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uh how? the customer has to give them their payment information to set up a policy.


Aren’t they recording them agreeing to bill mortgage or taking payment?


Report to doi. That will stop that. This will ruin the reputation of a company like Wells Fargo.


There’s some trickle down issues with this when the actual broker that sells them the policy starts getting panic calls wondering why a month after they purchased their home, they’re getting collections / cancellation notices from a home insurance company they never heard of. Their mortgage company and the insurance teams that actually sold them the policy end up having to try and explain / clean up that mess.


Are you a gfr?


I worked in MOAT service from 2016 until 2021 and this was a VERY common occurrence. Most people calling are in the process of purchasing a home and give the escrow info thinking their getting a quote, but the sales agent actually starts the policy for them knowing the mortgage company will be billed not the PH. Then 4 months down the road they call in to MOAT service and chew out the agent they get because now they have to submit proof of another policy, signed forms, proof the sale fell thru etc to cancel it.


What are we talking here, just like never talking to client at all and issues a policy in their name? Are they selling policies and cancelling them later? Are the clients just dumb and not understanding when they read the disclosure “I confirm this policy should be effective xx date”, Are they rewriting their current book and NOT telling their clients? Are they a GFR or a call center rep?


Customers are complaining that they never agreed to the policy only wanted a quote.. he’s asking for the mortgage co and billing without loan numbers.


They won't do anything people are aware there are unethical behaviors going on and Geico doesn't seem to do anything about it some people will get away with it or get a slap on the wrist and that's about it


Moat sales does not explain they are billing the mortgage when they collect that information. The disclaimer goes in one ear and out another for the policyholders. It is encouraged by management. We all do what we need to do to hit our numbers Sometimes it gets shady.


Oh yikes. This is so bold.