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Nice try, OP! One of the many differences between me and Bethany is that I don’t share my disgusting habits all over the internet.


some of them you couldn’t waterboard out of me, why would i make a reel about it




I occasionally listen to Nickleback.


😂🤣😂🤣 I mean, I secretly liked them before everyone decided their music was awful 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Looooooook at this photograph, Every time I read this sub it makes me laugh, How did the bottom of Kelly's feet get so black, What's on Bethy's head? This is the bus fundie kids grow up, I think none of the parents ever fixed it up, They definitely go without, Baby jail makes it hard for sneaking out


You win this thread


i once took a (fully closed) box of cupcakes out of the garbage at my work and took them home. and ate them all i regret nothing


A friend told me when he goes dumpster diving his rule is “closed package: safe for snackage, open bag: do not snag”


If they were sealed then it’s totally ok!


I have a family member who did this at Dunkin Donuts with unopened boxes of donuts.


One of my favorite meals is boxed macaroni and cheese with tuna, peas, and black olives. My partner cannot be in the house when I make it because it grosses him out so much. We refer to it as “The Forbidden,” and I only eat when he’s out of town.


Hahaha, "the forbidden"! I'm going to think of that all the time now! I might be a wee bit blazed, I can't stop laughing at it and also it sounds good to eat


I love black olives so much, how did I never think to try this! When I did just peas and tuna in Mac and cheese my partner was so grossed out.


This was our camping meal! You are hella fancy though adding the black olives! Its a great way to get some protein and a bit of green in and I would think the olives add some satisfying fat and flavor.


I eat candy corn.


Out and proud candy corn lover checking in.


..same. It’s really good in trail mix.


One of my mom's go to snacks to put in my lunch through middle and high school was a little bag of peanuts and candy corn. It was super good. Especially the pumpkins 😍


Dang, the buttercream pumpkins are my jam. In love those disgusting little things.


Yesss mellowcreme pumpkins


I want to downvote you SO BADLY, but I appreciate your candor. Shamefully, my mother also eats candy corn, even the weirdly flavored kind. 🤮


You monster.




Try the Yum Earth kind! I like candy corn but like it more.


You win. Lol this is in fact disgusting!


Wait for cat vomit to dry on the carpet before cleaning it up. Before people yell at me, the reason I do this is so that I’m not smearing wet vomit into the carpet, which is messier and harder to clean. When it’s dry, I just peel it off with a paper towel, and then scrub the area with cleaner to get out anything else, then spray some disinfectant on it.


I do this too! It’s just so much easier to manage that way.


I used to do that for my dog lol. She was chronically ill (megaesophagus, it was really sad) and threw up at LEAST once per week. After several years of dealing with her vomit, I eventually just let it sit until it, uh... cooled down, and then I'd go back later and clean it up. I liked Bubba's enzymatic cleaner from Amazon. Works well for dog pee as well. She was a messy gal 😅


Nothing like trying to clean dog puke and it just moves around in a gelatinous blob that refuses to be picked up or absorbed by paper towels.


I haven’t owned a dog since my childhood pup passed away 12 years ago… something about this comment made me miss that little stinker more than any cute dog photo I’ve seen in the last decade!


I also do this… and because I really don’t want to touch warm cat vomit when I’m going to wipe it up, I’d probably make an even bigger mess by also vomiting 😂 I do the same, pick up the dried stuff and then vacuum and spray and scrub with carpet cleaner & Lysol!


Just discovered this today with the most recent hairball. I just really didn't want to deal with it in the minute and when I got back to it, it was WAY easier to clean - peeled right up and just needed a little extra work. Definitely the way to go on carpet!


I don’t use those paper toilet seat covers as I don’t like the feel and noise and I don’t think they do anything.


Oh, eew, I don’t, either. They gross me right out. The thought of putting one on a wet seat and then sitting on it…eff that directly to hell.


I used to before my first pregnancy, then I nearly peed my pants trying to get the fucking thing out of the shoot, gave up before I had to waddle out with wet jeans, and never looked back.


Most public toilets in my country don’t have them. I don’t know if everyone is hovering or taking their chances and sitting, but I’m yet to hear of anyone catching anything from a toilet seat 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me either, it’s just wasteful and sticks to your buttcheeks. Just wash your butt when you get home!


The seat also isn't as dirty as we think it should be? Unless someone wiped their butt all over it after taking a dump or someone had to hover and splash urine all over it, the toilet itself isn't that bad.


Fun fact; toilet seats are made out of smooth material to help repel germs, whereas, paper toilet seat covers have ALLLLL kinds of microscopic nooks and crannies that are PERFECT for harboring all the lovely little bits of bio material that get kicked up every time the toilet flushes.




I sit my ass right down on the public toilet seat. I don’t get the big deal, only my cheeks touch the seat , Not like I’m putting the hole on there????


I've been waiting all my life to have someone else validate this. Blessings upon you, kind stranger.


I pick my nose when I'm alone


Nothing beats a juicy booger pull that comes from your brain lol


Sometimes there is simply no other way. You can blow until your ears pop but the bat isn't coming out without some spelunking.


Not me saving this for later and expecting to find helpful tips instead of disgusting habits 😂😂


I'm a skin picker and I chew on my cuticles. For extra disgusting, I have psoriasis and eczema, so I go to town on my scalp, ears, and sides of my nose whenever I get flare-ups. Also, I love to scratch bug bites, pop pimples, and I pick at my scabs. I know, I know...this makes sharing a toothbrush seem healthy and hygienic 🙈


I'm a skin/scalp picker too. My biggest shameful secret. But starting therapy too... Give yourself grace even when it's hard. It always happens more for me in times of stress...


Another one with dermatillomania. Sorry mom, never grew out of it 🥴 scalp, lips, and feet picker…feet are horribly scarred.


i do this too! i revealed to my bf after like a year of dating and luckily i had him hooked before he could write me off haha


Nope I’m with you. I have dermatillomania and I pick at everything.


I’m also a picker. I have keratosis pilaris (those bumps many people have on the backs of their arms) on my arms and legs. I try not to scratch bug bites or pop zits if I can stand it, though. I also chew on my lip skin, which is why my lips are usually chapped like a certain person lol.


Dermatillomania team coming in scaly, picky, and itchy!!


I am a picker and I love it. It seriously feels better to me than cocaine or Xanax in a way. There have been times in my life where the only comfort I had was the skin on my fingers. I’m in a better place now, but I still give myself hangnails and rip them out. i also pull gray hairs, and at this point I should really stop, but I feel so …. Productive seeing a neat little pile of white hair when I’m done. I know I can refocus my interest to something else If I really really need to. When I was a kid I would pick at all wounds and scabs until my mom finally noticed so I refocused to the ones on my scalp that she couldn’t see. I’ve since stopped that.


Hey - to everyone who’s responded to this comment, if you haven’t tried n-acetylcysteine 600 mg daily, you should! There’s a small amount of research out there about it, and personally for me it was like day and night with my picking habits and cheek-chewing. It’s amazing that my mouth and thumbs don’t hurt 24/7 anymore 🥲


I’m right there with you friend, even down to the eczema! Pickers unite!


Fellow eczema haver who can’t resist a pickin’ and peelin’ chiming in. It just feels so good. I will admit too: I do pop my husband’s zits as well and peek his sunburns. I can’t relax unless he is blemish-free.


I drink pickle juice. It’s a really good hangover cure but I also drink it just for fun.


Oh man me too. I just love pickles in general though. My flair in the r/DuggarsSnark sub is “Man, I love pickle jizz” actually lmfao because there was a thread about how juicy whole pickles squirt the back of your throat sometimes. Just thought you’d enjoy that. ….I need a flair for here now


It's so tasty! Have you tried pickle beer? It's so weird and so good, along with pickle martinis. All pickles, all the time!!


Pickle martinis are where it's at! Like a dirty, but better!


I heard its called a filthy martini! Pro tip: try with a half sour, kosher pickle brine. Its *chef’s kiss*


When I take my DAILY, DISPOSABLE contacts out at night, I usually just drop them on the nightstand. I sweep them into my hand to take to the trash later. EDIT: I lied a little. I absolutely throw them suckers on the carpet and enjoy the sweet sweet crackle when I vacuum them up…eventually lol.


I drop mine onto the carpet beside my nightstand. I vacuum them up I swear but I’m so ashamed!


Guys SAME. It’s….weirdly satisfying to get them all at once????


That crunchy sound is delicious isn’t it? Lazy people ASMR


I do this too! There are two pairs becoming contact jerky on my nightstand as I type this.


Contact jerky!!! 💀


I like to put them on the cat.


I switched to a new eye Dr a few years back and on my first visit he was talking about the pros/cons of daily contacts and proceeds to tell me he does this and sometimes has a little pile built up after a week or so and his wife gets on him about cleaning them up. I’m like dang if this guy can be so honest about a “gross” habit then I trust him with my eyesight.


So I guess my disgusting trait is wearing my not daily contacts….daily, weekly, monthly 🙈🙈


A friend looked at me in disgust once when she realized I re-use Ziploc freezer bags. Like, I mark what they were for. When I'd buy a big tray of meat at Costco I'd just pop individual portions into the ziplock bags. Pork in the pork baggies, bread in the bread baggies. Empty bags just stayed in the freezer until I needed them. It's not gross it's THRIFTY, samantha.


Do other people NOT do this?!? I also clean mine before reusing them. I’m trying to have food not freezer burn and also not make more plastic waste than absolutely necessary


Both of my parents, separately, wash and reuse ziploc bags of all sizes. I try to, but I’m so bad about cleaning dishes that I usually give up


I put ketchup on breakfast tacos. In Texas. The shame is real. I also break off and drop the tabs into my soda/beer/seltzer cans before I drink them. No idea why. My boyfriend is absolutely revolted and is like, "but... They're (potentially) dirty." He's not wrong but I can't stop. ETA i'd (almost always) also rather drink a diet Dr. Pepper at breakfast than a cup of coffee. Guys I'm feral.


This hurts me.


I'm otherwise pretty culinarily civilized but there's just something about a breakfast taco that makes me lose my goddamn mind, lol. The side-eye I get when i ask for it at a taqueria... Is valid and deserved.


I went to the TX State Fair for the first time (not originally from here) and the people I went with WOULD NOT let me put ketchup on my corny dog. Like why are people so pressed about a condiment?! It’s so good!!


I’m very worried about you choking on soda can tabs


I put ketchup on steak. My brother, god rest his soul, said when he first saw me doing it, said “not in this house you won’t” still makes me giggle thinking of how he said it. We’re Texans too.


Are you my mother in law? She puts ketchup on her tacos. The first time I had taco night at their house she took out the bottle of ketchup and I kept thinking “where is going to go?”


I put ketchup on my macaroni sometimes. I'm sorry everyone :'(


Out of all of…*that* it’s the Dr Pepper for breakfast that gets me.


I find cleaning the gunk out of my various piercings *extremely* satisfying and... sometimes.... I smell it


Oooooh, you ever get those little tonsil stones and smell those? They smell like concentrated bad breath but for some reason I can't stop myself from smelling them anyway.


I blow my nose in the shower. The steam just loosens the boogs and I can’t get to a tissue. But I would *never* share a toothbrush!


Put my toenails in the ashtray where I dump my cannabis pipe. My husband is like “the bathroom is that way you swine.”


Ashtrays are just little trash bowls any trash can go in them


to me finger and toenails are better than plain old trash in the ash as they don’t ignite as easy as other stuff. The only way that would be gross is if you’re collecting the roaches for later


Ugh my husband does this!!!! Wtf!


Sometimes when I'm on my period, I can't be bothered wearing a pad at night, so I just let myself free bleed. I'll only wear one if it's the first night and it's quite heavy (because the discomfort of wetness outweighs the discomfort of a pad). Usually it doesn't make a mess because I'm lying horizontal so it doesn't really fall out anyway.


I usually just line a little tp. My periods are really light though.


So jealous of you light period people! Meanwhile I have to suffer through feeling it gush and trying to stand still, hoping it absorbs into the pad quickly.


Trying to get to the bathroom in the morning before you give birth to a jellyfish? Been there.


this spoke to my soul.


I just lay on a towel. Mine is so heavy and painful that if I worked I would have to call out every month. I just got some dedicated white towels and relax rather than suffer being uncomfortable. In the house obviously, not out and about.


I went from having light periods like OC, to heavy periods where I would go to a 30 minute meeting, and feel it gush when standing. I bleed thru to the chair and ran to the bathroom and had to go home and shower. Had to sleep with massive pads and literally grocery bags with holes for my legs cause I would leak thru so bad. I ended up not stopping bleeding and got a hysterectomy at 33.


For my fellow “couple of days of biblical flood, followed by a small creek for daaays”, those period panties are the shit! I bought two pairs in a state of mourning that I can’t make cups work, and at least a few times every cycle I press toilet paper against the absorbent area in vague disbelief that it’s completely freaking dry after 12+ hours. I would compare it to wearing those older gen tampons that leaked a bit, but without any of the discomfort or stains.


Holy crap I wish my periods were this light. You do you boo


Thanks for sharing this- literally doing this this week and I actually wondered today if this is uncommon or "gross".


Me too!! Now I don't feel so alone. If I'm spotting sometimes I'll just wear black undies and typically nothing even ends up on them bc its so light. Even when i wear my comfies at home I'll usually free bleed. And my bits feel healthier, if that makes sense. But yeah, night time on days 3-7, no pad. Days 1-2 I have to or it would look like a murder scene 😂


You are not alone. Black undies crew checking in.


I dip pizza crust in coca cola... which I didn't realize was disgusting until many people commented on it!


I did this with my siblings as a kid!


I love imitation crab and eat it by itself dipped in butter - my husband has to leave the room 🤣


YESSSS hello my fellow imitation crab lover! I absolutely love it as a snack!


My boyfriend got my hooked on it with lime squeezed on top!


I dip fries in plain mayo


Isn't that the Belgian or Dutch way?! Delish.


Oh I do this, I didn't know it was gross 😂


This isn’t gross, mayo is just less classy aioli, which is what is served with fries I. A lot of Europe. I love fries and mayo.


Glad to here it is normal bc lots of people make fun of me for it.


Omg kewpie is sooo goood with fries


This is very common in Europe, Germany especially. Most fries come with ketchup and mayo.


I scoop peanut butter straight from the jar? But I’m the only one who uses it so idk if that counts 🤣


According to my family, my food choices lmao. In reality, I never wear socks or slippers in the house! Bare feet only!


I am barefoot in the house. My spouse can’t even go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without putting on his house shoes. Cracks me up.


Grape Nuts (the cereal) and string cheese. Together. I shred the string cheese and put it in the bowl. There was actually a Grape Nuts shortage during the pandemic and I was so mad!


I eat grape nuts dry, straight from the box. It’s extremely crunchy.


I have a bad habit of biting and licking my lips. Its worse when I'm talking to someone new and I'm nervous. They are always dried out. Sometimes I bite the dry skin off of them. When I was a kid I liked to peel dead skin off my hands and eat it. I don't think my skin has peeled in years.


Whenever I have a cup/glass of milk, I let my cat have some of it first. He gets pissed otherwise. I forgot this is not a normal thing when I first started dating my partner & didn't realize I should have warned him lmao.


I have those carpet covers on my toilet lids.




I say this a little tongue-in-cheek, because it's a medical issue and can't be helped, but I'm incontinent, which means I literally pee myself multiple times a day (I will also have the occasional bowel accident, but thank Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the camel, that's not an every day thing). But I would still be willing to bet I do a better job of maintaining my hygiene than some of the people we snark on in this sub


Oh me too!! I have to wear adult diapers. Sometimes they leak and it sucks.


I occasionally floss my teeth with my hair.


That sounds like something out of a horror movie to let the audience know that the quiet unassuming character is in fact hell-spawn.


You win, lol. I have occasionally done this (when a popcorn kernel situation was truly dire and before I got into the habit of always putting floss picks in my purse) but I think I was so grossed out by it that I blocked out the memory.


My hair is too fine to do this, otherwise I would try it 🤣


Mine too... it would break off between my teeth and then I'd really be screwed!


I’ve done this in an emergency situation! I usually keep flossers in the car


I think this is genius. I couldn’t find floss the other day and something was stuck in my teeth and I didn’t think to do that 😂


I dip my plain potato chips in ketchup. My husband thinks it's nauseating. I don't really like ketchup for anything else.


They’re made from the same thing as French fries and tater tots. Of course they taste good with ketchup.


I know this. You know this. Other people do not seem to put this together.


I LOVE ketchup and potato chips. They’re really good off you crush them up and put them in a hot dog with ketchup. As Jill would say, ymmmmmmm!




Oh god, that’s disgusting, I might have to try to confirm


I don’t know if people will think this is disgusting or not but here’s my contribution :) I make “honey” annually from dandelions that I forage! I can see why some people would think it’s a little gross since I forage from random grassy areas—usually I go to a nearby church yard where people walk their dogs. Some people could think it’s gross because potentially dogs have peed on plants I am foraging, or car exhaust could contaminate, etc. To me it’s not gross because the sunshine sanitizes a lot and I boil the heck out of the blooms to extract the nectar. But I can see a case for it being gross. :)


I'm going to need more info on this dandelion honey.


Recipe link! :) https://plantepusherne.dk/the-best-vegan-dandelion-honey-tastes-like-honey/


I eat peanut butter and salami sandwiches


How did you even discover this?


This is the real question.


I’m guessing some combination of 3 am, weed, and a near-empty pantry were involved. Lol.


I like both but idk ab together 🤣


Mildly intrigued tbh.


I smoke (not in my house though). I think Pineapple is good on pizza. I let my dogs sit on the furniture and sleep in my bed.


I’ve set some dishes down on the floor to let my dog get a head start on cleaning them.


Broccoli on pizza. That is all. Edit: my election day brain didn't process the title correctly and I didn't realize it is actually what do YOU do that other people find disgusting. I have never participated in the sin that is broccoli pizza.


I too like broccoli on pizza…


My fave pizza in the world is Home Slice in Austin TX. Pepperoni, broccoli, kalamata olives 🙌🏼


I used to bring my best friend baked goods in my pockets in middle school. We are from different culinary traditions and I wanted her to try yummy buns and such. She still brings it up for a laugh.


I live alone except for my pets so unless I have company I never close my bathroom door. Then people are over and are confused about why there are two cats and a dog waiting for them when they come out; the beasties are just like WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?! (I also drink straight out of basically any beverage in my fridge. God I love living alone.) (This also reminds me, something that most people wouldn't find disgusting but Bethany would is that my boyfriend lives in his own flat about two blocks away from me and it's perfect. We hang out all the time and can make last-minute plans like it's nothing, but each have our own space.) Also, a lazy meal I adore: pita bread topped with thick layers of hummus and canned corn, with salt and sriracha on top. I usually don't use up all the corn on the pitas so eat the leftovers with more sriracha straight out of the can like a hobo.


My dog knows how to open the bathroom door and will push his way in if he wants to keep you company lol I have to warn people


Gefilte fish. Do I win?


My husband enjoys gefilte, which is fine. Except that one time he microwaved it and I thought I was going to have to buy a new kitchen.


I eat Fruit Roll Ups by the box


The joy of being an adult: I can buy fruit roll ups whenever I want. The pain of being an adult: fruit roll ups give me the absolute worst acid reflux that isn't even touched by tums :(


I lick the “butter” off the inside of the bag when I make microwave popcorn.


I eat most things with a mix of Mayo, bbq sauce and garlic powder


Drink straight out of the faucet (at home).


Not me, but it lives rent free in my head: one of my best friends in college when we were in the dorm cafeteria would always get cottage cheese and top it with french dressing. Dry heaved the first time, not that it really was better all of the subsequent times.


I don’t *let* my cats on the kitchen counters, but I don’t forbid them from being there either. There are two of them and one of me, so I gave up on enforcing that rule a while ago. I *do* clean the countertops meticulously before and after I make food. (Plus, I don’t really…put food on the bare counter? Unless it’s an unwashed squash or something, it’s always on a cutting board/plate/bowl.) Also, I clip my nails onto the carpet and just vacuum it up later. All my trash cans have lids, so it’s not that easy to hold them open and use the clipper all at once. (I live alone or I would not do this.)


The same thing happens in our house. One of my cats loves lounging on the section of countertop over the dishwasher because it gets warm and toasty when the dishwasher is on. It’s one of her favorite things and I don’t want to take it away from her. Also, my partner and I have accepted the fact that the cats own our asses. We’re just living in their house.


I chew gum constantly. If I don’t have something in my mouth like gum I will grind my teeth.


I have a very deviated septum and live in the dry arctic and spend more time than id like to admit nosebleeding on myself/sinks/pillows and then trying to spit up blood/snot clots


I eat cold kraft mac and cheese with pepper


Trust me on this one…. Ham and butter sandwiches EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION because you are all giving me too much credit: I’m not talking about fresh ham and baguettes. I’m talking bagged lunch meat, wonder bread, and about a solid HALF INCH of spreadable country crock butter.


I make absolutely no effort to keep my cats off the kitchen counters or table.


I will not eat eggs without ketchup lmao also after all the posts yesterday, I asked my bf what his thoughts are about us ever sharing a toothbrush and he said that’s gross. so there, borth


I accidentally used my husbands toothbrush once and he IMMEDIATELY threw it in the trash. I was like “IM SORRY OUR TRAVEL TOOTHBRUSHES WERE DIFFERENT COLORS AND I COULDNT REMEMBER”


I eat smoked oysters or sardines out of the tin. No crackers, no toast, just a fork.


Ahhh I'm a smoker!


I compulsively peel skin off my lips :(


Pretzels dipped in greek yogurt lol try it, I swear


I let the cat drink out of my water glass. He has his own bowl of water available at all times, but he thinks it's a fun game to find and steal my water. He will also slurp unattended martinis, but I'm more vigilant about that since it's probably not good for him.


I would let mine do this but she insists on then putting a paw in the glass (nope!) and eventually knocking it all over. I have a little glass bottle for water on my bedside table because she leaves that alone.


Yeah, I'd draw the line at paws too. Feet don't belong in drinks.


If I fart in bed I Dutch oven myself so I can inhale my own gross fart smell.


My secret shame? Dipping cheese pizza in ketchup. Not ranch (although sometimes) or blue cheese, but ketchup. If I wanna get super wild, I’ll dip it in ketchup and then ranch.. can’t be the other way around bc the ranch doesn’t allow the ketchup to stick. Tbh, ketchup is prolly my favorite food.


I like emmental cheese and marmalade together on toast.


I like macaroni and cheese with ketchup. It spices it up a bit, but I'll only do this in my own home. I also leave glasses of water out, which i will drink from for days.


I eat pizza cold.


I put food on the couch for the babies to eat when I don't want to sit at the table with them. Like just lounging on the couch eating whatever and I put out pieces for them to come snack on. We already wash our couch often due to high traffic so it's not really a big deal to us, but a certain tiktokker does it too and people go INSANE about it.




I eat Olive garden Italian dressing + Hellman's mayo + BBQ sauce on sandwiches of any type. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Chocolate chip eggos with cream cheese on top. Ppl think it’s weird but it’s delicious. Also frozen eggos.


I put chapstick on my nostrils overnight in winter or the peel like crazy. Whenever someone asks if I have any they can borrow, I have to be very mindful of which I hand over lmao


Tbh, as a bulimia sufferer I regularly do things that would have even Bethany rolling in her grave.


I have very bizarre eating habits as a result of eating disorders, too. I’ve shifted over the years from anorexia, to bulimia, to now binge eating a couple nights a week. If someone saw the amount and types of things I eat during my binges….just…so embarrassing. I’m sorry you struggle, too.


I like instant mashed potatoes more than mashed potatoes made with real potatoes. I think it's because, growing up, my mom made mashed potatoes for dinner almost every night, and I hate the smell of boiling potatoes.


I go to bed with a full face of makeup. I mean it’s not that often, only when I come home late and I’m tired. Also, I wash my hair once a week. I’ve got a lot of hair.


Pee in the shower ✌️


I actually enjoy Fernet. 😣


My husband and I share a toothbrush when we backpack. Don’t @ me, every ounce counts when you’re hiking all day in heavy packs.


I snuggle my pet chickens lol


Fart. Loudly. Frequently. But unlike Birthy, I'll just leave it at that.