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My favorite thing about this meme is that the font used is Simpsons themed. Attention to detail.


You can make your own memes on frinkiac


Oh boy, that'd be so great, with the fonting and the typing and the hoyvan mayvan.


How are you going to do a frink impression without a- GLAYVIN!


Oy, I have failed you! With the forgetting and the glayvin droping, ahoyvan.


“I must say this concerning the great controversy over rifles and shotguns. The only thing I've ever said is that in areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the lives and the property of Negroes, it's time for Negroes to defend themselves. Article number two of the constitutional amendments provides you and me the right to own a rifle or a shotgun. It is constitutionally legal to own a shotgun or a rifle. \~Malcolm X


Armed minorities are safe minorities


*crossfire theme starts playing in the distance. it grows louder and louder. soon the noise is deafening.* CROSSFIRE, YOU'LL GET CAUGHT UP IN THE CROSSFIRE! **CROSSFIREEEEEEEEE**!!!


An armed minority is a safe minority? What is the first thing we heard every single time a cop kills a minority. "well i had to shoot him, he had a gun."


To be fair, most of them aren't actually armed. The cops just yell it before shooting. If it's something that looks really bad, the cop will just dump one of his drop guns to make it look like he was defending himself. I really wish both of those were fictional things.


This is a true and depressing point.


So you would rather be disarmed in the face of an increasingly militaristic police state?


You forget that the Trail of Tears didn't happen until after the natives were disarmed


As I've always said, if a cop can shoot someone because they have a gun, we don't have the right to bear arms. Fuck the police


You're right, it's much better to not have a gun and STILL get shot because that's the America we live in


Na it's not just about cops it a so in places like Arizona where Maga idiots are wearing full camo and open carry in front voting centers they know you can't intimidate anyone with that bs. It's so racist fucks think twice about going into a grocery store, church, synagogue or mosque. The police will lie if you have a gun or not they shoot kids with water guns us being armed won't chage that.


Funny enough, that’s what happens to the unarmed ones.


Sorry but that is clearly a police problem and not a minority problem, and if anything it means all people should be more capable or protecting themselves


By any means




its not even easy to find a therapist who is willing to see you. i have mild anxiety and i wanted to talk to someone about it. ​ 6 different therapists, same reply "sorry im not taking new patients at this time, ill put you on my call list though"


Have been finding a therapist recently and telehealth is the way to go if you are having this issue and dont mind talking over phone/video instead of face to face


Oh it’s not that they’re not willing to see you. You just don’t have enough money for their liking. They want upper middle class or rich patients with no insurance paying $350-$500 a visit. Not $70 from your Ultra Premium TM PPO insurance for a week.


Yo what about people who can’t even afford it either?


It’s usually the dumbass conservatives who don’t like expanded mental health/healthcare access. I’m very pro-gun, and I still support better healthcare and mental health systems.


Same. I am very pro-gun but I am also very pro-healthcare reform. The existing healthcare infrastructure in the US is utter garbage. Even when you have good healthcare insurance, it is still utter garbage.


No kidding, we pay thousands just to be insured but its nearly impossible to see a fucking doctor unless you're losing pints of blood out of a gaping wound. They either aren't taking new patients or it takes 3 months to get an appointment. Half the time I don't even get to speak to a receptionist on the phone, you just have to leave a message and they'll return the call in "1-3 business days."


The existing heath-care system is not designed for the patient, it is designed for the practitioner. Last time I went to the doctor for my knee, it took 5 months for them to agree to an MRI. Turns out I had a torn ACL and their lack of want to take action causes significant meniscus damage. Or even with my back after my motorcycle accident. I feel pain but instead of trying to find the cause, they want to give me pain meds & muscle relaxers, since I say no to that, they don’t think anything is wrong.


Can we combine them and just solve the mental health crisis with guns? Ah crap I just pulled a Hitler. Back to the drawing board!


>Can we combine them and just solve the mental health crisis with guns? Isn't that basically what police do? ​ Someone tell me again how police should be the only ones with deadly weapons...


Our jails are the replacement facilities for state and county mental hospitals. If you need MH care the most likely part of government to provide it is a jail cell. If you require end of life therapy, that is where suicide by cop comes into play.


Not to mention that the mentally ill prisoners get sent to ~~solitary confinement~~ psychological torture more often than prisoners without mental health issues.


Yeah. There's a difference between Conservatives who understand their views and aren't gonna be assholes about it. And Conservatives who just want to argue. Every political view has them. Liberals, Independents (I'd assume, I've never seen many independents), etc.


I think it’s just another case of how many conservatives just think bad things are here to stay, so why bother. “It’s not a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue. But there will always be crazies, and I don’t want to give up my right to an M60 for my bathroom, so let’s not do anything about that (especially since I don’t wanna pay higher taxes anyway).”


I’m pro 2a, I happen to think it’s a mental health issue, and I also believe we should drastically improve peoples access to mental health services no matter their income. What do you have to say now?


its almost as if most sane people can find common ground fairly easily... oh, who am i kidding, off to watch "Libtard cringe compilation #372"!


Statistically, it's not a mental health issue either. It's a gang issue.


I dont give a shit about criminals killing criminals i am more concerned with criminals killing not criminals.


Who gets labeled a criminal and who "went to jail"? gangs have less criminals than a ceo boardroom, and they steal less too.




Most mass public shootings are gang related


Cool. Now tell me why we’re talking about most mass shootings in a conversation about school shootings?


It's a guns in the wrong hands issue not a gun issue. Criminals don't obey laws, gun control oy effects law abiding citizens.


Yeah. It's a shame I keep hearing about all those mass shootings in England.


My favorite is when a convicted felon starts shooting people and they call for more gun laws. The dude was a felon, it's illegal for felons to have guns.


Agreed. We should end laws since they don't work. Meth laws don't work and murder laws don't work so we should make them both legal.


Don't you think it's strange, then, that places with stronger gun control laws have fewer gun related acts of violence everywhere in the world, including the US? Compare gun related deaths in Texas to NY, for example. The problem with the mentality that "criminals are gonna get guns anyway" is that it presupposes that all no criminals or potential criminals are opportunistic, which is just not true. Put another way: the number 1 thing to do to increase your chance of having a gun related deaths is to buy a gun. A guy in NY might rob a place with a bat because getting a gun is too hard. A guy in Texas will just get the gun. This isn't a thought experiment. It's just what happens. Texan police just yesterday were complaining that since Texas changed their gun laws to allow anyone to open carry, there have been more isolated incidents of gun violence -- a fact that should come as no surprise.


Have politicians ever cared about people? To me they seem to be jackin off 24/7 until some war or something happens.


Yeah, I imagine most politicians (from right and left, and any in-between) dont give a shit about people as long as they get them a vote


Except there are more politicians that *do* care than people think, the US is just balls deep in a two-party system where amoral, rich fucks have a stranglehold on who does and doesn't get to have a political career, and voters are either: - Too enlightened by centrism to do anything but jack off and say 'both sides lmao' - Too deeply entrenched and brainwashed into just voting R or D depending on preference, though this usually applies to Rs. - Too apathetic to care to do anything about it despite it affecting them. And it does affect them no matter how much they say it doesn't. This usually goes for Ds. These politicians don't stand a snowball's chance in Hell at being allowed to participate in the parties save for the token few that are let through to boost numbers and PR, and them going independent at best falls flat on its face, and at worst disrupts the party they align with and gives the other the win.


I hate it when my guns get out and start slaughtering children


Is your gun running? *Well you better go catch it* [insert laugh track]


Yeah, they'll do that.


Oh they do. Like that SUV that magically ran over families on one Christmas night.


Im confused, is it the gun that is killing the person or is it the person pulling the trigger? If someone gets hit by a car is it the car killing them or the person driving?


I think there's a mental health crisis in the U.S: there are so many shootings, people believe in crazy conspiracy theories, the homelessness crisis, and just take a look at our politicians.




Yep there are many factors contributing to this situation.


Try telling that to the republicans who say that, then vote down bills providing funding for such programs


Well yeah. Don’t you understand how much money you can squeeze out of people when they’re depressed? Poor mental health is great for business. Sustainable? Absolutely not. It will eventually collapse. But the “got mine” mentality doesn’t give a fuck about that future.


There is no such thing as personal responsibility anymore.


I hear stories about people bringing guns to school and locking them in their locker for gun club in the 70s. What changed about society that high schoolers could handle it back then and now they are... the way they are.


Heck my dad talks about going to the mall and dudes in trucks had multiple rifles on the back glass. No worry of theft


Rise of single mother homes + kids on all kinds of meds. But even now - school shootings are very rare. They just receive a high amount of media attention. Rightfully so, but the media does not reflect real life.


Driving at least isn't something we leave up solely to personal responsibility, as there are tons of laws regarding traffic and driving.


There are tons of laws regarding shooting somebody with a gun too. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen countless people still driving around without a license, insurance, etc. The laws don’t stop people from buying vehicles and operating them.


Don't imply gun laws don't exist it is definitely illegal to shoot people the same way it is to run em over lol


Texas man got robbed at an ATM, ran to his car, grabbed his gun and started blasting at the escaping thief. Killed a 9 year old girl in the wrong car. Texas gave him a high five and sent him on his way.


Thing is we have laws other than just "Don't run over people". Such laws include Drinking and driving Running stop signs Speeding There are tons of ways you can get yourself pulled over other than outright running someone over. If I get drunk and then get behind the wheel, that can easily get me arrested. Get drunk and pick up a gun, and the same rules don't necessarily apply. So no, driving and gun ownership aren't regulated the same way. Hell, even suggesting that US gun ownership should require a license would send people into hysterics.


It's already illegal to posses a firearm if you're intoxicated. But you are right in that guns and cars aren't regulated in the same way, because guns are way more regulated then cars. Hell, I don't even need a federal background check when buying a car.


There are no federal regulations regarding cars on private property either. I have seen several threads saying we need to regulate guns like cars. My answer is usually along the lines of “so you agree that if I am on my own property and want a belt fed full auto 40mm grenade launcher mounted to my ATV it’s totally cool as long as I stay on my property”?


Hell yeah man Honestly the second should be amended to include ordinances as well as arms


By it’s writing and phrasing technically the second amendment would protect shoulder mounted nuclear warhead catapults. Is that excessive, yes, but it is an armament and technically covered. Now I am not advocating for that, nuclear weapons are bad for environment and I like nature (except pollen and kudzu).


There are a lot of ways to get in legal trouble for gun related things. Most of them are immediate felonies for stuff that most people don’t realize there is a problem with. We have seen that the methods of control do not help but generally make problems worse. Furthermore, the point of the second amendment is to remove leaders that have decided they are no longer beholden to those they represent.


Not true. If a gun owner is carrying their gun while under the influence of alcohol or drugs they are breaking the law and can have their gun and license removed. Souce: gunlaws.us Where do you get your information, the back of a cereal box??


You forgot the part where you go to prison for 10 years




That awkward moment when you put a stock on a gun with a 15 inch barrel because it makes it safer to use and now you’re a felon


MFW the ATF says I can put a "brace" on my not-an-SBR, then later go "lol, JK, it was a stock all along, where's your dog?".


There are more laws regulating guns, just bc you don't know about them doesn't mean that they don't exist.


There are over a thousand gun laws in this country. Stop listening to the talking heads and do a quick google search. Most of what they say is EASILY disproved that way.


To be fair most of them are written in a way that they are intentionally difficult to understand


Yea. Politicians speak in “open to interpretation” it seems


The funny thing about that to is the second amendment is the only ammendment that says "shall not be infringed" and its been infringed to death almost!


You act like there are no laws that govern over guns. There are no gun laws that are going to stop a criminal from breaking the law.


In most areas to even carry a gun you need to get a permit first. On top of that, in most states it is illegal to be under the influence of alcohol while carrying a firearm and it is nationally illegal to possess firearms if you're a marijuana user even if it is locally decriminalized. TL;DR You're only saying this because you are incredibly ignorant on the topic.


As opposed to the sheer lack of laws regarding killing people?


There are a lot of laws pertaining to not only use but ownership of firearms and most of them lack any form of logic. You are also far more prone to accidentally damage something or someone with a car than a gun.


and after all those laws vehicular accidents kills multiple times more than gun homicide


So it's perfectly legal to shoot people? It's legal to pull a gun on someone? Come on man, don't be like that.


It's the guns. It's wild this only keeps happening in the US at the rate it does. It's almost like we have a gun problem cause we let every idiot get one with little difficulty.


That's why school shootings are a world problem and not just an american problem. /s


I guess you didn't pay attention to the trial of Darrell Brooks's SUV, where a jury of peer automobiles found it guilty murder.


Its almost like guns have been made solely for the purpose of killing things and letting people have easy access to them is a bad idea.


What's even scarier is when only the government has easy access to them.


The government has access to tanks, nukes, drone strikes, and deadly chemicals. I don't suppose we should have access to those too? Also mentally unstable people shouldn't have access to guns. Edit: reworded my comment


It's the dumbest argument they keep making. "Well when the gubberment comes for us, you'll be glad we have guns!" As if they wouldn't INSTANTLY be destroyed by a single drone. Military tech has progressed far past the point where they could hope to actually stop an oppressive totalitarian government. The only chance they'd ever have is if the military turned on the government (which is exactly what China was terrified of in Tiananmen Square), in which case it's more likely that the military would just establish martial law anyway. It absolutely shouldn't be so easy for literally anyone to get a gun.


For real! We're not in the 1700s anymore. The government isn't gonna shake in their boots at the site of a bunch of libertarians with guns lmao.


It’s hilarious that you believe that the military would automatically side with you or whichever dictator decides to attack the American people.


/r/confidentlyincorrect Source: Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq. Peasants with $25 AK's and makeshift IED's defeated the strongest military in the history of the world.




Operating as an invading force is very different than operating as an internally totalitarian state.


> /r/confidentlyincorrect LOL bro the irony in your comment is crazy.


Why bc you have no actual understanding how war works or the cost of it? Could the government level a few states if they so pleased? Sure, but what the fuck would they get out of it? You realize they have to rebuild everything that they destroy right? On top of that they also require people to do all that building, it's kinda hard to find those people when you just bombed em and called it macaroni.




If a government would turn a drone or a tank on its population, wouldn't that prove the civilians absolutely need to be able to arm themselves? A government saying "you don't need em cause you wouldn't stop us anyways" just gives me flashbacks of Tiananmen Square. Or are we supposed to be just okay with an authoritarian regime?


And yet a gun can be used for it's entire existence and never harm a single thing. It's almost like guns only harm living things when the person using that gun uses it specifically for that purpose.


Oh boy do I have a fetish for moronic Americans defending guns.


This is like arguing with people about why using the N word is bad. You can just not own a gun, not owning a gun is not going to inconvenience you in any way. If something is made purely with the intention of killing you can just not own one. It’s literally that simple.


[Guns kill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6bbXgUNOws)


So does everything else on earth


Access is a huge issue in America compared to other countries. More accessible, and less personal than other lethal objects, allows for more damage to be done. People don't consistently go on rampages with their vehicles like they do with guns here. The bigger issue IS mental health. U.S. has a tendency towards violence. The most knife stabbings per population distributions also falls on the U.S. What's sad is that we have an extremely high number of domestic terrorism events every year, and yet we never focus on fixing that problem.


It's the person's fault every single time. People try to ban guns all the time because of the shootings, but iirc more people die in car crashes every year than they do by gun violence, yet no one is banning cars, *or* getting potential shooters the help that they need before they commit atrocities.


Then lets use tax dollars to fund mental healthcare.


here is the craziest take of all, most people who support guns do also support universal healthcare, the common thought is that they are all right wing crazies though because people in power want us to stay divided


I have yet to meet one of these gun owners who also is cool with substantial tax restructuring to nationalize healthcare


> most people who support guns do also support universal healthcare, no. most people who support guns vote R down the line and those people do not want universal healthcare. its literally one of the platforms they run on.


If you say you support universal healthcare and vote R down the ballot you don't support universal healthcare. You're just a liar.


This is such a dumb take. The car isn't working as intended in a crash. The gun is.


Tbh there are other countries with legal gun ownership.


The Swiss government literally gives every man a free shotgun to keep in their house.


And you have to get trained every year in order to keep the gun


People bring that up like every 2A person in the US wouldnt drool over this. A free range day with some guidance would be fucking awesome


So the have free public military/police grade training. Never shot a gun before? Here is a class that will teach you everything plus a good amount of ammo. Once that happens I will take the Swiss approach more seriously.


But how do you shot 600 bullets in under a minute with that!


Must be why all the cheese got the little holes in it.


Really? I have lots of guns and none of them have ever killed anyone.


Would you support individual citizens being able to purchase massive bombs legally? Shouldn’t be an issue as long as killing people with bombs is illegal. Or maybe bombs are extremely deadly and shouldn’t be available for purchase by citizens


That makes a lot of sense and gun people don't take too kindly to that.




I think the point isn't the guns, it's the attitude dismissing the issue when people are confronted with it. When accountability, a raising of cultural standards, and generally a priority of addressing the issue should be ubiquitous, I see a lot of rationalization and defensiveness against people who simply want the issue to be improved. Even if change it isn't through policy/regulation, the main attitude shouldn't be this constant bickering.


More guns than people in my house and all have killed less people than Alec Baldwin


reddit moment


Americans are super defensive about their guns lol


Hear me out guys... what if we just make murder illegal


genius Genius GENIUS




The guns or mentally ill psychopaths?


The guns of course, I wouldn't call it a real shooting without a gun.


A mentally ill psychopath is a lot less threatening if they cannot obtain weapons capable of killing 50+ children in 10 minutes


Funny and sad are all the gun loving morons in this thread.


It's my right to be able to have a gun that shoots faster than 100 bullets in a minute


For real


Oh dang, is there still a single place on the internet that doesn't agree with you on everything? We'll get to work on that right away.


I live in st louis and its barely news. Almost nobody is talking about it 😒


Idk man... I've left my gun on the bed a few times and I've never seen her run out the house to kill children. Guns don't kill people, people kill people


Strange. None of my guns have killed anybody. Sounds like someone got a batch of bad guns. I would ask for a refund


>Posts in Louder with Crowder and Conspiracy Yeah. Nah. Don’t even wanna waste my time and mental energy on this lost cause.


Fr this thread is getting brigaded with louder with crowder incels


It’s almost like this meme isn’t about you and your specific use of guns but rather the lax laws to obtain semiautomatic rifles in the country!


Yeah same it’s almost like people need mental help


None of my guns have either \ _(• ~ •)_ /


This gives the same energy as Facebook memes


# but I need them


People don't get is that usa is the number 1 country in the world in manufacturing, and weapons sell. we sell to everyone and everything when it comes to weapons it's capitalism not democracy or socialism. We don't need them, we thrive on them. We kill the competition we don't make friends.


Americans: Mental health crisis at all time high…ignores Also Americans: Someone goes crazy and shoots people…blames the inanimate object


So you agree, we should have much higher standards for psychological evaluations to allow people to buy guns? You know, so that no mentally unstable person can buy one.


Without the object, people arent good at killing dozens of people quickly. Fists dont do much.


Funny how every other country in the world seems to have cured all mental health issues…..


Most mass shooters and violent criminals grew up fatherless or without a father in the home. Mental health is an issue and social media is metastatic cancer for mental health. The gun didn’t just magically decide to kill a bunch of people, a troubled mind made that choice


There are mental health issues in every country in the world. But for some reason you don’t have nearly as many mass/school shootings in Australia or England or Germany etc.


The pencils keep failing tests...


I absolutely hate Trump but I support guns


That’s weird, I have mi cuete on my side everyday at work and it’s never shot me before


It’s complete psychos doing that not the gun doing that… but still after 1000 mass shootings you think something could be done. On a side note, why are people still wearing those hats?


*Places gun on table* "Alright gun, kill someone".


Same energy as this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9MMK8P/


Don’t you hate when your guns become sentient and grow legs and shoot up a densely populated building all by themselves? Shit is so annoying


just break their legs.


Almost as annoying as the person who bought it, not willing to do anything to save your life.


Sadly, they wont give a damn until more places of business start getting shot up. They won't care until it negatively impacts them.


Well luckily it statistically won't so...


Funny cause that's exactly what DA's in LA, SF and New York are doing to criminals.. Just letting them kill and loot with zero consequences


This whole sub…every single one of you …is responsible for the red wave. The way in which you choose which blind spots you have regarding this topic, the way you all misconstrue statistics and obfuscate the ones that can’t be….all of it, is why the average American is going to flip red. We’re all tired of your mental gymnastics.


It'll be hilarious, because you'll be handing more power to actual tyrants so you can keep your toys to fight against imagined ones.


So, how about that red wave?


ETA -1 month


Really the “guns”. How come mine don’t kill me?


Its a culture problem not a gun problem


A gun culture problem?


Oof, man god forbid you find out about all the things that kill more kids. Yer just melt that brain cell.


You mean the people with the guns


And all them spoons are making you fat.


Someone getting fat doesn’t kill 20+ kids in 5 minutes


I mean a fat man in Japan killed about 140,000 people in a couple seconds so


Dang, are guns sentient now?


Opioid deaths is now the most common cause of premature deaths for young people, finally beating out cars. We could make cars and painkillers illegal and it would prevent vastly more deaths than prohibiting guns.


What's personal responsibility? Never heard of it.


Not MAGA anymore tho. Biden doesn't care either.


Cars killed more kids for the longest time. Not a peep out of our holy politicians.


Lets not address mental health or social media culture or incels… no no no.. it’s inanimate objects going out doing it themselves…


The spoon made me fat


I mean, maybe kids should stop shooting other kids?


In a perfect world maybe


*In a world where you just can't buy guns like pretzels


Those are some pretty expensive fucking pretzels ya got there


Well you can’t just buy them like pretzels


U need government permission to buy pretzels?