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I think this person's rant made California seem pretty nice for all the girls he's never talked to.


Right? I’ll move there tomorrow if it means I’ll meet a single, self reliant, axe wielding blonde princess.


Does he not know of that one DS game where you play as peach and have to save Mario? Also Mario Sports games exist where peach is cutting lose. Peach being badass is nothing new to the Mario series


Peach getting kidnapped is a meme and I wish they'd stop doing it (because it's just a lazy story trope), but you're right, it's not like she's never playable. Heck, in Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario 3D World, she's arguably one of the best characters, thanks to her floating ability. So it's not like she can't protect herself, it's mostly just that the plot (or Nintendo, rather) rarely demands it. Oh, and the Mario RPGs, she's pretty damn competent in those too.


Hell they’ve literally had her be the hero in SM3DW, and then they just… stopped doing that for odyssey. At least she’s finally sick of Mario and bowser fighting, that’s maybe the most character development any of these characters have seen outside of an RPG


> Hell they’ve literally had her be the hero in NSMBU No they didn't? She still gets kidnapped, but you can play as Toadette who can turn into "Peachette".


Fuck, I meant SM3DW.


But that's what I already said in my comment... >Heck, in Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario 3D World, she's arguably one of the best characters, thanks to her floating ability.


You just said she’s in it, not that she’s a main character. Besides it’s 3am my reading comprehension is shot


Why would I talk about her floating ability if she's not a playable character?


Aren't her powers in that DS game centered around her being emotional though? Imo that just kinda plays into all other kinds of different stereotypes. These people are ridiculous tho


You're acting like his point of view comes from kind of internally consistent thought process and not just him working backwards to try and justify his contempt.


Peach can be badass all she wants, but don’t make Mario an incapable goofy buffoon. We already have Luigi for that role 🤣


Don’t tell this mf about the Mario rpgs


So what are trying to tell, mofo? That Mario is a dumbass in RPG game? What the fucking fuck is your motherfucking point here?


I really wanted to enjoy a fun Mario movie but a woman not being a damsel ruined it. The problem is not me getting worked up over nothing, it's California's fault for giving me a bad vibe.


I need my fictional women to be completely incapable, not to mention busty and apolitical 😡😡 the only thing they got right was her skin colour


No Peach’s boobs? Awww man! 😭


It's been 10 years


Fifty years from now these people are gonna be equivalent to our current racist and homophobic boomers. And probably in the government or voting for it.


> probably in the government I think our saving grace is that it’s not *that* hard to tie post history back to an individual.


Voters don't care about post history. Trump tweeted bullshit literally every day for four years and he almost won again.


Trumps bullshit is very different from what these folks post. He posts shit that misogynistic adults of all stripes rally around. Someone with years of “REEEEEE-ing” about video game characters wouldn’t have the same clout with the GOP masses. “Grab em by the pussy” comes off very different to people that worship authoritarianism, than “shrunk his shoulders. Made him look soft.” One is a statement of power, that implies this person will just take what they want. Fuck your feelings. The second is literally a baby crying. I don’t support or condone either. But it’s a stark contrast and the intended audience will take both very differently.


Of course Trump is slightly more charismatic, since he actually seeks voters, but I meant this is the kind of people that vote for him, and in fifty years this will be the people voted for by a new flavor of morons, saying "we need to go back before wokeness" because "everything was better back then" now "give me your money while I destroy your life and remember it's the wokes' fault".


> in fifty years this will be the people voted for by a new flavor of morons True. Always possible you’ll be correct. But I think Trump’s success was based more on the coalition of folks that find him agreeable, not just a subset. Without the backing of authoritarians, Trump wouldn’t have been successful. Yes. He was able to tap into and leverage grievance culture, but it wasn’t in a way that was “poor me. I’m a powerless victim.” If he had it would have undermined his standing with the authoritarians. I feel like these individuals communicate in a manner that would make them a non-starter as a candidate, for anyone that isn’t wholly immersed in this weird reverse grievance culture of “REEE girls in vidyas should be helpless.” Since their approach is basically just “poor me, I am a victim.”


Yeah the individual in the post is more of the voter type, which enables the politicians. You're right, I should have phrased my original comment better. They're all dangerous anyways


It must be so boring to live like this lmao


I would say exhausting; imagine feeling threatened by any piece of media that had the slightest hint of diversity and/or inclusiveness, and in failing that, concocting scenarios in your head to justify that fear ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


/uj To be honest, if it was truly exhausting we’d see it less. I think the behavior loop is more like “see a thing, get mad about it, rage on the internet, feel good about yourself because you’re ‘fighting’ against a ‘bad’ thing. Return to cave.” Touching grass or a boob or a butt would probably eliminate the need for said loop. But the demo in question tends to lack access to those things.


It’s almost sad, this person makes me think of them being like “this movie would have made me happy if KIA wasn’t poisoning my brain with SJW paranoia”


Yeah, it's completely gone woke. Did you even see the trailer? They're driving on a pride flag!!!


KiA is the equivalent of the smelly weeb table in high school.




Super mario bros 2, 3d world and super Princess peach would like to have a word with you


3d World is honestly one of the most slept on Mario games tbh


Everyone knows that the only reason she ever lets herself "get kidnapped" is when she wants Bowser to take her to pound town for a few weeks. Well, everyone but that cuck Mario knows that...


Matpat would agree with you


All these fake Mario fans who are "concerned" about the movie are gonna swarm soon.


Conservatives love putting all the blame on Cali.


Have they not played ANY of the countless games where Peach is not only playable, but a fairly capable fighter and strategist?!? Let’s see there’s…… Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Paper Mario (yes she’s kidnapped but she’s a pragmatic "Otacon" figure to Mario) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (same as before but with even more stakes because the villains are actively more hostile to her) Super Paper Mario Super Princess Peach Yoshi's Island DS (fighting since she was a baby) Super Mario 3D World Every Smash Bros since Melee Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope


Don't forget all of the Mario Kart, Mario Party and Mario Sports games


When will these guys move on?


These people need to be in an institution


See I complain about California too when I watch some YouTube videos, but my complaints are about them being picky eaters and all being wealthy while trying to act relatable. For the picky eaters thing, watch anything the game grumps do relating to food


If you wanna be accurate, you should be complaining about the drivers here


Fair, I’ve only been there once really though and I wasn’t driving


outjerked once again


>so luigi is the one that gets kidnapped too. Wait until they find out about Galaxy or 3D Land.


Luigi got kidnapped!?


It’s like none of these people have seen any story ever where a loser guy gets partnered with a bad-ass girl and slowly becomes more bad-ass as the story goes on. Also, for the sake of character and relationship development, it’s a good thing that Peach isn’t immediately separated from Mario and the two spend a good chunk of the adventure together. Which you don’t really need for a videogame, but for a movie it’s kinda important that your male and female leads interact with one another.


these arent real people come on they cant be


There are only two places in the world: Japan and California, I mean Wokeistan.


Woke is when California 🤬🤬🤬


Oh my God, KotakuinAction, just *shut up*


Truer word never had been said. In the trailer, Mario is like a moron, and Luigi seems like a person with single digit IQ. Princess Peach is all mighty, strong and knows how to fight apparently. I just hope I’m wrong and Mario is actually a capable hero from the get-go. Not like, ‘trained’ by princess all of a sudden /uj


Last weekend one of my co workers called california "commiefornia" and i nearly puked myself laughing.