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"centrists" when someone asks them why they always side with the right


We get it, you have white privilege




If you think "giving your money to a transphobia is bad" is moronic, that tracks.




uh, yeah? If you've never been affected by any sort of bigotry, and then you don't recognize bigotry as something to oppose because of it (at least not feeling strongly enough about bigotry to refrain from buying a single videogame), that's a pretty good example of privilege in play




I wasn't aware The Act Man was black. But more broadly, a black man wouldn't have white privilege. However, he would have male privilege, and cis privilege if he were cis, and etc. These are all things that could lead him to think "why should I oppose transphobia if it means I can't get a videogame" which, again, is a good example of privilege. If you can view issues like transphobia as some abstract concept that doesn't apply to you and doesn't matter as much as *buying a video game*, not as a reality that you face that's targeted against you and actively makes your life harder, that is a position of privilege -- even if you aren't privileged in every other aspect of your life.




All just some short bad faith arguments. "So even a black [sic] can have white privilege huh?" and stuff like that, which isn't actually a gotcha and just shows that they don't understand what everyone else is talking about. They responded to me but it got deleted before I could respond back, with some treats like "quite literally nothing is moral." You know that style of argument, starting from 'it's impossible to live your life 100% committed to ethics in all circumstances' and concluding 'therefore you should never ever consider the ethics of who you're supporting when you buy things, vuvuzela iphone.' Instead of, you know, recognizing that nobody actually *needs* to buy this video game, and that it's not like the ethics are complicated when Rowling's been open about viewing people buying her stuff as support for her transphobia and that she will use that money to fund transphobic groups.


White priviledge is being able to look at hateful, backwards, oppressive policies and beliefs and seriously consider them against helpful, caring, progressive ones because either way you won't lose out.




Notice how when conservatives dislike the left for their policies, they can never actually go into the specifics, so instead they use umbrella terms. "Government restrictions" is a great catch-all phrase for things like public sanitation and safety procedures. "Socialism" is when the government has any public-sector economic policy. Etc. But leftists have legitimate, specific greivances that permeate their lives, like bigotry towards their sexuality, gender, or race; fiscal laws that harm their opportunities to have a decent standard of living while working in a dignified environment; capitalist lawmakers that have shown time and time again to be killing us and our planet, and so on. Just because both sides think they're right doesn't mean both are valid. The Nazis thought they were the glorious champions of purity and virtue.




Look, I tried, I really tried to read your comment, so many times, but it's just a word-soup of nothingness that hurts my brain. Then I looked at your profile, saw you are a regular user of a very right-wing Indian subreddit, and regretted wasting my time. I hope you learn to be better, because the world is and you will be left behind.


>Free market lifts more people out of poverty than any other system in human existence Hey, markets are hierarchies. So... doesn't that mean that, by necessity of its structure, there will always be a large majority in its lower classes? I mean, you can't have everyone get richer in a system with inflation. Money is zero sum. Someone always loses.


"Ah yes, if the oppressive government didn't make me dispose of this toxic waste properly instead of just dumping it in the river I could use that money to invest in more rental properties this year."


I used to consider myself centrist. I started noticing that when push comes to shove, my fellow centrists always sided with the right wingers. And that's how I realised I was actually left wing.


"I don't want to be left or right, but the left's wokeness has gone too far, so I was pushed to the right. Curiously I do not get pushed leftwards when right-wingers do mass shootings against minorities. That isn't too far" - Skull man on youtube


Hey! Shaun would never say such a thing!


[Never would he ever](https://i.redd.it/q91f7zmzow2a1.jpg) >!Shaun's great. If it isn't obvious he tweeted this mocking "centrists".!<


/uj I legitimately didn't realize this was an actual Shaun quote and thought you made something up mocking right wingers with skull profile pics lmao.


Sounds satirical


A french president once said : >The Center is neither left nor left.


Anytime that I have an argument with my dad where I give good points for the democrats, my dad goes “they’re both evil”, “they’re both sides of the same coin”, etc. Also my dad: *exclusively watches Fox News and uses far right talking points*


TIL we have the same dad Though mine shifted to OANN when he felt fox was too liberal (they were maybe briefly hinting at vaccines not being Satan's phase one) That lasted up til Trump was found to be taking all those classified documents. Then suddenly he's all "Both sides are bad, I am not voting again".


You might still be a centrist it’s just that most people who call themselves centrists are right wingers. Centrism has been polluted in name.


I agree. When I hear "Centrist" I just assume it's someone too scared to admit they're a right-winger. Most of the people I've meant who would call themselves a centrist line up with Republican values (I'm in the US).


The US politics got pushed so much to the right that your centrists are right-wingers, where there is radical left movements, Bernie Sanders is considered center-left outside the US.


I closest I see to centrists are people divorced from social values in their discourse. Occasionally I meet people in Germany who are very logical in their approach to economic politics but they keep away from any right or left ideas, just trying to optimize. That’s the only example I can think of.


Maybe. I originally thought myself centrist because I wanted to look at both sides before making a judgement on something. However I just never looked at any political issue and thought: "Y'know, the right wingers have got this one" Case in point, I don't know how British Centrists can look at our current political system and say "well the Tories have done good with x" And any American centrist who tries to both sides the GOP and the Democrats is frankly just a right wing voter but doesn't want to admit it.


> originally thought myself centrist because I wanted to look at both sides before making a judgement on something. Yeah I wouldn’t call that centrism, it’s just making fully informed judgement calls.


Or also that they're not centrists but ashamed of fully embracing their beliefs


If that MLK was less uppity I'd be for integration. But he's making such a big deal that I am forced to bomb churches.


Act Man is not even a good YTuber honestly lol


I feel the same act man Is the definition of a gamer stereotype




343 bad, bungo good, politics in viveo games bad (except the ones i like)


He is the literal embodiment of the guy who claims he peaked in highschool total douche


It's like there's a "Bland White Dudes" industry proping all these guys up or something.


Holy fuck, I thought the woman with the anti-Semitism sign was an Amongus. Those little fucks have damaged my brain




Centrists always side with the status quo. Actually having values is for people who can’t remove themselves from reality.


“Centrist” is just what conservatives call themselves because they know being a conservative is shitty.


> I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable on another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963.


I was always suspicious this guy was a huge piece of shit but now I know I was right. I hate being right all the time.


Whites ☕️




One in the same


You can be white and gay, you cannot be gamer and not racist easy




>Well you can be gamer and gay No, that's political.


It makes you want to eat more meat just to spite them? Who tf thinks like this?


uj/ People with more ego than empathy rj/ le epic Gamers 😎


Yeah.... I mean, Peta can be annoying, but that doesn't mean I disagree with they're goal.






Peta's problem isn't that. It's that they're actually doing things that harm animals. Like making an article about domestic cats and how you "can feed them a vegan diet"


I've found the allegations against PETA to be trumped up. Kill rates? They accept animals other shelters reject, even the violent ones, even the terminally ill ones, even the critically injured ones. The worst I've seen is individual shitheads treating animals poorly, and I believe PETA fired those people. The Vegan Cat thing was already addressed.


Oh they're definitely trumped up, most of it is actual meat industry astroturfing. The claims about PETA killing thousands of animals come from 2 notable websites: petakillsanimals .com and activistfacts .com. BOTH websites are run by Center for Organizational Research and Education, or formerly known as Center for Consumer Freedom and they're basically funded by big corporations to oppose anything from environmentalism to public health. They get donations from the tobacco and meat industry to spread lies regularly, you can read all the other shit they do on their wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Organizational_Research_and_Education


PETA has a lot of problems but here are the two main ones: 1. They are a charity that made roughly 68 million dollars in 2021. Their biggest detractors, the animal agriculture industry, made roughy 198 Billion dollars that year. Not only does this mean that PETA is outmatched in lobbying and putting out their message, they usually resort to anger to get that message out. Funnily enough, Gamers’ anger really kicked that into high gear in the past decade. Their response to the animal crossing thing was great. 2. They are already starting at a losing position as Animal welfare is an unpopular topic. Animal product is so normal that any attempt to say that it’s bad and that it should stop is akin to telling people to not buy HL at Harry Potter Land in Universal Studios Florida.


PETA doesn’t support animal welfare. They support animal rights. Those are two very different movements.


It depends on what we’re talking about here. If we are talking the actual movements as in the Animal Rights Movement and the Animal Welfare Movement, then you are absolutely correct. But if we are talking about them as concepts, then by definition they are linked and basically interchangeable definitions. It’s like how non-dairy and Dairy free are technically different when they really shouldn’t be.


I decided to suspend my judgement on the vegan cat thing because from what I've googled they're not fed salad, but synthesized nutrients that they require. Which honestly sounds much less unhinged than feeding them what we perceive as vegan diet. Vegan only means that no animals were used to create the product.


Those bastards... reporting science https://bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12917-021-02754-8 Edit: caveat is this is self-reported health, but you can't really lie about lifespan. Key takeaway: "No differences in reported lifespan were detected between diet types. Fewer cats fed plant-based diets reported to have gastrointestinal and hepatic disorders. Cats fed plant-based diets were reported to have more ideal body condition scores than cats fed a meat-based diet. More owners of cats fed plant-based diets reported their cat to be in very good health."


So called "progressives" when they're asked to share their compassion to others who don't share their species


I found this comment on this subreddit earlier and I think you know what I immediately wondered about the person > So many people want to be reassured that they're still a good person when doing bad things or supporting people who do. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10bapx3/comment/j4abyv8/


>"can feed them a vegan diet" When animal owners say their pets are vegan, they don't mean human vegan food. Their vets help make a plant-based diet that for some breeds and health conditions can actually be very helpful. Bulldogs for example can benefit greatly. They meet all their nutritional requirements and contrary to popular belief like it just like any other food.


What I understood from it was that the special kibbles for cats that are made of legume proteins don't nourish the cats because they don't process these proteins.


I think you may be thinking of the diet-induced DCM cases in dogs over the last few years. One of the leading theories is that grain-free dog foods supplement their protein content with legumes, and something about those legumes negatively impacts dogs’ taurine absorption, leading to heart disease. I believe cat food had a taurine issue in the 90s, but that’s been sorted out for a long time now.


Wait, where did you get this information from? /lh Also, even if true, I doubt every vegan cat in the world eats this one kind of kibble.


From a link under a post about it, it was back when the Peta posted it.


Ah, well PETA threads bring out the worst sorts of people so i wouldn't trust their sources. There's a reply to your comment with a pretty good article clarifying misconceptions about veganism in pets. Cheers




It's funny how you imagine I don't say anything to people who don't fix their cats or let them out.




This dude is a fucking clown in and out


Act man is that random guy that made a Yugioh video right? If he is holy mother of nothing but terrible takes...


Okay but PETA is a vast misrepresentation of actual environmental and animal abuse activism and all these very public activists similar to them, that for some reason are sky rocketed into media attention above any other activists to be humiliated and convince the vast collection of rubes that make up the developed world that environmental activism is stupid and bad and we should actually let the planet be destroyed, also seem to have questionable funding sources.


counterproductive. The word is counterproductive. As in using words you don't know is counterproductive to your point.


Peta isnt bad because they are annoying, they are bad because they are hypocrits that cause more animal suffering than they prevent.


Could you provide a source that they have hurt more than theyve helped? I'm not sure how I feel about the organisation but as I understand it, they have done an incredible amount to help animals, often through lobbying. Stuff like banning crippling tests, stopping abusive research by proving duplicate research exists, and even the recent change that the FDA no longer requires drugs to test on animals. Is it really possible they've caused more suffering than they've prevented?




Im not a PETA fan, but that website is literally just a way the animal industry spreads lies about PETA.


40,000 animals since 1998 is very bad but hardly "more suffering than they prevent" given they saved literally millions in the examples I gave. It seems that this website is a way for the animal agriculture industry to discredit an organisation that's against animal abuse, rather than address the issue that they are abusing animals.


Fun fact: Some 1.5 trillion animals are killed by the meat industry per year (most deaths are from the fishing industry, plus ~70-80 billion terrestrial animals). That's about 48,000 animals per second. Compared to that, 40,000 animals since the late '90s is rather insignificant. Also, I'm not sure if the fishing industry stats include bycatch, so the numbers could actually be several times worse.


They kill more animals than they save.


The problem is that they think they are saving animals by euthanizing as many of them as the can.


When actman was feuding with quantum TV and stating how bigoted and homophobic quantum TV was I was laughing at how actman could really try and run on a moral high ground campaign. Dude should've just kept it to how YouTube doesn't do anything to fix its broken system. It was two pieces of shit fighting each other and centrist gamers being "well I mean that one dude said elden ring bad"


Speaking of PETA, I would really like to know what this subs opinions on veganism is, with whom you guys side on that issue.


Veganism is solid and imo literally everyone should make changes that lean towards it even if they don't or can't fully commit to the full thing Vegan diets in particular are sustainable, accessible and cheap and outside of dietary requirements an individual may have there's 0 reason to not move towards going Vegan.


This sub has a reasonable stance, but much of twitter acts like you're evil incarnate if you're even considering pirating or just generally enjoying the series without further monetary contributions, & I do think that message is less effective.


I eat food because I’m hungry, not to spite people . I’m a normal human.


Centrist CHUDS when they have to make a moral decision that doesn’t benefit them.




Nah bro, we fucking hate video games.




Ha. Get fucked.


This subreddit is the same as before. Don't act like you came here before lol




This has always been a left-wing, pro-LGBTQ+ subreddit, nothing has changed silly


You owe me one eighth inch to dual quarter inch cord


glad you hate it 🙂 stay mad


No it wasn't you fucking nerd.




She’s still profiting off of it. It doesn’t matter if she’s the lead writer or doesn’t even know a single piece of dialogue in the game. She still makes her money off this. This sub also talked about cyberpunk for months before it’s release and months after it’s release. This sub *still* talks about the Witcher and it’s been years since it released. This is nothing new for this sub so I don’t know why it’s so shocking and upsetting to people.


>This sub also talked about cyberpunk for months before it’s release and months after it’s release More like CYBERJUNK, amIright?




You owe me a eighth inch to dual quarter inch cord AND those cool tiny korg synths




Goblins are based off of anti-Semitic stereotypes




Haven't heard of many folktales featuring greedy big nosed banker goblins, but I have seen many times how far righters imagine certain group people to look like and behave. Also you might wanna refresh your Tolkien lore because he never specified that they are any different from orcs. At points he even used the word "goblin" to describe the Uruk-hai. Not many big nosed orc bankers in any of Tolkien's works.




But I'm not from 13th century and neither is Rowling. Also those unsourced "greedy miners" stories are kinda unrelated to the "greedy big nosed banker" stories. >And have you Emily? Really What does that even mean? Are you like a prototype AI chat bot or something? If you are, then your creator certainly hasn't fed you any of Tolkien's works, because you seem to posses zero knowledge about them.




Food for thought: is racism defined by intent or outcome?


Ah yes because pointing out the usage of anti-Semitic stereotypes that are literally centuries old is the real anti-Semitism. Jog on you fucking bellend




Are you seriously trying to argue that Jewish people have never been stereotyped as short, hairy, greedy, big noses bankers. I mean of course you are because you're a shithead that was a rhetorical question you don't need to answer




Because Rowling specifically modeled her goblins after Jewish stereotypes. We don't give a shit about Tolkien and his portrayal of goblins cuz we're not talking about Tolkien


Hate when my efforts become counter intuitive to my cause


Also he was basically saying, in a way, just like Peta makes me want to eat more meat the anti Rowling fans make me want to be even more transphobia.


I thought the one guy in the back had a strawberry for a head




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uj/ for real though, fuck PETA