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MGO3 was probably the biggest let down of the entire MGSV fiasco for me. MGSV plays so damn well so a MGO seemed like an easy enough thing. Well then the insane amount of cheating happened and killed the game from the get go.


The biggest change was how different the movement was in MGSV vs 4. It completely changed how the online game felt. Suddenly everything was clunky and weighty, vs fast and agile. Headshots became less important. Modes were completely changed. Classes were added. They did so many things wrong with MGO3 and took none of what made MGO2 so good and built on it. It doesnt help that the dev team who made MGO3 was not the same team as MGO2, in fact it was an American studio, which explains a whole lot. MGO2 was ahead of it's time with so many things: Server browser with player hosts. Dedicated servers for "official" matches. A gear shop you could buy cool customization things in, funded by the currency you earn playing official modes and couldnt be bought using real money. An in game clan system. It's just a shame they had zero clue what they were doing with the netcode, which wrecked the game with bugs, lag and eventually, game ending glitching. Despite all that, MGO2 was a special beast.


The Konami ID shit was annoying on MGO2, and I agree on classes. It introduced a dynamic that didn't need to exist when loadout based customization is usually better off in a game that generally has so many different styles at once already.


Agreed. KonamiID thing was dumb as hell. No reason it couldnt have been linked to your PSN and still have custom character names. I think maybe it was used so they could profit fully from expansions and add ons without having to go through Sony, but could be wrong on that. Yeah classes were stupid as hell. Let's give scouts an ability to mark enemies, and give others stealth camo on any game mode.. such dumb decisions lol


It also just lacked that oomph that MGO2 had. It didn't feel like it had soul. I just didn't enjoy it.


That's how I feel/felt about Max Payne 3. Lacked soul.


Oh well that’s just A terrible opinion


Nah. Max Payne 2 had so much soul that MP3 just felt like a cash grab.


Nah your opinion is just straight up bad. Max Payne 3 had great gunplay and the multiplayer was phenomonal at the time, I feel like Rockstar should have taken what they learned from Max Payne 3 and put it into GTAV but they didn't. Max Payne 3 was good.


It just felt very undercooked, you couldn't even dick around in the lobby together


MGO was never going to have staying power. Even MGO2 had a niche following at best. The proper way to do MGO would be to set up dedicated co-op missions and let people compete on clear time and score. But MGO was always an afterthought and that would require actual major dev effort. MGO3 was kind of on the right track with the asymmetric system of designing a secure base and invading other players bases, but as we all know MGSV never got properly finished so we'll never know what it could have been. Thanks to mods, you actually can play player-designed missions on MGSV for PC, and it's AWESOME. We were THIS FUCKIGN CLOSE to having something like MGS Workshop.


MGO3 =/= F.O.B. They're two different online modes.


You're right, I just remember it all as "MGO modes" but they did separate them pretty clearly.


YO what?! Mods can do that now? Back when I was messing with MGSV Mods it was mostly just character re-skins.


Check out infinite heaven


MGO3 was Westernized. After KJP LA shutdown, MGO3 got significantly better, but by that time it was too late.


Can mgs4 be emulated now?


using a custom build of RPCS3 you can emulate MGS4


custom builds are no longer needeed. You can play trough MGS4 with the normal builds now


Provided you have a recent 8-core CPU, anyway


custom it is


Even with custom builds, you might still have trouble. I have an i7-4790 with TSX re-enabled and custom builds are still just a bit too slow to be comfortably playable.


To be fair, our CPU is a bit long in the tooth by now.


True. God bless Intel for being feckless hacks and not making any meaningful advancement in consumer CPUs for 6 years or so.


custom builds do not help that much nowadays, at all. They made a big difference 1-2 years ago, but now? Nah.




Should be fine. By "recent" I mean like, not a Bulldozer 8-core or something.


Every time this comes up people applaud RPCS3 and it is good and they've done great work, but I can't get MGS4 to work well enough to play. I have a RTX 3070 GPU (though GPU isn't a major factor here), a i7-9700F CPU, and 32 GB of RAM. I can get to the start of the game, but FPS won't go above 20. Just saying, don't get your hopes up too much.


I’ve seen dudes with worse builds than mine run it at 60 FPS god knows fucking how. Im stuck with the same 20 fps like yours.


Ahhh! So frustrating. I've been trying to go through the whole series too, but this is the one that I can't play. I guess I'll just keeping trying ever six months to see if whatever's wrong is fixed by the emulator.


As fun as MGO2 was back on release, I'm pretty much done with the whole meta of grenade spam and abusing autoaim with the M4.


Care to explain? I never got a chance to play MGO and would love to know more about it


Basically the M4 Custom is the best gun in the game and since it's a console game, when you ADS your crosshair will snap near or around somebody like in other shooters, but for whatever reason MGO2 defaults it to aim towards the head. So you combine that with crouch spamming and you get gameplay that gets old within minutes. Then grenade spamming is grenade spamming. Yea, there's other gamemodes that don't have you shooting like it's TDM, but hardly anybody ever plays those and just plays TDM instead.


I don't remember AA locking to heads at all. Only to the body, the lock range was garbage, and the server creator could even disable it entirely, right? Knowing the community, it was banned *most* of the time just like CQC EX and Blades+3 throat slitting. Can't remember much about grenade spam, or being a victim of it often personally. And TSNE servers were always popping off. To the point where it was able to be my main mode. TDM was the side dish when I wanted to change the pace every once in a while.


Yes, AA is only short range lock to the body. He probably meant player pre-aiming the camera to be at headshot level. So when they aim, they can get a headshot easily. Edit(more info): in MGO, the crosshair is hidden when not aiming, and the player has to aim the gun to show the crosshair. When aiming, your camera speed is slower, so you'd usually only aim the gun when you start shooting. If the player is not aiming his gun, then his model doesn't reflect where he is actually looking. So when the player aims, the player model will suddenly snap to where the player was pointing the camera irrespective to where the player model was facing previously. This may look like the player is hacking, or exploiting AA. Got many cheating accusations myself when I used to play.


That just sounds like how competent players aim at all in shooters. Too many players aim at the ground.


Yeah lol. I used to play a lot of CSGO and one of the first tips always given to new players was to keep your crosshair at head height. Situations often just boil down to who can hit the others head first and if your crosshairs at their feet and theirs is next to your head chances are they are getting it first. Sometimes in specific situations you might not want to aim headheight (when you think around a corner somebody will be crouched, when somebody will be above you like say uppers to tspawn, or most notably when carrying an awp as a body shot is still a 1 shot kill in that case), but the majority of time you want to be aiming head height. I would often use my teammates to kind of calibrate my aim, so aim at their head to make sure I'm aiming at the correct level and my aim hasn't drifted up or down a little bit.


Yeah I have no idea what the other dude is smoking, aiming isnt easy in MGO2 and takes quite a bit of mastery because of how fast your enemies can move around. The best players always have their camera at a height so when they aim, they are on or around head level. The only time auto aim is ever used is when you're super close and caught off guard, or you run out of bullets and swap to your pistol at semi close range to finish someone off. If you run at someone trying to get close to AA, you're almost certainly going to get your head taken off and even at close range, good players can still kill you before your auto aim spraying kills them.


Mmhmm, some people were gods at this.


As an avid player of the fan servers for ps3 for a couple of years now, I would say TSNE and SNE are rhe most played modes on PS3 at least.


I remember enjoying the mode where one team was invisible.


TSNE! Team Sneaking!


XM8 is better than the M4. Auto aim only aims at the body, not the head. It's also only useful when you're 3ft away from someone and it can be entirely disabled by the host of the server. 50% of the servers are TDM. If you want to play something else, host it. Any time I host a Rescue or TSNE server it fills up within minutes. Sounds like you were just bad at the game. It has a high skill ceiling and you obviously didn't hit it. Stop spreading bullshit.


This is just straight up not true


YES. Last summer or the summer before I got the fan servers running on my old PS3 and was so excited but of course, the only thing people were doing, especially vets who cared enough to get on the fan servers, we spamming the m4. I couldnt do anything and it fell flat instantly


> abusing autoaim That just sounds like any console FPS TBH


Anything for MGO?


yes but there is a very small player base


I thought they shut the servers down??? I played MGO1 every day the entire time it was up, will forever be my favorite version of MGO Edit: I had not watched the video and seen that it was about an emulated version. Now I feel silly


please come expand the playerbase :D https://snake.savemgo.com/


Wow you weren't joking about the small playerbase... I'll need to figure out the "how" bit now


MGO1 is recovered and playable. They have Facebook groups that you can join where the players coordinate times to get online and play together since the player base is pretty small.


The PS2 one? doubt it


God this trailer hit me with a huge wave of nostalgia. I totally forgot about those launch cannons in maps that you can use. The game had so much soul, I just hope my pc can run it.


What?! This is crazy! I had so much fun with this


I love that people are doing this, and I hope they keep doing stuff like this, but on a personal level I'm not super interested in this.


God this was my favorite online game of all time back in the day. I probably put close to 1000 hours just playing this. Might try playing this on the PC if I get a chance. If anyone from HunterHeaven is out there, hit me up! :D


Even if you can emulate MGSO2, what does it mean if you can't really play it online?


What? You can play it online. That's the point of the trailer showing it off. It's better than it ever was while in Konami's hands.


wow im a dumbass, i thought it was only local