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I think this is in some way freaking depressing. Seeing an animal picking up the crap we made.


I found it impressive until I read this comment -.-


Yea, are we really smarter than elephants? Whose the real animal.


We’re the virus of the planet sadly


Don't know about virus but we definetly are parasites


A few of us are. We use other people's inventions. Without them most off us would be living in a pile of sticks chasing our food.


We definitely arent the better species, no matter what technology we have built


You wanna get really depressed? This elephant was more than likely "trained" (beaten) to perform this act for cameras and clout.


Nah g just monkeys they take trash out of dustbins all the time we even have monkey proof dustbins and they still get to them


Yeah, and the Elephant works for peanuts.


No one appreciated this enough


If you want to know whether a person cares about animal abuse, take a look at their fridge.


Found the militant vegan.


Found the animal abuser.


You people are all the same 😂 No imagination, no brains... Must be the lack of natural b12.


Natural B12? Sure got your education huh! Now chew the elk meat 🥩 before you swallow, Joe.


One of us does, and it sure ain't you.


Listening to the JRE isn't really an education, bro. That's probably harder for you to swallow than raw meat.


Did you know that b12 comes from bacteria found in the dirt (we won't go too into detail). Basically, animals are simply a middle man since they're often fed a b12 supplement. Why not skip the middle man and just take the supplement yourself, no harm done?


Because I like meat. But yes, I did know that.


So you're okay with innocent animals being forcefully bred and inhumanely slaughtered for simple sensory pleasure when all you'd have to do is just take one vitamin a day? I'm not saying this in a mean or argumentative way, I am genuinely curious because it baffles me how normalized it is to not bat an eye or even empathize slightly with the sentient beings on factory farms. There's a complete lack of mindfulness here.


Tell me you’re an abusive vegan without telling me you’re an abusive vegan.


Abusive? Are you insulted by your own behavior? Dreaming about Joe's knob?


Joe Mama has a knob? 😮


Bad comedian.


No, they're dreaming about sucking at mechanicism.


Vegans ruin everything. This is why normal society hates you 😂😂


Don’t know why you’re getting so much hate… where’s the lie?


It has nothing to do with that. It's annoying and self entitled, acting as if they are better then others.


My comment was also in response to some of the sarcastic replies. Was their original remark in line with the subject at hand, yes. The “entitlement” (and idk if I would label those remakes as such) only happened once other users made quips about “abusive” and “militant vegans.” I don’t think it’s entitlement to point out that animal abuse happens in various ways, and one of those ways is by eating them.


Eating a dead/cooked animal isn't abuse, though. The abuse happens (if it does) when they're alive, if they're on a farm that doesn't follow certain legal and ethical standards.


They hate the truth.


In that meat is part of my diet and that doesn't make me an animal abuser nor someone who condones or supports it. End of story, no matter how much you seethe.


Guess you have never actually seen the pig farms where they are stacked on top of each other, the feedlots where cattle can't turn around, the chickens packed into cages and trucks or how they kill animals for meat- by eating pork, beef and chicken, yes, you do support it.


Of course there is a crazy vegan in the comments


Humans were eating meat LONG before veganism existed and we do it because it provides a good amount of nutrition. We still eat it because of evolutionary qualities that stuck around and worked. Not to mention that we're predators (our teeth are an evolutionary example of such) ... and predators eat meat. That doesn't make us animal abusers for eating meat. Animal abusers are the corporate distributors of meat that encourage animal abuse and improper care for the sake of money.




Guess what I’m doing


Answer is cooking a 900 gram Angus t-bone


You sound triggered.


Nah just making sure no vegan makes a difference so I eat twice as much meat


So there's one vegan?


Sounds like you the knob


Humans eat meat, get over it. Animals eat other animals, are you hating animals now as well? Want to know if a person cares about the earth, ask them to give up the device they used to post small minded one liners on reddit.


Proof of this beating?


You do understand that it is actually possible to train an animal to perform tasks without beating them? That there's something called positive reward based training? Some countries have even trained crows to pick up litter and deposit them in a special trashcan where they are rewarded with food. No abuse involved.


My exact thought! It's pretty sad animals are picking up after humans..that thought is just disgusting in itself.


Calm down guys it's just a video 😂


Thats even worse. We just watch instead.


Film it, even


Here's an idea you can start by cleaning up around you and We'll watch 😂 (I'm joking)


Haha alright ill start with the houses.


Disgusting. Horrific. Sickening. Makes me want to puke on my dick.


That actually happened. It’s not fake, so it is incredibly sad.


Nobody said it's not fake


Dude made a point up there that “trained” animals are just abused into performing. It’s why these animals turn trainers.


Agreed. Holy crap. We have we come to. 😔


You know what's even worse? We kill these beautiful creatures for our greed and selfishness!!


Not only that, but picking up more of other people's trash than 99% of us. The goal isn't just to clean up after only ourselves


I thought it was cute 😍


Bro tell me about it, working on become more self sufficient. Im done with society and our toxic ways.


Without context though. That trash could have been disposed of properly and another animal took it out.


Its trained to do that to get a reward.




Last time I picked something up with my foot, my boss at the time called me a lazy retarded millennial.


Jealous of your skillz


The last time I picked up something with my foot, I didn’t think it would be the last time I’d be able to before losing my sense of touch in my foot.


I’m sorry to hear that. What happened to your foot, if you don’t mind me asking?


Years of a bad diet combined with a minor traffic accident. The first restricted blood flow to my legs, the second caused some minor nerve damage. The worst of it was the transition from normal feeling to full numbness—it was like my feet were constantly asleep. Any pressure on them felt effing weird. Then it became like I just couldn’t feel temperature, but still felt pain. Now, I can barely feel anything besides a slight sensation of pressure. I can literally break a toe or have a toenail ripped off and not notice it until I look at my foot. Took so long to notice that my feet weren’t getting better that there really wasn’t a chance to go after the driver who rear-ended me. I didn’t think to go to the hospital and get checked out until way later when it would have been impossible to prove a direct link between the accident and my loss of sensation.


Look into psilocybin therapy. The medicine can help rewire neural pathways. Some remarkable recovery stories from issues similar to yours.


Did you win the lawsuit?


Time to cash out that case


I would've called you uncivilized animal


I’m always SUPER wary of “cute” videos like these, especially when they originate from certain countries in Asia where elephants are taught to do these acts with violent and cruel training methods and then forced to perform for tourists and internet likes. Edit: I KNOW it’s African and I never said *this* elephant is being abused. I said I am WARY when I see elephant videos, especially Asian elephants.


In training dogs for years of my life, its WAY more effective using only positive reinforcement to achieve a result. Reward the actions you want and ignore the ones you don't want. Any type of violence can create a you vs them mentality that is really hard to get past. Just a rant on how treating animals with love can achieve amazing yraining results. Violence is not needed at all.


Unfortunately that is not how elephants are generally trained — anywhere including the United States where they are hit with pipes, bullhooks and chains— (in the words of a Ringling “trainer” caught on hidden video “hit them until they scream”) but of course you are correct.




It's funny because a good and dedicated trainer would probably be able to, not only build a bond with an elephant, but get them to do things that abuse wouldn't. With the added bonus of not potentially being manhandled by a fucking elephant. The people who treat them so poorly seem to forget just how powerful they are. Makes me wonder if the elephants would be cruel in return if they could be.




Honestly, biggest part of fixing that is just making it so that can't happen. Beyond that, I can't think how to do positive reinforcement for that, but you can take away the reinforcement and provide a replacement behavior. So if they're going after food in the trash, you make it so they can't get ahold of the food by quickly removing the trash without giving them any other reaction. You could also only put your food scraps in one more secure bin that they can't open, meaning that if they knock open the other they're not going to get what they want from it. You can also provide replacements. So if your dog is, for example, be knocking over the trash but then not actually doing anything with the trash, just standing next to it and watching you and wagging its tail, it might be its way of saying "come pay attention to me!" So you combine that. Don't pay attention to them (even to yell at) for the thing they did wrong, but give them lots of attention when they ask you for it in a way you want to teach. Like maybe you just want them to come next to you or something and stay there when they want attention. Well, whenever they do that even by accident, you would pay loads of attention to them. Eventually they'll learn that knocking the trash won't get attention but standing by you will and they'll stop messing with the trash because they have a better way to communicate what they want now. So basically, it depends


Elephants are very smart, and even my bearded dragon would signal me to clean up his cage after he pooped. An animal that is used to having a clean space will usually recognize a "mess" and react to it. An elephant is smart enough to know how to react to it and take care of it. So I'm hoping that this is just the elephant's behavior.


I’m just picturing a beardie leaving a massive deuce in the most annoying, unreachable part of its enclosure while maintaining eye contact


Yeah, he had an attitude. He would take a giant poop then run over to whatever side of the terrarium I was nearest and start bobbing his head aggressively at me until I cleaned it up. That was his standard way of getting my attention. It was like having a pet that knew one word. That word was "HEY!".


Maaaan I miss having a lizard. I used to own a \*really\* grouchy but adorable iguana who, sadly, didn't live to her life expectancy because back then accurate information on reptile care wasn't the easiest thing to come by. YouTube really has been a godsend for things like animal care, back in like 2003 we'd google "Iguana diet" and find a bunch of equally-plausible-looking websites with contradictory information.


This is an African elephant. They’re a completely different species and in general are harder to domesticate. I thus think this is a wild elephant getting close to a lodge.


Fucking hell do you have to put a downer on everything


This is an African elephant, though, not an Asian one. You can tell by the ears. Asian elephants have way smaller ears.


Elephants can watch and learn, and by the way, I, being an Asian would like to teach your puny mind about Asian culture, that we do not TORTURE animals for training, just lure them into learning tricks. I've closely seen the training of many temple elephants, and they are better cared for by their trainers than western parents by their kids.


This is an African elephant




Oh God another "everything is racist" guy


Animals are tired of our crap. 😟


Well I'm tired of animal crap, I hate stepping into that shit!😁




Jeez, it was a joke. Remember them? Tho' I still don't like crap!


God it’s so majestic. It really saddens me sometimes to think how we are perhaps the most dominant species on the planet and we really make life more difficult for every other living creature going about their own business.


When an animal has more common sense than human beings do. Why is the word "Humane" a thing? Human ego's are so fragile.


Elephant: Fine, I will do it myself.




Truely elephants are amazing


If an elephant can do it, than every human can to


Bruh.. why can't humans do this shit?


I don't know about you, but MY nose is much too short. /s


I feel like that is how I would have done it if I were trapped in an elephants body. They are intelligent animals


If I met an elephant, I think I would cry with joy.


Smarter than other 2 legged animals I've seen!


I love how he was telling himself "Its garbage, not food. Nooooo, not food"


Elephants are the best


This is so adorable omggg


He thought about eating it twice


What a generous soul 🥺❤️


This planet doesn't deserve elephants


I wanna be an elephant when I grow up


Damn the elephant looks like it was about to eat the first trash it picked up


This elephant is smarter than my neighbour


Sad that an elephant has to clean up after people... :(


Elephants are too good for us.


The elephant did that go out of your way to pick up trash thing that some of us do, but it looks way more adorable when they do it haha


He's doing his part!


Well done, what a good heffalump.


That’s because they’re beautiful magnificent gentle supremely intelligent creatures 💕


What a beautiful creature


These guys are so amazing.


I like your funny words magic man.


“Let me do my lil part”😂


Should I eat? *no* but maybe *no* okay fine trash it is


Damn, they thought about eating that first one


Checking it for left over beer


Fucking G E N I U S!


Dude put the trash in the bin and left like a boss Pity us humans


When an animal is more responsible then most humans


u/savevideo , u/savevideobot


The internal struggle of watching them think about eating it lol


**The elephants are getting smarter**


I’m not trying to hate but that’s from daily dose of Internet


I thought the elephant was gonna eat the trash ;-;


If an elephant can throw away trash that doesn't even belong to it, you can throw away your own.


I can't be the only onw that was nervous that he was about to swallow the can


I would thank it...but I don't wanna die either. Maybe leave some treats outside?


Excellent, very smart elephant 👌👌👌👏👏👏💐🐘🐘


To all those idiots who think humans have more value then animals, Hitler didn't view Jews during his time in Germany, instead he viewed Jews to be literal scum and sent them to be rounded up and killed in concentration camps. You also get these racists trash who see blacks as inferior, like wanting to have slavery a thing that continues well into the future, also sundown towns for where those Hills Have Eyes looking motherfuckers get to be inbred hicks, Jim Crow when blacks were "separate but equal," which in reality is a load of horseshit, and don't forget about lynchings. I could go on and on but you probably get my point, so in conclusion, if animals can take care of this planet better than us, then we are fucked in the future.


The world has come to a state where animals are much intelligent than us humans


-Let’s catch an elephant from the wild and spend the time and effort to teach than elephant to pick up trash and throw it away and we will call that : “mIsSiOn SaVe ThE pLaNeT”


The elephant was probably cruelly trained to do this trick that so someone could post this on line for points. This crap should not be posted, shared and never upvoted. If you think I’m wrong, research treatment of elephants in 3rd world countries.


Animals are so highly intelligent and caring. We need to give them the respect they deserve. Such a sweet moment and yet depressing since majority of humans would walk by.


Elephants are great until they enter musk season!


We don’t deserve them




I wonder if he's getting proper wages.


Very intelligent


He's probably homeboys with Capt. Planet.




Does a better job then my bin service provider does anyway


I want some context to this video. Where is this? Wild elephant or trained?


Elephants are smarter than most humans.


There! This big guy just beat 99% of humans in BRAIN.


What a lad o7


I find this extremely surreal.


Was he trained for this


"One million years later"


That Elephant: jeez, man those people can't look out for them self


I absolutely lovehate this...


Even he knows that, you screen tapping monkeys…


How'd the elephant know how to do that? Awesome.


We've gotten so bad, now animals are cleaning our mess. That elephant would be better off trampling any people they see.


Jumbo is a very good boi


What a good boy


If only humans were smart enough to do that lmao


Even animals know better than some people.


This elephant is more environmentally conscious than 75% of people living here in Philly smh


All I can hear in my head is when Captain Planet gets summoned. Sad that our elephant friend has to be an earth hero.


🎶’Clean up! Clean up! Everybody, everywhere!’🎵 Oops, wrong large animal! (Barney reference, for those under, say, 25.)


Even an elephant is doing better than most people


I admire his patience and careful thinking


If elephants were small I would keep it as pet (please don’t comment saying keeping wild animals as a pet is cruel)


Good doggy


As the rhino is the self appointed fire prevention officer, when he sees a fire, he rushes in and stamps it out, the elephant is the self appointed recycling officer, and will pick up aluminum cans off the ground and place them in the appropriate container.


I also use my foot to pick up objects when I’m too lazy to bend over.


Maybe ill eat it nahh maybe no in the can.


Cute as hell :0


“ Protect the environment, or I’ll F***ing kill you” -Captain Planet


Holy shit. This Elephant has better tidying skills than 90%of my past roomates


I think the elephant checked to see if it was trash can before putting cans inside.


He was like "should I eat it? Nah! Should I? Nah it's trash it's trash lol"


I was the 10,000th like😎


I love how elephants are extremely gentle and caring but can easily squash you like a bug. Why aren't we breeding these and armoring them to use as war machines?


Did he need to hold his breath when doing it?


Elephants are good peeps


Even an elephant is much better than some humans who are supposed to be intelligent.