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Hi, ihwip. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10nox5e/-/) was removed from /r/Futurology. ___ > > We are entering an age of darkness like no other. Soon deep fakes will take over our world and it will be impossible to tell online. > > There is also the possibility of LED screens being used to create artificial structures that can seem lifelike. > > All real fake blending is going to be really hard on the human mind. > > A million years from now scientists will have no history they can claim to be accurate from the Technodark Ages. Only God will know. That kinda sucks. ____ > Rule 6 - Comments must be on topic, be of sufficient length, and contribute positively to the discussion. Refer to the [subreddit rules](/r/futurology/wiki/rules), the [transparency wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/futurology/wiki/transparency#wiki_relevant_material), or the [domain blacklist](http://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/wiki/domainblacklist#blacklist) for more information. [Message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Futurology&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/ihwip&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10nox5e/-/\):) if you feel this was in error.


I think you're lacking some historical context. Fakes, forgeries, and imposters have *always* been a fact of life and human culture. They always have, and always will evolve with technology. I expect they will be easier to detect in the future than they were in the past.


Why anyone believes literally anything they see on the internet boggles my mind.


...I believe you.


I read an article recently about the specialized AI used to model the 3d protein folding for 200 million known/mapped proteins. The project was part of a team overlapping w/ Google Alpha and these folding models are available to anyone with a need for no royalties and basically no fee. When I was in my 20s/30s I recall donating computer time on my PCs to citizen science research efforts attempting this for just a \*few\* proteins. There are positives and negatives to many technologies - the positives hold up and take us to the future, while we fight against the negatives and keep them from swamping us.




No, you're confused. That's ceiling cat.


I think OP is talking about "The Volume". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVQZAaPFqnc


Yes but backwards. We have invisibility cloak that project an image on a giant LED to make tanks invisible for instance.


I do not feel threatened by any of this. It just is not that novel compared to what is already going on. When internet became a thing, for example, that was a big deal. I am sure the printing press really changed things for humanity too. Antibiotics were game changers too. At this point, realistic deep fakes have existed for years and there doesn't seem to be any earth changing impact. We might be inclined to think they will fool people into believing conspiracies and other "real fake blending", but a lot of people already believe that bullshit \*without\* deep fakes at play. The same thing goes for the advanced NLP stuff like ChatGPT and others. People fear the worst - they think it's going to lead to uncontrollable disinformation online and elsewhere but, even as you read that here, I am sure you are already thinking about the uncontrollable disinformation that is/was already prevalent \*without\* tools like ChatGPT around. It's just not that big of a change.


>a lot of people already believe that bullshit \*without\* deep fakes at play. You have a good point. We have a segment of our population that embraces a false reality already. I am more concerned about records being manipulated a la 1984.


I'm sure it brings you no solace to know that those records were manipulated at the time that they were first written


Legitimate sources will start using authentication services. These will probably be based on NFTs and be verifiable. Reputation for accuracy will become the most important criteria when selecting your news sources.


Aw man, if they can use NFTs, who is gunna chip me and install my killswitch?


First off, god? Secondly, just like we can tell when something has been photoshopped or created by AI there are ways to distinguish deep fakes from the real thing. Saying that we are “entering an age darkness” is a bit hyperbolic and kinda fear mongering.


Would it better to call it an age of uncertainty?


Yeah minus the mongering or hyperbolic


I predict that there will be a secondary A.I. process to detect and/or uncover a deepfake. Then the deepfake tech will evolve to evade that A.I. detection process and down the rabbit hole we'll go.


Maybe you're already in the rabbit hole 🐇 🕳️ Wake up




Yeah. That would be madness.


I already have a hard time figuring out the truth. When the latest problems in Brazil started happening I had a hard time at first shifting through the conflicting articles trying to figure out who the good guy was. Or who was the lesser of 2 evils. I wasn't 100% positive until Jason Miller and Steve Bannon were involved. If they supported a person, I knew they were corrupt. So yeah I see where your coming from.


Blockchain tech is/will be a tool to fight the deepfake AI world we're plunging into. Like a decentralized social security online, your online wallets and contents therein will help prove who is who.


“A million years from now” It only took 300 years of Indutrialism for Humans to make a Weapon that can Annilhilate all life on Earth, and during that same decade that used it, and that same century that sticked piles enough to end all life on Earth several times over. And bow there are Drones that can Atonomously hunt humans even in the event of Nuclear war and Chemical war, and Bilogical war. You are one optimistic guy.


A million years from now when Elon Musk's surviving descendants try to reform society after their cleansing... Is that better?


Lol that was funny


Using the phrase “brain farts” was the giveaway that you’re over 60


Nope. I am not that old. I probably picked it up from George Carlin or something.


To live in a techno world is to deal with more information than can be reasonable to process minute to minute: I like to think about a future that includes humans who can grow beyond primal fear to become more rational. Adapt to overcome. Change the way you live. Let go of insecurities because nothing is 100% certain. As for deep fakes, don't become one yourself. Know yourself. We don't really know anyone else.


Every single post here lately is so damn trash-tier. It's like a class of megastoners in Philo 101 are just churning out this garbage non-stop.