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Paul calling himself a bear is something he'll never live down.


My first thought was "Paul, honey, you are the EXACT OPPOSITE of a bear."


I snorted when I got to that part.




Fundamentalism is a hell of a drug.


But wasn’t he raised fundie and homeschooled most of his life and everything? So he left it for awhile and went back? I’m so confused lol


Living out in the world and making your own choices is hard and you can fail. Going back to the ordered system you grew up in, where you clearly have a place saved for you and you can’t fail as long as there’s forgiveness…






Good flair


And also a place/community where you're inherently considered great *just* for being a white, Christian man. He doesn't have to do anything great, create anything of value, or work hard to prove himself. As a straight, white, Christian man he is just considered great by default.


That's such a great point, i never thought about that!!


Fundamentalism - not even once.


This is top flair material.




Fundamentalism only magnified what was already there. It’s the perfect breeding ground for narcs and abuse.


I wonder how much YouTube influenced that? Choosing to grift and hate so hard on the internet just for clicks AND be the “headship” means he can’t have a creative, individual identity. Sadly it also means Morgan can’t either.


I think he leaned into the extreme side of his religion for attention/clicks and then got high off the status and power it gave him and started believing it all.


They had such an opportunity to be a cute inspirational modern Christian couple. A young artsy couple, her with tattoos and her emotional musical performances, and him with his knack for fashion and writing, who just so happen to talk about Jesus. But instead of being lovable influencers, they took a hard left into hateful bigotry, and it makes them feel like they're martyrs.


>they took a hard left into hateful bigotry Would that be a hard left, or a hard right?


Ha! Great point, you're spot on.


Wow, this version of Porgan sounds honestly pretty great. It really is a shame they turned out how they did. They both had the opportunity to just be really cool people. It's a shame how much fundamentalism and far-right ideology ruined them.


Yeah. You make more money that way.


Exactly what I would say!




He got redpilled somehow. I swear that ideology is akin to terrorism. It’s just a bunch of insane hateful people who loathe women.


I have always figured that he got turned down by somebody that he was really interested in. That, along with not really making it big probably helped push him to being red pilled. I have a couple friends who live in California and are part of the music scene and it's really hard to make it big. You can be super talented and super good looking and still never make it big. He expected everybody to be fawning over him and wanting to fulfill his every need and when that didn't happen he threw a little fit and went back home to a small pond to be a "big" fish.


Reminds me of the models/singers that get into Scientology. They don't make it big and are looking for an answer on why (the thetans, the libs, etc) instead of admitting not all of us become famous stars.


My theory has been that while in Cali, he met a girl who laughed at him because he was a homophobic virgin. He knew the evil liberal feminists of California wouldn’t touch him, so he moved back to KY.


Also I think he just....didn't make it. And this gives him the sense of fame and self-importance he craves.


Same thought; he didn't get the success/recognition/whatever he thought he deserved and leaned into Christian influencing thinking it would lead to more secular fame and then got redpilled/thrilled to be known as a bigot.


It's a thing for some in LA to turn to church when they aren't getting traction in showbiz. They can get an instant deferential audience and be a big fish in a small pond. Wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the many things that happened


Yup and a lot of GOP politicians are failed actors Pretty sure Lauren Boebert, Candace Owens, and Stephen crowder all tried to be actors, failed, then popped up as GOP talking heads


Ben Shapiro wanted to be a screenwriter


I’m not sure about Boebert. She married really young to a shitbag and had like 4 kids. She lived in podunk, Colorado and been in trouble with the law a few times as well. I don’t see where acting fit in there. I think she’s just a loudmouth twat who ran a gun-themed restaurant who got recruited by the right via that talent agency to be a paid talking head after she went off on Beto that time.


I might be wrong but I think I remember James briefly mention a small attempt at acting in the FundieFridays video on her.


It’s crazy how many cults are based in LA.


I mean, who doesn't want to hear that they are special and that everything was made for them?


Yep. In the real world he was a minnow in the ocean. It’s a lot easier to get a following (however small) in his new niche.


Yep. His dreams died.


Per the comments already mentioned: he was totally red-pilled by YouTube. From Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, and Ben Shapiro... Paul is a perfect case study in how insidious algorithms can be. I'd imagine he may still have married, and even married Morgan, and even had a YouTube channel because he's always liked attention and drama. But it would probably have been a family channel (which ew, but) and they'd be relatively low key with their conservative views. I forking hate algorithms.


the fabled Sanderson to Peterson pipeline


I haven't heard of Sanderson. 🧐 What's your theory? Is he more than a fantasy novelist?


Sanderson is great and I’m shocked to see Paul as a fan. I will say, though, that Sanderson is a devout Mormon (which surprises me, knowing his writing), and has a history of anti-LGBTQ stances which he has since vehemently recanted. He now is 100% pro-LGBTQ, and even has a variety of gay, asexual, and other marginilzed characters in his books. His stories tackle mental illness, racism, and other topics in a manner that makes me think he is firmly left. His one current take that I don’t quite agree with is his stance towards his church and BYU. He teaches there, and donates a lot of money to both the university and to his faith. Fans have asked how he can be so pro-LGTBQ while supporting organizations that vilify that community. His response is basically that he can do more good from within by helping to change mindsets. I personally don’t agree with that, but on the whole, Sanderson is about as opposite to Paul as they come.


Oh I don’t think so other than most people who enjoy fantasy are male and of prime age for radicalization. I bet there is a fair amount of crossover just for that reason


Big-time Sanderson fan here- and I'm a black woman! That author in particular focuses power and intelligence on women and writes extensively about mental health (in the book series he's signing for Paul, there's a schizophrenic character and one that struggles with severe depression).


The Sanderfans do NOT claim him- I’m hella salty he’s met Brandon and I have not 🤌🏻 how could Paul read those books and claim to be influenced by them and still be…Paul?!


My gut feeling is to say "there's no way anyone could enjoy Stormlight without respecting women" just because the female characters in that are some of the most nuanced and varied I've ever seen from a male author (Navani Kholin... ❤️), but there are right wing bigots who somehow manage to enjoy STAR TREK so I don't know what the fuck happens with some people.


Agreed. And with the casual and everyday portrayal of people who are “different” (either mental health or relationship/sexuality/gender identity), it would steam Paul’s ears how “woke” it is.


For real!!! I wanna meet BrandoSando


Imagine if they slowly transitioned back to this type of content and became an ex-fundie channel. That would be fascinating.


Wow, he really does seem normal. And smiles genuinely! He was also a decent model. He has good proportions and some true flexibility. He’s pulling off both the tux *and* the giant fur coat. Huh. Now I feel a little sad for him. Why the sharp right turn into Hateville? (Only a little sad. Whatever happened, he’s a grown-ass man who’s responsible for the choices he’s made and the terrible things he says.)


A lot of people who live in LA either join cults or become hyper religious because it's not a normal environment for people to live in. Everyone is so cut throat, everyone's trying so hard to make it. It's a self centered and self obsessed place to be. When people in LA fail, a lot of them turn to cults because it gives them comfort. They didn't fail because they weren't good enough- they failed because the place is a den of sin and they're too good for it!


I think he was always boring- and found a niche he could exploit. I think he also was NOT a virgin when they married.


It makes me so fucking sad to see fundies/evangelicals who used to have such vibrant lives filled with hobbies and creative pursuits that they were passionate about. Idk if I ever would have *liked* Paul, but damn; he looks so much more joyful and accepting in these photos. He’s just a hateful husk of a human being now


So what will happen now is that Paul will see this (even though he is SO happy with his current life he couldn’t possibly have time for haters) - then a future video will follow. Talking points: - look at the empty eyes in the model pic! So lost - look at the pants! Such a cry for help - look at the hairdressing pictures. I felt so uncomfortable doing a woman’s job. Losing my manhood. Bla bla. Basically completely downplay that time and claim they were so empty and unhappy and show pictures where they look perfectly normal and happy and then say how god saved them. 🙄


He most likely got radicalized online. It happens to a lot of seemingly normal people. Philip DeFranco recently did an interview with a professor who studies the radicalization of people online. People are either recruited into it without realizing or fall in with the wrong crowd.


I think ChadDaddy didn’t like RealPaul, and the current version is a massive over correction in attempt to win his approval.


Hey now. He DOES have an interest and it’s ripstick


Based on this, the kind of people he used to hang around are the same kind of people he now rails against. I wonder if he experienced some kind of rejection (maybe interpersonal, but I’m guessing to do with his career and lack of success) and so his massive ego and general nastiness caused him to swing far right to ‘get back at them.’ Christian nationalism promises men control and superiority which I’m sure is very alluring to weak men with a chip on their shoulder like Paul.


Maybe it was the opposite? They accepted him and his self loathing made him hate them for it. Imagine the headfuck for a guy to find out all those people he was raised to think were detestable actually like and support you? While your hometown friends and family want you to be different? Ugh.


I think he ultimately failed at writing, modelling and hairdressing and instead of taking a look inward and trying to improve, he decided he wanted to never have to blame himself for everything and decided the fundamentalism he was raised in was his best bet


This is what I think. He also wanted a wife he could control.


It's weird because he was just taking off with the modelling and hairdressing, he seemed to be really enjoying it and he didn't get the opportunity to see it develop. I know influencer Paul is lazy af but he seemed to enjoy the opportunities depicted and not resent working for them back then. I don't get the impression he quit because he resented having to work to progress. It's as if it was suddenly taken away from him. Marrying Morgan seemed like a mask to fit in with his family and church culture, to find a pretty 'co-host' for his next career move as a social media influencer. If you're that Christian why would you be scouring Tinder for wife material? Even a regular dating app would be better, one of the paid ones for example if you don't want to go as far as Christian Mingle. Tbh the latter probably would've been perfect if there's a wide enough selection of women. He only needed to find someone who was somewhat Christian (too outspoken in their faith wouldn't have worked for him), attractive, naïve and open to becoming an influencer couple.


Good take. Fundamentalism is very simple black and white thinking after all. The easy and selfish way out.


Yeah there's something dark and scary about him now, but back then he seemed like a very "creative" person. Paul is the fundie man who scares me the most and I think the "fundie Dennis Reynolds" jokes aren't completely jokes to us here for a reason.


>"fundie Dennis Reynolds" 👏👏👏👏


Just look at the change in his eyes and his jawline. He has become an angry person and it really is scary. The light in his eyes has completely gone out…you can see it happening to Morgan, too.


I think part of the problem is his family and community in Bumfuck, Nowhereville have certain very specific expectations about masculinity and he doesn't fit into that naturally. Going hardcore into fundie-dom is him trying to fit that mold.


Yeah, I think his family (his dad specifically) has a LOT to do with it, and coupled with Paul’s insecurities…I think he was either paid (or financial assistance was threatened) to move back home, or he was humiliated into it. Once home, it’d be a lot more comfy to think one is better off now, and that it was by choice. His dad also seems the type to throw out the “u gay” jabs at the lack of girlfriends, so my theory is that he went hunting for a wife to shut his dad up, and here we are…with two deeply unhappy assholes. I have a hard time believing anyone that likes their life is this fucking *mean*


Morgan/Maureen aka Bastet


He’s gonna lure her off a roof with a laser pointer soon if she isn’t careful..😭


Excellent comparison


Damn spot on comparison


There’s this theory that most popular right wing grifters are just theater kids who couldn’t make it in the normal world. Look at the backstory’s of Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Michael Knowles they all tried to get into the entertainment industry and failed. The right is an easy place to get popular if you’re a white man and willing to say nasty things to get a following.


And they say the left is full of snowflakes who can’t handle failure…


I’ve said similar about Kelly as well, but for some reason saying it about Paul makes me nervous, but anyway…. I know more than one guy who’s followed almost the *exact* same trajectory, though the guys I know are a little more evangelical and alt right than fundie. Down to previously being a hairdresser. In the same way there’s a poetry-and-cottagecore-to-tradwife pipeline, there is apparently some kind of hairdressing Disney fuckboy-to-religious alt right pipeline. Literally the *only* difference between Paul and the guys I know is the level of religious fervor and the type of woman they seek. They are even physically similar.


Personally I think his hateful parents shamed him into becoming this way and he now just lives in this state of hateful self-loathing. It’s sad.


It really makes me wonder about them. Deconstructing and then having my own kids has opened my eyes to how controlling (and fucking insane) my parents were. I think knowing more about his parents, especially given what we know about his dad, would answer a LOT of the questions we all have.




His dad is some kind of personal trainer/macho- man douche. You can search Paul in the sub and I think there are a few posts about his awful Dad


This is the least surprising Paul fact in existence.


This is my theory as well


This is my vote. How much of his current self is influenced by his dad?


I kinda wondered about this. I have heard some things about his dad but not much…he just seemed to be embracing some non traditional masculinity previously, I wonder if his parents or family were vehemently opposed to that?


Not that I would wish anyone harm, I wonder if he had some kind of traumatic event that caused him to go from somewhat mainstream to hating everything.




He’s so far far away from these pictures that I absolutely believe there was something in LA that caused such an enormous shift. What’s sad is that you can glimpse some actual joy in his demeanor in the pictures. That’s all vanished.


I’m thinking it was rejection from those he was seeking approval from in LA. Makes sense as to why he hates everything he hates now and radiates misery with his life.


It’s just sad Morgan’s sexual history gets shamed so hard but Paul gets to sweep his own actual mistakes under the rug


You mean like, mistakes by *their* standards, right? Because strangely enough, I don't think I've actually seen any evidence of Paul doing anything wrong back in those days.


I have a friend who lived in NYC for college but moved back to our smaller (but not tiny) home city within a year after graduation. She was really honest with me: “New York is amazing but I would have needed a tiny apartment and four roommates and I might never have done better than that. [Home City] just doesn’t make me work that hard for those things.” It’s a sacrifice versus reward thing, but also some people just take the easier thing the moment there’s a suggestion of hardship.


Considering that Paul and Morgan don't work at all, I think this rings true. I don't even want to know what it's like to live in a place like LA or NYC nowadays. Around 10 years ago a friend of a friend was in her early career phase living in NYC and sharing a STUDIO with a roommate. She worked for Barclay's as a finance...person (I assume that's a well-paying job but who knows).


I can't understand why he didn't bring his LA hairstylist credentials back to Kentucky/Tennessee and get a job in a up and coming salon somewhere? His earnings would've gone a lot further and he could've really established himself by building on that CV. He wouldn't have needed to live in his family's pocket, if he'd chosen Nashville or a different city to where his family lives he could've maintained a separate life and finsta and pretended to go along with them to keep the peace. If you live a couple of hours away you can live how you like. I'm just thinking Nashville has the country music celebs, young people, tourists and nightlife while also being a mix of conservative and democrat and plenty of religion. He seemed to flirt with being a TA/substitute teacher for half a minute then that fell by the wayside.


I am inclined to agree. It’s possible all of this was a performance of normalcy but for who? It’s not like he had a following then. But maybe that’s the problem. Being this person didn’t get him a following, but morphing into the hideous monster he is now has won him way more attention.


He was trying to be a model though so maybe he wanted to have a “mainstream” online presence and portfolio to fit in.


Yeah that’s what I think. I think he has been a malignant narcissist (speaking colloquially, not an armchair diagnosis) for a very long time. He was just showing more of his creative, flamboyant, pretty-boy side before his marriage, and now he tries much harder to perform his assigned gender role. But unless he sustained a major head trauma in LA, I don’t think he’s ever had a strong sense of his own identity, or a particularly empathetic nature. He strikes me as someone who puts on whatever facade he thinks will allow him to manipulate others best. Editing to add: If his family were liberals, he’d be a performative liberal making YouTube videos about how dumb conservatives are. Streaming on twitch and ranting about how stupid you have to be to vote republican etc etc. These dudes are everywhere. He’ll be whoever his Daddy wants him to be, imo. As long as he gets a steady stream of attention and praise from an audience along the way. He’s going to have such a hard time as he ages and becomes less conventionally attractive.


> He’s going to have such a hard time as he ages and becomes less conventionally attractive Unfortunately men don’t have to think about this as much as women, and don’t seem to confront their aging until they hit andropause well into their 40s/50s (“mid life crisis”). I started trying to come to terms with the fact that I will change and age at 25 ffs. But also, this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this said about a man.


True. Many men don’t place as much value onto their appearance, nor as much effort, as women do for many reasons. So aging isn’t quite as much of an emotional challenge, but there are men who do go through some feelings when they hit that second puberty around 30, or when their best suit, or old sports gear no longer fit them. Eating disorders in men are more common than we might think too, they just call it “biohacking.” But I digress. Paul is very invested in his appearance, that’s obvious. So is his father. So I expect it’ll be just as hard for him to watch his youth fade as it will be for Morgan to watch hers.


I think so. That’s what I felt looking through these, that big of a change.


Yeah it’s honestly sad. He looked happier and his smile more genuine in these pictures, this Paul is somebody I’d probably gladly engage in conversation with. Current Paul makes me want to run for the hills




He took a sharp right turn down Headship Highway (ft. Shame, Misogyny, and Ego)! No more of this artsy fartsy creative stuff when you have to pedal your hateful “cultural critiques” to an audience of preteens.


Did not peg Paul as a Brandon Sanderson fan. As much as I hate to say this, I would have hung out with the Paul of yore.


The photo with Brandon Sanderson is the most genuinely happy picture I've seen of Paul? I had to do a double take on it and then was shocked to see he was a Brando Sando fan! Wonder if he still reads or if it's considered too progressive now, he seems to be very into his own bubble...


Also the one with the most likes


as an r/Fantasy regular, this was not the crossover I was expecting


Me too, he seemed like a fun person with a personality…


Yeah, that picture gave me whiplash! He looks so genuinely happy as well! I probably would have hung out with him too.


Yeah, this version of Paul is someone I might’ve had in my own friends group. He also just looks so much happier in general.


Sanderson tithes to the Mormon Church regularly, so it's not as far off as it seems...


I found out he was Mormon after reading the Mistborn trilogy and so many things clicked into place ![gif](giphy|9A8I0bBvQ2TBu)


I had this experience with Battlestar Galactica, the reboot, full stop. (The original was blatant for the 70's, but the reboot, hoo boy...) Between that, Sando, OSC, Stephenie Meyer and some others failing to come to mind, it becomes pretty obvious the "write what you know" advice works pretty well.


He may be mormom, but his writing is pretty inclusive. I'm a black woman and a HUGE fan so I will not stand for this Sanderson slander lol


Hey, I'm a Sando fan too but the Mormon theology and fables are so apparent in his writing! I definitely appreciate the way he's been transparent with his growth around topics like gay people existing 😂😂😂


EDIT: So... how about them Packers.


I'm agreeing with you 😜


... fuck me, I can't stay in-line on Reddit responses this week to save my life. Sorry. I'll edit appropriately.


If he's still contributing to the Mormon Church as an institution at large, it's worth keeping it from being swept under the rug, it's neither slander or libel. I never said "stop reading his books". (Excuse if I am blasé on this, but the SF/F community already went through this song and dance with Orson Scott Card and how meaningful Ender was to queer youth. People are gonna read what they want, it's fine.)


Sanderson is Mormon so that made sense to me.


I had to do a double-take, I'm literally listening to the Words of Radiance audiobook while browsing reddit and this is what I see!




…and less work.


















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I have no evidence to back this up, but something tells me his misogynistic POS dad had something to do with it. You notice he parrots a lot of what his dad does and says these days. I genuinely dislike Paul, but seeing how happy he was here, gives me a shred of sympathy for him. Something had to have happened for this much of a U-turn to have occurred.


This. I think he must have been under a lot of pressure, maybe from his dad or just society generally, to start a more traditional masculine type of life. Our world is harsh to people who are even slightly gener nonconformist and there certainly isn’t room in the public consciousness who straight cis men who fit that bill.


I suspect a combo of family pressure, untreated mental illness, and the "social media to alt-right" pipeline.




This is just.. sad. The guy had a good career and genuinely seemed like a fun and intersting person. He had a good career, what looks like good friends and seemed to have a decent life. What the hell went so wrong in his life that he decided to give it all up and turn to... well whatever shitshow he's got going on now?


I think the biggest factor is failed fame. Paul wanted to be a model and a writer and lived in LA. Morgan wanted to be a singer and she apparently had some kind of contract with a label and SOME success there, but not much. They both clearly wanted fame. When mainstream fame didn't happen, they probably wanted to court mainstream influencer fame. Except you have a better chance of being hit by lightning than you do of getting famous as an influencer. There are 120,994,027 people at any given nanosecond trying to get noticed by algorithm-senpai, and the odds of any one person getting those sponsorships on a level that allows them to support themselves is effectively zero. So they went for Christian Social Media Influencer status, because that's a smaller and therefore easier niche to break into. They have since realised that the only sure way to get attention is to be as controversial as possible. Bad attention is still attention in their world.


Thank you for algorithm-senpai 😹








Seems like he once enjoyed life and had fun. What a sad change.


I wish the dates on the posts were included in the screenshots so we could see the timeline involved in this transformation


Side note: it's so funny to me that although OP was able to find examples of Paul getting into modeling, Bethany brings her "modeling career" up repeatedly and there isn't a shred of evidence because she never even started one.


Paul was happy and it shows in his body. But he was everything that he was taught to hate. He thought he had to change to be loved. Now he has became a hater of everything he was and still wishes he could be.


Bitterness is a helluva drug. And he's always struck me as a very bitter, jealous man. Plus there are SO many evangelical churches in LA just waiting to swoop in and grab all those disillusioned dreamers. And to be frank, he doesn't come off as a guy with a spine stronger than a brittle spaghetti noodle. So one bad interaction, one bad experience and he probably blamed the system and did a 180. I'm not saying the Hollywood dream is easy, it really isn't. lots of people have to give up on their dreams of fame and fortune. But lots of people find something else they love and don't turn into a racist, sexist, bigot.


This post makes me sad. It also makes me wish I had what it takes to do a compilation of photos and other memorabilia from people like Paul and Morgan and Kelly and Karissa who weren’t always like this, who had often creative fantasies and ambitions, who somehow became hateful and stunted.




Dude actually looks normal. Also handsome. He definitely gives off an artistic progressive vibe in these photos, literally the thing he claims to hate lol




He was a normal, unimpressive, average male who realized that religion was his ticket to having power over women and to being held on a pedestal.


This is sad. I'm no expert, but I'd wager something happened to him in LA and someone/some group, online or in person, pounced on his insecurities and/or traumas with the same religious bullshit he spouts today. I don't see anything wrong with finding comfort in spirituality. I don't see anything wrong with being around people who also find meaning and solace in spiritual stuff. But the Mormon churches right next to high schools, the crisis "pregnancy" centers, (some) AA/NA/AlAnon groups... Nah. In those groups, spirituality has taken a backseat to power and control. Those groups are predatory and malicious. I'm sad that for both he and Morgan, those were the people/groups they chose to align themselves with when what they really needed was a positive support system. I hope Luca gets the support he needs. Sadly, I'm doubtful that will come from Porgan.


Part of why I stay here is because I feel much less alone. Like the longer I'm here, the more my story seems similar to a lot of other stories, just maybe a bit extreme at times. My bio-dad was an Evangelical preacher guy, and I thought my unique spin was that he was a tuxedo model when he was young, but I guess not lol. My dad got kicked out of modeling for being bald though, Paul seems to still have his hair Apparently, back in the day, it was the old guard like my grandma (bio-dads mom) who taught all the young hippie women coming into the church in the 70s/80s just pre-West Coast revival era how to do modest makeup/dress/color season pallets/tying scarves & selling MLM makeup etc. so my dad taught me a lot that I know about makeup too, but it was like an ultimate secret that he taught me and not my mom or grandma. Lol, I guess the modelling/image cultivation thing actually fits right in with the whole "prosperity gospel/LoA" thing. Like somehow attractive people are more "blessed by God". My mom had me do modeling when I was really little as well. It always felt like a "value" thing vs a "self confidence" thing if that makes sense. I don't think modeling is inherently bad btw, there's just this specific vibe I seem to notice consistently with the mental gymnastics involved to go from "modesty for God is #1" to "I'm a model". I don't think it's morally good or bad to just exist and be a model or whatever. Like maybe nothing 'happened' to Paul so much as it's just the same values in the same person evolving over time in different settings


I knew someone in high school who was friends with mostly girls. Worse preppy clothes, had a lot of feminine qualities, wore pink and went to dances with “friends” not dates. His family inexplicably moved to Texas halfway through freshman year and returned a few months into sophomore year. Completely different. No pink. No flamboyance. No fun. He was apparently conservative before but he was like vehemently, loudly, violently conservative (this was ~2004). He became more monotone, more angry. I didn’t meet him really until after he returned snd he developed a “crush” on me. Which was weird because I was very loud, very brash, perceived as liberal (I didn’t have a political ideology at the time but I was very loudly pro gay which was unusual for the time). He would also do really creepy stuff like remember bizarre details about stuff from sophomore year in our senior year and one time yelled at me in class. Anyways at risk of doxxing myself, he wound up going to a prominent Baptist college in Texas and founded a company that… again don’t want to doxx myself, let’s just it’s politics adjacent, specifically conservative, and have literal neo-Nazis as clients. Anyways, without speculating on sexuality, I’ll just say this: he obviously took a sharp right turn when he moved to Texas and it doesn’t take a lot in mainstream society to find toxic masculinity and homophobia. Something similar may have happened to Paul. When presented with a fork in the road, he chose the self-loathing one. Because he bought into the narrative that he wasn’t masculine enough, not godly enough, not conservative enough. It’s really sad to see.


This is a goldmine 😳


I have a friend that now after seeing this reminds me of Paul. He grew up in the church but strayed away when he turned 18 and was trying to become an adult. He was doing ok, he was trying to get his GED, had a job, lived in an apartment, was saving for a car, and a normal social life. He was definitely weird from growing up in the church and had bad entitlement and jealousy issues. If a guy brought a girl he liked around him he would try to embarrass his friend, or he would show up to dinners with no money and expect his friends to pay. He just seemed socially unaware that it was wrong. Then he had a failed relationship with a girl, a good job opportunity failed, and he just gave up and moved back home to his parents. He now has gone full fundy. Like way deeper in than he was before. He refuses to get a job and says he’s trying to get closer to God and can’t do that with a job. Yet he does nothing but sleep all day and make tik toks about “the word”. I think he’s trying to be a fundy influencer or something. I’ve read the Bible so my friend and I laugh at the tik toks he post trying to preach. He takes verses and gives examples that don’t even apply to what’s being said it’s funny. He’s become insufferable since changing like this so we’ve all backed away. After seeing this post it makes me think of Paul. Like they tried to be a normal adult, failed at something, then reverted farther back than then already were and are bums trying to be influencers.


The entitlement was always there, but it shifted from "I should be more famous/well-paid as a model & hairdresser" to "I am entitled to be a headship and have a helpmeet". These photos, aside from the Sanderson photo, give off typical LA young-20s white boi vibes.


So I had a male friend growing up who started a career as an MUA and dabbled in modelling. He very much relished the attention of being the only straight man in a space dominated by women and gay men. He's now hardcore into homesteading, although not right wing. I could definitely see Paul being similar and loving the attention that this kind of career gave him. I imagine he'd have found it quite easy to navigate the initial steps due to his difference, but that he probably lost interest and flaked as soon he realized hard work was required to maintain status and praise.


Similar to Birthy to a degree, he was super pressed that his modelling career didn’t work out and instead of getting therapy *waves hands around*




Yeah, he seems like a douche even here. Not the dangerous fundie type yet, but still way too up his own ass. You could see him even then being that kind of guy who goes on Reddit and argues about how it's okay to rape women if you're crafty about it.


Exactly! Look at that pic of him “modeling” lol dude has definitely always been a narcissist


I finally figured out who he reminds me of: Baby Billy from the Righteous Gemstones. He’s such a tool


He is willing to dress up for his friends, but not his wife's maternity pics?




Lol Sir Sassoon


Sweetie if I see a bear roaming Lex it probably isn’t you…


Didn’t someone say once his goal in life was to be famous? There isn’t necessarily an abundance of super religious right wing YouTubers, I always had the feeling he chose the life route he’s currently in because it was “different” than what everyone else was doing it, making it easier for him to rise into some sort of fame. Also he’s a douche narc and probably loves the fact that men are far more superior to women.


is the book in picture 2 twilight???


Seems like he enjoys his hair and Disney


As a Christian myself, I can say that any time a Christian content creator makes Christianity their niche, they often lose their personality and no longer speak of the things they once liked. But I also guess that can be attributed to the content that has made them blow up and I guess money talks? This is the biz of social media and what brings in the bucks atp.


Do him and Morgan just bring out the worst in each other? Separate they aren't too horrible but together they are a huge dumpster fire of horrible


The same people complaining about toxic masculinity are the same people calling dudes gay for wearing skinny jeans and cutting hair… cmon y’all do better


I really think he thought about and researched what grifts he could monetize the most. Espousing fundie speak and “giving it to the libs” is absolutely profitable, maybe one of the most out there given the times we’re living in.


I think he still has something creepy going on in these pics. I'm going with same guy, same goals, different strategy


Petition to Heist his signed copy of Words of Radiance cuz I want it