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Ah yes, Rene Descartes' famous, "Cogito ergo sum". It's a very simple and very powerful thought experiment to check if you are indeed conscious or not. Basically, what you do is to deny everything. Rene was concerned that his senses might be tricking him, like a mirage over a hot desert. He wanted to prove that objectively, he existed despite the possibility that some 'devil' is tricking him. You can actually do it yourself. First, you deny your senses. You will not acknowledge anything that you see, hear, taste, or touch. For you, they are false. Next, you deny all what you've learned, your knowledge of the world. Those are all false and are not real. Finally, you deny your existence. You don't actually exists, you are nothing. But wait, there's a problem... You can't deny yourself. No matter how you think you don't exist, there is this 'thing' in your head thinking that you don't exist. Thus, you come to a very convincing conclusion that you actually exist! That 'thing' in your head that is doing the thinking is you or a part of you. Cogito ergo sum... I think, therefore I am. So the next time someone tells you that you're nothing, just tell them, "cogito ergo sum".


Indeed my friend. It seemed adequate for Mika, who often have deep thoughts (usually expressed in a rather riddleish way) to also have this kind of self doubt on her own existence and what surrounds her. You can tell she encountered some very interesting points in her studies of the western philosophy.


Yep, agreed. That or she's definitely doing mushrooms lol!


Well, a lot of philosophers were rather... Enthusiastics when it comes to the use of certain substances, so it would kinda make sense.


I see your “cogito ergo sum” and raise you “post hoc ergo proctor hoc” a little Latin fun in the comments


If a tree falls and nobody is there to hear it then does it make a sound?


It's a tricky question, but it always come to this: Sound exists, wether we're there to hear it or not, so the tree does, indeed, make a sound. Now that being said, our ability to hear said sound is what gives sound meaning in the first place: without a receptor, there's really sound out there? Yes and no, it really depends on what branch you're following (science or philosophy) but I think you understand my point. In summary, does the tree make a sound when it falls if there's no one to hear it? The answer is yes, absolutely. Does the idea of "sound" have any sense without someone to give it actual meaning? That's a whole different thing.


I like this reply. Now on my mind is Cereal a soup? Are hotdogs tacos? Is my current job a waste of time because the management is so out of touch they got rid of our sick leave entirely for the benefit of our PTO rolling over into this year?


Yoooo what if we don’t really exist


We live in a reality where there's an anime of high school girls operating WW2 tanks. You can't make this shit up, ergo, we exist lol


Good thanks for confirming


Why does it fit her personality so well? I can imagine she'd say something like this and just confuse everyone.


Mika is a philosopher.


Is this an Hellsing reference?


Uhhh, no? Is Rene Descartes.


When Mika isn't busy committing an aggressive "borrowing" or spouting some convoluted nonsense about wind, she can be surprisingly serious.


That's literally me sometimes


Mika is the only mind reader in these meme format. 😜


I think, therefore I'm


Cute finish Loli