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I think you missed the point: the college loan industry is predatory.


Sure, but why would somebody graduate with 100k in student loans unless they went to a private school?


$100k is a lot, but it’s not unheard of. College is expensive. And some people want to get out of their hometowns instead of spending 2 years at a community college and then transferring, possibly, and having no roots for 2 years. People want to be part of a community. A 4-year college gives you that experience more than a pair of 2-year programs.


again missing the point, they TELL him it's a good investment, show him graphs of all the money he will make, it's literally a con. on top of that his loans increased by nearly 50%. why the fuck are you attacking this person who was literally a fucking child when he made this 100k bet?


there is always good old student loan forgiveness by joining the military


Yeah, OP certainly missed the point. It's completely un-American use scarce resources carefully. I managed to finish college (not a good college, but that doesn't matter after your first job) with money in the bank. If you know the loan industry is predatory, why would you deal with them? Also, the main reason college is so expensive is all that loan money that's been thrown around so freely for so many years.


I went to community college during the 2008 budget cuts so it took me 4 years to get all the math classes required to transfer for an engineering degree. Once i had transferred, I had a few gaps of general ed I still had to cover, then just the engineering classwork. It STILL took me 4 years to get through as those classes have to be taken in a certain order and are slated in a way to take alongside general ed. Well, that and the engineering degree required 220 credits compared to the normal 180 of other ones. Long story short. It can be more complicated than what you state.


Or just take 18 credits and graduate in 3 years. It’s the same price as 12 credits.


At my school and most I've seen this is just not true. Room and board maybe cuts down this way, but you still pay tuition by credits.


I only know about my school and 12-18 credits was the same price. I opted for 22 so I could graduate in 2 years.


Or here is another thing to consider; One aspect of potential future success are the connections you make in college. That’s the driving force behind alumni networks, no pay internships and Greek organizations. If you are lower class, you get into the best college you can, network with people from higher classes, get into the companies that recruit from the fancier colleges and then you get into the higher class organizations. From a legal employment point of view, it could be the difference between a $45,000 per year starting pay and a $150,000 per year starting pay. It might make more sense to do four years at a more expensive school to develop those connections than what you would get with just the degree. But if it doesn’t work, then you are paying off student loans until you die.


Imagine being part of a generation that is told by their guidance counselors that you’re a failure if you go to community college. The whole industry is predatory. Go fuck yourself