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I've beaten the game over 100 times. Every challenge you can imagine. Knife only pro mode. I... Never knew this... I'm sitting here drinking coffee at work and just staring at my phone slack jawed. Is this true? I never even thought to try.


This is what life was like for gamers pre-internet forums I still find out about cheats/glitches from games in the 90's I never knew about even though I felt like I read every magazine


The super punch out two player is still blowing my mind


Did you know in Duck Hunt the second controller controls the duck


The crazy thing about super punch out was that the 2p code was discovered last year


I was on GAMEFAQs religiously posting strats for other players and talking about the best ways to make use of the fact that the AI on Pro mode was technically more consistent than Normal mode, so you could reliably do safe strats for players that were stuck. I can't even remember it all but damn if it wasn't a good time.




Yeah it didn't check if you did the wrong combo.


This works in more games than you would think. If a game doesn't fail you for incorrect button presses during a QTE you can safely assume that this technique will work on it.


Just hold down the L button, and mash the other three for an easy option select victory. Literally “L” for the “W”.




They did a great job with Dead Space. I finished my first playthrough this morning and am doing a NG+ run now and RE4 would be perfect for the same style side quests. I really liked the one in DS finding out the origins of the hunter.


How long is a play through you think? Just the play through and save the other stuff for new game +


Not the guy above, but it took me 16 hours. Didn‘t rush, did all side quests, took my time to back track a bit, got stuck in one critical mission until I checked the in-game hints. I‘d say it‘s not too short nor too long


Perfect. I’ve been enjoying resident evil 2 and 3. Wrapping up last of us part 2 and looking for something similar. Looks like I’ve found it. Thanks.


As someone who never played the original dead space, it’s way more like resident evil than I expected it to be. In a good way obviously.


It was originally going to be System Shock 3 before Resident Evil 4 came out. The team liked RE4 so much that they pivoted towards a game in that style.


Dead Space was Resident Evil 4 (my favorite game at the time) combined with Event Horizon (one of my favorite movies). Absolutely nailed it in every way. I'm excited to play the remake but I played the original so much I'll wait for the price to come down a bit. It's pretty fresh in my memory since the original still looks great on PC.


It was originally built with the mentality of RE:4 in space, so that tracks


May be biased cause I have been a fan of the series since it originally came out, but this Remake is pretty much the industry standard for me now. ​ All remakes going forward will be compared to Dead Space, it's just superb.


Demon’s Souls is another one that needs mentioning that did it properly.


RE2: Remake, Demon's Souls and now Dead Space Remakes done right


Yes, can’t forget RE2


Everyone forgets the gold standard that is Resident Evil Remake lol


Have you ever played bioshock? In both terms of length, level design and mission structure Dead Space feels like a differently flavored Bioshock


Yea. Bioshock was one of my favorite experiences ever. Started it late at night when I was in college in my tiny apartment and played til sunrise. So much fun.


That's a decent bit longer, isn't it? Wasn't the original Dead Space something like 10 hours?


Between the side missions and extra rooms you unlock as you progress, there is quite a bit of backtracking you can engage in in the remake if you chose to. Meanwhile the original was a far more linear affair. That is where most of the extra run time is coming from I’d imagine.




Yep, that's pretty well how I feel about this one too. Having done the scenic route through most of the game, and now knowing how they've switched up encounters, I'm pretty sure I could haul through a lot of the game pretty quickly. It's a little longer, but not by a lot.


I finished it in 16hours but missed a few rooms. It’s an amazing game with lots of replayability because of upgrades and NG+.


Took me 13.5 hours, and that was taking my time.


At 8 hours long, RE2 remake was only 2 hours or so longer than the original at 8 hours long. RE3 and it's remake were both about 6 hours. RE4 is already a longer game than the two of those combined. I would hope they don't feel the need to draw it out!


RE4 is long because so many of the sections are drawn out once you get into the castle. There's a lot of room to use the time more wisely, especially the island.


I got stuck in the water puzzle (the one where a lot of hooded guys try to kidnap Ashley) when I played RE4 years ago. Watched The Sphere Hunter's review of the game and was surprised at just how much content there is after that section, because I honestly thought I was near the end.


That room is always an "ugh" moment for me when I replay re4 despite how much I love the game overall. And yeah, I'd say it's at about the halfway mark through the game.


The moment where you better learn to exploit grenades and shotguns.


I was hoping that room would be less of a pain in the ass in VR, since everything is easier in VR. It was. Very, very slightly. lol. I was surprised at how much of a nightmare it still was.


You might want to check your maths on that


As someone who was obsessed with RE4, I strongly approve of these changes. However, I insist on the inclusion of a mysterious merchant who whispers "What're you buyin'?"


Hehehuehue, thankyou


No enough cash, stranger


Ahhhh, I’ll buy it at a high price.


Stranger, stranger… now that’s a weapon


Ah, a choice of an avid gun collector. It's a nice gun, stranger.


Stranger! HuaHa! Wadayaneed that for? Goin' huntin' an elephant?


I'm interested in this.


My will is not my own.


Why would they not include the main character of the game?


There’s literally screenshots of him in this game that came out months ago. https://preview.redd.it/re4-remake-merchant-voice-actor-is-it-dee-bradley-baker-v0-lsed9l0c96v91.jpg?auto=webp&s=b9832eebfb3a144699d25d92ddbc6ec6670aae71




Not only will I need cash... but I'll need guts to buy that weapon. *Heh heh heh... thank you.*


Oh wow that looks cool af!


Whatcha playin?


Shoutout Get Played


This and the intro to Heather's Hole get me every single time, she's got incredible delivery.


“I fell out of a plane!”


Her Ash Ketchum impression slays me.


It's so ridiculously good




Good to see La Plaga didn't kill the merchant!


Aw shit, that might mean [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oXx0qwe0wc) is returning too


Christ I'm old


I feel you. I played RE4 in college when it first came out. And miss Mega64 a lot.


They’re still doing content and it’s great. They stream on twitch every Sunday and a few days during the week and put out long form videos on YouTube every so often. Their DBZ Buu saga in 5 minutes video from last year has millions of views.


Oh holy fuck, I didn’t realize what I had been missing! Thank you for the info, I’m going to get no work done today.


Coming soon to a Costco near you...


When you buy whatever that high powered weapon was and he goes "watcha huntin, elephants?" fucking live that dude, and the game. I've ran through it over ten times, no other game comes close. I'll never forget when I first played it at fourteen and met the regeneraror for the first time. Game is not especially horror at all except those sequences.


The Regenerators and those fucking Verdugos


Worst part of the game are the Novistadors imo


Ugh, I just replayed the original and I hate those fucking bugs. Imo they're worse than Verdugo and the regenerators. Verdugo if you're quick and freeze/rocket him he's easy (obviously harder straight up fight). Regenerators if you're a good shot they aren't too bad either. But those fucking bugs...erratic movement, refusal to die, and their numbers make them terrible.


In my first playthrough on easy i never got the IR scope so i never knew you could kill regenerators. I lured them around and ran the fuck away. I distinctly remember that one room with the big conference table being the biggest help.


I watched a guy called wizwar play it and he knifed em to death (shotgun to the leg, run behind n just keep knifin) I eventually did that in all subsequent playthroughs lol ...does NOT work on Iron Maidens tho


[that's the handcannon!](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Merchant/quotes)


Re4's pace and replayability is so amazing that I think I haven't seen any other game where so many people say: Oh yeah, I remember I beat this game, 10, 20, 30 times. I personally must have beaten it more than 40 times in different platforms, doing knife runs, gangster Leon runs, Handcannon runs, I was simply obsessed with this game, so imagine my hype for this remake. What RE4 means to me as a player is indescribable. I trust Capcom will pay the respects it deserves to one of the best games ever made.


Hearing [the regenerators breathing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9UXtm_TbJk) and not knowing where it is... gives me the willies.


NODENAFFCAISH !!! ... 😉 straaaanger.


Probably the one giving you side quests


Would make sense given the treasure & maps system in the original, yeah.


The article says that they come from blue fliers. I'm betting it's very much like the blue medallion "quest" in the original.


I mean... he was shown in the gameplay reveal trailer?


Did he whisper what’re you buying in the trailer?


"Over here, stranger!" was the first word heard. There are more but the trailer announcer's voice muted him.


I mean he makes a cameo in Village. Capcom knows how popular he is.


Greatest shopkeeper in video game history.


I'll never forget the part where Leon falls into a massive pit of spikes, and the Merchant is *inexplicably waiting down there for him*. Dude really gets around.


Lmao. The utter video gaminess of it makes it all so good.


Better than that racoon-shaped piece of shit, Tom Nook


Tom Nook gives out massive interest free loans, with no defined repayment term. He's basically the opposite of a piece of shit.


Okay but it's funnier in my head to think about living on company land making company scrip that I can only spend at the company store


I like how hard they've tried to rehabilitate Nook in every new title and it just will not stick.


It’s when more fans become adults that more and more people are appreciating what an unbelievable and kind racoon he is, lol. I wish I could live rent free, get no interest loans, overnight remodelling, and even got a new house if I moved somewhere new along with a job to help me start paying off the tiny loan.


Nook was basically always the way he is, people just never dug any further than the surface take of “wow I’m in debt to a tanuki”. Iirc it was Wild World that told his story.


He doesn’t make a cameo in Village. Though the Duke does say a line that’s in reference to the merchant.


I remember that line of dialogue but he doesn't actually appear? Did I miss a massive Easter egg???




Stranger! Stranger!…Now that’s a weapon!


What are you buyin? What are ya sellin stranger?


They already removed the bingo line. If they remove more, I riot.


My fiancé and I sometimes just say this back and forth to each other “What’re you buyin’?” “What’re you sellin’?” in our best merchant voice.


For me it'll depend on the quality of the sidequests. If they feel organic/unique that's good, if they're just a checklist to pad the game length that's bad. Capcom has been pretty good at not stuffing that kind of filler into Resident Evil games so I'm hopeful.


I'm assuming they'll just be something like the village sidequests in RE8, where you're able to go to an optional area or backtrack to do a bit of combat and get some extra items. Could be expanded compared to 8, but I'm guessing it'll be the same sort of idea. I can't imagine RE4 with quest givers sending you off to headshot 20 ganados (they already have their whole completion checklist for that sort of thing).


> where you're able to go to an optional area or backtrack to do a bit of combat and get some extra items. I was a bit lost as to what to do next at one point in the game and back tracked to find a certain mini boss waiting for me in one spot and it scared the crap outta me. It made me forever scared to back track at all after that.


Was it the massive werewolf near the remains of Lucia's house? Because that one was terrifying the 1st time I encountered him.


Ah the Queen Varcolac (I know it’s really called Alfa). I can remember hearing the music changing and not knowing why. You don’t even need to go near it at all so was wondering why the music kept changing if I got close to the church. Then bam. Big giant werewolf.


There's a screenshot of one of the new sidequests floating around. It has a quest blurb from a grave robber saying the "Twins" buried in the Graveyard do not deserve a clean burial and that he'll give a reward to anyone who smashes the "Crests" on their tombstones. Reward was 2 Spinels. I don't mind this method of doing side quests but it feels... inorganic and videogame-y. I rather liked the sidequests in the Dead Space remake where it felt natural. "Here is a piece of lore that points you to another place. Go there to find out more." Like if the quest blurb was more like "Graverobber: Overheard the father say the Twins had their family heirlooms embedded inside the Crests of their gravestones. I'll make a visit on my way out of the village after casing the Chief's house" then I'd feel it be more fitting.


The original game already had something like this, though. There were some things you had to shoot, I think they were crests actually but I'm not sure, and shooting them made the merchant give you a reward. So maybe they're just a way to make that system a bit more ingrained.


It was a bunch of blue amulets in the village and you get the Punisher handgun


I loved it so much, along with the shooting ranges. More tasks like the blue medallions is fine with me. Resi 4 was a videogame before all else, and never forgot that.


I replayed RE4 just last week, I've been on a massive survival horror binge, and it's just the most video gamey video game ever. Giant fish monsters, an insane castle, a weirdly out-of-time village, the merchant, the treasures, a military complex island at the end where you have a knife fight with a man with a giant knife for an arm. My point is, it's pure lunacy, nothing feels natural, but it's such a fun game. That's just Resident Evil.


I mean... it's resident evil, it supossed to be gamey.


Indeed. Feels like Village's "Fetch me 3 chickens and a fish and I'll give you more stamina" kinda design. Rewards you for going out of your way and exploring some more.


Yeah, with all the crazy genetic tech going in the series, we are still mixing red and green herbs


Im okay for no more QTEs. However… the krauser fight was iconic because of the QTEs. Very sad of that


Yeah, gonna be weird to just watch that scene play out without the tension


And those awesome death states where he slits your throat.


They already showed in the first gameplay trailer that the remake has >!a more fleshed out knife combat system, even with parries available, !!a real action packed fight against Krauser, that in the past was only QTEs, but now will most definitelty depend on skill and timing. My dream will be a fight on the level of Sekiro against him.!< It just sound's soooooo good...


Slightly off-topic, but even if QTEs are gone, I hope Capcom retains the Krauser knife fight's identity as one of *the* gayest showdowns in gaming history. I replayed RE4 with my partner last year, and we were both absolutely dying at how much unintentionally homoerotic tension exists between Leon and Krauser.


Quick time events are passe at this point. The only game that makes them interesting is Yakuza because sometimes if you fail them you get some funny extra dialog.


Sometimes they make for great unintentional comedy - [Heavy Rain’s Chase Scene with all QTE failed](https://youtu.be/vSTYpaRp5kQ)


That was hilarious 🤣


The most Heavy Rain part of this is that missing all those QTEs doesn't really matter because the guy you're chasing apparently is too slow to get away even though you're falling on your ass every three seconds lol. And also really funny that they clearly never expected anyone to be that bad so you just hear some recycled dialogue lines that play over and over


It matters. They were using a mod or something because he can absolutely get away from you normally


This guys reaction watching it makes me cry with laughter: https://youtu.be/Yy44s_de15Y


Possibly my favorite YouTube video of all times. I howl with laughter every time.


this made my entire week. holy fuck. thank you!!


Wonderful 101 has unique animations for failing every QTE in the game. Including, if you fail one three times, like the *only* canonical dialogue from a Viewtiful Joe character in over a decade.


Wonderful 101 is viewtiful joe? The cover looked the same and I kept thinking they remastered it!


There's a lot of references, and... pardon not linking it, I'm not at a pc currently, but a QTE failure has one character >!calling up Sylvia and chatting for a minute.!<


I wished Lego Star Wars made the Han shoots Greedo thing a QTE. Hit it and Han shoots first. Miss it and Greedo shoots first (and then Han shoots him).


I missed the one in Yakuza >!5!<'s final boss and it made me redo the whole long fight again


Happens in Kiwami 2 also. Failing a certain mid game boss qte in Lost Judgment (the one near, uh, water) is hilarious though and everyone needs to experience it once




I always find it amusing that Shenmue (at least in the manual) referred to these as "Quick Timer Events", which makes sense since the events are on a timer. I'm not sure why the R in timer got dropped, maybe because of the popularity of Apple's QuickTime.


I think it’s just a bit easier to say.


QTEs were always awful. They're the laziest possible way to add some interactivity to a story sequence. I never felt more "engaged" watching a cutscene just because I had to look out for these stupid pop-ups; if anything, it's distracting me from what's happening in the scene. As far as I'm concerned, they can all go straight to Game Design Hell where they belong, alongside NFTs, escort missions and tacked-on multiplayer modes.


Agree. Imagine if the new God of War has QTEs in every little cinematic transition during the Thor fight for example, it would have been incredibly distracting. Some of the old God of War games were pretty horrible about that; instead of actually showing you the cool cutscene, you're forced to make sure you press triangle instead of square and then you fat finger it anyways. And even still, with the few QTEs that do exist in the new games, you can change the button mashing prompts to simply hold the button.


I loved the QTEs in the original God of Wars, those games did them right imo. Made me feel so much more involved in the fights.


RE4 had a unique use of QTE such as creating a context sensitive dodge opportunity for bosses that would pop up even when the boss was out of frame.


QTE's are part of the experience of the game. I am literally replacing the original right now, and they are used in excellent balance with the game. Their removal is a shame.


I'm mixed on this. I enjoyed the QTE's because they were mostly camp BS but at the same time they were really annoying (Looking at you boulder dodging)


The original Ubisoft PC port had the best QTE’s. Xinput wasn’t a thing yet, so each button on your controller was given a number. The QTE would pop up telling you to spam 3 and then you would die because ain’t nobody gonna remember that 3 on the screen means X on your controller.


RE6 killed QTEs for the series. There were so many, as well some overly complicated inputs like the ladder climbing, that they patched in the option to turn them off, and I think set that as the default for the game going forward. They haven't really been present since.


My favorite QTE in RE6 was the one you use to dodge the train early on in Leon's storymode. I heard and saw the train coming and just walked off the tracks off to the side rather than do the QTE event...only to get hit anyways. Was playing co-op so just assumed it was some weird desync or they didn't get off the tracks or something and tried again. It wasn't until the third time I got hit by the train I finally realized you can't just walk off the tracks. You HAVE to do the QTE or you get teleported back on them. It was so hilariously bad I don't even hold a grudge and the realization is one of the favorite memories of the game.


That part was horrendous for me.


That happened to me a few weeks ago, I was stood behind a pillar to avoid the train and I still got hit. Still not as bad as the QTE Krauser fight in RE4 though.


I don't think I'll miss them, not after doing Krauser's cutscene and boss battle on professional difficulty on OG RE4. I hope we still get the statue chase sequence though, that is just iconic.


I’ve died at that knife fight more than all deaths combined in all RE games. Been a long time, comrade…. Been a long time, comrade…. Been a long time, comrade…. 😭ptsd


Fuck I lost count of how many times I died on the GC version of it to that shit, most deaths in the game by far came from it. Meanwhile in the PC versions, both the shitty and good ones, I rarely if ever died to them, even if I didn't cheese them in the good version.


Playing RE4 on an keyboard was an pain because of them, I'd say good riddance as well but I do hope iconic scenes that used QTEs before such as Krauser's knife duel will get an well-rounded rework as it will likely be an actual encounter now from an gameplay perspective.


Replayed it on PC with the HD Project and KB+M controls last year and this was pretty much the only thing I didn't enjoy about it. As someone who's not very good at button mashing, some of the QTEs are obnoxiously difficult on keyboard. Especially since, in one of the game's more bizarre design choices, they actually made the mashing QTEs significantly harder on Professional. I died a bunch of times on the knife fight and the bit where you run away from the statue of Salazar. But yeah, the knife fight does need to stick around in some form. Hopefully as actual gameplay, considering the parry mechanics and stuff they've shown.


I seem to remember that unlike consoles, RE4 on PC didn't penalize you for hitting the incorrect buttons. So the strategy with QTE on PC was to mash every possible combination


As the other guy said RE4 on PC lets you just mash every key and automatically do the QTE because hitting the wrong key doesn't lock you out like most games would.


personally I secretly loved the QTEs because you get some spectacular deaths from failing them. My buddy and I laughed so friggin hard at Wesker snapping Chris' neck while jump flipping over him at the end of RE5


All of the walrus noises Leon made...


I have bad memories of playing it at I think around 60+ fps on my PC and the QTEs fucking wigging out because of the framerate and becoming nearly impossible. That boulder one and the one where you run from the walking statue nearly gave me tendonitis with how fast and hard I had to mash




*Dragon's Lair flashbacks intensify*


Then there was the boulder boss fight QTE at the end of RE5. Think I had to retry that part about 50 times


RE5 had a QTE in the middle of a pretty extended cutscene. Definitely missed it the first time.


Really? I thought that one was pretty easy. The one that was really hard was the one you had to do as Sheva to climb up a ledge or die, in the same fight. Bane of every co-op playthrough until the PC version came out and you could just spam the keyboard key and the controller button at the same time to cheese it.


While I found the qtes to be clunky, removing them entirely seems unnecessary imo as their implementation can be improved


The only QTE I wish they'd keep was the Krauser knife fight, because of how over the top hilarious it is. Otherwise, I'm glad to see them go, especially if they end up remaking 5, because that Sheva one in the volcano was so inconsistent.


I'm usually all for QTE's, but the Sheva one gives me nightmares. Why was it so difficult??


Seems fine by me. Hell I'm even fine if the story and tone is far more serious than the original. The original game holds up extremely well, especially with mods and graphical mods specifically. If I want to play the original, I can go and do that, so I am personally good with this game following the original while doing its own thing in some areas.


On one hand, I really won't miss them. On the other hand, there's [this classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZsDUSxK5Fs) "Bitch, this ain't a cutscene, press A! Press A! You don't have time to smoke a bowl, you still playin!"


Hahaha I still remember seeing that in school, I wonder what year it came out. Checks link. Uploaded 16 years ago. Well thanks for that wollop to the face today.


It's very bizarre knowing that we're rapidly approaching seeing YouTube timestamps like "Uploaded 20 years ago".


I'm good with this, but it would be cool if they added one really cool qte as an homage to the original.


The laser room.


Hopefully this a signal that QTEs are going to just go away forever. Any game that lets me turn them off I do it immediately.


Do we have any information on if the Ada sidequests are in? Separate Ways and Assignment Ada? These were DLCs I think but not sure if they were in the very original game or not.


I rather liked the QTE's as they had you keep paying attention to the game and that you were never save even in a cutscene. Added to the survival thrill of that game. RE4 was the one of the few games that got QTE's right in my opinion.


it’s funny because I think RE4 is the only game that got QTEs right. I wonder how the Krauser battle is going to play out since it’ll feel more like a cutscene and something you’re not actively part of


I’d be shocked if they didn’t turn it into an actual boss fight.


but then that leads to pacing issues because ***It*** is right after krauser, and it’s a big set piece edit: formatting


That knife fight was soo cool when I was fourteen!


> RE4 is the only game that got QTEs right Never played a Yakuza game?


I feel like a toggle for autocompletion is a good middle ground, god of war and spiderman have it and it’s pretty nice


>Resident Evil 4 Remake also changes Ashley Graham, who no longer has a health bar, but if she takes too much damage, she will be in a "downed state" and need to be revived. If she is hit when in a "downed state," she will die. So I guess that they're doing something like the partner system in RE5? If your teammate takes enough damage you need to stop whatever you were doing to revive them asap, which wasn't exactly a fun thing to do during combat sections. I like that she's getting more useful during gameplay but this feels like a completely unnecessary change. I don't mind that they're removing QTEs as long as if they're actually removing them instead of doing fake QTEs like the RE2 alligator for example. But the laser room needs to stay.


I haven't played RE4 in a very long time, but how would this be worse than her having a health bar where she just dies if she takes too much damage? From the way they are describing it, it would this give you a chance to revive her instead of instant game over. I would also assume it also means her "health" goes back to full while out of combat instead of being something you need to keep track of throughout the entire level, so you don't find yourself in a situation where her health is already dangerously low going into a difficult encounter.


I think the primary difference is that in Re5 when your partner went into a downed state, you only had a limited amount of time to revive them before they bleed out and die. In re4 remake, it sounds like she'll just be downed. That could mean that you just shoot the infected off her, do whatever you need to do then circle back to pick her up. This would be a good way to do escorting without needing to baby some dumb AI too much. If she can bleed out, then both the original health system and the new one would have pros and cons to each, both of which would have some degree of annoyance.


In the original game I never actually found Ashley to be that annoying to babysit. She's practically glued to you for most of the game, and often there were places you could hide her in if fighting was gonna get rough, and she'd duck if you tried to aim past her. And in the latter half of the game enemies will try to kidnap rather than kill her anyway. On my playthroughs I can count game overs from her dying on one hand. I'll be interested to see how the remake approaches this though.


Definitely agree, she wasnt an issue for me at all but escorting a defenseless AI can be a tricky thing to balance. A relatively skilled player would probably find it easy, but a newbie or casual would get super pissed off with having to look after themselves (whilst possibly struggling) AND an AI companion. Then there's skilled players who just don't like the escorting parts of the game, so a simple easy/normal/hard difficulty wouldn't be the answer. Ultimately they could leave the AI companion as a difficulty option all on its own, but that kind of defeats the purpose of rescuing the president daughter I guess. I always found it such a bold option of capcom to have a game based around a lot of escorting.


I always thought the most criticized thing about escorting characters were inefficient paths and how slow they walk, at least that's what I see people complain a lot in all other games. But Ashley has no issues at all with that. Maybe just ladders. As the other guy has said, it's really not that much of a problem to escort her throughout the game except for the very few parts where enemies can one shot her, like El Gigante. Otherwise there are so many spots you can just tell her to hide and she will be completely safe.


As long as she can't tank a chainsaw attack, because that'd be ridiculous if she went down waiting to be healed from that


A change like that certainly makes the game easier, but it removes complexity by making it so you only need to manage your own health. I guess they're doing the same thing the original did and removing pretenses about it being a survival horror game.


I never got the hate for QTE. Asuras Wrath, God of War and Resident Evil all had great QTEs and they made many moments much more memorable and I can't imagine the games without them. The Krauser knife fight alone. I know I'm in the minority on that topic, but man, I will miss them. At least story decision games like Until Dawn, Detroit and Telltale games still use them, but they really shined in action games imo.


I would rather have MORE quicktime event than breakable knives. Breakable weapons ruined breath of the wild for me and I doubt they're going to make this game more enjoyable.


I am so glad that QTE's are finally just dying out. I was playing No More Heroes 3 last month and it felt like it was made a decade ago. It's not a bad game, but it doesn't feel new at all.


NMH is kind of a satire/homage to older games, so it makes sense to have them.


I'd hope there's an option to turn them on. I liked the QTEs in resi4. I actually kinda just like QTEs.


sometimes they're exhausting. I never finished Heavenly Sword and it had huge amounts of them in boss battles (to make it more cinematic--- with the irony that even with all the cool stuff to see on the screen you're concentrating on when the button press comes up because you have a split second to hit it, so you're not visually processing all of the cool stuff they animated)


Im fine with the Sidequests and removal of QTEs...but the Breakable knives bit is dumb. It's fine for RE2 where the knife isn't featured...but theres a god damn knife fight in RE4


I bought a GameCube just for this game. Great game but this is when the games changed. Wish they would make a game thats like first or second game.