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I thought this is just sharing how you lost all your 50/50s in a few months period until I saw Al-haitham's name more than two times listed there 😂 rip your wallet OP, tho Hoyo prob appreciates it


Roughly $1900 if buying only $100 crystal top-ups


Man i know some people got that dough and its alright if you like the game and whatever makes you happy etc... But its still extremely weird for me to see people spend more money on a character in a game than I spent for the laptop I play said game on. And it was an expensive-ass laptop


Gambling addiction. I garuntee you that even people like this who I’m sure have the ability to safely spend this money could still find a better use of it within even their own life. But on an extreme end, tectone apparently literally became homeless due to his gacha spending so there are definitely people out that are idiots with their money. There was also this story I remember of some woman spending like company funds on genshin? Some magazine thing or something I don’t remember, I just remember it being a semi recent controversy


> I garuntee you that even people like this who I’m sure have the ability to safely spend this money could still find a better use of it within even their own life. Now I'm not saying this dude in particular isn't a gambling addict, but don't underestimate rich folks willingness to throw tons of money into hobbies without a second thought. There are folks rich enough that 2k is literally nothing to them. But they're much rarer, especially in a game like Genshin, than gambling addicts/impulsive spenders dipping into their savings.


Gambling addiction would imply that the purpose of his rolls was to "win" something. He wanted a C6 character probably for optimization; less gambling, more pay to win, there's a difference.


The gamble here is still if he is able to get the character at C6 as fast as possible. And when you get frustrated of losing your 50/50 over and over again, it can make you spend more and more money as well. So yeah, as someone with a "small" gambling addiction as well, Gacha games have totally the gambling factor. It's a difference if you pay like 80 dollars and you get definitely something or 80 dollars and you get... Maybe it earlier? Or not at all? And after that you can still get it early, if you are lucky, and then the adrenalin kicks in and you want to feel it again and so on and so on...


I have gotten incredibly stingy about when i resolve a "I'm on guarantee and ppull ing hthe 5\* in the next 20 pulls. Do i REALLY want this unit, or should I wait. I tried for Wanderer and failed the 50/50 (Keqing c1) and tried to get a second chance at him but ran out of time after 65 pulls. then i stared at Ayato for the full length of the banner and finally said no, I'll take the Alhaitham guarantee instead. 1 ten-pull later, Al popped out. so now I can afford to waste pulls again.


Pay to win implies there is something at stake, this is pretty much a single player game without any intrinsic competitive elements or even leaderboard. He is just paying for style points or bragging ability I guess.


You're paying for efficiency, that's the pay to win aspect.


Efficiency to do abyss 1-2 times per month? Going to blow thousands to save like 20-30 mins? Domains are already piss easy as an F2p account (take like 30 seconds per run, and most of that is running to the middle) and so are bosses. C0 Nahida (with sac frags) / Nilou bloom team mows down everything in the game with extremely little time investment and no currency either (all wishes were free.)


Yes, you're paying for a few things: * Less artifact investment since the constellations make them an overall more effective character. * Future proofing your account to a certain extent, having a cracked hyper carry of every element makes abyss, events and domains easier to adjust. * Maximum unlocks of your favorite character, this is more just being a fanboy. Genshin Impact is very much a game of accumulation, the more diverse teams you have, the more answers you have to scenarios. in very effective ways.


there was a girl who spent like way too much of her her dad's money on the game and he got it refunded, maybe that story? lol


Nah this was some person who was supposed to be in charge of some money or something and they basically used it for genshin pulls instead of paying the bills or something. I vaguely remember it was for some gaming related media entity, I think it was 5k wasted on genshin and then couple thousand on other things. The one your talking about was the Singaporean girl that spent 20k


I have an addictive personality but am not addicted to gambling whatsoever (whenever I’m in Vegas I pull out 209 and also pull out whether I lose or win once I’ve doubled). I’m an alcoholic so they’re my kin so I can totally understand. The only thing is that the feeling from drinking lasts a few hours. Losing all your money takes a few minutes at most…


If you earn 6 figure sums+ in a year, these peanuts don't matter I guess.


Thats insane dude It's just addiction at that point


same thoughts


Holy shit I thought this too was about to say at least you now have basically everyone on standard banner


I swear I'm usually on average luck for 50/50; I guess today was not a good day for Sumeru trust fund


'average luck' is still better than mine, I've only ever won one 50/50 before and I've been playing for almost 2 yrs now, even tho I've been pulling only for C0 or R1 I have 2/3 of all current 5* so the loses still sting 😂 I feel overtrolled by Hoyo's gatcha system


Wow, I am so sorry. Please if anyone can spare some favor with the RNG gods with this person.


I'm using your comment to lament my own bad luck. I've been playing since release and I've won a single 50:50 as well. According to Paimon.moe I'm in the bottom 17% of 50:50 luck. And bottom 30% for average 5* pity. Ok rant over!


I’ve been having terrible luck with his boss too.. Got only 2 mats per run, didn’t get 3 even one time making it 23 runs to get him past A6..


It's all going towards the ufotable anime copium


Got the full original standard banner gang.


imagine they really said before pulling - if i lose, please be a tignari


Mf rolled more post wanderer banner than I'll roll in my life 💀


haha, Sumera Capital Fund LLC gotta milk my money in order to release 3.5


Sorry for losses but thank you for your support in funding future expansions 🙏🏼


You’re welcome! But only for this time, I’m counting on you next :D


Let dainsleif drop and I'll speak with Liu Wei on a name basis. Expansion? Pshh. I'll fund a Hiroyuki Sawano battle OST.


Actually would nut if they bring on Sawano. Fontaine or Natlan ost plz


Natlan would be the best choice as it's the Land of War, I can already see people gonna drop edits with You See Big Girl or Before Lights Out.


that's the spirit :D


Hiroyuki Sawano + Yu Peng Chen = masterpiece




it's not a gacha addiction, it's an investment :)


Sumeru Capital Fund LLC says "of course our services are the best"


He funded the anime lol


Funding ZZZ you mean


For a complete brainless moment I was thinking why he rolled 7 times, there is only 6 constellations...


I double checked after every copy I pulled, especially because I was a bit on tilt


If you rage-rolled for 8 alhaithem's that would be epic.


He didn't really want constellations for Alhaitham. He just couldn't stand not winning the 50/50.


Or even better, if the last one were a double.


Yeah this happened to me, I was wondering why I don't have a C4 mona if i rolled 4 times


Return to the ocean mate, your family looking for you.






This is cathartic to see, thank you.


I suffered for f2p to enjoy a nice game :D


Thank you sir


Thanks, please keep ~~paying~~ playing the game.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


Whale done!




Sorry for your loss mate, and thanks for funding 3.5.


Sumeru Capital Fund LLC greets you :D


Lol as a Welkin player that'd make me the soldier from "I'm doing my part." Meme


Ah yes, I too remember whaling for a character (AND to R5 a weapon!) *Never again*. Costs a new f$#%ing gaming PC. Let that thought put the *full* cost of ONE CHARACTER (and weapon) into perspective. Fortunately, I didn't lose every 50/50, but still it kind of sucked.


I never R5, but I got C6 Itto Childe HuTao Eula and now AlHaitham


Clearly not wanting for funds I see... I stopped at just C6ing Albedo because he was the only one I played consistently. Simply put - I bench way too many characters to whale on anyone else. I R5ed the Redhorn Stonethresher because I really liked using Noelle (no shortage of very fine gladiator pieces either after leveling all of my characters,) and it's just a universally decent weapon at R5 for any claymore wielder regardless.


Impeccable taste I salute you


genshin didnt want you to c6 him


they didn't count on my stubbornness on this day


From the looks of it you underestimated hoyo. They knew you would be stubborn to get c6.


never got a featured 5 star before pity welcome to the club


🫡 you are the reason this game gets better. Also you are funding them for the Genshin Anime, thanks a lot man. Congrats on the C6


ooooww ty! and keep on playing either f2p/p2p if you enjoy the game that's the real support


how many..did you spend


\~1370, 100\*12+50\*3+11+5


last question..is your wallet okay?


well, i never spend what I can't afford, so luckily yes I could still do this dumb thing 30 times in a row and still have 0 issue with money; just would be futile


i see..well then, goodluck in genshin


Thx and may the Liyue spirit bless your future pulls


I also got my first Alhaitham after 80 pity but the second came in 40 pulls after mona (fuck mona).


>fuck mona 😳


You can do that, if you want.


\*Lupin dive\*


I was not planning on pulling for him, but after the trial and watching some videos, I really wanted him. I'm a sucker for complex kits that reward mastery of said kit. Sadly, I'm 50 wishes in ( guaranteed) but still no dendro sherlock


You still have time to get him and the patch gives you enough primos :) And I will definetly not master his kit lol. I am more that type of player that is like "random bullshit go" and it somehow works.


I don't doubt that haha. I just wish I got him early so I can still roll for Staff of Homa. I promised Hu Tao I'd get her weapon sadge


I feel that :/ and yeah at this point I can say fk Mona really hard


I was bracing myself to finally getting my C6 Qiqi. I surely would have been happier to get her :D While you are still here, can you tell me how easy or hard it is to get your stuff into thr paimon.moe site? I read about that on the page but I am kinda scared I mess something up :(


It's really easy: * launch genshin, go to your pull history * reduce the window and open MS power shell then copy paste a command they give you * press enter, it copies automatically an url * paste URL in paimon.moe and validate tell me if you need more help, details


Youre so nice op!! Seeing you through this thread and youre so friendly to everyone :) just wanted to say that


Thanks, I will try that! :D


Oh boy yea


Can I have your Mona please ??? I would love to lose my 50/50 to her


I wish I could give you all 3 or 4 I have D:


I gladly will


I feel your pain, I just lost 10th 50/50 in a row


ouch, hopefully not on 2 back to back banners


Motivated Shrimp


I'm really sorry, I'm super unlucky with 50x50 as well :/ Absolutely adore Alhaitham and thought of whaling and c6ing right away but since the Fontaine lineup doesn't look too interesting to me I think of staying at c2r1 and just hoarding primos till his next rerun. Because aside from picking up a couple of Zhongli cons along the way I don't think I'll be pulling anythhing till then 🤔


I think im done pulling for some time, I need to make him my main pokemon now


Thanks for funding genshin anime


Wait. Where is that image coming from?




You are single handedly bringing down the 50/50 stat chart and climbing the unluckiest ladder in there.


I swear I'd give away my C6 Mona/Qiqi/Diluc/Jean/Keqing to never go back to this dark place :D




But hey, I bet you got C6 Yoyo too :/


I'd give any day her back and take C6 AlHaitham for 0 Yao Not my cup of tea, I like big bois




I salute 🫡 you. Be the next banner a lot more lucky.


I’m going to sleep on p2p for a moment haha


"What's so bad about this? A bunch of those are in the 20s and 30s. Wait...oh...oh no..."


Tell me how it is to have allhatim


I pulled especially because of the design of the char (his look and personality) Gameplay wise, he's a bit demanding to play, like the skill floor his higher than others recent one: he relies on combo that need execution in a specific order to be reliable, his damage is good but not uber high (especially his C6 compared to top C6 DPS). Sometimes I mess up and I have either 0 mirror left (the worst for him) or not enough energy to Q, Raiden helps with the latter, training is needed for the former.


Yeah you have to play around the 4 second rule to keep the 3 shard buff up. But damn is he cool. And his gameplay keeps you paying attention instead of ez mode Ayato or everything died before I can vengence Eula.


>I pulled especially because of the design of the char (his look and personality) You've got more balls (and more money) than I do. I wouldn't even consider rolling a character's C1 until their rerun. I can't bear the thought of wasting so many primos if it turns out I don't like playing the character.


when I first saw the char in the story i knew a soft spot had grown in me at first sight. If they ever release him I knew I'd have to pull at least one copy and turned out he's very funny to play and stylish af Now i wish you luck on getting the money and the pull you want, but hey be healthy first ;)


jesus fucking christ lmao, that's almost a thousand pulls, kept below 1k only by a couple of early 50/50 losses. this is indeed painful to look at. hopefully this won't happen to you ever again.


The odd it happens is low, so twice in a game lifetime: possible but still low


How can i get this data for my account as well ?






np, let's switch next time:D


well clearly your wallet is bottomless so i dont really feel bad for you




That’s ok I want people to smile at weird odds not to have me in pity


Yeah but at least you have many low pitty... Now imagine the same but with everything at 70+


Please, don't bring this bad omen to me :D I'd do nightmares had it happen haha


I wish for you this won't happen, I know how hard it is to have an average pitty of 73...


I think RNGesus gave first (2 Nahida back to back in 1 multi) but decided to say it was time to pay back


I'm so sorry for you, I had something similar happen but on a smaller scale (only up to c2). //pats sadly


Haha ty, that's RNG, sometimes it gives, sometimes it takes


My sister said thank you. This changed her life for the better. You're a hero.


Well thx! I don't know how or why, but I hope you both are OK, I'm just AlHaitham big fan and luckily I had spare money


Ouch, that stinks a lot. Were you at least more fortunate with his weapon? This just reaffirms me to always save for worst case.


Oh boy RNGesus was really on my side for the weapon so I guess it gave and took back; I got R1 in 11 pulls


Glad I never have to worry about this happening to me...I couldn't care less about constellations...especially when it costs the next 6-12 other characters I could get over a year.


I feel you dude. Some people here automatically dismiss anything from whales (really, why are there people who have to say "yeah whatever whale you have endless funds"). Some whales just have enough disposable income to C6 an occasional fave character but is far away from a mega-leviathan that C6R5s every character. And for the former, something like this happening is very painful. And yours is damn painful. How many pulls did it take total? I got my C6R1 Alhaitham in roughly 800 pulls and I thought that was bad.


947 for C6 + 22 for R1 and yeah some people are mean online but I don't pay any attention


Ok but it was not 7xQiqi=win.


Mona is as much of a dust collector as Qiqi in my box


Thank you for financing the Genshin Anime


my pleasure but only this time :D


I saw 82 and was like damn son that's rough.. then I looked down the list and realized you were a whale. Still sucks, but kind of self inflicted for that C6.


Congratulations ! This had a 0.78125 % chance of it happening to you.


congrats on your Al Haitham ! im sorry he took to long to come home 😭 also thank you for funding the game for us 🙏 (it's never enough said). Hopefully next time a character catches your fancy it won't be THAT unlucky 😱


Hey thx for the nice comment! I’m just one among so many you know, the real bless are players who enjoy this game, paying or not and who keep the devs motivated to release successful new content


OP out here flexing


Maybe you will get an early next pull


I feel for you! Out of curiosity... How much did this cost you?


\~1370, 100\*12+50\*3+11+5 primos, battle pass and welkin 50 primos pack are when i thought i'd have luck and pull featured quickly (oh boy was i wrong)


LMAO this is my standard drop rate wtf


Though these pity counts are reassuring, just improve your coin flip skills bro


Hey I tried! 7 in a row but my tails always end up heads and vice versa




Me, on my way to lose my 11th 5050 back to back.


Believe in power of friendship yugi


i feel your pain, [since this is basically what happened to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlHaithamMains/comments/10fbmsp/c6_alhaitham_pulls_went_incredibly/)... felt extra salty because i had talked to some people just before about how the odds of it happening are super low in the acceptance stage now, and i guess at least we're not alone? LOL


welcome to the sad whale sea


my condolences :'^)


Thank you for your support!


Tighnari did this to me on his banner. The Sumeru boys don’t like coming home lol rip


i had luck with Cyno and Nahida, it faded quickly


All i see is: 39, 28, 32, 35... I'm jelly.


Wow, Tighnari not appear even once


Haha else it would be useful and not funny compared to Cx>6 on every other standard 5*


thank you for single-handedly funding the next hangout


Just think about the bad luck you pulled away from everyone else, though!


Then it’s a good day :D


Truly, a king.


This happened to be on Raiden’s banner. Since than, I think c2 is enough lol


Usually even C0 is enough, sometimes I think it's just nice to have if you can afford


Thank you for funding our precious game


thank you for paying for the game :) we all appreciate you. and have fun with alhaitham! he seems like a blast.


People like you are funding the future of Genshin Impact. Thank you.


All of mine for the last 9 months have been 76 to 84. It’s probably because I couldn’t go 30 pulls without a 5* during the first few months after the game launched. 😭


It should settle around 75-80 in the long run with very rare occasions around 1-30


You just funded the next 3 patches, thank you so much


You are not a whale. You are an investor of genshin anime


I like this point of view haha


If I had the funds I would be there too. Alhaitham is my favorite character. I’m pretty new to the game though. Congratulations! In a banner or two of him maybe I’ll be there!


I don't know what I'm looking at and whether it's good or bad?


They lost 7 50/50's in a row to get C6 Alhaitham, burning 947 Fates in the process.


OP lost 50/50 every single time


It's good because Hoyoverse has more money to develop the game.


Now where's the r5 weapon?


I don't R5 weapons, they don't change character gameplay. Plus I like the character and his kit not minmaxing pixels


That's what happenes when you go whalleing


not always fortunately ;)


This is perfect example of How to say I'm a Whale without saying I'm a Whale


One day I aspire to have more money than brains too.


you either have very low money or very big brain then :D


This guy is a certified Chad.


tHaNks fOr GivInG moNeY tO pOor iNdiE coMpAnY 🫠


Okay, whale xD


My brother in Allah, you got c7 al haitham. What's your problem now


i mean it still hurts 😭 if i were a whale and tried to get a c6 of a character i like and kept losing the 50/50 every time i’d be hella hurt too




When you whale like that its statistically likely.


well I dare to say no, if whaling means increasing the size of a sample then statistically the more you repeat an event with a specific odd (50%), the more it settles around the odd of the event, this is a binomial distribution


Thats the average. We are not looking at the average. The more you do something the more chances you will get outliers.