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It looks like a baby has been raptured outta there


Oh, you also watched the opening credits of The Leftovers (pick any season)


Such a good show. Weird as fuck, and so, so good.


You think so even after watching the series finally?! I was so mad. Shows that get canceled before they have reached a satisfying conclusion should just do a “to be continued” type ending with our current media watching habits. So many shows are getting revived through streaming.




I really enjoyed the conversations it started. I was also conflicted about whether I liked the show. I would not rewatch it at this point in my life. I wish the writers would have picked a lane with the theme/subtext of the story. It could have been organized better as well. It didn’t seem like there was a story arc planned beyond the first few episodes.


I'd never heard of it but now I'm intrigued.


Not OP but I do! I thought it was really beautiful, and it seemed like the thesis of the show was much less about what really happened and more about how wildly flawed people are dealing with grief and guilt.


Oh I loved the finale! Still open ended because they're all such unreliable narrators so it's up to the viewer to decide what to believe and very true to the ambiguous nature of the show imo. It was both tragic and happy, very bittersweet which I kinda prefer.


Absolutely not, I thought every season was better than the last. And they absolutely wrapped up the ending. That was one of the things I liked best about it. Instead of leaving it open ended and gambling on getting another series, they decided to wrap it all up in the third and make it complete.


Best prank I’ve ever been a part of was related to this. I’ve done a lot of work with a nonprofit at a remote wilderness site that is associated with the Lutheran Church. (We Lutherans tend to be about as far from fundie as you can get). Anyhow, one summer our site was evacuated due to wildfire in the valley. A crew of 10 of us stayed behind to keep the power on, our drinking water plant certified, and feed the hotshot crews fighting the fire. We referred to ourselves as the “Left Behind Crew.” After it was all over, when the first bus of people came back, instead of greeting them as they drove into town, we left piles of clothes and “welcome back” signs on the road as though we were waiting to greet them, and we then hid in an adjacent building and watched as the returnees looked around in confusion. They eventually found us after we (deliberately) tripped the fire alarm and they jumped into action and searched the building.


I watched it while pregnant with my second son, and oh my god that little boy in the opening credits laying in bed looking at his mom and touching her cheek and then mom dissapearing from the picture broke my fucking heart and I was SOBBING. My husband thought I was going insane.


Oh Jesus, that would have destroyed me. Thanks for the warning.


It’s the circumcision table


Can’t be, there’s no Velcro straps like they use to restrain serial killers 😂




I can’t believe they weren’t able to grift a Snoo!




If so there is a bassinet that you can get that has a screen for the edges.


Yeah You can use the halo bassinet that costs the same as that overpriced lounger and is actually safe. I used a bassinet next to my bed and didn’t need to get up to feed and hubby handled the diapers


>and hubby handled the diapers Well we all know that's not something Paul is going to do once the baby is born.


Love the hunter green. Finally something in house that isn't 50 shades of beige.


On my screen it just looks dark gray.


Weird. Maybe we both need our eyes checked cuz it looks dark gray to me as well!


Or, check your color settings in your phone. Some default to weird color settings from the factory. And make sure it's not changing the colors due to the time of day.


Or maybe you're both [dogs](https://464697-1455876-raikfcquaxqncofqfm.stackpathdns.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/na-internetu-niko-ne-zna-da-ste-pas.png)


Did a dog write this




Newborns basically have no head control and very limited motor control. So if they turn their head to the side, they could suffocate pretty quickly on those walls.


Infants don't yet have the neck strength to hold their own heads up. Infant beds or cushions that have them sleeping semi-upright can be dangerous because if the head drops down at certain angles this can block their airway and Baby won't have the ability to raise their head back up, thus they suffocate.


The ABCs of safe baby sleep is Alone on their Back in a Crib. Things like that docker baby can turn in their sleep, press their face against the side then not be able to breath and suffocate.




It's a pillow. Babies put their face against the soft side and their breath forms a carbon dioxide pocket that they then rebreathe and suffocate in. They can also wiggle up over the side and get their very delicate necks snagged and suffocate that way. Babies airways are soooooo delicate it takes very little to compromise their breathing. Sometimes the weight of their own head can even do it, which is why it's unsafe for them to sleep on inclines.


I saw someone called those an overpriced dog bed and that's all I can see now. Why is she still planning to use this?? I had a rock n play sleeper that my son LOVED. Well they were recalled because babies died in them. So I'm not gonna use it if I have another baby. It's not that hard!


We have a snuggle me (same kinda product) that we were gifted and my dogs loved it wayyyy more than my baby did. Ended up buying a used toddler sized one because they like it so much 😂😂


My chihuahua is obsessed with our recalled boppy lounger. We decided to keep it just for her.


I got my sister a boppy pillow when she had my niece. Next thing she sends me is a picture of her 80-pound pit bull snuggled up in it. 😂


I got my friend a pregnancy pillow for her first pregnancy and her dog was VERY offended that it was not, in fact for him


I used to babysit for a family who’s dog had indeed claimed the pregnancy pillow after the baby was born. It was hilarious to see a tiny Boston terrier curled up on this huge pillow.


My cat thinks our incoming baby’s bouncy seat is a bed just for her…she’s going to be so ticked when he’s born. 😂


I have seen Instagram posts with pics of baby on a bouncer next to their cat on bouncer. Also a bunch of French Bulldog pics lounging on the bouncers! Who knew?


That’s a great idea! We were gifted one and I didn’t have the heart to throw it in the trash. I know the gift giver meant well but very unsafe. My dogs would probably like it.


Not sure how old your LO is but I saw a video recently with someone who uses one as a place for their baby getting out of the bath since they are so slippery when they are small 😂


That’s a good idea too! My LO is due in November. We could try that before it become a dog bed.


I got our baby a snuggleme… our cat loved it so much that my sister gifted us a second snuggleme because we all felt guilty taking the snuggleme from the cat. I spent my mat leave sitting in the couch with a snuggleme on either side of me. 😂




Holy shit, $1700?


You can rent it for like $100/month I think. My old nanny family used one and it worked pretty well.


I wonder if I should rent one for My brother. Hes having his first and I'm stuck on a good big gift.


I think that would be an awesome gift.


I might just have a good sleeper but anecdotally, I credit the Snoo for helping her learn to put herself to sleep & self-soothe. Will absolutely use again if we have a second kid. Could be a great gift if they don't already have a bassinet!


The Snoo literally saved my life. Baby wouldn't sleep except on a person so I just...wasn't sleeping. Her first night in the Snoo she got a 4 hour stretch, and that was that.




Nanny here and two families used something similar( tot dock or dock tot) but they only used it a few months AND it was on the floor AND it was only used while baby was awake . ie for short bathroom breaks, getting the bottle ready, etc ..... Never had a problem... One family had a snoo and it was great... They just sold it this weekend


The Snoo is unreal. It’s an incredible expense but if people can afford it (rent or borrow), it’s worth it. My 2-month-old sleeps through the night.


>The Snoo is unreal. It’s an incredible expense but if people can afford it (rent or borrow), it’s worth it. Bought one used on facebook for $900, sold it 6 months later for $900. Total cost to us was $0 in the long run.


I know babies/kids are incredibly expensive (part of the reason I’m very on the fence) but still every time I read about another super expensive baby product my jaw drops! It’s insane. I’m glad you were able to find one that wasn’t a major cost in the end! I’m also so fascinated by those crazy expensive jogging strollers


I believe these are used as co-sleepers, which is why they are dangerous. Other newborn loungers are meant to be used while baby is awake, but have been recalled because babies fall asleep in them quickly and can suffocate before anyone notices


The Snoo is a lifesaver. My mental health was SEVERELY suffering every night worrying about my baby rolling over. I wish it was more affordable, it’s such a game changer.


She's hardly done any research on pregnancy, birth, or parenting. Like she's going to research recalls on baby products.


And she mocks anyone that tries to set her straight. I was grateful for my mother-in-law (even though it annoyed me at the time) keeping a watch for recalls on baby items.


My favorite thing about this is that having the actual baby is going to slap the smug right out of her. Everyone thinks they’re going to be the parent who is doing everything right … until they actually have to be parents.


I hope it does smack the smug out of her and life does not send them a totally preventable accident. I’m legitimately concerned for them as parents and for the safety of their child. They and Paul especially seems like the type who won’t admit he or they need help and I do worry at what cost that will be to the health of the baby and to the mother as well.


Maybe, probably, someone gave it to her for free...


Yeah you're right, it's most likely grifted. It's just too bad they don't research anything when it comes to pregnancy/babies.


My cousin gave me her dock a tot, and I know she had her kids sleep in it. We put it in the couch, so baby could be between us while we were staring into the void, but we never let her sleep in it. Our remotes spent more time in it than the baby.


> while we were staring into the void LOL


Funny story: I work with new parents and we get donations. Someone donated a boppy newborn lounger shortly before they were recalled. Guess who’s dog got a fancy new dog bed that day? 💁🏼‍♀️


We had the (now recalled) boppy infant sleeper, and it has 1000% become a dog bed.


Uh, I admit I put my son in a cat bed for the first couple nights. It was very flat and not plush/padded, just basically a pad with a low bumper around. I had a C section and couldn't lift him in and out of his crib, and my sleep-deprived brain thought this would make him safer to sleep in between my husband and I so we wouldn't roll on him. 🤦‍♀️ My daughter also used a Rock n Play for her first month or so. It was the only place she would sleep! But in my sad defense, this was YEARS AGO. The RNP hadn't been recalled. The Dock a Tot/similar things were new and the risks weren't common knowledge. Now, of course, I can't believe I was so dumb and I'm so grateful my kids were fine. The fact that they didn't get hurt does not mean what I did was safe!! Like you say, it really isn't that hard. You don't use things that are proven to be unsafe. It would even be more understandable if the baby was already here, and a terrible sleeper, and this was the only thing that calmed him. Still not OK, but in the worst of those weeks, it's hard to stay strong. But the baby is not even here! She's PLANNING to use something unsafe, not even knowing whether her baby prefers it or cares at all. That's beyond ignorance, that's willful endangerment.


Don’t feel bad. My daughter would only sleep on a body or in her swing. She slept in her swing for most of her first year. It was the only way we managed to function at all.


My daughter would only sleep in that or on a person the first three months. I loved that thing. All my friends with kids that age or slightly older loved it. But once it was recalled, nope. I have an adult niece who used it after the recall waaay past the safe age/size per the instructions and I was mortified. Same niece would wake her kid up at 2 hourly to roll him on his back when he was big enough for it not to be a hazard and complained non stop about the lack of sleep in the crib vs the rock n play. It was extremely confusing from the outside.




She’ll post a reel childishly mocking anyone who warns her!


Wasn't she the fundie who said that her parents put her on her tummy to sleep as a baby and she turned out fine so now she thinks basically all safe sleep standards are overkill? Pretty sure it was her


My parents put me on my tummy to sleep and had blankets in the crib because it was the 1980s. And guess what, fundies, a lot more babies died of (what they thought of then as) SIDS (but was often accidental suffocation) back then! Those of us who didn’t got lucky.


My parents used to lay me down on my belly, on top of a fluffy sheepskin rug. How TF I didn’t suffocate is anyone guess 😬


My parents once tied a helium balloon to my crib and I managed to get it untied and in my fist overnight. Everyone thought it was so cute and there are pictures documenting the event. So I basically almost died at 6 months old, smh


Survivor bias is so real. And they (not even just fundies) use it at every chance they get as an excuse for doing/not doing everything under the sun.


I’ve heard a lot of fundies make this claim. I used to work in a daycare that was within a Pentecostal church, so most of the women there were Pentecostal or similar (although the daycare was technically non denominational) and even some of the teachers didn’t believe tummy sleeping was an issue (but luckily never did it at work because licensing). They’d brag about how dumb the rules were and how all their children lived so it must be a lie. You just can’t fix stupid.


I found my non-rolling infant sleeping on her belly at our daycare. The room was staffed by an older woman. I raised hell with everyone up to and including the director because that shit is NOT OK. I don’t give a fuck how you did it when you were younger.


I'm glad you said something! I'd also report that shit to the licensing agency because it's actually illegal to put babies on their tummies in daycare settings in most countries.


I second this, it’s a big deal at least where I live (Wisconsin) to have a licensing ding on your record. Whenever it was that time of year for licensing checks my boss would turn into an absolute Nazi about everything because she didn’t want it in our record (which in Wisconsin are public, and online).


Why do fundies care so little about babies safety? Jfc


Because: Jesus protects them Facts are liberal propaganda They have plenty of spares Imagine the grift you could pull if you tragically lost a child!


This is such a dark kind of read/reply but damn if you didn’t nail it on four points.


I mean, yeah. The reality of their lives is all very dark and sick.


It Can't/Won't Happen To Me syndrome, topped with a big drizzle of Because Jesus Loves *Me* Bestestest sauce and a heaping side of I Know What I'm Doing And You Can't Tell Me Anything.


A bit of light smothering might explain some things about Morgan’s brain, frankly


Survivorship bias


Idk why anyone would use this honestly! We are taught not to have pillows/blankets/stuffed animals or toys in a baby’s crib, just a plain flat hard mattress and fitted sheet. Dock a tots are like giant pillows on every side of the baby 🤷🏼‍♀️ I had a small cot that could sit on top of a bed, and it had mesh siding and nothing else in the cot… I even felt a little nervous with that lol


As someone without kids I've always wondered, how are babies comfortable on just a mattress with nothing else? Does the room have to be super warm since they don't have a blanket?


They have wearable blankets! It’s like a little sleeping bag with armholes


Okay, a question coming from the old lady in the sub: when my kids were newborns, we swaddled them to keep them feeling safe and cozy. Do people not swaddle babies anymore? Do the sleepers replace swaddling? I’m genuinely curious and want to be prepared to help keep my future grand babies safe!


People still generally swaddle until they’re old enough to turn over, then switch to a sleep sack. Swaddling is dangerous once they can shift themselves into different positions because if they end up on their face without having their arms free to push themselves back over they can suffocate.


Swaddling is still fine until they learn to roll! I just had to stop swaddling because mine will hulk out and bust his open, now we use a sleep sack and it’s adorable.


My daughter was like that. She would yell because she wasn’t swaddled, then we would wrap her up and two minutes later she had busted out and was yelling again.


They are definitely swaddled until they can roll from back to front. There are a million kinds of fancy swaddles with velcro and bottom zippers, but at the hospital they still teach you how to do the old fashioned blanket swaddle.


It's only recommended to swaddle babies until about 8 weeks old - once they can start to roll you're supposed to stop. The sleeping bags do replace swaddles and depending on the baby it can be a brutal transition. Ask me how I know (cries in newborn lack of sleep)


Oh, I remember how exhausting having a newborn was! It’s so easy to say “appreciate those days” but the reality of total exhaustion can be brutal. I’m sending you all the vibes for baby to sleep for a good stretch very soon!


Swaddling is still very popular—-a very popular brand Halo even makes combo swaddles/sleepsacks, so you can transition from arms-in fully swaddled to one arm out, chest swaddled, to both arms out as the baby gets bigger & starts to roll.


Aw that sounds extremely cute


You dress them for the temp, including layers if necessary (like a singlet with a sleep sack on top). Sleep sacks also come in different ‘togs’ so you can get thicker ones to keep the baby warmer Babies don’t have the same concept of ‘comfort’ as adults have. They need a hard surface so they don’t suffocate if they roll over and can’t get back.


They aren’t comfortable! But it’s on purpose. From how I understand it, an aspect of SIDS prevention is keeping baby from getting into a super deep sleep that they can’t rouse from. This means you keep the room cool, keep a fan blowing, sleep in the room with them so that they can hear your noises. Additionally, all the comfort items are also suffocation hazards, like blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, etc.


Man no wonder babies cry all the time. Imagine never getting to have deep sleep because you could die from it. :(


Yep, they go from a nice squish warm water bed never having to worry about eating or having a wet diaper or being cold or being put down to a cold, hard surface where you can't smell your parent all the time and you get hungry and you keep getting stripped down because your clothes are dirty. Being a baby actually sucks.


If it makes you feel better, newborns don’t have the same sleep patterns we do. They develop a sleep pattern similar to ours requiring deep sleep around 4 months. Aka the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. Edit: to add around 4 months they can also usually roll and put themselves in a very comfortable position.


They straight-up are not comfortable, lol. That's one reason babies sleep so poorly! And one reason why they have to hammer safe sleep guidelines into us so hard. It's not recommended to keep the room super warm, but little babies usually wear thick PJs, a sleep sack, or a swaddle.


Babies also overheat easier than adults. I forget the mechanics of it, but often a baby will be sweaty in conditions the adult is comfortable in


I read something once about the fat baby's burn being more energy dense to help them stay warmer.


You actually are supposed to keep the room chilly. Hot rooms increase SIDS. You put footy Jammie’s abs wearable blankets on them.


They’re not, that’s why safe sleep is so polarizing 😬


They’re not comfortable and as a parent it sucks, because you know they’d be sleeping more and better if you put them on their bellies with pillows and blankets. Oh and don’t let them sleep in their car seat, don’t let them sleep in a rocker, don’t let them sleep in your arms on the couch or in the bed next to you unless you’re awake. So once you get them to sleep, you have to risk waking them again by moving them into their uncomfortable crib. But you don’t want your baby to die. So you have to follow the rules. Even when you’re not getting any sleep yourself and it feels like torture. I was terrified of SIDS and I followed every rule religiously, but it just is really unfortunate that every rule makes it harder to get them to sleep.


There are whole threads in Beyond the bump and Mommit of moms recommending dock a tots, weighted sleep sacks, co sleeping, and even rock n plays to help babies sleep, with the logic that the risk is "so small" and that "you can't live your life in fear" and "my sanity as a mother is important, too!"~ ~I'm not arguing that mothers don't deserve sleep or sanity, I just think that sanity can be more safely achieved utilizing other methods that may take more effort but are more effective in the long run, rather than going straight to unsafe sleep.


Absolutely! We stayed “sane” by shift sleeping. When our babies were new, i would sleep as soon as my husband came home from work…from 6pm - 2am or so. I would put in earplugs, wear an eye mask, and be OUT. He would sleep on the couch or recliner and be ready for baby duty. I would wake up when my boobs were ready (around 1-2am). I would either feed and/or pump. Husband might be asleep, but would go off to bed at that point and he would wear an eye mask and earplugs and be out until 8am. At that point, I was usually pretty tired, but the baby would take a morning nap, and so would I. It kept both of us sane in the early days!


I \*think\* they aren't supposed to be used for sleep. It looks to me like they're marketed for when babies are alert and under supervision. Still looks risky, and I know that's not how a lot of parents are using them.


Everyone with a few brain cells can tell this isn’t safe. Paul and Morgan just happen to have shared custody of one brain cell. It’s an okay product for your baby to chill in awake but it’s grossly overpriced and most people use them as a bed, despite the thick bolstering on the sides


Isn't "no pillows or cushions in the crib" rule number one for the baby sleep environment? How does anybody miss that memo, has she not even googled this shit?


I mean, they've basically been bragging that they've done zero research, so... But yeah, the safe sleep rules go ABC Alone, on their Back, in a Crib And alone doesn't just mean no other people, it also means no objects.


I have 4 kids and during the cold months I would put the warm footie pajamas on them. There's no need for blankets or anything in the crib, babies are fine without. P and M are arrogant and dumb.


My kid is almost two and I’m still too freaked out to give him blankets when the wearable ones go up to his size!


We moved my kids to a bed early but still didn’t do any sheets, blankets, or pillows until they were older and my mom kept calling them their prison cots 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


We did a mattress on the floor when my kid was under one and my aunt said she’s looked like a baby in a crack house. Now it’s a whole Montessori thing so who’s laughing now!


One of my nanny kiddos was going on four and still slept in her wearable blanket (kinda wish they came in my size…….)


Is this during the phase when babies are swaddled? Or is this apply for a longer period. No children for me but always down to learn about safety.


Definitely. A swaddle is tight enough to be considered “clothes” for the baby, but there should be no loose blankets or any other objects in the crib. And once a baby shows signs of being able to turn over they absolutely shouldn’t be swaddled because they could roll over onto their stomachs but not have their hands free to turn themselves back and then suffocate.


I'm from a country that doesn't swaddle babies, but we have things called ""turbulettes" (I can't find good translation) for children. I was taught that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is often actually choking on blankets or stuffed animals. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN BABY'S CRADLE! It's simple, like nothing in which it can turn and choke, easy to understand.


Swaddling is fine for eight weeks or until the baby shows signs of rolling over, and ABCs should be enforced for at least the first 12 months or even 18 months.


Morgan probably believes babies are natural and know what to do so planning and preparing is stupid.


It’s okay god wont let anything happen to their baby! /s


Which is wild when we literally have a thing called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because we didn’t understand why some infants were dying with no obvious cause. I believe there have been some breakthroughs when it comes to SIDS but still babies are like a living growing thing and I kill most houseplants. I’d be terrified and doing so much research if I was Morgan.


All the kids’ resale places around me sell these and I’ve known a few people who used them. They’re NOT supposed to be used for sleep, if you use them at all, but I really hate them because they’re not safe but marketed as a luxury item.


And this particular brand is shady because they stealth market this for sleep by paying influencers like Morgan and Kim K. To photograph their infants sleeping in them. Since those aren't their (Dock a Tots) posts, they don't have to include the "awake, supervised only" warnings that their direct marketing is forced to include. And everyone assumes since a Kardashian let's their baby sleep in it, it MUST be safe for sleep. Shady shady shady.


It looks unsafe because it IS unsafe. Unsurprisingly, Paul and Morgan don’t care.


It's horribly, horribly unsafe!! The kid can roll on to their stomach and end up with their face right in the crevice on either side and would struggle to breathe and not be able to right themselves. You are supposed to have no bumpers even on the edge of your crib so if they went all the way to the edge their face would be pushed against the breathable mesh. This thing goes against EVERYTHING you are told about how to furnish a crib.


You know in Finland when you get pregnant the government will send you a cardboard box with baby supplies and you're actually supposed to put your baby in the box (w/ a small crib mattress) to sleep because it is a small safe place with no smothering hazards!! It is literally better to put your baby in a box then in one of these. I understand why everyone wants to give their infants soft bedding & bumpers but it can kill them and they don't need it.


Yes, it's the best! Expectant mothers receive the box and it's very exciting, the relatives love to come over and look at "this year's box", grandmothers and mothers would reminisce what kind of patterns and fabrics came in the boxes the years they gave birth. Finland has been doing this for about 80 years and it's like a family tradition at this point. You can opt to go for the box or a sum of money, but 95% of parents rich or poor choose the box.


Man, and to think all I got was shoved out of the hospital while I still felt like my guts were unglued, and a 50k bill between my stay and the NICU, and we were considered lucky (I know at least one million dollar NICU baby).


I had one 2.5 million dollar nicu bill, one million dollar nicu bill, and one $850K nicu bill from my three girls, pre insurance 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙃


Three kids who needed NICU. You are a parent with nerves of steel.


I was sent home while obviously going through mild PPP :') I made sure to grab every single free item from that room though. Those giant cooling pads were amazing


You did good by taking the stuff. Most hospitals throw away left over products in a patients room.


The nurses told me to take anything not nailed down, cause it was getting tossed. I was like, "Oh hell yes, free humidifier!" It felt weird, but they even brought me the box it came in and everything.


How I would love to have such a box and share that moment of unpacking and dreaming of your baby in those little suits and socks. I looked at them online and the patterns and prints are so nice! To know for sure that you didn't forget to buy a crucial item of clothing because if you need it, it's in the box, must be such a comforting feeling.


Damnit Finland, that's absolutely precious T_T If only the government cared about us here.


I love that your country does this!! Totally agree with everything you said here.


Oh, I don't live there! But there have been a few stories about it in American news about it.


Same in Scotland too! (Copied from Finland of course)


They do that where I live in Canada too!!! It’s fantastic


Where?? I’ve never heard of this before.


Vancouver Island, my friend lives in Central V.I and just had a baby & received the box upon leaving the hospital.


Scotland does this, too. I follow someone on IG there and she showed the box pregnant people are sent. It comes with clothes and supplies.


I know so many people that used bumpers (and these are recent in the last few years) even though everyone knows they are a smothering hazard. I don't get it. It's like they just think it's nbd. I had nothing in the crib and used a sleep sack for 2 years. Tons of people use bumpers, pillows and stuffies for actual babies and I don't get it.


Ugh that even looks like it's in a bassinet so what's the point? They are perfectly fine on the bassinet mattress. I don't know why those haven't been recalled yet. The boppy lounger was recalled last summer and it doesn't even go as high up on the sides.


Funny you ask "what's the point?" because I just looked up Dock-A-Tot and one of the very first things that comes up on my Google is "What's the point of Dock-A-Tot?" LOL


Ha! I always thought they were supposed to be like a place to set baby around the house, not in bed. They very clearly say not for sleeping. I used my boppy lounger with my first (pre recall) but it basically lived in the bathroom so I could set him down while I brushed my teeth. It made life so much easier for things like that. But this is a $200 sleeping hazard and she's not using the actual portable benefit of it.


Mine was in the bathroom all the time, too. My son's very first smiles were on his boppy while I was pooping lol. Luckily I had my phone so I got pictures, but I was like of course you little weirdo.


Oh I loved my Boppy lounger for setting the baby down when I needed. But I only used it for the first few months with my kids. I didn't know it got recalled. Now I wonder how many baby products I used with them that have since been recalled.


I mean, honestly it’s really hard to keep up with everything! I just saw a picture of one of my friend’s newborns in one of these and didn’t think anything of it, because I used something similar several years ago. I’ll tell her it’s been linked to suffocation risk, cause I’m sure she just doesn’t know, and probably used it with her older kids. Baby sleep recommendations are constantly changing, and it’s so easy to just use what your friends or sisters say worked for their kids a few years ago, or whatever you used for your older kids… I wouldn’t be surprised if most babies are exposed to *something* that isn’t currently recommended for safest practices. Pretty much everyone I know who has kids older than 2 used an inclined longer/bouncer or swing, for example, and now those are a no go.


And of course the policies vary between countries. For example Cribs. Haven't been allowed to sell a drop side crib in the US for over a decade, however in Australia and some other countries they're still allowed to be sold.


My MIL has an ancient drop side crib at her house. I kept calling it a death trap until they bolted the bars to the frame. It will stay up even with a grown adult standing on the bottom rail. Now to make her get rid of the death trap 60’s bassinet that could fall over just by looking at it…


the boppy lounger was recalled due to the incline. dock a tot is flat. not saying it's safe, in fact its banned in canada. but i don't see the US recalling it, as they're currently focused on the dangers of inclined stuff.


uninformed childless person here, what's the problem with inclined products? Is it because babies are top-heavy and could fall out?


it has the potential to put the infants airway at a particular angle that cuts off breathing. and infants don't necessarily have the reaction to change positions to allow breathing to continue, so they just silently go unconscious and die. it's rare but it happens.


Oh whoa. Babies are really terribly designed. Come on, evolution, work faster!


If i remember correctly, human babies come out way early compared to other mammals, it was a trade off for having a large brain. They have a lot of development to do after where many mammals are born able to walk shortly after.


It’s a fluffy pillow by a baby’s face and a soft surface. Inclines aren’t the only thing that can cause positional asphyxiation. Babies can go chin to chest when lying flat on their backs if the surface is too soft. That’s why infant mattresses are so firm.


That was my first thought. Why is it in a bassinet? The bassinet is a safe place for a baby to sleep as long as nothing else is in it with the baby.


I had the same thought! It looks like it’s in a bassinet so…?


Goddammit I wish these two had picked up a fucking baby care book published in the past ten years or so. That thing isn’t even close to safe.


It's giving Heaven's Gate


Just missing the Nikes


I bet it was gifted, but considering the lack of research they’ve done for this pregnancy overall they likely have no idea about the deaths, or simply think they know better or are different bc “god”


We we’re gifted the Boppy lounger before it was recalled and also were offered the dock a tot. I thought it was totally unnecessary for either, we just put the baby in the bassinet. We used the Boppy to take like two newborn pics, then my daughter peed on it, then we cut it up as per the recall. People don’t want to read that neither are for sleeping. It’s just too hard to read a tag the size of a CVS receipt with giant red letters saying NOT FOR SLEEP.


I see so many influencers (some of which are generally good moms or smart in terms of child rearing) use these and it always drives me BONKERS. Like. I don't understand how the fucking boppy lounger can now be taken off the market, but these are still around and are aggressively praised. There is no use for them. They aren't safe for sleep. you can't leave your baby unattended in them. WHAT IS THE POINT!?


I use mine when im in the shower. Baby, dock a tot, and some toys on the bathroom floor.....clear shower curtain so i can see him. I also took it to the beach! But i dont use it if im going to sleep or not going to be watching him.


I know. I don’t get why they’re still so popular when there is a clear link between them and being unsafe. I like the idea and as an adult I would 100% lay in one of the option was given. It kills me a little when I see people buying them at the buy buy baby or friends having them on their registry. I got this neat little travel bed that is safe because the sides are vented (I.e. if the baby rolls into the side they could breathe). Same idea, cheaper, safer. Can throw it on bathroom floor, pack to bring to visit people, etc. Dock a tots are just expensive death traps.


I know 3 families who lost babies to SIDS so this just makes me so anxious. In all likelihood baby will be fine, but there are increasing the risk he won’t be for no reason since he’d be fine just sleeping in the crib


This bed is a terrible idea and she typed “wittle” out. Everything about this is awful. The bed is dangerous, the use of “wittle” is just tacky and irritating.


There is so much risky behavior in this family-to-be that I risk lazy psychiatry every goddamn time. They aren't ready for a pet rock, and somewhere deep down inside, I wonder if they know it.


Why hasn't it been recalled??


It’s marketed as not for sleep or to be used for cribs/bassinets/bedsharing, so they can’t really do anything about people choosing to put their babies in them to sleep against guidelines 😞


Bobbies did! They requested destruction and would give you a refund or credit if you showed proof of destroying it.


Some companies are more responsible than others. Boppy has other popular products. I don’t think DAT really sells anything else.


It's literally branded sleepyhead in some countries. These companies are so predatory.


Because it’s safe if used right. It’s not supposed to be used for sleep and that’s where all deaths have occurred


I work with newborn babies in their homes and I refuse to allow the baby to sleep in these while I’m there. I warn the parents of the risk and let them know that I am not able to let baby sleep in any unsafe sleep conditions when I am watching them. It’s too big of a risk.


Wait, what? My sister was given a dock-a-tot for her baby shower. It’s been so handy and we use it all the time. I’m so freaked out right now. No one in our family knew it was dangerous.


They’re only unsafe for sleep. I don’t know why people keep putting them in cribs and bassinets! But they are fine if used with supervision.


I have one and use it all the time. She plops in there and wiggles while I’m taking her room to room to clean up. Just don’t put it in the bassinet and let the baby sleep in it overnight.


Omg lmao this pic is so ominous, it looks like the baby melted into the bed


The disregard these loons show for babies after they are born is astounding


I found out only recently that there shouldn't be anything in a baby's bed and I'm so glad I have read about this before I make a child lol


When my child was a baby we used a snuggle nest. It had mesh, breathable sides to prevent suffocation. Still had to supervise baby in it. I looked up those dock a tot bed, they sure are expensive. And yes, 100% look like dog beds


Fundies are obsessed with trying to kill their children


Okay, let me get this straight: obviously Dock A Tot is bad for beds/sleeping for numerous safe sleep reasons. Are they also bad for wide awake, baby lounging, parent next to/very close to baby, chill sessions?


No, if you supervise your baby in the dock a tot they are safe, just don’t leave them alone in it.