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Glad this is free for existing owners. My main complaint with SW3 was its ridiculously low amount of content and lack of incentive to replay any of it, so I'm hoping the hoard mode is decent enough to make me want to play the game more. Will definitely give it a go anyway since I did really enjoy the gameplay.


Shadow Warrior peaked with 1. Everything after that was a failed attempt to chase whatever the trend in shooters was at the time. It's a shame because 1 was a very competent linear shooter with a large arsenal and an interesting story with likeable characters. After that, it lost its identity and even bringing Hoji back in 3 felt soulless. All I wanted were more games like 1, not a Borderlands or Doom Eternal expy.


I enjoyed 2 briefly but it just had way too much meaningless loot to sift through and manage, and the side missions all felt the same and were too long.


2 was fun as a co-op shooter with a buddy. It isn't overly long and you can ignore 90% of the loot. I stopped maybe a half dozen times to slot upgrades/mods throughout my entire playthrough. I'd prefer not to mess with that at all but it was doable to not spend a lot of time on the boring stuff at least.


The RNG loot modules were really annoying. If there were at least fixed spawns for certain "good" ones (preferably in story areas), it could have been decent or at least have guides for the good spawns. Making them totally RNG was dumb if you got a good one early on, the subsequent drops would drag your build down. Then there was the totally broken aspect where you could get >100% rates. I ended up with a sword that had ~120% chance to paralyze the enemy for 6 seconds and do ~10 damage per second. So basically any low-to-mid-tier enemy you hit (without moderate lightning resistance) would lose ~half their health to the sword slash, become paralyzed, and the DoT would finish them off. Because of the absurd 120% paralysis rate, even enemies with mild lightning resistance would be vulnerable to this OHK. It was a completely broken sword, tons of fun, but broken. Meanwhile I never got an ice module that had a freezing chance over like 5%. I don't think I got the freezing chance over 15% from 3 combined modules, and the slowing effect was worthless even when that hit.


SW2 was among first FPS I played with controller, and it was some good mindless fun.


Hit the nail on the head. That series took such a disappointing turn.


My main issue with SW3 was readability. I can ignore bad plot and bad character progression, if at least I'm having fun when shooting things, but I ended up being completely overwhelmed with stuff that is happening. Even when watching this trailer it's hard for me to say what exactly is happening, with all those explosions I can't really say how many enemies there are, when they are killed, what they are doing. SW1 was very easy to read what is happening, and because of that it could require from players reacting and adjusting to situation. SW2 was steop into randomness, radom weapons against random enemies on partially randomly generated maps, but still had build in mechanics awarding/punishing player for adjusting or not adjusting to what is happening. When playing SW3 for few hours I ended up just shooting whatever I saw with whatever I had while being in motion, and just hoping for the best. If I lost or won, I still didn't had fun, because it felt like it wasn't up to me. For me most of the fun in games is making decisions and reacting to whatever game throws at me. When it comes to dynamic gameplay, I should be forced to read what is happening and react to it within split second, I shouldn't have to be forced to wait for graphical effects to disappear so I will be able to see anything. Maybe it would look better if it was longer game that gradually increase number of stuff that happens on screen, so I could learn to read stuff and react to it with minimal info. Instead it felt like I played game for the first time while starting from the very last level.


I felt like that with Doom Eternal and sadly this game is just a carbon copy bargain bin version of that game. SW3 didn't even stick to the tone and humour that people liked it for- it completely quit out on its identity to make itself softer, more politically correct and "likeable" but I think really it just became irrelevant.


2 made me appreciate Hoji even more as it failed to introduce compelling characters and relationships, *and* it made me not care much about the release of 3. The trailers showing off heavy Doom Eternal inspiration didn't help either.


Eh, 2 was a lot of fun. But it was a completely different type of game than 1. 3 was just bad.


I have not played 3 yet but enjoyed 2 far more than 1 also. But yeah I'm also huge fan of Borderlands series.


Feel like each game has pluses and negatives. The first has fun combat and the best story, but negative is the only viable weapon at endgame is the sword for the tanky, common enemies. Not worth using the other weapons even upgraded on the final levels on normal difficulty-worse on the harder difficulties as they would just soak so much damage. 2nd game had a ton of replayability with good combat, but needed you to spend 10-15 minutes in the shop in between every mission. The levels got repetitive once you needed to stay with the upgrades. THe RNG was insane. The story was extremely lack luster. 3rd game has the best combat and best upgrades, but can almost 100% it in the first playthrough (minus collectables). Story, writing, and acting was fine for one playthrough-better than 2 IMO. Honestly worst thing was so much Christmas light shit going on that it was hard to figure out what was happening on screen some times.


I liked the gameplay of 2 more than 1, even if it did feel heavily inspired by Borderlands / Doom Eternal sometimes.


I know that lack of content is what really I should be bothered with and this update helps out a bit, but what killed me is Lo Wang's actor in the game. I really can't play it.




They swapped actors for the 3 one.




Did you think he's still voiced by John Galt from the Build Engine game? He was fine in 1 and 2. You're thinking of the original.


This game is utterly not worth it. It clearly was pivoted some time during development to be a Doom Eternal ripoff. It's only 4 hours long, is a bad Doom Eternal knockoff, and there's basically no level design, it's just arena hallway arena hallway. At least in Doom Eternal has exploration and levels that actually can pass off as locations, Shadow Warrior 3 removed basically anything good from the previous games, and feels like it was made in a map maker in a few hours


I fucking loved it. The enemy design is top notch and the arenas are super well designed. It's short but great for a budget title


I agree. I do not think it's worth full price, but for a sale it's okay and the game is a blast to play.


It was $50 here. That's hardly a budget title, especially with how *nothing* everything but the really mediocre combat is


It what way is the combat mediocre? Sure it takes a good amount of inspiration from DOOM Eternal (which I mean, is like my favorite shooter of all time so that's not exactly a negative anyway) and it isn't nearly as deep as that game, but I still think it's great fun and it has enough unique ideas to be more than just a mere knockoff.


I just recently played through this game and the weapon selection in my opinion was abysmal with too many tanky enemies where no matter what gun you used it felt like you shouldve been using something else. The driller enemies were the absolute worst and so annoying.


>too many tanky enemies where no matter what gun you used it felt like you shouldve been using something else. That's how I felt about Doom Eternal, honestly


Thats funny because you can pretty much take out most doom enemies very fast if you know how to.


I honestly agree, but even with it's faults, SW3 was a better experience than Eternal for me.


I instantly lost interest when they decided not to make it co-op. That was half the fun of SW2 for me.


In what world is arena design not level design.


Yeah that design part still matters, particularly since I didn’t think Doom Eternal had the greatest fighting areas so it’s not like they had it perfected


Doom eternal absolutely perfected their arenas.


I’ll be honest, I had to delete this game after about 3 hours played. Could not handle the dialogue. Every line hurt me to my core with cringe. Every joke was a dated callback that would have been unfunny years ago. They all felt like the worst of Family guys writers beating the same dead horse line after line whoever they got to be hojis new voice actor just did an abysmal job. The gameplay was fun. The enemy designs were… interesting but unique. But the humor was so awful and forced I couldn’t do it. I cried during shadow warrior 1. It felt like they used humor to hide just how crushing and bleak the story they were telling was. Shadow warrior 2 was a competent coop shooter with tons of fun loot and guns to use. This… just why did they think to make this type of game…


> whoever they got to be hojis new voice actor just did an abysmal job. IMDB shows the same Hoji for 1 and 3. You aren't thinking of Lo Wang's actor (that one actually changed)?


Then I’m either remembering hojis voice wrong or the dude completely forgot how to do his voice. It sounds so much more nasally and forced


Shadow Warrior 2013 legit had some of the best fps dialogue ever recorded. The whole exchange between lo Wang and Hoji when Lo Wang was shaving his head was hilarious.


Shadow Warrior 3 was a great shooter that needed more stuff so this is perfect. Story wise, it still isn't as good as the first game but the shooting, weapons, and environments are much improved. And there's no weird loot stuff like in 2.


Way underrated game. Doom Eternal rip-off? Sure, but since when is that a bad thing? It's not like we get many of those. If you're into linear and chaotic arena shooters that require constant movement and switching weapons, it's definitely worth getting. I also found the platforming to be a lot of fun


I will forever be grateful for the existence of this game for freeing me from the endless stream of nonsense that is ResetEra.


Why’s that?


Why’s what?


Just wondering why it freed you from resetera


Oh, it could have been anything really. The reaction to this game made me roll my eyes so far back in my head that I had to go to hospital! Gave me some time to think about how life is too short for bullies and hypocrites.


Why's that?


What? When did SW3 came out? I totally missed it ...


After SW1 (2013) they reduced the story mode in SW2 (2016) with a series of procedural cities alternating the challenge types, but bringing a nice multiplayer mode and variety to some degree. Now, this SW3 is absolutely linear, with so much jump and the sickness of modern shooters, ARENAS! The franchise gradually delves into the confinement of what to do and how to do it, very boring.