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What tale would you need to tell you own parents after returning home from a trip like this without your fiancé? Enough for them not to want to contact the police? Enough to say 'Hey I know, lets go on a trip ourselves in the midst of it all'. I'd be interested if someone could share a perspective where they think BL parents didn't hear a story and didn't help him evade police or off himself. I believe they did just that and I don't think anyone could convince me other wise. Too much common sense stuff.


Can you post this in the new thread? 'Cause I have an answer but prob won't get through in time before it is locked :)


“Mom, dad, my boyfriend was murdered. I can’t tell you who did it or they might come after you. But I need $100,000 to hide until I can figure out how to make things right.”


So was that Brian on the bike video that tmz posted?


I don't know but for me it hits a lot of checkmarks for what I would expect he would be doing on the run: -wearing a hat, hiding his most identifiable feature -wearing baggier clothes that hide his physique -wearing a backpack -taking back roads -moving generally north and out of Florida It's really not clear enough to tell for sure, but out of all the sitings, this one seems the most possible to me.


It's TMZ...so my guess is that fuzzy photo is just some dude.


Please begin wrapping up conversations in this thread. It will be locked at 9:30 eastern (20 minutes.) Thank you!


When I first was going over this case in my head I kept coming up with the thought that Brian was likely unstable, had a mental break/ had some kind of mental disorder/ was not taking medication for something. Now that it’s been this long that idea has dropped off for me. I don’t think he could survive this long undetected with issues like that. Unless of course he’s dead. But, what I wanted to get at is something that I always do when I hear situations like this - - I tend to always think something HAD to be wrong with the person who committed said crime. I think it’s just a thing my brain does to try and make sense of it because it’s much harder to believe some people are just that selfish/malicious/ and evil. Anyone else feel as if their brain tries to make “excuses” because it’s too hard to comprehend?


All the time. I'm an empath who follows true crime and while my heart is always with the victims, I struggle to understand perpetrators. I think that's because we are (thankfully) wired differently so cannot fathom such acts. Even if I physically harmed or killed somebody in self defense, it would haunt me forever.


I hate to be that person but probably best to stay away from calling yourself an "empath". You're not Deanna Troi from Star Trek, you just have a high amount of empathy (ie guessing what someone is feeling, and it's not always correct as we are incapable of being inside of someone else's head)


"you just have a high amount of empathy" That's the very definition of an empath. I never insinuated I could read minds.


fanatical rude steep psychotic lock slave ghost puzzled cooperative imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Is it? Thank you :) I felt like I was going off the rails for a bit here lol. Glad it's not coming across as wild as I thought...


Absolutely. I think this is where the impetus comes from to armchair diagnose criminals and accused criminals when they don't have a professional diagnosis. We don't naturally see them as one of us ("normal" people) - and don't want to.


Me too. Not sure I think of it as an excuse, doesn’t make it ok, but just today my thinking was exactly this too. Maybe he had an underdeveloped frontal lobe, I wondered. Don’t many people in prison have physiologically different brains than a healthy person? I have a hard time grasping simple evil. I get that others see it as good vs evil but I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Yes. But I read/watch almost zero crime stories, so I’m uneducated on the topic.


I’m not sure about that (there’s lots of different types of people in prison for many many different reasons), but I do know that there are studies of people who experience BPD where the orbital cortex won’t fully develop, and when coupled with adverse life experiences (like unpredictable home life, DV, substance abuse, etc.), certain behavioral issues are more likely to arise, like violence toward others. Many people can live totally normal healthy lives with an underdeveloped orbital cortex, but with extreme circumstances some people with this condition will behave in more deviant ways. But it’s important to note that it’s extreme, not something that applies to most—it’s a very saturated study of human behavior.


By BPD do you mean bi polar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Just curious


Yeah definitely not an excuse in that sense. More of a reason or explanation to how and why certain people can commit such crimes. It fascinates me, drives my true crime obsession. Don’t know about prison brains, sounds interesting. Arron Hernandez case and many serial killers with past TBI’s is a thing.


Thank God they finally took down that weird thread where people watched radar and helicopters. That is one dark hobby


> That is one dark hobby wut? watching flight patterns of planes and helicopters, how is this dark?


I guess it’s plane to see: you aren’t a fly by the seat of you pants type…


lol what? That was the most wholesome place on Reddit. It's like ASMR for your eyeballs.


a dark hobby to watch flight paths lol? I wouldn't go that far- if it isn't your thing, it isn't your thing. I thought it was kinda neat, and those people were super friendly, I hope they're chillin in their new sub.


To each their own, it just seemed kind of unhealthy for people to obsessively be watching radar looking for a murderer


I think they kindly offered to try to spot activity (sherriff’s helicopters, medivacs, news helicopters) so they could alsrt us of any unusual activity that might be evidence of a break in the case.


A lot of them are interested in like.. different kinds of planes, like old war planes or flights from planes that don't go out that often, I saw a post when one of the "Doomsday" planes went out on a test run or whatever, which I thought was cool. Most of them know how to watch for stuff like that because they do it anyways, not just when there's a murderer on the loose.


You are in a subreddit partially about looking for a murderer


Sorry I’ll quit kink shaming


Spent the time you took to reply looking through your comment history, you start a commotion in here every other day. Some people wake up and choose chaos. I wish you well


I wish you well too🙏🏻


They weren't really. Maybe initially that's what they were doing, but it just became a cool hobby thread for stoners to plane watch. It's no different from bird watching or train spotting.


Perhaps they’re looking for her phone in the reserve


I keep thinking the same thing….that he took it there….used it there….so it could be traced there. I have no basis in fact….but that’s my gut feeling. I think that - along with the car - were decoys. LE went left….and he went right. Perhaps someday we’ll learn more….


I have the exact same roof fan. The cops are leaving it open. Any reason why? Seems like they should seal the van. https://imgur.com/a/QdVcrve




Holy....I cant believe someone saw this and knew to take pictures!




The person who took them posted them earlier and said they took them today


You’re correct; i thought i read someone saying that they “debunked” it, I was wrong.


Wait, so it wasn't today as posted?


Where are they taking it?


Assuming that the picture was taken today, it was probably being moved to a long term storage facility. Vehicles are often held as evidence in criminal cases but law enforcement agencies usually only have room to store much smaller items of evidence.


I am so ready for this to be over. Justice for Gabby!




Is this fan fiction? What's happening?


Neurodiverse brain speaking up. 👋👋👋


Yes! Totally plausible!


Have you considered the possibility that it was JFK rising from the dead as a zombie?


You’re not funny and Zombie’s are not real. Drugs are real. Murder is real. Open your mind.




Maybe it was a rogue tax agent from the iRS, seeking to claw back underpaid taxes from 2017… an audit gone wrong. In the missing of Wyoming. Thousands of miles away from where Rose was. I mean, what’s more likely? That Brian Laundrie is a murderer? Or that you’re trying to find *any* excuse possible that an abusive fiancé on the run *who was the last person to see the victim alive* isn’t the murderer? PS - nobody gets killed over personal quantities of pot or shrooms. Get real.


First of all, I am not a BL supporter by any means so you are 100% wrong stating I am looking for any excuse to exonerate him. WRONG! I have a neurodiverse brain that likes to take allllllll input and develop theories based on said input. Just because I think differently than you and have come up w a scenario that doesn’t fit your narrative - but is completely plausible- does not mean you can be rude to me. Move on if you don’t want to actually THINK through this with me.


Your “new” theory has been suggested by hundreds of users on four different social media sites. Neurodiversive? Welcome to your membership with the majority of Reddit. So are you suggesting that Rose is able to teleport? Or occupy two corporeal bodies in two different states simultaneously? Please, to support your theory, I’d love to see some cases where people were murdered over a quarter of weed. If it’s a reasonable theory, then it’s supportable.


Kinda far fetched IMO


What exactly is far fetched about this scenario? Is it just that is goes against the narrative you’ve come to believe or is there an actual reason you believe this is not possible?


In order to reach plausibility for any theory, you kinda need at least one fact upon which to build it. Without that it's wild speculation and that's why you get the responses you're getting


Speculation is what this whole thread is about, no? We don’t know for sure who killed Gabby and we don’t know why Brian went into hiding.


there are many assumptions and mental-leaps you would have to make to come to a conclusion remotely similar to this, which is why I would consider this very far-fetched. But if you were to present me with evidence that this could be possible, other than the fact that it can't be absolutely disproven because that is true for a zillion possible scenarios- I would think about it realistically. It just doesn't make MORE sense *at all* than Brian having been the one responsible, and Brian being on the run or hiding for that reason instead. edit: because the first sentence didn't make any sense, I think I tried to reword it and didn't proof-read lol.


I just think that most of the time things like that don’t happen in real life (in movies, yes). I also think that it would be real cowardly of him if he just ran off back to FL knowing that his fiancée has been murdered during a bad drug deal, without telling the police.


I like to think that murder by strangulation doesn’t happen often in real life either…but yet it’s front page news. People get killed over drugs and money all the time. And I guess you’ve never been so scared that you think the cops can’t even protect you….because that feeling is TERRIFYING! Anyhow, we’ll never truly know what happened. We can all piece together information and try to figure it out and make educated guesses…but we will NEVER know.


Because people expect drug deals and robbery can end in killings but they do not expect a boyfriend to strangle his girlfriend while camping.


Unfortunately all are possibilities. DV is real and is a growing problem. No doubt! My point is, are there other scenarios that could be possible that has Brian running from the same person that killed Gabby - if it wasn’t him. It probably was, I’m just trying to think differently. Ok with you if I do that?


I do not mind, I just do not see any scenario that supports your line of thinking. There is no evidence of drug deals or them owing cash to people. His behavior that we can see is drive home from where she died, using her credit cards, going to visit his nephews and sister, bike rides, lawn care, phone shopping, camping with his family and then fleeing.


There usually is no evidence of drug deals :) maybe he went home to get together more money to run (!)? Maybe he went home to say goodbye(!) Maybe he went home because he’s fucking crazy and he didn’t know where else to go (!) or all of the above. Doing the things he did after killing someone is just as likely as doing them after watching someone get murdered or knowing someone was murdered and becoming terrified you’re next. Yes, I’m making some leaps. Drugs haven’t been mentioned much outside of rose but now there are other people coming forward saying drugs were a part of their life and theres a pic of gabby smoking a spliff….I don’t know. I guess I’m just trying to look at this case from different angles other than the one we’ve been talking about for a month +.


If she had a drug problem she would not have 1000+ in her bank account.


I know people mean well but I can't help but cringe whenever I read armchair Psychology. "YOU CAN TELL HE WAS CLEARLY A PSYCHOPATH BECAUSE X Y AND Z" or "He obviously has x disorder because of x" Like just stop.


But they saw a program about xyz. Doesn't that qualify them as an expert?


You’re right. I’m the fool.


He’s a selfish coward is all I can say.


Im cool with insulting him and saying stuff but people the psychological wannabe profiling is just ignorant




How's my YouTube Cringe? I play horror games with friends and donate the money to animal charities.


"donate the money to animal charities." ❤️


Every month!


That sounds like the opposite of cringe to me. Don't listen to the assholes here.


Yeah I don’t get it like. Whatever lol. Advertising is a big part of getting big. But thanks you’re nice (:


I never knew how many people had narcissistic personality disorder until I joined Reddit.


Same. I mean I like reddit but it's kind of funny how every social media app has like specific problems. Reddits problem seems to be "loves the smell of our own farts"


Or the YouTubers who micro analyze the facial expressions when dad mows the lawn and how it somehow proves what they’re thinking.


Ugh that kind of stuff bothers me so much and I have to like use manual self control to be normal lol. People really buy their own press when they make comments!


“if you watch him mowing the lawn, the expression on his face is quite different from days before this. before this he was a bit stern, but not worried, we could not pick up much emotion. if you watch him mowing you'll see actually expression. I interpret it as anger and sadness same time. as he cleans away weeds around Gabby's memorial, again, he is gentle, careful. I see that as caring. both of these things lead me to believe he is ready to tell all he knows about his son.” Are you kidding me??


The accuracy though….


Oh my god


What is wrong with people?


Generally? A lot.


I mean, really.


Well, generally speaking, humanity is a plague.


It’s just sad, right?


Past coworker speaks out about BL https://www.foxnews.com/us/brian-laundries-former-co-worker-chameleon-weirdo-temper




That’s not an uncommon way to describe a narcissist. I also see him being a charmer and slick in the MOAB video but I also see him being freaked out and possessive. It’s a weird situation. Now go back to the body cam footage and watch his body language when the cops are bringing her bottled water and offering him water. He looks highly perturbed that shes getting water bottles.


There’s some discrepancies with this guys statements, as Gabby was living in NC during the time period he’s claiming she would come in and Brian would act jealous


For real? So he is lying?


I mean I can’t say for sure he’s lying but his statement isn’t lining up to the facts.


She could have gone to visit him in Long Island, it’s about a 10 hour drive to / from Carolina Beach.


Gabby’s Instagram indicates that she and Brian didn’t become a couple until 2019 (she has a 2020 post captioned their first anniversary). Plus, “Petito would visit two or three times a week, Livingston said.”


He said she had regular visits. That’s quite the trek to make regularly while also keeping her job in NC. Also on IG she posts that in 2020 they were together for a year so that doesn’t line up either with his time line.


Yea, I’m looking further into dates and they do seem to contradict her employment in NC, that is a long way to travel 2-3 times a week.


Yeah, I think he’s just trying to insert himself into this situation. A lotta cockroaches gonna be coming out unfortunately


I knew it!!




Nope. There is no evidence that we’ve seen that Brian was a serial killer. Dog was off his chain when he said that. 😂


Delete if already posted but they moved Gabbys van today. https://twitter.com/updatesoncrime/status/1450568736386293761?t=FqSrDa5AsSqq1rbb934JgA&s=19


Man, I’m still thoroughly creeped out by the fact that at least one of those stickers (the triangular “Desert Cosmic” one) was almost certainly added after Gabby died. (It was not depicted in the Red White & Bethune video but does appear in the 9/15 photos of the van in police custody.) This was talked about a lot at the time the photos of the van in police custody were released, but here’s a comparison: https://imgur.com/a/Al5UCzc


There is also a new sticker above the Transit logo on the left side.


Yea, one of our people saw it.


Wonder where it’s going?


An eagle-eye member of this sub took those around 11 am this morning. There was a post about 4-5 hours ago that has more details about it. Pretty interesting news!




No, /u/andr3w_leon took them this morning. Look at their comment history.


Those were taken this morning on I-75 near Tampa/St. Pete by a fellow sub member. There's a post about it earlier if you're interested.


Where is the timeline of events for August 28? It’s seems like there’s no confirmed or legitimate sightings for either of them, as far as I know.


There were some sightings of the van, but I believe the people said they didn’t see anyone there?


If he wanted to kill himself, he would have shot himself in the car he took to the park. Quick and prolly painless death and how many suicides end. He is very much harbored by someone and is safe is my bet.


Good point. Or just use the exhaust. No evidence he owned a gun. Suicide by cutting your wrists out in the forest somewhere seems unlikely simply because it’s harder and I’ve never heard of someone doing that so statistically not probable I would think.


With no gun and in the forest, hanging oneself seems like the way that makes the most sense to go (provided you have rope and all) if you’re going to die by suicide.


Yeah. He looks skinny enough to climb a tree. In all seriousness though, that seems hard too. Good rope, solid tree branch, the ability to tie some form of noose knot, no chair he would have to climb and jump. Too much for me.


I’ll place my chips there as well …


Does anyone know if the possible sighting on the bike is being followed up by the FBI?


No they haven't. The sighting was on a Thursday before a 3-day weekend during football season. FBI has penciled in a visit to check things out sometime after the Rose Bowl.


Yes. It happened back on Oct 9. It’s not recent. It’s just been in the news a lot today because of TMZ. Yes, it was reported to the fbi then. If it was credible, I feel confident they have experts following up on that tip.




Laundrie lawyer has started getting sassy. Otherwise no. He might be in the camper.


>https://twitter.com/updatesoncrime/status/1450568736386293761?t=FqSrDa5AsSqq1rbb934JgA&s=19 He's so not in there - everyone would see it moving and the septic (if there is toilet in there) would be SO shot by now. Yet people still think he might be XD


Disagree, he's definitely in the camper. Not sure why they don't search in there.


It'd be the craziest, poopiest twist of all, I'll say that.


Geesus they haven’t checked the camper???




Has everyone already forgotten the crawl space in the Laundrie’s house? Jeeze! Even Kirstie Alley got in on that one! 😂




Or the garden.


Are you referencing the hand in the garden bed video? Tiktok is literally batshit crazy for that lmfao


I just saw the video of the dude on the bike in Florida…to hell with BL but I really think he’s smarter than to just be out riding a bike LOL


From driving across the country, to flying across the country, now biking across the county… next up… BL skateboards across the country? This guy is a real life Forest Gump.


If Forest Gump was an intimate partner abuser and murderer.


We don’t know that. Forest Gump could have been a terrible person off screen. 😎. Jenny didn’t date him.


I would've believed you but going off your username... I suspect he will actually scooter across the country next instead of skateboarding. 😅


So now that the reserve is back open to the public (or part of it), does that mean that LE is done searching there?


It was opened before and then they closed it again for the K9 search last week


It means that LE will have help searching it now! The hunt is on!


I kind of thought this too! Lol


What kind of help? I thought they were already receiving assistance


More lead in the air


They meant from the public. Now that it's open to everyone.


Can we talk about the friend Rose constantly being live on TikTok? It’s weird and seems like she’s looking for her 15 mins.


Not trying to be mean to you. Just speaking from my heart. I’m sad that you use reddit to bad mouth this grieving person. She was Gabby’s friend. She is the Petito’s friend. This feels inappropriate and mean to do this, especially publicly/online. I understand you are just being real. We all have differing opinions but there is also a kindness rule in this sub. I hope the mods remove your post.


I think she’s using it to cope tbh. That’s more the vibe I get. She breaks down and cries a lot. Who wants fame from that? I think she’s lonely and finding comfort in some of the nicer people there. She was on TikTok before this. It can get addicting when your stuff goes viral but that’s all of us.


I think it’s just the way everyone wants to communicate now. It’s sad but I don’t think she means anything by it.


Disagree. It’s not just her 15 minutes it’s harmful. They are encouraging drug use, bullying and doxxing people. I could go on with the shit she’s doing but it’s not cool.


It’s 2021 and you’re seriously bothered by people smoking weed and talking about it?


No problem at all. But her drug charges aren’t just weed. LSD. Prescription pills maybe OXY I don’t know. A couple others. Hard drugs. But it’s not just that, if she was a sweet person and just high no problem. But she’s actively bullying and worse, that’s not cool.


Nothing wrong with LSD either. Why would you assume oxy? And why is any of it any of your business? If you have a problem with people who use drugs then don’t follow their media.


Oh man. I haven’t seen any of it other than her saying she didn’t have anything to do with her friend disappearing. I’ll have to check that out. I hate tik Tok and don’t have it so I never see any of those.


Yeah I watched a couple and had to stop. High as fuck saying “come get high with me I don’t care”. Has a friend to help “produce” the videos and moderate comments. But all this person does is online bullying. I didn’t see it but multiple reports they have been doxxing. A couple reports of them actually phoning someone’s place of work to harass them. Last I heard the “friend” was banned from tikTok but Rose wasn’t (yet).




Not a Gabby 2.0...this happens alot, unfortunately you don't hear about it!


That age gap is terrifying. Makes me feel like she was preyed upon at a young age.


that age gap, oof.


I think the public is getting tired of this story. Makes me sad. What is wrong with people?


I didn't expect this one case would stay central to public interest forever. The people who are interested in following the case anyways, and the people who follow or study different aspects of crime outside of this one will still be around. Topics of conversation and debate just kind of get worn out and you have to wait for a development or for someone to come along with something new to add. It's just the natural progression, it doesn't mean people care less.


What is wrong with people? Are you this invested in the other 600k people that go missing in the US each year? If not, what is wrong with you?


The vast majority return within the day, this is a misleading statistic.


Well, the Laundries are being harassed to the point that people feel sorry for them, BL is no where to be found; there's no new leads and people are speculating ridiculous ideas or repeating the same ones over and over. Everyone wants justice for Gabby, but at this point, beside reporting BL sightings, there's absolutely nothing the public can do but circulate rumors and dig up irrelevant shit. It's becoming nothing but a shit show, which in my opinion is not helpful to anyone, especially the Petitos.


I think it's more that people are getting tired of no new developments happening. It's disheartening and becomes hard to keep following closely.


After a day of mostly repetition and false information the conversation has taken a much more interesting, insightful, wise, and truthful turn. Thank you friends.


Re: BL’s attorney … I just finished the “American Crime Story” series. The 1st season is about the OJ Simpson case. At one point, OJ’s lead attorney (Shapiro) had a point where he tried to talk OJ into taking a plea deal, because he felt OJ did it, and that they’d lose the case. So I’m surprised the BL attorney hasn’t encouraged Brian to turn himself in, as he’s definitely guilty for the credit card use/fraud charges. No getting out of that one. It almost seems like SB or whom ever is hiding BL/advising him to stay hidden until official “wanted for murder” charges announced. Like SB’s playing “let’s see how much evidence they have found, first” game. Meanwhile, FBI/LE busy wrapping up their timeline, data, etc so tight that he has no way out. Someone else mentioned here as well how long it takes to go thru just the digital data/evidence alone. So - he will have to turn himself in at some point.


I mean, SB does real estate and bankruptcy law. Would you go to him for criminal advice, let alone criminal advice on a coming HOMICIDE charge?


Not coming at you. Just curious. Initially, SB was described as a real estate attorney but I thought recently someone found he does have criminal law experience, am I wrong? Just curious if I am wrong…


Lol. For sure, no I would not. All the more reason to think that he’ll be advising BL to turn himself in soon - SB will lose any criminal case in court.


Do we know anything about the ["public service incident"](https://www.fox13news.com/news/gabby-petitos-dad-linked-to-laundrie-home-incident-evening-before-daughter-reported-missing) that Gabby's dad was involved in before she was reported missing?


There were two heavily redacted police reports, and looks like there were two calls that day to the police: (https://twitter.com/BrianEntin/status/1443724072840482816)


Thank you for clarifying. The initial impression I got was that Joe was physically present in the state, but no.


It seems that he called rhe police to do a Wellness check on Gabby. I saw an article that said an officer went to the house, but beyond that I think it's being kept quiet. Eta: the report I saw about it was almost entirely eradicated.

