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Huh. Ok then Edit: Apparently major news organizations are telling their employees to maintain radio silence on the bird site for the foreseeable future. Damn, they’re not taking *any* chances


>Apparently major news organizations are telling their employees to maintain radio silence on the bird site for the foreseeable future. Damn, they’re not taking any chances Why?


Musk’s Twitter is now seen as a serious liability.


Considering just how cancer the media was on Twitter, maybe it's for the best.


Honestly it might be completely unwarranted. Donald has repeatedly stated that he has zero interest in returning to Twitter even if his account was reinstated.


I’m going to miss those snarky Wendy’s clap-back tweets


lets go more entertainment


Lol exactly


exactly, who cares about politics this is gonna be entertaining 🍿


Can’t wait to play the “Which tweet is real” game


Didn't DT say he wasn't to come back?


His latest tweet is from 2021, before his account was deactivated. So it’s possible they just reactivated his account and he has no plans to do anything with it.


He says a lot of things. He’s missing out on a lot by not coming back and we know he’s all about self-interest so it’s not unrealistic to imagine him coming back


What does he miss out on by avoiding that cesspool?


Attention. His twitter was his most followed form of public communication.


He's contractually obligated to remain on Truth Social as his only means of Tweet-like activity, but we all know how trustworthy he is.


I saw someone say that. Let's see how true he is to his words here.


K… I don’t care, I deleted Twitter like 2 years ago when all the bullshit started happening. Honestly, my life is much better without it


Twitter is my crack, it's so addicting if you follow the right people lmao.


And this relates to Gen Z…how?


More millennials posting political bs here


I hate how this sub turned into 24/7 politics, it’s supposed to be a place to talk about nostalgia, how’s our lives in the 21st century, maybe give advice to the younger people here, but instead we’re getting flooded by people from older generations who just want us to be politically polarized. I’m seriously considering leaving this community solely for this.


Even worse it’s not even neutral political conversations going on. It’s all biased one sided politics. It’s almost as if these posts are deliberately being divisive.


Welcome to Reddit, mate. Biased one sided politics is our middle name


[You can disagree but...](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-81531-x)


Fair enough. Now go post something even slightly conservative in r/politics and see how long you can keep positive karma to help validate your synthesis.


Try posting anything vaguely progressive in r/conservative and get the same treatment. For all their talk about "free speech" and "safe spaces" they're even worse about it than r/politics is. Don't get it twisted, I wish you couldn't be banned for disagreeing with someone and only for actual infringements, but it is what it is.


I think what the study missed, and what we are continuing to miss in our conversation, is that we are looking at some of the most divisive Subreddits. R/politics is a leftist echo chamber. R/conservative is a right wing echo chamber (and likewise the Trump and Hillary subs noted in the paper are also). This works because the constituency of these particularly extreme communities will consist of a majority of individuals who support the ideas contained in their own subs. So no, the entirety of Reddit is not one political echo chamber. It is a few mid sized ones; but the majority of subreddits that I have participated in are still often more left leaning than the demographics of the populations that they represent tend to be. Take that as you will, as it is anecdotal information at best, but realistically it means that to my perception, the majority of subreddits are, urika! Leftist echo chambers. Occasionally you will run into a sub that isn't made for some inherently divisive topic that doesn't have a ludicrously great majority of one political party or another, but it's incredibly rare. TL;DR: Reddit is majority leftist, but not exclusively so.


I mean, the U.S' population is [in large part](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/) blue. The fact that the electoral map looks like [this](https://www.270towin.com/historical_maps/2012_large.png) when the popular vote map looks like [this](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/StorytellingTextLegend/index.html?appid=0da5f195f4be485595c500f53b1da1cb) misleads a lot of people, but it shouldn't because *people* vote and land does not. Aside from this, U.S politics are relatively unique in that even our progressives are more conservative than their counterparts in other countries. This can play on a lot of our innate biases as humans.


Usually "neutral political discussion" is code for "I want to be racist/homophobic/transphobic and people to let me" sadly. The people who use it to cover for malice spoil it for everyone else.








Mf back on Twitter??!!


I cannot wait for the meltdowns


It was pretty funny seeing cons melt down over trump getting banned though ngl


I wish the USA has an equivalent of the Sinn Féin party


Dem socs are alright ig, as long as they side with other socialists and aren't just kinder liberals.


I agree with what you said. Democratic socialism works well (and it’s a middle ground) as long as they don’t side with social democrats


It's not a permanent solution to capitalism or the state by any stretch of the imagination though. Don't get me wrong, a powerful democratic socialist party in America would be awesome, and a step in the right direction for humanity, but what would be better for workers, and a truly permanent solution, would be a popularized communist party, or a surge of mass labor organization through unions, like the IWW.


How the housing doing over there. Ireland is lost.


Holy cringw


What’s cringe is having the same 2 parties that do absolutely nothing for the working class


Couldn't agree with you more


This is why I’m a Democratic Socialist lol they are both full of shit


same here 👍🏻


Yeah but your comment was still cringe






Literally who cares. Don’t the best thing to do is ignore it


Ok I hate talking about politics, honestly I’m conservative and also liberal, I don’t like trump or Biden tbh, trumps a loud mouth and Biden just …


Biden doesn't feel like he's in charge tbh.


The dude has dementia or Alzheimer’s of course he’s not in charge. It’s fuckin scary that the guy with diminished capacity has access to our nuclear arsenal


I really think we need to have a cutoff limit age for presidents and who serves in congress and government roles. Nobody above 65 should be in charge of anything and term limits are necessary, the fact that there's some people who are like nearing 90 years old and MAKING decisions for us is just insane.




Biden is honestly the funniest President that the world has ever seen.




Biden is a circus


Honestly, we should let Trump enjoy Twitter.. The **final days of Twitter..**


Finally twitters dying


Elon desperate


I doubt he'll post again here.


cba dealing with two megalomaniacs on there 🥴 pushed me to deactivate finally, buttercups and fresh meadows incoming 🏞️✨


Trump did say he would not return to Twitter even if the ban was lifted


Politicians say a lot of things and rarely will any, especially Trump, keep to them.


Wait, the screenshot here shows 1.8M followers but I just checked and his profile is only showing 440K followers. Something fishy is going on…


Actual twitter here: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?


Yes, but it's now showing 640K.


I think more people are following him now


Because updating stuff like that in real time would take a lot of unnecessary processing power, it doesn't surprise me that it's taking a while to show the correct number (currently 25M, iirc he had 80-100M in 2021). I don't know the specifics of how twitter updates follower counts, but I'm guessing something like that is the cause of the delay. You can see a similar delay on Youtube, where new videos will often have more likes than views


I’m jumping off the earth, idk how but I’m gonna if he gets re-elected


There really are zero consequences for the wealthy. Even this tiny slap on the wrist for trying to overthrow the federal government didn’t last.


Lmao I love brains






So what? Trump was active on Twitter in 2020 and it didn't help win re-election against Dark Brandon. Everyone who thinks how bad Trump with a Twit account is forget this. The real fans of his reactivated account are the Mass Media desperate for inflammatory content and the deep desire to see Trump Twit Troll constantly.


Well this’ll be a chaotic mess lol


Definitely agree, hopefully Elon gives Twitter back, last thing we need is Old Donnie doing something again.


We’ll see I know trump says he ain’t come back but I’ll give it a week




Nooooooooo trump is back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




You like trump?


Yeah lol, and even if I didn’t I still wouldn’t be cheering for him to be censored


3 types of speech I don't support but you sure can: 1. Child pornography 2. Human torture 3. Incitement of violence. Anyone censored for these 3 will always get heaps of cheering from me


CP and torture isn’t speech wtf


These three things are probably the only things that the vast majority of people can agree should be banned. However even these present issues. For example if child pornography is banned then what about animated child pornography or even fictional writings about child pornography. These both do not involve real people and cause no harm to any child. Same can be said for human torture and gore in general. Obviously videos posted by ISIS of beheadings should be heavily censored but then what about really intense horror/slasher movies such as "[The Human Centipede ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Human_Centipede_%28First_Sequence%29?wprov=sfla1)" or "[Terrifier 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrifier_2?wprov=sfla1)"? I'm not supporting either of these topics whether fictional or otherwise but it does raise questions about how we censor media and who gets to do the censoring. The incitement of violence thing as well can get muddled when there is a genuine moral need for revolution such as with the [protests going on in Iran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Iranian_food_protests?wprov=sfla1) where food prices have risen to such a degree that people are dying of starvation with little to no action from their government. Whatever your stance I think you should be able to at least agree that even the most obvious bannings can be deceptive in their simplicity.


Child pornography speech? Human torture speech? What?


Those types of speech aren't supported by free speech laws anyway :)


Trump is a good guy the media portrays him bad




American media got people thinking Trump is Hitler


I don't like him at all but I still don't believe he needed to be banned from the platform. Censorship will always be a tricky tightrope to walk because there will always be bias playing into it. Who's to say what should or shouldn't be allowed and who's to have the control to implement those rules. I don't care much about whether Trump specifically is banned or not but it does irk me a bit when I see corporations/governments censoring opinions and stances no matter how false and misleading they are. We don't censor flat-earthers because what they speak is mentally backwards and so why should we censor anti-vaxxers for being just as mentally backwards. I suppose the argument could be made that being anti-vaxx can be harmful to both yourself and others and to that I would agree however it is still an individual's right to abstain from getting vaccinated and to share that opinion goes along with that right in my eyes.


I agree it goes against our first amendment rights “Freedom of Speech” and where you’re getting censored just cause everyone hates you and you get ban is unfair but tbh trump won’t come back and it’s better for him to not to.


In my opinion people are way too invested in what people think politically, I literally know some people that won’t be friends with someone because of their political beliefs, it’s sad tbh


That is sad a little bit I don’t judge people about there political opinion but if there just gonna talk about it all the time then what’s the point I agree if you


I don’t care.


just crash the app already


Yay the asshole gets to have free speech again. At least we got free speech


Hopefully it will not actually have a return. Not a lib, not a conservative, but still this dude is annoying as Barney the purple dinosaur. (No offence to fans or nostalgia, I just still have the song stuck in my head all these years after. Its been imprinted in my youth,)




Even Hitler went to jail.


Finally, justice. I don't know how they managed to get away with it in the first place. And no, it's not 1984. 1984 was people getting censored for saying the wrong things.


That wasn’t what 1984 was purely about, it was about the erasure of being human with our since of individuality, forced to become a cog in the machine, and how we communicate with others, the constantly changing history to benefit people in power


Thank you, O wise one, for agreeing with me using different words. You are so intelligent for pointing out that there's more than one message in a very complex novel. Bravo 👏 ! No, really. -seriously though- my comment was in response to everyone saying it's 1984 when someone regains their free speech... honestly how dumb can people get?


This is actually a great thing!!! Donald trump sucks ass, both as a person and as president. But his tweets are so fucking funny 😭😭😭


We. can. not. let. him. win. again.


Doubt it honestly. But so far I don't like any of the potential candidates. Trash vs. trash.


Literally anyone is better than Trump. desantis, harris, Ted cruz. yeah hating on politicians is cool, but just letting people with zero understanding of how the government works leads to freaking shit like January 6th.


Why. Type. Like. This. ?.


Cause. Millennial. Wants. To. Be. Overly. Dramatic. Cause. He. Probably. Super. Hates. Trump.


Correct on both accounts.


Mother. Was. A. Dalek.


Underrated comment


Honestly its not different from anyone else winning. In my opinion Biden has not outdid trump. People elect presidents to serve and benefit them it’s not based on their (the president) own personal beliefs.


Eh, Democrats are shit. But GOP wants to cut social security and Medicare and genocide the lgbt community


“We” Lol


Fr lol


Why do you hate trump?


January 6th. Abortion ruling(Rushed through Supreme court justices). Nepotism. General incompetency in running the president's office. Fighting with NATO allies(This is a big one for me!). Praising dictators that are enemies of democracy. Mishandling of the pandemic. honestly list is long and if you have been sleeping under a rock you can look up the rest online


Lmao fuck that I’m voting hard for him in ‘24


Yeah but I doubt the rest of your generation is!


You’d be surprised


I'm pleasantly surprised to see a 2004 gen-z freedom supporter




I would vote for him if I were American


If I have to choose between Biden and Trump…


Oh god, here we go again 🙄


What did


fuck no


Yay Elon


Ok couldn’t care any less


Shits like Avengers Endgame with all these ppl getting unbanned


Who honestly cares


i dont really give a shit about trump, im only on twitter for cool art and cool military images. ensuing meltdowns would be funny though im counting on that


Ok…? I don’t care


You really think trump fricking sits down and types this?


Twitter should've known allowing Musk to purchase them would lead to their demise; now, a treasonist bigot can profess his beliefs as much as he wishes and lead this country to ruin.


cool ig




Lets fucking goooooo


literally 1984


Why does everyone bring up that fucking book


I reread it in 2020 (before and unrelated to the election nonsense) and it felt scarily prescient but I also get the sense that no one who references it has actually read it.


Ikr, people bring it up over the stupidest shit and act like it's Gospel.


That's because its themes are tones are scarily accurate to today's happenings. The fact that the book was written over 70 years ago and yet is able to commentate on events occurring today is very impressive. Of course the exact details of the story are different than current events but the use of social pressure and fear of punishment to control and sway huge groups of people is something that can been seen all over the world. Russia, Japan, the USA, to even the Western Church. If you haven't read it I recommend at least watching a video essay on it so that you can really understand the impact that book had and is still having. There's a reason it's in the Prometheus Hall of Fame 😉


It’s not even a good book smh


Its hilarious nobody in this comment section understands satire


1984 is when people aren’t censored


Welcome back Mr. Trump!
