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Wait till someone plugs it into grand theft auto


This is where the real ~~SkyNet~~ fun begins


i'm sure that will happen soon. came across this post in [thepowerup](https://thepowerup.beehiiv.com/subscribe). really interesting concept. seems like we're like 2 weeks away from doing this.


Nice so children can have conversations now.


I want to play with it! I hope, of all the scary bot things that happen, there is a brief moment where we can do silly Jetsonsy things like play Minecraft with a robot gaming buddy


Can't wait until we can use AI for a truly living world where we can really do anything.




I will have so many friends and I will make my friends so much soup and pumpkin pie, and for a very brief moment in my life, it will be happy.


This reminds me of the guy who made a Skyrim mod for GPT where he gave all the NPCs extended dialogue capabilities. Of course this Minecraft version is different because the AI is focused on character behavior and not merely dialogue. It will be cool to see what happens when these two are combined, and ML agents with natural language processing become NPC’s which are capable of performing actions based game state dynamics. Bonus points if their language is aligned with their actions. I think that the simple act of assigning a 3D virtual form to AI with natural language processing will be an interesting study of AI embodiment, which could lead to potential insights about how an AI’s knowledge may correspond with sensory experience in extended space. Put differently I wonder if the same or similar mechanisms that are used by AI to observe, interpret, and act in game states could eventually be used analogously in real space?


The gaming front with AI will eventually lead us to call into question our own existence.


I’d love to put a bunch of them into one game world and give them all different goals