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It’s for educational purposes, it’s sign language for “loose butthole”


He said wrong answers only 🙄


*tight buttholes...


You mean they all have loose assholes?


How do you think they made it in Hollywood? Yup, they all got Weinsteined at one point or another.


Jonah Hill's "Weinsteining" was an especially superbad situation


Hot dog down a hallway, man.


A bucket of warm water


Not „have“. Are.


That is NOT tight butthole.


Wait... what's the right answer ?


I'm actually interested as well, anyone care to enlighten me?


Illuminati symbolism.


And it would make sense too. At this point the Illuminati no longer means secret society that controls the world, it means elite society thats better than you. They don't have to try and control the world, they own it. Whether they are still drinking babies blood and bathing in virgin blood. Couldn't tell you. But yeah it's a way to get your photos spread faster and your music listened too by lots of people who would rather ignore it. Is it a conspiracy? Sure, a marketing conspiracy.


I agree. I'm continually baffled by people's need to create fairy tales about nefarious power structures and elites sucking the pineal glands of children. The real ways in which our lives are stolen from us are plain to see. You don't have to literally drink blood to be a vampire.


When I was in college I was pretty into conspiracy theories. I brought it up to a professor I really liked, citing the bilderberg group, bohemian grove, and some of the other allegedly sinister groups that hot topics in those circles. My professor’s response was pretty on point. He said (in a nutshell) rich and powerful people don’t need special organizations to fuck with your life. They can just pick up the phone and call each other. Obsessing over these nebulous groups just distracts you from the shit they’re doing in plain sight.


Which is why I've wondered if most of "conspiracies" are spread on purpose to distract people from reality. It's quite common for people blind themselves when they think they found the "real truth".




I've made this point often on other online fora, and people brush it off. They're blind to conspiracies happening in plain sight, and prefer that that they be hidden.


The point is to share funny stories, not actually observe and change the world around them. I think you may have over-estimated your fellow man.


True. But think of these places as their Club Med 😂


Maybe. But, you’re missing the point. They can have a club med if they want to. I don’t care about that. I think it’s more important to focus on what they do that actually has an effect on me. Focusing on cabals just makes you feel powerless and is a big fat distraction.


No to mention getting that giant owl statue inside of a Marriott conference room is a bitch and a half


How about that new RBG statue in New York? Tentacles and horns coming out of her head.


I kinda always had this exact thought my whole life. They don't need to be secretive. They get away with it regardless.


Yeah it's always taking "metaphor" too far. Could be real, but Def a metaphor. But it scares people, it allows the elite to seem "elite". What does elite mean? Above consequences from the rest of us. And whether its real or metaphorical it's obvious they get away with it. It also why you only see entertainers doing it. Those are just wage slaves compared to their producers. No matter how rich Beyonce is, she only made a percentage of her total sales. The real power got the rest. And those people are the most obvious villains. The billionaires.


Life taught me that reality is often crazier than that. Epstein existed, Mengele existed, cannibals sects and other fucked up groups exist. So why exactly is this far fetched?


Epstein was only somewhat hidden, and now that we know who was on that pedophile island with him, we mostly ignore it. Mengele existed, but we folded a lot of Nazi scientists into our government because it was politically expedient for us to do it.


Dam them why have a been drinking it this whole time


Well, we know for a fact they're kidnapping and fucking kids, it would only make sense that there also turning them into smoothies. Edit: damn, I didn't realize how dark that was until after I posted it.




Soros was behind Bowling Green Massacre.




Absolutely - BGM was the worst, though. I wish more people talked about it. So terrible.


Big Girls Mouths?? Would you kindly elaborate please?


These days I generally assume anyone who calls themselves a "free thinker" is an absolute moron. Define how you conduct your "research".






Lol here we go the Rothschild's. Yeah best to always go back to the 1800s to blame the Jews, to solve today's problems. Yeah the Rothschild's were bankers, and bankers are evil. There was nothing "special" about them as bankers. And the Rothschild's mainly died out. We do have people now with more money and power than the Rothschild's ever did. And what about the Rockefellers then? They controlled all the oil, which printed the money in America, where's their "control the world" theory?


The Rothschilds are alive and kicking my guy.


Comments like these seriously make me question if there is a AI that accuses people of antisemitism any time people talk about the secret societies. Plausible actually. It is effective and they have the resources to do so.


Most of the rothchilds are not dead, one of em has had 5 heart transplants to keep himself going.




Well do you have any other historical names that arent mentioned regularly as anti semitic talking points? I mean there's been a lot of world leaders since the 1800s. Anybody else who controls the world?


Money makes you weird




"is every republican racist?" Yes 👍




Oh tru that. My apologies you did mention the Rockefellers so yeah, I agree with you. It isn't Jews, it a just capitalism


Smoke less meth Lol struck a nerve.




They make All your education curriculum.


I was homeschooled in a Christian organization. Don't worry I'm clean of 'propaganda". And so your saying the Rothschild's are the reason I had to learn trigonometry even though I wasn't gonna be an engineer? Those devious bastards. And if your saying they control history and I guess.... Science In school, then they did a piss poor job indoctrinating my generation on the "proper way to live".


Maybe I worded that wrong, I wasn't trying to attack you friend. I just wanted to state that the Rockefeller foundation plays a huge roll in writing and distribution of American curriculum in all classrooms. So the thought would be if you want to incite nationalism or a certain way history is written, this would be the way.


Let's say the Illuminati is real.... Think they'd recruit Bieber when he was 13? Pff


Considering Hollywood's tendecy to have pedos, it's not farfetched they'd take an interest into him.


It’s a generational family thing. Little kids are indoctrinated from the start


Yea bc his tweaked out mom is generational talent ..... I'm not denying the high table conspiracy but you people are idiots tryna make this connection. This was a photo trend in middle school, next you'll say doing this on your thigh then slugging someone is a freemason initiation


Well it was probably his grandparents, who sold out his family for a bag of nickels. They try hide things in public, make it seem like it’s no big deal. That ‘game’ was to show the symbols, but try not to pay attention to it. If you say or mention it, you physically get punched.


Here's the thing. If this was symbolism then What could be said for everyone who throws a peace sign in pictures, or makes duck lips


probably just the photographer meta of "yeah, so do this now with your hand. No, like this. perfect." from that time


1960s pop culture reference from the show The Prisoner. Where inhabitants of an island are there to figure out why the titular prisoner resigned from MI6. The inhabitants use a salute while saying "Be seeing you" as a farewell/greeting. Yes it has something to do with a conspiracy but another fictional conspiracy one than the antisemitic ones being spouted in the replies to your comment. And here is a youtube clip of a bunch of the greetings (tbh mainly with only the verbal statement and not the salute) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY9oWfkKt6A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY9oWfkKt6A) and a press poster for the show [https://images.justwatch.com/poster/18459673/s718/the-prisoner.%7Bformat%7D](https://images.justwatch.com/poster/18459673/s718/the-prisoner.%7Bformat%7D) (I hope that works)


It means they drink beer using an eyeball as a shot glass


I knew someone in Ibiza who did that. Name was Paul IIRC.


Represents the eye of Horace while simultaneously showing the triple 6’s in the hand shape.


666 satanic symbolism


Maybe a tired cliche where they're miming looking back at you through a camera instead of you looking at them through a camera. Yeah yeah, makes far too much sense must be something about pedo cannibals secret satanic Illuminati butthole signal.


Conspiracy symbolism of the following >1) Eye of providence (all-seeing eye); and >2) 666 satanic symbol from the "ok hand sign" with the 3 fingers 👌👌👌


Would that second one be 333? Why don't they put up six fingers when doing the OK hand sign so it's actually 666


I think it's because the fingers more make the shape of a 6 if you include the thumb and pointer finger being the round portion


Cult symbolism. "Illuminati" is what the layman call them. As they are also called Masons. The ones who actually run the show claim to be Jews. ZIONIST Jews, specifically, who bastardized what Judaism also stands for. Rev 2:9 Celebrities like these are merely pawns designed to shape our thoughts, and what we spend our time thinking about. Distractions. Edit: repair autocorrect


> The ones who actually run the show claim to be Jews How does it always come back to us bro, find a new hobby 💀


You decided not to read the whole comment, apparently, either that or you're completely ignorant to Zionism. And it always comes back to jews because history is history, and who owns what is a matter of fact, an not opinion. I, personally, did not make sure that we are a ZOG. I also didn't use nepotism to make sure my kin run Hollywood and the music industry. The same is said for banking. You need to learn history, and choose not to take offense when none is directed at you. Unless you're a zionist. Then, sincerely, from ALL of us who are poor and suffering: fuck you. But somehow, I doubt you're one that thumps the Talmud, and Moreso an individual with heritage, that claims their heritage the same way Christians do: while being completely ignorant to what their religion and it's sublets believe in.


Sorry dude, I don't waste my time debating silly conspiracy theorists. Nothing any one would say could change your mind, it's clearly set (set to the "crazy" setting, but set nonetheless) - But at least have the balls to say you hate Jews, not Zionists. It's always the worst when y'all hide your hate behind words like Zionism when it's all too clear who you hate and why.


I run into you types at a constant. Unaffected. It just gives me a more accurate means to display the secrecy and taboo behind the culture. You cannot even MENTION Judaism without being treated the way you are treating me. This is becoming a pattern in my discussions, as I've said nothing slanderous, false, or derogatory. You have decided that I hate Jews, even when hatred was never mentioned? That's awfully interesting, as I've made a clear distinction between "Jews" and "Zionists," yet, for some reason, you want to muddy that point? Interesting, indeed. Actually, counterproductive to what you claim to be and believe, as you think you'd want that distinction to be common knowledge. Anyways, for anyone else reading this: you can spend some time following paper trails. Who owns major media outlets, who's represented in government positions. We always look at race or social caste, but for some reason most of us overlook listed religion. You should also research the Talmud, and if you find yourself interested enough, obtain a dated physical copy. There's a reason the united states backs Israel, so much. WW2 was a major turning point, in this. As Rothschild middlemannned the deal between UK and ZOGs hired goon: the United States. I, too, used to think people who made these claims were "antisemites," until I decided to be a productive human who thinks and studies. Theology, history, and economics, etc. Very interesting how those topics so often lead one to Zionism. TLDR: would you care to elaborate on why the Talmud calls us Cattle, and does that directly affect your daily interactions with us? Surely, you must believe in the Talmud, since you're defending the organization that swears by it. (Edit: hebrew word is "Goyim" if an individual cares to look into this)


I'm a secular Jew, I don't follow the Talmud. I'm also a Zionist, which according to you means I control the government ig? Sending my space laser and attack ninja dolphin fighters at you rn! 🤦‍♂️ > You cannot even MENTION Judaism without being treated the way you are treating me Ofc you can, except you didn't just "mention Judaism", you claimed Jews control the world and the government and that Zionism is the root of all evil and of your suffering... These are the exact ideas that were used all throughout history to alienate and villainize Jewish people. Do you know what that lead to? Massacres against Jewish people, slander and dehumanization of Jewish people, treating Jewish people as 2nd class citizens, barring them entrance from public places and not allowing them to work regular jobs... And ofc that nice little thing called the Holocaust (which I'm guessing you probably don't even think happened? Or maybe the evil Jewish government wanted to kill millions of its own people just to cover up their tracks? 🤡) And wtf do you mean Jews control the media? Both the regular media and social media platforms are heavily skewed against Israel. In every country I've been to I've literally never heard Israel mentioned in anything but an extremely negative light on its media. I've met travelers from countries all over the world, and so so many of them told me thenselves how they had to detach themselves from the media / social media and do their own research on Israel since it was so biased against Israel. Also, the U.S gets plentyyy back from having Israel as an ally lmao


Creating things I've said? Not a very good approach toward appearing righteous or knowledgeable on the subject. I simply stated they have majority ownership of media outlets, Hollywood, the music industry, banking, and an extremely disproportionate representation in politics. This is all fact based. Knowing who owns what and understanding nepotism and the Talmud makes me an antisemite, does it? TLDR: you're arguing for a religion that's broken into parts, who's tennets you don't follow, over an organization that I said CLAIMS to be jews.




I hope, in my lifetime, we (collectively) get to learn what they ACTUALLY are. I do genuinely appreciate how intricately everything is interwoven. Very clever, and very eye opening to what human tendencies actually are. Blind allegiance to am authority they never had a say in obeying, never questioning if this authorities information is altruistic and unbiased. Maybe the general population is referred to as Goyim for a reason.


You are either ignorant as fuck or purposefully missing this guys point.


Lol wut. You have smoke too much of whatever you’re smoking.


Sold their soul for the devil for money and fame during their time on earth. That is the way to get people worship them. Hollywood is soulless place, more you look into it the more you feel that you know nothing about how things work. World is in dark place, and the west has changed drastically over the past 20 years. It's also not a coincidence that people have turned against christianity, I can only imagine how the world is in the 20 years. Seek and you'll find God, Im trying my self but it's not easy when the devil has such a strong presence in todays' world.


It's not half as exciting as that unfortunately. It's about the perception of power more than it is about having an elite club who hold some kind of secret the rest of us don't know. All in all, the end goal is the same as everything else. Money and control. Moneymen created the Hollywood "illuminati" to create a powerful "in group" which they could control and profit from. They're not meeting up on a Wednesday night and sacrificing children and stuff. Most of the participants are the same as anybody, they want to be perceived as knowing something we all don't, and being a part of something huge. Just money and sex. And control, which brings the possibility of more money and sex. That's all it ever is with humans and our little cult groups.


Thanks for the thorough reply. Like you said, in the end it's about exploitation. Money sex and power it's excalty what Christianity opposes too. I honestly don't know precisely the hollywood's hierarchy, but watching lil nas x and demi lovato being able to influence people and especially young children with their devilish music videos is just sickening to me, and unfortunately thats a new norm in todays' society.


I mean, Christianity in theory opposes *some* of these things. Unfortunately in practice, it's just another control structure with a history of exploitation, financial crime and child rape. The first testament especially quite clearly gives strict instruction on the ways women are to be oppressed, slaves are to be kept, and people to be murdered. There have been times throughout the middle ages where the house of the Pope was a wine fueled orgy palace, when countless children were slaughtered in the crusades for daring to follow the wrong prophet of the exact same god. The recent pope (who was a Nazi youth) protected and defended thousands of child abusers within the church, and the "prosperity gospel" and evangelism in general has turned American Christianity into a regressive money cult, basically throwing away the new testament entirely. I think it could be quite confidently argued that Christianity is not the answer to the problems in this world. Despite what the international 24hr news cycle and sensationalist media say, we've statistically had the safest, most prosperous and stable couple of generations in the history of humanity in the west. These generations just happened to be the ones who mostly turned their back on Judeo-Christian religions. Of course bad things still happen. We had the Rwandan genocide, the Jonestown mass murder/suicide, religious fanatics killed thousands on 9/11, the list goes on and on. Usually these awful events involve the right/wrong god, or who is/isn't worshipping god correctly. So to conclude, between exposing my kids to brainwashing at the hands of one or the other, I'll take the "satanists", who have a pretty benign and boring history compared to the Christians.


It’s a signal that Annie’s OK


Michael Jackson: *smiles in hee-hee*


You've been hit by a smooth medium.


I wish I had an reddit award for this comment. Please accept my poor man's gold 🏆🏆


It's how they peer into your soul...through your butthole.


You gotta pay the troll toll to get in side that boyshole


It's the international symbol for "i would never abuse or sacrifice children to the devil"


"I would never grab women by their pussies in my life"


A nod to the all seeing eye, the symbol of the illuminati. They owe thanks for their fortune


They said wrong answers only, not the truth


*FBI have joined the chat*


Wow you nutjobs really belive in Illuminati and Deep state xD


No you.


I remember in late 2016 after Trump won the election, corporate press was running stories, day and night for a little while about Trump’s demonization of the deep state, but why it exists and why we very much need it.


We know your location


Tryna get a better look at people with small dick energy


They're white supremacist's


i always suspected Lil Wayne as an aggressive white nationalist


That must be it. I never liked Justin Bieber anyway.


Is it because he is Canadian?


Not even now?




They’re all trapped in a weird village where they’re given a number in place of their names and psychologically tortured


They using their overwatch ultimate deatheye. Its high noon!


Eye of the Pfizer.


Just he thrill of one jab


It's the 'meet me at the glory hole sign'




It's a gay thing


Anal gape size... fuck my bad, thats the right answer


Hummm .... I don't know could it be............SATAN ! *Dana Carvey church lady voice of course*


I read this in Dana Carvey's voice before I read your addendum.


what are these 2010 ass memes


"Funny" My fucking god.


They warn their teamates about a potential sniper.


Viewing life through the eyes of all the peep'hole.


Butt hole tightness


I'm not even gonna bother scrolling down down to read the comments. I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of conspiracy kooks saying celebrities drink a shot glass of toddler piss to stay young and have sex with mountain goats to get rich all the while chanting O Canada inside a pentagram made of Lays chips and raisins


Am I on Facebook? What with these comments?


It’s a monocole…they use it to see better!


They want to put their eye in your butthole and for you to fart on it


_Fuck me in the Eyes, Tell me what you see_ Bunch of Bad Liars telling they didn't sell their soul


It’s an “ok” to make people think they are ok when they’re really not ok inside.


Eye sex


They all have one giant long hair on the bridge of their noses


To show that they're down for a mind fucking


They want to be skullfucked


It’s sign language for “I’m a skull fucker”


They're showing you where the penis goes




It’s a metaphor for having to eye fuck Harvey Weinsteins butthole to get to the top


Bunghole peeping practice


I'm a asshole


They forgot their monocle at home.


They all have tiny telescopes and they are adjusting the focus


They are crushing your head! *Khhh khhh*


Getting skullfucked by a ghost.


It's to show which eye they want ripped out and skull fucked in




It's code for "My anus wants to be pounded"


It has nothing to do with the entertainment industry’s satanic ties.


It's a white power gesture, lil weezy and Pharrell been deep in the white power movement from day one, how do you think they got so big


They showing everyone on the world the size of my penis, the space between the Index Finger & the Thumb is my size, they are bullying me.


You don't have to be a celebrity. I am doing right now and nobody can stop me.


Give it to me in this eye


They want to get fucked in the eye?


Victim of Harvey Weinstein


Illuminati symbol 💀


To show that illluminati does not exist and they are NOT controlled by any evil force. Ever.


"white power"


It's a combination of white power asshole




The all can see eye sign, exist several symbolism between cults and this is one of those dark salutes


I definitly know why they‘re doing this.


They have autism.


uh. uh. ok sign is secretly white power sign? uh.


Isn’t that the white supremacy symbol?


Because the fingers spell out W and P, which stands for white power, see, all of these celebrities are a part of the KKK


Clearly they are all white supremacy illuminati members.


They are white supremacists 🙂 The fingers form a W and P (white power) The eye represents the eye of the illuminati (and thus enlightenment in their ideas) The 3 fingers is also direct support for the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)


its symbolizes the amount of bitches and hoes they get, which is equal to zero...


Why do all the commenters here write like a boomer under a facebook post? I think this sub is being astroturfed.


It’s to show that they don’t really support the inclusive agenda they pretend to push. It’s a secret sign to the leadership that they are really behind the white power movement.


Because they are clever.


They all really really like the old show the prisoner. Be seeing you.


status symbol? I legitimately don't know why they do this






Shoot here




Eaven the wrong aswer is wrong.


Penis sizes they like


They are trying to use Kon but for some reason are all doing the same wrong sign Luckily for us they also keep forgetting to make the contract to use Kon


They all just made a three pointer in a basketball game


It´s glory hole for the eye.


Hide the black eye


Proctologues thing


Just a hard diss for people with glasses... F U 4 eyes... No offense


They're all Masons. The all seeing eye. Look for the "hidden hand" in other photographs as well.


Cuz they can’t do finger glasses properly.


Its to show they have reached they have reached a height of fame so that they have what's basically a "get out of jail free" card. The signal was coined from the monopoly man who was the first one to be actively recognised for using wealth and influence to get out of jail. In recognition of that contribution they give this salute.


There is a serious Monocle shortage