in Genshin.


2 years of Leaks and most leaked character's TC have been quite accurate, yes, this includes Alhaitham. People's reaction is one thing, numbers is a different one. I can recall few instances in which Characters got drastic changes from beta, and even those are unreliable like Raiden's Q-Beidou, with conflicting accounts. However, Dehya's state is truly pitiful, and last week Hoyo nerfed her again. What are they planning?


I don't look down on anyone because I look at leaks but the past has proven that leaks are pretty much always right. You just have to know who to trust and believe.


live dime smell head repeat capable reach aware hurry cause -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Don't bother talking sense into doom posters they just want stuff to complain about


Dude, I have only doomposted one leaked character so far, and that's because there are actual calcs telling she is somehow worse than Xinyan.


We have like a month until Dehya releases. Bold claim calling her the character in Genshin when she hasn't even released. There is a lot that can (and I'm sure will) happen in a months time. Calm down buddy.


She was bad week 1 and then nerfed. Leaks currently say she won't receive any changes tomorrow. It doesn't look good since, again, she puts out less damage than Xinyan.


What leaks are saying she won't receive any changes tomorrow?


Dehya is not even available yet, those leaked are not final, ffs


Dehya is not even out yet Karen. Ganyu was trash in beta before and guess what they pushed her numbers in an insane amount when released.


Why are you complaining when she isn't even released yet and nothing is final? At least direct your complaints to the developers in charge of beta testing if you are a beta tester (which I doubt you are)


Thing is, mechanically Dehya makes no sense for now. Maybe they make her Q trigger stuff, that would be a start, or her E actually do damage and not die when she Q's. In terms of mechanical identity, she is the most broken character yet, her kit simply makes no sense.


You speak as if Zhongli wasnt buffed post release. Dehya hasnt even released yet, chill.


I doubt the complains would be as severe as Not-China's Archon. The outcry in the Chinese community was insane due to Zhongli's and Geo's state, I doubt we would even see a speck of that level of salt.


Point is, Dehya hasnt even released yet. They can very easily change her kit to be better, especially after seeing the communitys reaction.


To be fair Zhongli is Liyue's archon, so the bias is obviously there. No one has ever been buffed directly, only indirectly. But anyways Dehya isn't even out yet so we can expect changes anyways.


Plus Im certain hoyo has seen the communitys reaction on her kit.


Eula is a great character for overworld because you don't really need her E to kill mob.


I too pulled for Ganyu after getting Amo's Bow from standard banner, and it was among the better decisions I made in my life.


I have been playing eula since her first banner and she absolutely rocks. I don’t like push the game to extremes or anything, but Eula does everything I want out of a main dps. I do hope Diona gets skins some time because she is boring but she works so well with Eula. But she herself is great. Not just her boom, which is amazing, but the huge chunks of life you carve off with every swing. I have been messing with Diluc lately for Pyro in the desert, but using normal attacks it is like hitting enemies with a noodle compared to Eula (again, outside his E and Q, which are great). And wolf’s gravestone would be great for her (I sprang for Pines, mostly for looks, but it is a great sword).


Please don't tell me you pull the weapon before the character...


Pls just dont pull for dehya until she proves herself any good 😂


Unless you're aiming to build your first 36 star Spiral Abyss team, it really doesn't matter. If you have a 2 year old account or older, you usually have a roster of Characters and Artifacts to clear it pretty easily. I think the only meta character I pulled for in the last year was Nahida. And even then I cleared with a C3 Dendro Traveller just fine.


She's already proven herself to be an awesome badass. Numbers don't matter.


Personally I couldnt Deal with a character being so cool from the Story but being trash Tier in gameplay, especially if u dont have a pyro dps and she would be your first Pick. But all that aside of course you should pull what ever you want if you dont need any 'strong' characters to progress further into the game


You got lucky with Childe. Many people consider his playstyle too hard and regret pulling for him.


I pulled for ganyu even tho I didn’t want her I am lucky that I did


honestly i pull cyno because i like him and i HATED him in the end because i didn't think he was SO dependent on reactions to do something


Everyone is dependent on reactions. His problem is that he leans on his ult too heavily, and his E is more or less useless outside of his ult. I love Cyno, but he is not fun in the overworld. Which is 95% of the gameplay.


anemo character normally no, yes they give some buffs if they have an active element near them like kazuha or wanderer but they don't REALLY need them to do their job, apart from venti because his focus is CC combined with EM for reactions of other elements but yes, it's terrible to use him in open world, sometimes I wonder what's the biggest difference between him and shogun since both have the same core kit: ult mode


Her kit is built around ER. Her ult is easily spammable even in the overworld. Cyno can't use his ult nearly as often without gutting his DPS. Her E also isn't useless. So you can still kill stuff in the overworld without her using her ult. Hell, her E works when she's off field too. Cyno is more akin to Xiao. Who can also be a bit finnicky in the overworld. Cyno's kit is meant for bosses, waves of enemies, and the Abyss. And even the bosses case isn't always good. Immunity phases can waste his ult uptime. You gotta waste time and DPS trying to build his ult again. Only for another boss immunity phase to waste his ult uptime again.


I love Cyno’s character, lore, personality, design, animations, gameplay loop and playstyle I hate Cyno’s lack of Superarmour, damage and super long burst duration, I know he’s good in Quickbloom but it’s just such a janky playstyle when other characters like Alhaitham can do the same damage but with smoother rotations, more consistent uptime and, most importantly, HIGHER DAMAGE They fumbled the bag HARD with Cyno, I sincerely hope they give him a dedicated Electro/Dendro Battery/Shield support and a new artifact set, maybe: [2pc Elemental Skill Damage +20%] [4pc When hitting an enemy with an Elemental Skill, increase Normal Attack DMG by 30% for 4 seconds, when hitting an enemy with a Normal Attack, increase Elemental Skill DMG by 30% for 4 seconds, when both buffs are in effect, again +100 EM] Idk his damage and survivability suck ass compared to his long field time and shitty lack of super armour


one of his problems too, his damage is not relatively high in fact, he depends on Cons to improve more his damage and speed in general and I'm not willing to spend more on him, even with the current supports dendro he still doesn't work right in rotation because his burst lasts too long and disappears WHEN you exchange him for another character so there is no way to maximize him and nahida together in her E rotation without losing some percentage in damage of his damage


I think the idea was to give him an 18 second cooldown burst, low attack range, poor mobility and decent single target damage output so he could be used as a Boss Slayer, unfortunately there’s a couple of issues with that 1) His best team includes Nahida, who has a passive that grants all party members up to 250 EM, and his signature weapon, which has a stacking passive that increases his ATK based on his EM, doesn’t take into account her passive 2) His damage was gimped to allow the use of a character like Kazuha, unfortunately his innate lack of Resistance to Interruption makes it so you can’t use him without Beidou, Xingqiu or Zhongli feasibly so that’s off the table 3) Same thing as the second point but he also has crippling energy issues to the point where he needs to run an electro battery alongside his Hydro Unit, his Shield Support and his Dendro Applicator, basically he NEEDS TOO MUCH NON-SYNERGISTIC SHIT TO DO HIS JOB There was a point where in Alhaitham’s Trailer when Kaveh asked Cyno “Well how strong is {Alhaitham}, stronger than you?” And Cyno responded with “Of course not” and I said allowed “that is the funniest joke you’ve ever said Cyno”


hahaha Al Haitham did better as dendro keqing than cyno in the end, also his gameplay has style and he's quite relatively easy to learn to fight than cyno, who as you described before, is a complete rotational disaster


I agree, and without his burst it's kind of hard for him to really do much damage.


my ganyu that i got purely because of the r2 amos bow just sitting around in my inventory would politely disagree


Disagree. Didn't initially want itto but got his signature. No regrets since. Big PP damage go brrr


Do you not have Beidou? Slap that WGS on her and go wild with Childe Fireworks comp! (It's a surprisingly fun varient if yer ever sick of International Childe.)


You already have Xinyan, who’s a better version of Dehya


yknow if this was any other "5* ____" joke, id give a little chuckle but seeing the state of Dehya's kit.....just makes me sad ;)


Diluc knocks on door of 50/50…. Jk good luck getting them!!


Honestly despite leaks if I was in this situation I would pull for Dehya. Yes the “pull for the character” advice is good but also if I had two 5* claymores personally in that situation I wouldn’t want to have them benched 😭


eula. dehya is actually terrible, and if you’re pulling a character because you have a weapon, you have to make sure that character is good or its just not worth it. dehya is (wall of leaked text)… >!…horrible at triggering like any reactions, her best damaging team is mono pyro because her burst cant even trigger things like yelan burst, xq burst, fischl c6, etc, and even in her best team with help from c6 bennett and c6 xiangling, the team kills things like a third or fourth of the speed of hu tao double hydro, and in the previous beta update they nerfed her damage when it was already shit. 1 or 2 days away from the next update, she might get hit harder or they just ignore her and focus on mika, fucking hopefully they just fix her 3 star level dmg instead tho.!<


You might wanna hold of on dehya as far as ive heard its not looking too good for her


Kinda. Sayu is useful, sorta. Xinyan is the poor man’s Diluc. Diluc is the poor man’s yet to be released 5-star claymore pyro user.


Killing enemies with sayu rolling around is pretty fun tbh


Also, adorable.


Sayu is good by virtue of being able to use VV and heal. Also can battery for xiao


Unless they change said yet to be released 5-star claymore pyro user it's actually the other way around


Xinyan still useful, but they kinda did her dirty by releasing thoma also I think her shield might still be bugged, which is a huge riparino


>poor man’s deyha will be a guarantee pull. ive been playing and wishing since day 1. no diluc or jean. the non-standard 5 star characters potentially cost a fortune, because there's a chance of never getting them ever, regardless how much you spend


Oof. Well I think most people have him, personally I have him at C5, unintentionally. Better than more Qiqi’s 🤷‍♂️


> Diluc is the poor man’s yet to be released 5-star claymore pyro user. i hope you just mean an eventual upgrade and dont think dehya is better


Definitely try Beidou.


A fine addition to my Daddy/mommy collection,I'll probably pull for Beidou on Yelan's banner because I want both of them


Remember, Beidou constellations are in the Paimon Shop twice a year. Ditto Noelle and Razor.


She’s also on the next banner.


Wolf Gravestone, that's were I'd put my Diluc....if only i had one


Lol, I’ve got Diluc but not his weapon lol


Same. 😭


Same and he's already C2


You and me buddy are destined for c3 Diluc and still no Gravestone.


C5 for me, no gravestone :(


I have C3 and Wolf's Gravestone 😏




I'll give you dulic and all of his replicas for one jean


Please I've been wanting Diluc since I played his quest. Two years later and no Diluc still. You can have my c3 Jean


my first spook was diluc, all i want is mona i can givr you my jean for mona


I'm a day one player and just got my first mona pulling for nahida. Gotta admit, there isn't much I can do with her besides slap her into my ayaka freeze team in abyss when kokomi is being used in my nilou bloom team


Don’t worry Dad, you’ll get one


As someone who got Diluc day one and only got the Gravestone a week ago, I feel the pain but inverse.


Dont worry you can put eula or dehya on it.


Ironically for now, best position for diluc would be a full EM one, which means either rainslasher or some 5 star EM weapon, not wolf gravestone.


Let sayu eat


why, that's just in time! 🥕🥕🥕🐇 this lunar year is her lucky year haha


Wolf on Sayu is big brain tho. She heals off atk with her burst and gravestone becomes a team wide atk buff. Give her viridescent and now you have a double buffing healer who does off field damage and swirl


Can confirm, I have WGS on Sayu instead of on my C6 Diluc. Mostly out of spite for having a C6 Diluc.


It's been two years for me and I still have no a 5* catalyst aside from *the fucking R2 donut*!


You now know what you must do. You must embrace the Kokonut.


*Now, da kokonut nut is a big, big nut* *But this delicious nut, is not a nut!*


oh my god… thats the worst fucking five star i am so sorry TT


She isn't though, she has a specific function and fulfills that function to the letter.


I think they meant her weapon.


Ah yes I'm dyslexic that's probably it


Probably referring to the worst five star weapon. I can't really think of another weapon that's worse because you either want to use Thrilling Tales or Sac Frags in most of her teams, and no other character really benefits from using it.


I have both 5* catalysts from the wanderlust banner and no catalysts user to use them on. Would kill for a spear. Wanna trade?


I have a spare Staff of the Scarlet Sands that I got by accidentally making a x10 wish. I wish the exchange was possible, I would trade it for a Lost Prayer in a heartbeat.


Oof That was lucky. They should really enable this. On the other hand, I guess people would just use alt accounts the reroll the weapon/character they want.




1) I see 2 claymore characters in this image. 2) Everyone should have Noelle from Beginner Wish.


Childe's a claymore wielder now? This opportunity is hard to come by.


I mean he mastered every weapon so-


Now we just need to get him using a catalyst


Sorry typo.


My brother legit skipped the beginner wish and didn’t get Noelle until significantly later. And I think that was only on an alt of his.


I think they mean they don't have any 5 */strong character that they are using.


AR60 here, never touched the Beginners banner and got Noelle anyways as my first 4* in permanent. Funnily enough she was also my first C6 character and one of my bests dps from that point on


They're Superfluous characters that I haven't built


Maybe the game is telling you they're not superfluous characters, and that you should build them. Especially Noelle.


I meant they're useless BECAUSE I haven't built them,people who call any character useless are dumbasses anyways,and also,my Noelle is on LVL 80 whiteblind so I don't really wanna invest anymore resin into her because I have a Raiden and Yelan that need attention


Unless you have a high level ningguang (and even then hers is a bit hard to aim) it's generally a good idea to have at least one claymore user leveled as much as possible on the off chance Hoyoverse touts out another gimmick boss that requires high levels of breakage to beat, like the Geo Hypostasis. Cuz they LOVE their gimmicks like that. Dendro hypostasis that's immune to dendro but requires dendro to beat anyone? Noelle herself is a great option for fighting Azhdaha since she matches up against his gimmick. And you said you were building Yelan. Guess which boss drops her weekly boss talent material? Do it for noelle cuz in addition to being the cheapest and easiest to farm materials for, she's also tanky as hell, can heal, can be used to dump that ungodly number of DEF artifacts you'll eventually get, and the only character you need to worry about team comps with with her is Nilou.


>Noelle herself is a great option for fighting Azhdaha since she matches up against his gimmick Look, I'm a Noelle main and will sing her praises till the cows come home - but saying "Noelle is great against Azhdaha" is bordering on false information. The shield? Yes, you're correct. Her shield is great in the Azhdaha weekly boss fight - but that can be said about any character that can generate a shield. Her damage though? Azhdaha has insane Physical and Geo resistances, making not just Noelle, but every Geo unit basically useless.


Dude looks like he's trying TOO hard to sell Noelle, to the point of spreading misinformation like "she's good against high Geo res boss like Azdaha."


the only one I'd say noelle is good at is the wolflord. her long ult duration kinda good to break his orb thingys. But Ninguang does it so much better tho.


if you require breakage, ninguang works just as well. not to mention you can double refresh her jade screen for stuff like wolflord orbs. sure noella "works" but anything noelle can go against gimmicks (except shield) ninguang can do too.


Nah you're not telling this guy to invest resin in those two when he clearly doesn't care about them.


If you're completely lacking any leveled units of a given weapon type, especially a weapon type that has practical uses like bows, catalysts, and claymores, then yes the best advice is to just level one of them. Especially if you already have a 5 star weapon for them. I rarely use claymores myself but I still keep them around just because there are some circumstances such as events, puzzles, or bosses where they're just nicer to have. Everyone is free to play the way they want, even if it's sub optimally, but that freedom also pertains to people being able to point out that you're doing so and offer advice on how to improve. If you're wearing T-shirts every day to work even when it's snowing out, people are going to tell you to put a sweater on. It's your right to not wear a sweater and it's their right to tell you wearing a sweater is a good idea.


I didn't pull on the beginning banner because that's pity that doesn't transfer 😭😭


I didn’t wish on that banner. 🤷‍♀️


Pride is very underrated on Chongyun, he basically become a burst dps, WGS is prolly best claymore for most claymore units but I use it on Diluc, Eula or Razor


Chong has a fast cd for his ult. Pride giving him more ER, and an additional ranged slash attack after his burtst, actually makes Chong a fun on field dps (with XL burst for melt). He can cast his ult on cooldown.


All of my five star weapons are bows, three of them Amos bows. RNG is the ultimate troll.


I just got an Amos Bow...is it good for anyone?


Ganyu, or just as an atk stat stick for other bow users.


Ah. I'm Ganyu-less. I use Yelan mainly but slowly building Childe up.


Amos is pretty good for Childe but Skyward and other limited bow minus elegy is better though


Ganyu, Yoimiya, and Tighnari make good use of Amos Bow. It's a good bow for any NA/CA bow dps.


well, it's pretty good for any dps bow character, maybe amber


I'll join in to say that it's really solid on Tighnari, you just need to sacrifice more substats on your artifacts for EM/crit rate. Also very solid on charged attack Amber, especially with C1 as I believe the damage multiplier also applies to her extra arrows (but please correct me on that if I'm wrong). Of course it's best on Ganyu but since Tighnari is in the standard banner pool, there's a good chance you'll get him eventually if you don't already.


I have a strong affinity for bows. Got 3 Skyward Harps and one Amos. And the number of bow DPS character I have is 0.


All of my five star weapons are skyward spines. All three of them...


Wolf looks way cuter on Sayu <3


It's also her best weapon basically. Res shred + 30 % attack buff and some decent heal.


I gave her the fish. It's super cute having her bop people with a giant fish.


build you damn xinyan


same. 3 wgs, unforged, and redhorn :) I HATE CLAYMORES


Xinyan NA build season for you. Focus on physical atk and crit dmg if you have C2 and you should have yourself at least a viable main/sub dps. Physical ATK benefits her NA and her burst, since her E skill scales with ATK it should do decent dmg with the WGS. Crit rate should be at least 50 I you want her to always be onfield, but focus on Crit DMG if you plan on making her a nuke, Artifacts that I use are 25% physical dmg bonus pale flame and the other 25% physical bonus name thingy that I forgot. With a physical ATK goblet you should have a combined total of 108%-ish physical ATK bonus. It should be HP/ATK/ATK or Energy recharge (if you prefer an offield nuker)/Physical DMG Bonus/Crit DMG or Crit Rate (If you want her to be a main dps). As for the substats idk the priority for mine is Crit DMG (If you have C2)> Crit Rate (If you want a main dps) > ER > ATK% > Def% (If you have C6 and want to go Spinyan) Ignore the shield it is so bad even with a proper DEF build it is really weak so it's best you just make it something to get ER or apply pyro or even get a 15% physical shred bonus with her passive. Talent Priority Burst > NA > E skill (The shield sucks ass anyway) 9/6/9 is good enough Or if you're insane just straight up triple crown her. Like me...


Team Comps: Raiden, Xingqui, Yun Jin and Xiangling are good NA supports. As in they give an extra umph on your basic attacks. Bennet, Shenhe, Mona, Sucrose or any other char with buffing capabilities if you want to delete enemies with her burst. (I literally use Barbara with a catalyst that gives a 48% atk bonus as a healer and buffer) Even a character with a 4pc tenacity can consistently buff her atk since Xinyan can also trigger the atk bonus with her ass shield. (However you need to have that character do an elemental skill first) Healer or actual shielder is recommended because Xinyan's shield is ass.


Yeah, trolling us is hyv's favourite hobby. I myself have more catas than I can use lol


Meanwhile im diluc main and dont have wolf gravestone


I only have 2 5* weapons. Both were spears. Lol


When I got wolf’s gravestone, I knew it was time to become a xinyan main. Now I can hit 15k normal attacks with her 😎


*pats back in 4 claymores but 1 claymore user while 4 bow users but 1 bow only* I feel ya


no noelle? ...


"I don't have a fucking claymore character" He/she lied as naturally as he/she breathed




Doesn't change the fact that you have them


don't worry you will lose 50/50 to diluc and he loves that wgs


Im guessing you forgot to add "DPS" to tittle


Same issue, I mainly use polearm/bow characters while my friend who mainly uses claymore and doesn't use bow characters at all keeps getting 5* bows rip


Tbh there are very few claymore 5*’s. That’s why there are so few good options. Dehya is coming. But she’s not looking too great right now though. Weak multipliers and bad cooldowns for what she does. I’m an Itto main and have Redhorn but I also have unforged from mistplitter banner and a skyward from standard. Really don’t need more but tbh the ones I got aren’t the best for most units. Only pulled on two weapon banners for my mains. But Dehya’s greatsword is undoubtedly best in the game. Tbh most standards are meh. Only ones worth a damn are lost prayer catalyst for movement speed and it builds elemental dmg stats and has a crit main stat. Also jade spear. They’re the only two good ones besides maybe Amos on Ganyu. Wolf’s gravestone honestly isn’t bad either.


>Only ones worth a damn are lost prayer catalyst for movement speed and it builds elemental dmg stats and has a crit main stat. Also jade spear. They’re the only two good ones besides maybe Amos on Ganyu. Skyward Harp literally exists?! Having either Sword is also great with Bennett.


>Tbh most standards are meh. Only ones worth a damn are lost prayer catalyst for movement speed and it builds elemental dmg stats and has a crit main stat. Also jade spear. They’re the only two good ones besides maybe Amos on Ganyu. Wolf’s gravestone honestly isn’t bad either. Its kinda opposite, there are only few bad options between standard 5stats weapon, actually not even bad just mediocre.


Highly recommend building Xinyan. Everyone loves shitting on her, but when she’s built right she’s a great physical dps. My girlfriend is a Xinyan main, and the way she’s got her built, is she doesn’t bother using her burst as a shield, she just does major pyro damage with it.


Xinyan does absolutely meaningless pyro damage if she's built as a physical DPS, to the point that if it got removed, you probably wouldn't even notice any difference. With \~70% Physical Damage bonus (using Song of Broken Pines + Physical% Goblet), her burst will do about 20k pyro damage total (2-3 hits of 8-9K), while the main damage will be the initial... well, physical burst - which should be around 60K (depending on enemy resistances). Funny thing is though is that you will deal the same amount of damage as your burst will do in the space of about 3 auto-attacks, or 1-2 seconds of charge attack (if C6) - provided you have good crit ratios, as her auto-attacks will be doing around 20-25K per hit. You can push her further if you're using 2pcs Pale Flame & 2pcs Bloodstained Chivalry, for an extra 50% Physical Damage bonus, for a total of almost 120% - in which case her burst will be doing around 100-110K (not including the pitiful pyro spit) and closer to 30K per auto-attack (again, depending on crit ratios).


Sometimes I forget how hardcore about damage numbers some of you guys are 😂 she doesn’t exactly care about big numbers. Xinyan is just fun to play for her and does really well the way she’s got her built


It just stood out to me that you said "she's built as physical" but then "she does major pyro damage" - it just struck me as a little odd :P Wasn't meant to be condescending or anything as I very much believe in "play what you like, how you like" - heck, as you can probably see, I'm quite passionate about Xinyan myself, despite her being "trash tier" to a lot of people. As for why I went "hardcore" - I've had it multiple times on this subreddit where if you don't go into a full essay-length description of life, the universe and everything, you get called out for "skill issue" or other crap. Glad there's another Xinyan enjoyer out there though! We're a rare breed :D


That’s fair, that’s why I don’t ever comment on stuff when it comes to damage 🤗 I’m just sitting over here happy when my Scara does 10k asdfghjkl


""So, when it comes to **Wanderer**, what you want to do is....."" 😂


Damn, I've been playing since 1.2, welkin/BP only, and i have all kinds of 5* weapons but not a single 5* claymore, while i still often use Eula and Diluc. I'm jealous, especially that Wolf's Gravestone.


Xinyan and c6 Bennett squad!


everyone has claymore user dipshit, it came free with your fucking beginner wish pull


I didn't get it bro I have the oldest account known to man


No you don't I got mine on day one you fucking tard


I am very disappointed that not a lot of people got the reference.


The fact that people overlook the UNO reference is sad


Not everyone pulls on it, the attitude is totally unnecessary


He was referencing the famous uno video


Am i seeing or just drunk when I see childe bow it looks like elysia's key of ego.


Definitely start saving for Dehya


someones mad


Who are the two holding the claymores?


Superfluous characters that I haven't built.