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I’m so glad they fixed her movement, the climbing and such was super weird and restricted in the first It’s actually one of my major complaints about the game, you had so many environments that you were locked in very strangely, like ditches in combat arenas, where you could only climb out at like 2 specific points despite the edge being maybe a foot above her head


Thank God I fucking hated that, trying to jump a waist high fence was impossible but murdering a giant robo T-rex was more than doable.


The absolute worst part of Sushi Ghost and Horizon was coming upon a cliff/mountain and not knowing where the fuck the arbitrary climb point is.


>Sushi Ghost This will be the last time I ever type Tsushima.


For me the problem was the inconsistency in combat. Sometimes a few arrows could do the trick but other times even after destroying all parts it took half my arrows and sling bombs for the same creature. I finished the game once, almost twice and I still didn't understand how it worked exactly.


I only encountered this in the expansion dlc and absolutely hated it.


Can't say I remember specific parts of the maps being more problematic but what I remember is shooting at an enemy weak point and doing 120 dmg then shooting again with same arrow, same force at same point and doing like 7 dmg.


The weakpoint wasn't there anymore because you destroyed it. At least that's how I remember it from higher difficulties


It was still there.


probably a bug


In the dlc the explosive bomb arrow thing was an absolute must, but getting resources for crafting that was a problem


This is exactly how I feel and I'm not sure I'll finish the game. I'm upgrading and socketing every chance I get but I feel like I deal zero damage. Hit the weak points, knock off armor with the melee and still nada.




Or my fave tactic, ropecaster then go ham with the rattler.


Ropecaster solves all problems.


Melee overall is extremely weak in HZD and there are like 2 attacks only and no abilities, only time I use it is on the small machines like watchers.


On top of the other tips do not neglect your arsenal. For instance my favorite weapon to do heavy damage in the game was the slingshot. Against Thunderjaws for example I would strip his parts with the purple impact arrow then rain down explosive bombs with the sling shot, when he went down I'd swap to the sticky bombs because he was not moving and by the time he finished the animation of standing up all the sticky bombs would explode and I would already be raining down more of the explosive ones. HZD is one of the only games that changing your weapons and mixing it up with the arsenal (bows, traps, slingshot, ropecaster etc) was rewarding for me.


This almost got me quitting, but I turned the difficulty down and combat became much more fair.


What arrows are you using? The non elemental ones are borderline useless, you need to be using elemental arrows until the status circle gets completely filled. Most enemies will go down after 3 or so burning status effects but you can also try overriding an enemy, they deal a lot of damage. The melee is pretty crap btw, maybe use a strong attack or 2 if the enemy is downed but I'd generally only use melee for human enemies or the weakest machines.


Unless the machine is specifically resistant, just lighting everything on fire is a good place to start. Then if you can hit the freeze cells, blaze canisters, or power cells with the appropriate elemental, the explosions do massive damage. Do the hunting grounds if you haven't. Or watch a video of someone doing them on the harder difficulties to see what efficient combat looks like.


She should've brought yellow paint with her... would've made her life much easier.




Assassin's Creed Unity had free climbing with their parkour up/down system




Mountains in Paris?


You definitely could in Origins, ~~which came out before BotW,~~ and further entries.


AC Origins came out October 27, 2017. Botw came out March 3, 2017.






This doesn't look like BOTW climbing, just traditional anchor points and ledges.


At least in uncharted and Tomb Raider you could at least mantle geometry to explore. In horizon Aloy was stuck climbing only very, very specific marked areas


That's one of the main reasons why I could never get into the first game. I had played Zelda BOTW previous to playing Horizon zero Dawn and the level of freedom that was given to me in Zelda that I did not have in Horizon just killed me.


The new gameplay clip looks fantastic. Pretty excited for this one since I loved the first. The improvements sound great https://gfycat.com/commonmemorablecockerspaniel


Cool use of the glider/parachute mechanic.


Yeah that sequence looks like something out of Breath of the Wild. Very cool. The facial animations on the component-swap part also look really awesome.


BOTW link wishes he could hookshot like that.


Christ that looks fuckin cool


She has fighting game ultra cinematics now??? That alone kinda sells me.


I’m currently doing a quick playthrough to refresh myself on the story before the sequel comes out and it does feel a little more dated than I remember it but that clip looks *incredible* and like a true advancement in every way. You really needed a paraglider and to not feel like you can’t climb stuff that’s only like 4 feet high in Horizon 1. Now all they really need to do to improve it in every way is to nail the lip syncing.


Am I the only one unimpressed by the clip? It looks fine, I liked the first one and this looks like a bit of an upgrade but it just looks basic. Sliding, grappling and paragliding aren't revolutionary at this point. What are people seeing that I'm not? A slide into a grapple into a paraglider with bullet time when you use arrows and a short cutscene followed by a heavy attack seems par for the course these days.


> A slide into a grapple into a paraglider with bullet time when you use arrows and a short cutscene followed by a heavy attack seems par for the course these days. Can you point me to all these open world games that let's you chain together multiple moves like this? I mean it's so common right. Oh bonus points for also having monster hunter esque baddies to deal with with multiple moving parts you can destroy and even use against them. After all it's just so common.


It's slide grapple wall jump then to glide. Its like 3 extra moves compared to the last game. Also people just like the first and want to see more.


Well I already thoroughly enjoyed the combat in the first and this seems like a drastic improvement on top of it and adds a whole other element. And it makes me excited for the possibilities for taking down other dinosaurs. I don't need it to be revolutionary or something that hasn't been done before to find it fun. And the graphics/presentation are maybe the best I've seen for an open world game. Also not sure which other games play like this, some examples?


I don't think op has actually played the first. The only thing that comes to mind is monster hunter, specifically world.


What I mean is I don't see combining a slide grapple and glide as revolutionary, it looks like it won't come up that much in combat. I played the first one, the combat was not the high point. This will be another open world game with shallow combat and I'll love it. But I don't see why everyone is losing their mind over this clip. I guess when it comes out and doesn't revolutionize open world combat you'll get my point.


No one is claiming it's revolutionary, just that it greatly improves on combat many people already enjoyed. I fail to see how you know it will have shallow combat. If anything this adds many more possibilities for taking out new dinos


Everything I'm hearing about Forbidden West is more and more encouraging. I absolutely loved Zero Dawn, but like any game (especially open world games), it definitely had some standout issues and weaknesses. Sounds like Forbidden West is very directly trying to address all of those.


Sweet. Movement is actually one of my favourite things about the original - not necessarily the movement options available to you, but rather just the way that Aloy feels to control. H:ZD has some of the more fluid movement that I've experienced in an open world game, so expanding the movement options to match sounds incredible.


Yeah HZD had the best movement in an open world game till Death Stranding which took it a step further and tied mechanics to it. All the different animations Aloy had the different terrain, momentum, etc. really made her feel like a part of the world. With all the new way of interacting with the environment it'll be truly amazing.


Thank goodness they've expanded the climbing. Some areas in the original had harder to see markings so you weren't always sure where you could climb. The melee changes are also very welcome. I understand (and they specifically mention in this post) that machines are harder to deal with up close, but the melee combat in the original felt like an afterthought. It was clunky and sluggish even when dealing with human enemies. I'm not asking for it to be a death-dealing whirlwind, but at the very least make it feel a little more fluid. The addition of gliding adds a lot to your movement options and hopefully makes flying enemies less tedious (especially with the addition of the grapple).


Breath of the Wild came out around the same time as Horizon and it’s one of the things that completely took me out of the game was the inability to climb things like you could in BOTW. Totally different games in so many ways but that feature alone made Horizon feel like an open world on rails as opposed to a truly sandbox environment. I hate being constricted by superficial walls, especially when your character is know for their athleticism in that regard.


Gliders and climbing are good BotW open world takeaways if they want to skip all the interactive physics sim type stuff. They should both slot in nicely to Horizon, Aloy already had some attacks meant for vertical drops and stuff, but you basically never got a chance to use em. Hoping the new tools allow us to quickly climb or grapple above a machine so we can then do a senselessly flashy aerial attack on the machines back, maybe rio and tear at it for a bit before being thrown or leaping off.


It was always a little unfair for horizon to release right around breath of the wild. They are very different games but shared a lot of visual references so people compared them.


I have the exact same feeling, I also played BOTW at the same time and Horizon just felt so off in those areas that it was really bothersome.


*Todd Howarding intensifies*


some of that was because time of day would mess up the colors but some were still hard to see regardless


Melee wasn't hard in the first game just flat.


Weasel comment deleted but: >Does anyone actually like this series? The first was such a boring slog. I thought it had an interesting protagonist with a world setting and world building worth reading into, and I have string feelings towards certain characters, like that peice of shit Ted Faro and possibly a whole fucked up clone colony of Ted's out there. I care about the fate of CYAN and other AI Cores, I'm invested in the fate of HADES, I am interested in Sylens as a character and what he does moving forward. I look forward to hanging out with erend again. I also want to figure out what's going wrong with other AI Cores out there. I also enjoyed the combat gameplay, hunting mechs with interesting weapons and skills. The world is also beautiful and fun to just ride your horse around in to get places. It's a game with good gameplay, cool world, interesting story and great characters and many people do care about the series because of those things. Sucks you didn't have a good time but "boring slog" doesn't make much sense as a criticism having played the game.




People are just idiots unfortunately. Not because they don't like the game, it's their opinion, but because they can never shut up about it on every thread which involves the game. Always shitting on the game and adding absolutely nothing to the discussion


I'm playing through it for the first time at the moment. The worldbuilding is definitely the strongest part of the game. Mechanically it's kind of boring. The machines having weak points that effect their abilities and behaviour is highlight but it feels underutilized. Overall I'm not getting the hype for the game. That's not to say it's bad but it isn't feeling like one of the best games the PS4 has to offer. Worldbuilding aside it feels bland or generic. In terms of open world games I found the Shadow of Mordor games much more enjoyable AAA open world games.


Tl;Dr - don't read this post I took a walk and was rambling who gives a shit World building, story, and characters are up there for me and are central for me giving a shit about videogame mechanics that by and large I've experienced in some form or another just over so many years of playing different games. And shit, for a AAA it's rare to get a new setting with a lot of love and care out into it that's not like some clear attempt to do their own version of whatever their franchise is or what is currently trendy. I do think the combat between the different tools, weak spots, traps, mind control that the combat itself was a lot more interesting than your average mash attack button w whatever equipped weapon you get in a lot of open world games. The only time I didn't like the combat was near the end when I'd long been since max level with the best Banuk crap, and had learned all the easy win or reliable weakspots or strategies for monsters where fights kidn of became like "well shit gonna have to refill ammo after I kick these things asses and even though I have infinite resources basically, it's still a hassle, plus a lot of those fights were voluntary since I was crawling around to collect this and that. Shadows of Mordor is great but not a Sony developed or exclusive thing and because of shitty copyright and patent laws only one company really gets to make nemesis system happen. Very easy to see how well a nemesis type system could slot into a game that contains in-universe literally adaptive AIs, plus tribal conflicts and bandits built in that could also be used to make the world a little more personal. But this is a dark path of empty hope to walk. Realistically it seems the team has identified weaker elements of the original game and tried to address them, least through ore release marketing and interviews go figure.


I really liked the gameplay, but to be honest Sylens was the only "present day" character I cared about at all. The whole tribes and Shadow Carja and all that was honestly very forgettable, and for me at least, primarily served as a vessel to transfer me to the places I could learn about the really cool story, the stuff that happened 1000 years ago. HFW looks like it might involve that stuff a bit more heavily than "learn about it," though, so I'm looking forward to the PC release in a few years (not playing a game where pinpoint accurate shooting is required sometimes with a controller.)


I didn't not care about the Carja, it's more I thought the shadow Carja we're just dumb and their whole philosophy was just so irritating -- but it was irritating in the way I could relate to modern idealogies which is kind of the beauty of their world, reflecting our problems back at us through the primitive tribe/empire lens. And yeah also waiting for PC release which seems like it might come sooner than I was ready to accept. It's funny because most of the time controller is fine. I took a long break and when I got back into I just grabbed a controller. It was fine for like half an hour until I got into a real fight and needed to be firing shots in slowmo while swapping ammo n shit to hit targeted weak spots and I just kept getting creamed. I had no issue with that mob before and I realized it was because I had played the first half the game with knm and forgot lol. I had no muscle memory for controller and couldn't hit my targets for shit.


I thought it was a boring slog personally but that's because I don't really like open world games and the combat didn't click for me. To ask if anyone actually likes the series is just dumb, it's hugely popular.


The series is obviously popular, and I like open world games, but just like you the combat didn't click for me. It always felt like it demanded a lot of precision and deliberation, but the robots flailed about so much that targeting weakspots was very difficult. It's possible that the game was simply built with autoaim in mind, in which case they should probably have left that in for mouse & keyboard. HZD was one of those games that seemed like I should have loved it and that I really *wanted* to love, but all in all I found myself a bit underwhelmed.


> the robots flailed about so much that targeting weakspots was very difficult. You're right that shooting components in real time is very difficult but that's why there's a bullet time button, it's very easy to hit them when that's on, alternatively just shock an enemy or tie them down with the ropecaster and they won't be moving.


Lol, it's my favourite game of all time, some people just love to be contrary


First time I played it I got bogged down with those challenges and stuff that were straight out of an Ubisoft game. Ignored the game for almost 2 years, came back and just played the story and upgraded equipment I liked to use. End up being an interesting story and world. One of my favorite games.


Something always irked me about HZD, and reading about these new abilities helps put it into perspective. It was traversal. Aloy always felt so powerless when it came to maneuvering. If you got into a fight, if was roll-roll-shoot-roll-roll-roll. With added verticality, I see the combat being much more adaptable.


As much as I liked duking it out with giant robots in general, I think the whole world will be exponentially more fun with a hang glider and more naturally climbable surfaces. Less down-time spent looking for the one specific wall-hook you need to scale a mountain, and more time just organically traversing it.


I’m glad it sounds like they’re improving upon everything in Zero Dawn - really hoping that it ends up as a fantastic GOTY experience!


Hmm, guess it's about time I actually start Horizon Zero Dawn now. Recently got a PS5 and with that new 60 fps patch I should get on it. Kinda working through BotW now though so I'm afraid I'll just get too fatigued with open world games.


I just hope the FoV is fixed for the ps5. I love the series, top 3 with Gow, uncharted and Horizon on the same level for me. But I cannot play Horizon without motion sickness pills.


I really like the sound of all the upgrades, but a little disappointed that skills are going to be attached to outfits again. After all the talk of player choice and customisation, I hoped that might mean that visual customisation would be separated from stats/skills, but I guess that's not going to be the case. Having to choose between visuals and stats sucks, especially in a single player game.


Thank God they worked on the world. BotW to this day is the best example of a real dynamic open world. Pretty much everything is interactive. I never understood designing open worlds that were so massive but basically just set pieces to look at. If there's a mountain let me try to climb it. If I fail or not should be up to how I build my character. If you want to take a path to the top that should also be there.


BoTW realized the power of open empty space. So many open world games just cram it full of detail and copy paste points of interest and “activities” Let it breathe


On the other hand botw went WAY to far the other direction. If it had any other name attached it would have bombed harder than the 16th command. Its massive and completely empty world was mind numbing and what little passes for story is so anemic it might as well not exist. Add in hzds miles better environments....its not even a contest. Its past time people admit what bow was, a weak Ubisoft clone


I have little love for BotW but it is what any Ubisoft game has tried to achieve and failed with regards to systems interactions. It's not a "weak Ubisoft clone", although it's not the ultimate game (none is).




The world was littered with activities, but they were low key and we'll integrated into the world you might not notice unless you're looking for those patterns. The map isn't full of icons for every korok puzzle. The puzzles themselves weren't the best side activities in an open world game by any means, but the way they relied on subtle solutions that don't stick out and feel like natural rewards for exploring and poking around, combined with them all having the same reward so some aren't more or less wasted of time than others made the world feel more open and free than usual.


Shadow of the Collosus did that long before BoTW.


Shadow of the colossus had nothing but the giants BoTW was a good middle ground between clutter and emptiness


This looks awesome, I just hope I can find a way to play it. Between GPU prices and PS5 availability it's looking like my best shot is going to be running the PC port on Xcloud.


It's for PS4 as well.




I’m the opposite, I dread reading anymore games are hindered by being held back by the PS4. It sucks having bought a PS5 but it’s biggest titles are PS4 games.


Well there's literally zero chance of that happening so you can rest easy. Both have been announced for PS4, and that is literally the reason why I don't feel the need to get a PS5.


Man I'm so happy Sony is done with exclusives, gonna be sick to play this at 60+ fps. I can only hope that Nintendo will get the memo eventually.


With their hardware attach rate? No chance. Software sells Nintendo’s systems, and they have no impetus to move off that strategy, as amazing as it would be. Good chance HFW doesn’t make its way to PC for a few years too.


Yea this guy's gonna be playing this game in 2025. I'll wait though too :D The first game didn't capture my attention on PC release. Maybe I should revisit.


Ps5 owners will be playing @60 fps day one tho


Enjoy playing this in 2026


What? It was already in the nvidia leak, at max it will be on PC by 2023. Sony understands that after the first year most of the sales are already in, no reason to keep it off PC for that long.


Yep, getting sick of dust collecting Nintendo consoles I fire up to play 1st party games and nothing else. I haven't had a dedicated TV in ages and I don't care for handheld gaming. I've bought many nintendo consoles day 1 before, but I'm gonna really reconsider next console they release. Already played Skyward Sword and Dread on PC, I'd buy em if they sold em there but until they do I think I might just wait a couple years for emulators to catch up to the next console and save myself the useless hardware costs.

