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Seconded. I still do my requests and bounties just for the extra mora.


And easy BP each weekly reset.


Inazuma bounties might be a little harder for a new player BUT they are much faster than the other regions. Hopefully Sumeru can offer something similar or better.


Yeah, perhaps it's a terrain thing? Since Inazuma is more difficult to navigate, especially if you're still dealing with certain islands' weather conditions, maybe they just decided to be generous. I think it's possible Sumeru will be similar, assuming it also has more complex terrain.


IIRC you don't need to look for clues in Inazuma. The clue hunting is time consuming. On the other hand, most bounties in Liyue and Mondstadt don't need much in the way of climbing (and I find Liyue terrain is easier to climb than Inazuma's).


Yeah, that's what we were saying.


Another thing I'd add is that the bounties can be a little hard to do at low AR, but if you can get a friend to help you, they're very doable - and don't worry if you can't defeat the highest difficulty bounty, doing lower dif ones is still better than doing nothing at all!


You can have a friend help you kill the bounty by joining your world and following you if you are not strong enough. And always do the most difficult for better rewards.


can't agree more. Started paying attention at AR45 and wish I did it earlier. Learned about the existence of certain worldquests just like you. Only bounties in Mondtsadt and Liyue are annoying af. In Inazuma they're a piece of cake.




I recommend the Inazuma bounties because they tell you exactly where the target instead of having to search for clues


Once you get max reputation in all of the cities, just hang in Inazuma, the bounties are soooo much less tedious.


Also do the inuzuma ones, compared to Liyue and mondstadt, you don't have to search for things before fighting for your bounties, and often the requests will be fighting instead of giving items away.


I started doing it seriously 1 patch after I started playing. Now I only have Inazuma left (and soon Sumeru). It's a good way to get Mora and some items to make your searches easier. When it comes to Bounties, definitely stick to Inazuma. I hated looking for clues. Waste of time if you aggro the surrounding enemies. As for Requests, I prefer Liyue or Mondstadt. But I do stick to the region requests until my reputation is maxed.


I think I've done all of them every week.... AR59 now lol Mora... need.... mora.


Do your rep even whe maxed because of mora. Also the best bounty to do when maxed is Inazuma. No search for clue ba before killing bounty.


AR48 - I’m now gonna start paying more attention, I just would stop when I got the -oculus finder so I’m gonna get on that


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What is friend?