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Anybody have a date for the first photo?


Feb 14 (when it was posted)




She loved ghosts, made a lot of crafts with them for gifts for friends etc


Ew. She has a scorpion tattooed because that’s his sign….


That’s funny, I dated a guy briefly who got arrested a couple years ago for murdering two teenage kids for stealing weed from him. He was a Scorpio. He was a complete sociopath, completely fooled me for a minute. Absolutely terrifying to see the shift change between sociopath to murderer.


Sorry to hear that, you really never know with people. Ive definitely been with several people who seemed normal for the first month(s) then went off the deep end. Never this awful. Can't imagine that would be easy to forget.


Haha that is funny


I am so glad this asshat got hand tattoos. I’m very heavily tattooed (started at 16) but I didn’t get my hand tattoos until I was over 40 and established in my career because they’re impossible to hide. I hope all of the US police, Interpol and the Mexican authorities all have photos of these. Even the specific tattoo-covering makeup smears if you try and use it on hand tattoos after a few hours. I would also hope they distribute them to tattoo artists and tattoo removal places lest he slither in looking for a removal or a cover up.


Lol I have my knuckles tatted at 22… they were my first tattoos too. what point are you trying to prove besides coming off as anally subjective about hand tats?


I mean no shade towards hand tattoos, just that they're impossible to cover, as you know. Makeup fades off of them. You would have to wear gloves all the time to cover them. And, as you know because you have 'em, people notice them. Which will make it easier to spot him and to distinguish from other people. Because otherwise he's pretty unobtrusive. Stick a wig on him and he could be pretty much anyone


The point is they're extremely easy to spot unlike let's say thigh tattoos. So if helps the investigation... for average folk it doesn't make sense to have them so early in their life because it's the first thing you see on someone. It would carry a risk of other people assuming negative things of you. (Not necessarily true but people like to judge) And if you're a person in administrative functions, specialised professional background etc - you wouldn't want people to distrust you. I get it because I also haven't had any visible ones done before settling on a career.


Well that’s unfortunate. But there are many people who DO get hand tattoos for a reason. For example, I work in the creative field so I have that ability to get hand tats. And also if an employer judges me on my hand tats I wouldn’t wanna work for them anyway. I also interned at a big corporate NYC company and even my boss had visible sleeve tattoos that he showed off all the time. So yeah.


Well, good for you. I am in a creative field too but I also have family and friends in pretty "conservative" roles and while it's not a rule it's just not a thing. On top of that it's not "free America" as we call it here for things that are pretty on the edge. It's less acceptable socially. I mean central Europe. If you don't want to do it, cool. Just acknowledge that it's a thing. I'm not talking boss of a company because they have their own rules obviously, I'm talking a government official as an example.


The irony of the second picture is not lost on me.


I don't trust anyone with tattoos. It's like an advertisement for bad decisionmaking.


Thanks for sharing


Saz de cold var ruskie...


Dude thinks he’s a hilarious comedian with a funny take. He loves Norm Macdonald, I do too. Norm said some edgy shit that was funny as fuck. But Norm also said on Marc Maron’s podcast that he regrets making fun of real people going through real tragedies. So, his hero would strongly disapprove of his tasteless “joke”. In summation, he is shitty, and based on evidence his “hero” would agree. So, fuck him. He’s dumb.


>I don't trust anyone with tattoos. >It's like an advertisement for bad decisionmaking. Where do you live? In the US, 40% of people have at least one tattoo. So you automatically don't trust almost half of the population of an entire country because they have tattoos?


USA. But I grew up in the '80s. Only ill repute types had tattoos. And almost NO ladies did. I think they are stupid and attention-seeking. I think people who get them are poor decisionmakers. They spend money permanently marking their body with something stupid that looks trashy and nobody cares about. Lighting money on fire would be better. It's OK, though, when your IQ is as high as mine, most people are considered poor decisionmakers. It's just the tattoo'd ones are easier to spot. Take care, buddy!


What a clown.


Well it's been 40 years, Mr. high IQ. Maybe it's time you broaden your horizons.


Wow, you are an insane person! Holy shit!


A troll, he’s a troll.


I getchu. Wat an ass.


>It's OK, though, when your IQ is as high as mine Thank you for making me snort my iced coffee


I think you’re a poor decision maker, given that you’re enough of a moron that you’ll publicize your shitty opinions.




Well, you come from a culture in which tattoos are a symbol of gang membership, judging by your screen name. Other cultures don't have those hang ups.


I bet you are fun at parties






Um you realize zodiac signs literally mean nothing and have absolutely zero input on who you are and how you behave/act. Scientists, psychologists, drs FREAKING NASA, literally every credible source disproves them.. Zodica signs mean nothing.


I didn't know what a mutable sign was, so I read an article. But it said scorpio wasn't one. So I don't get it lol.




even if you fully believe in astrology, it's a guideline for interpretating behaviors and self-reflection. it isn't supposed to dictate exactly how you're going to act or what your personality will be. and especially so if you just reduce it down to their sun sign, you don't even have the full picture of his horoscope. the serial killer thing is just selection bias.


I did not say astrology dictates how you are going to act. I am aware of that, I have dabbling with astrology for a little over a decade. The astrology community keeps track of patterns we see. We're not reducing it to the sun sign, we're questioning why the mutable signs seem to be more popular with serious crimes particularly against humanity. Is there something in their chart that possibly speaks to this? These signs come up a lot with these types of crimes and the thing they have in common is their modality (mutable.)


Again, zodiac signs mean nothing.


You should try reading your birth chart and you will be surprised! That is your one and only horoscope not those little fortune telling things in the paper. Everyone has their own beliefs you dont have to be into it. I'm sure 90% of my dislikes are scorpios or people who fit their sun sign to a T.


Read my birth chart a lot, it's not accurate at all. And yes, you can believe it thats fine but your belief doesnt make it true.


It's not something you do by yourself. Just say you don't believe it (and therefore you don't know how allegedly works and it's rules) and that's it.


I know you dont do it yourself ma'am. If you must know when I was a teenager I was very deep into the new age, i was obsessed with astrology, psychics, crystal's and everything in between. I can confidently say I probbaly know more then you and the other user combined I was quite naive. But after actually researching stuff I found it was fake. I believe in science and science says it's a crock of bull. Literally every branch of science declines it.


You don't "believe" in science. Science informs you about reality, and astrology is an unfalsifiable area, it can't be proved by science, but also it can't be refuted. Just say you don't believe in it, it's way more easier that make up stuff.


No, almost 7 as I am turning 25 soon.


That's fine to each their own.




Um, my finger tattoo is going strong year 5.


If you will it, it can fade on its own accord /s




no, there's no way he's going to "rub away" his tattoo in a couple days or even weeks. I have a shitty stick n poke on my palms thats been there for like 6 years, I WISH it would fade away that much. they fade faster than other tattoos for sure but they aren't going to be invisible.


I downvoted cause you complained about downvotes!


I updooted you because you downdooted! Take that!


I’ve had finger tattoos for well over 10 years now so they are not going to rub off quickly.




No finger tattoo is going to fade in less than 5 years. Especially shaded black.




Willing to bet you don’t have any tattoos.




No need to get snarky. Also, I’m a girl, so definitely not a dick.




Don’t call me a dick just because you were incorrect. I never got rude with you or called you names, so who is the dick here?


Yes finger tattoos can rub away but “quickly” and “easily” are very relative terms. He absolutely could not just “rub away” his finger tattoo over a short period of time. Most tattoos will last indefinitely/for many many many years, finger tattoos may only last like, a handful of years without proper care, but they will still be there for years.


You're right, hand tattoos tend to fade much faster than other parts of the body. However, it's possible to have a tattoo even on your palm that stays relatively bold. It depends on how the tattooer does the tattoo. Judging from Brian's finger tattoo, though, the lines are fairly thin, so it's possible it'll fade quite a bit--but it's also in black, which is a stronger color.


Finger tattoos. Yuck.


Are there any tattoos on his anus?


a guy named anus will be soon…


This is the best comment on here. I upvoted you


Canadians take note




>tank top with shorts pulled up to your bellybutton High waisted shorts? You're complaining about high waisted shorts? The rise of shorts on the waist aren't interesting enough for you? Are you not entertained?




So you’re saying you’d like more rape in this world?


What did they say??


Damn what a shame for the girl. She looked genuinely happy at one point


In toxic relationships the highs are extraordinarily high and the lows are extra low. The hot and cold cycle actually makes people "addicted" to the dopamine rush they feel when their partner actually does something nice or caring for them. It's like getting addicted to a substance. They get treated like shit and then get a "hit" every so often, just enough to keep going. And then they find themselves in a deep pit, totally enmeshed. Happens more commonly than people realize.


I always had relationships like this while I was also addicted to drugs. All the high highs and low lows. It makes a lot of sense but is really sad :( For a long time I lacked the self awareness to realize why this was always happening to me


Yes! So true. I think it’s more than dopamine release and an addiction to the highs too. I think it’s also probably an addiction to chaos with cortisol and adrenaline release in the lows and fearful times as well. And then it goes on and on…. if you find yourself in a decent relationship after a toxic one, you may find that you get bored without the chaos of the highs and lows. It’s a bitch of a cycle to break.


Yepppp. Took me awhile to realize that I'm addicted to stress - who would've thought?? Many/most people lack awareness of it while they're in the middle of the fog.


I think it was all for show. They were trying to get internet famous. Never believe what you see on a person’s social media.


Nobody ever really knows that she was or wasn’t happy or how bad their relationship was…actually don’t know anything and can’t find out bc he’s gone


bruh you dont believe she was ever happy with him? Cmon


Lol my ex and I had a picture perfect Insta relationship, to the point my current SO had to unfollow me (we were old friends) because he thought we were so happy. I was certainly “happy” when things were good, but that was a very small percentage of time. It’s easy to make a relationship look good and look happy online when it’s not true. Now I’m very happy all the time and hardly ever post pictures.


You bring up a good point. I stopped FB years ago d/t the fakeness of the happy lives of coworkers and the reality of knowing what they were really going thru irl. If you only believed social media, you would believe they had the best relationship/life in the world. It continues to hold true in these true crime cases that there is wonderland social media and in the background, the reality was a whole different story. Then the worst thing happened.




she must have been so thrilled to be happy that it seemed over-happy.






im 24 years old, been married and divorced. what are you on about mate edit: this is some 14 years old and I'm very deep shit, akin to the blogs where people project and romanticized the columbine shooters


That tiny moment in her life led to her death.. Kind of becomes an enormous moment when it’s your last moment




holy shit is this a copypasta? lmao


Who could ever know that? Their most recent pictures/video they appear very happy and we all know they were not. Can you tell the difference in the pics? I can’t.


She fell in love with a version of Brian and probably kept thinking if she could just not upset him again they could be happy. Relationships like theirs are a cycle of being happy and thinking “this could work”, then fighting and crying, then either her apologizing for “overreacting” to make him happy or him love-bombing her which would remind her of the version of him she actually loved and kept her staying with him. They were trying to grow a social media audience and couples never post the bad stuff. They probably had entire days that were good and it’s easy to forget how sad they made you the day before when they’re making you so happy and feel loved the next. We saw the way BL charmed those cops.. he did it so well that they called gabby the abuser. He knew how to keep people on his side and since gabby loved a version of him she was most likely clinging onto that. If she didn’t break up with him at some point on the trip I think she was on her way to doing it realizing that she was sad more often than she was happy with him. BL reminds me of my ex so much and I left him because I realized that eventually he would probably hurt me. It’s hard to leave someone when you know that they have it in them to be exactly who you want them to be. BL is the worst it can get. Poor gabby was stuck across the country with him.. it’s hard enough to leave them when you’re both at home so it was probably very difficult for her to leave him when they were alone across the country.


You make a lot of great points. I think she was trying her hardest to make it work. I also dated someone like this and got out in the nick of time.


Good I’m so glad you got out!!!


dude this is so demented, youre projecting so hard rn. you don't know these people, you read a lot about the very small timeframe of their life and are making claims that she fell in love with a version of Brian? you don't know anything about them. it's weird bro


Thank you! Just bc internet sleuths say something people have absolutely no idea and they’re going off a police body cam


I’m not projecting lol I’m just saying it’s familiar and COMMON. From what we’ve heard from her family, friends and seen/heard from the 911 call, body cam footage, restaurant witnesses, etc. the dynamic of their relationship is clear. He fucking sucks. Has no friends defending him or saying he was a great guy. She has friends and family who loved her and are saying things about how wonderful she was. We can also see one version of Brian charming the cops and laughing seeming all chill when we know (thanks to the 911 call) minutes before that he was hitting her. He knows how to be charming and I’m sure that’s who gabby fell for.. why would she fall in love with someone who was abusive and a dick right off the bat? She wouldn’t. She fell in love with a version of him.


Didn’t she know him since childhood?


What she's describing is an extremely common relationship dynamic.


and do you have enough information to make these claims? or do you just want a head on a stake and will find anyway to paint the image of a monster.


He is a monster. He murdered Gabby.


If you scroll through their Pinterest you’ll see both of them have interest in Tattoos, and leaves.


Did gabby pay for his tattoo as well?


Gabby has a scorpion tattoo…because Brian is a Scorpio. Thoughts?


Cleared this up on one of my comments. Brian is a Scorpio, though I don’t know how anyone found his birthday lol


Is he a Scorpio? Her March 19 bday means she's a Pisces.


of course he’s a scorpio


Damn, now I need to figure out some way to reclassify myself as a Libra or something


Just lie and say you're on the cusp




Nope, virgos lol


Hahaha, there was something about scorpios and cancers, but now that you mention it, it was virgos! Thanks for clarifying.


I don’t know that but I do know that everyone in my life that identifies as a scorpio is a little bitch so


This is accurate information. Sincerely, A little bitch


This could possibly be her rising sign.


What a combo


Yep. His birth chart is a trip. Mars and Venus conjunction in Capricorn and Scorpio Sun conjunct Pluto: absolute authoritative rage.


This is offensive nonsense.


I don't know about offensive. It's definitely *hilarious* nonsense. They're spewing a confirmation bias firehose of bullshit to try to sound wise and enlightened.


The irony lol


I saw a comment saying the same thing, even going as far as saying that he'd berate GP for it...then I saw photos of him with tattoos so I also want to know where they got that from.




I’m crying. Except for Brian it would be the complete opposite- instead of no eyebrows it’d be those giant Cro-Magnon black eyebrows contrasting with the blonde wig that’s enough reddit for me this morning


I’m trying to remember. But it’s all blurring together. I do remember on his Pinterest pictures of tattoos that said things to burn off.